Bet Would Withdraw Those r Sixty From Labor Market, Iffund Dtbts and Educate IVorkltss Children TAWA, September 10 (Cana- IPre;. Wlthdtawal from the marke' of those who have ied thp age of sixty, conversion pin!,;n provincial and munl- dcbti at lower rates, estab- lenf of a loan council and fed- I'lid for ed'icat'ji? the children pett- In his second election cam address last night. odays Weather B'ple Island Cloudy, light Blwest smooth, wind; barometer, 29.98; lad Tree PolnU -Cloudy, calm; Imeter 2'J.Bfl: tr-mncrature. 52: pmcoth, Irrace- -raining, calm, temper-Be 52. Iwx- -cloudy, calm, tempcr- V 55. art .part cloudy, calm, tern- klton--cloudy, calm, temper- V 42. Whers- -ralninir. calm. . cool. RsLake-.ralr.lnor. r'nlm. tern Fire 40. ounce, down lc I'acPHEE WINS EASILY "EK JACK FREECE IN ' LAWN BOWLING SINGLES c . v uvAiii v wj a, t iacPhee defeated Jack Precce Bn thp ttn-,1 t .1 . . l . u ne men s Sing- I, " was a one-sided match, 'he score being 21 to 3. Adrenalin Alive and Oxvsen Kept Him Purine Last Night I 'BATON ROUGE.. Louisiana, Sep- itembcr 10 (Canadian Press) All hnm for the recovery of Senator Huey Pierce Long, dictator of the State of Louisiana, who was snot Hmr-n In a corridor of State House Sunday night by Dr. C. A. Weiss jr.. thtrtv-vear old surceon and son oi a political opponent whom Long was about to gerrymander out of the state legislature, was abandoned uet nlcht arid at 4:10 thismorning .miA..j uue!v,o tiirctimbed. Falling to resppna nuyiujcu wcii: aiuuug jiuhvvo ) ..v. .... ,. mn-pH h t-i,. i4.n, n n tn treatment. Lonr started, w ...uvw U J A lilt-. lllliOV.l v. " v " - . , mnidlv vesteruay 10 me eieuw. I " . . . . . a hnllpt wound auitimtM ' In tne aociomen. nrimlnlstered last night to keep him alive alter a fourth blood transfusion had been given under an oxygon tent. About midnight Long wes struggling in his rfpllrlum to set from unaer me tent, appaiently laboring under the Hohislnn that an attempt was ut- intr made to take his picture. It was his death struggle Nurses, were or dered out of tiie room while doc tors attempted to quieten mm. There were numerous conflicting reports yesterdaj as to Long's con dition. One report wou;a say ne was dying and another that he UTAH dolne favorably. Physicians battled tmny-one i tn snvp Long's life. One op- eratlon was pci formed, five blood transfusions administered ana oxygen was given. . u.n nf his admirers are grlef- 'V . .. . t. stricken at his .fleam, come ui CANADIAN auian O GOLD OLD I PRICE RICE ...., nnnonents openly . expres- 1 he Is dead. iONTREAL, satisfaction thr.t September 10- The sed tfaaian gold price was $35.12 per The aged moinec oi Km, ! . . r L .. :. v,nt hn honed he I tola repone -----would live. During the day Long's wiie ana Uuj iiHrpn arrived here irom their home at New Orleans and they ot hnnd at tlie end. I nv - w . Following a hasty inquest, m. Weiss, vho was sho down by Long s The lawnTn. M .I bodyguard after he had in-d prince Runt ,Vr 11 the Senator, was b,urial with tnousauus .B -attend. . itAi-mv Career . Born August 30, 1893, on a farm at Wlnnfield, Louisiana. Lon2 s ca reer rise from involving was a hectic one Continued oi Page 2 ,Von Double-IItadrr From Braves Ycsterda to Advance to Within Half-a-Oanie of Cards nho ' Lost to Phillies . within a half game of the first place St. Louis Cardinals who dropped a close decision to me Phillies at Sportsmen's Field. In the American Leasue me De troit Tigers, playing at the Na tional capital, eked out a close vie HIIUT IN CAR CRASH V ON LOCAL HIGHWAY t ip, . . Jessie Wood, native girl from Aly-ansh.' sustalncd severe cuts and j abrasions abijut the face and shoul-,Wtrh Aprpssltated some twen- ty-two 'stltciws being put in at the Prince Rune"i uenwai ,ciV.nV'!in autcmoblle crashing into a woodpile on the Skeena River Highway in the vicinity of Grassy about 5 uay yeateiuay v., o'clock ;The cjrlver of the car, ai and other Hunt taxi, was Bronson 'occupants were Jams Sims and a second young girl, Mildred Ander-'son. One of the girls Is said to have 'placed' her foot on the accelerator. damageSims is being charged with supplying liquor to Indians and also .with supplyihg liquor to a juvenile. iC today's Weather She Tomorrow's Tides RUP"1' Overcast, light High . 12:15 pjn. 20.6 ft. 6.04 2.8 It. I,-e hrVwind. barometer. 20.90; Low a.m. smooth. 18:23 p.m. 4.3 ft. 3eture. 53; sea i NORTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER W Nc. 209 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1935. PRICE: 5 CENTS U6" FASCIST MUSTER IS CALLED I ... V- KOMNEW VANCOUVER BUSINESS MAN RUNS AMOK 1 to Be Made o Italy's Ability to Spring Under Arms In-Wide Mobilization, Involving More Than Six Mil- i linn Men and lioys uracrea inosc auroau Must ucpori oy iciegrapn Ptflmw in f Canadian Press) Premier Be- if rrulnv ordered a nation-wide one-day mob- UUSSUlHli w...v -r- . ,'T1 ... A. L, :ion of all Fascist torces oi uaiy to test mu iiauun t v to spring to arms at a moment s nonce. ine oruui L. S.L miiiiMi members of the Fascist party anc "--.7 - " ves iwu - . , j DO young Fascists between tne ages 01 eignteen au i-cne Tney " "c vw" - 1 tw lour million Fascist boys. lie har. be:n vt lor the mob-Ion but it Is a - mounted that be prod-to by lrcns and Ih be1' jlsa living abroad are requi te telegrjpn ecucuuy ui arty , BBffiiT REFORMS DEATH OF KINGflSH Senator Huey P. Long Passes Away Early This Morning After Shooting Hectic Career Six Nations "Spy" on U.S. Army's War Show All the nations with which U.S. might conceivably go V wjt some ray. elicit Q'rea; Britain and Canada, hayc official observers at manoeuvres 01 iksi army at nat ump, wr-u uumu, mc are shown ilued Up at headquarters with-Major-am jDonnis E. No an. Fir?t Army commander. Left ivnjor v:i, opuu, oms.-ucu. uau . r.4wfcv, Wva- to rtKht: Capt. Lasuto NaKayama, japan; lco; Lleut.-Oen. Frledrlch von Boetllcner, Germany: juen. viaaimir uegunov, ua.o.n.., mciu.-vui. Emmanuel Lombards t rance. t i SEATTLE, September 10 Stew-'art Edward White, noted author, xoring. a douole victory over tne ymc ITidllUUUa lnwiv Boston Braves here to aa Boy, Missing For Four Days, Dead ST. NORBERT; Man., September 10 (Canadian Press) Five-year iUa wacMnpton Senators m TonHo PiWp. 1n;f In the woeds tUij Uy LI SrllX. w ..0.w. ViU - to maintain their leadership of ten here smce last Thursday, was found ii t . . : v it i J and a-half games over me newianve yesterday antmoon. ne uau York Yankees who won from the jevidently wanderec- away in the Cleveland Indians at Yankee Sta-bUsh. More than two thousand per- dlum. St-Louis Browns had an easy. sons ancj an airplane engaged m thp. now cellar-dwel-UhP s'pnrrh. ling Philadelphia Athletics at Shibe j Xhe boy's condition after ninety- Park to Join the Senators, in a tie for sixth place. Yesterday's Big League scores: American League St. Louis K Philadelphia 1. Cleveland 3; New York 5. Detroit 5; Washington 4. ' National League Boston 1-1 1 Chlcsgo 5-2. Philadelphia 4; St. Louis 3. six hours, without food or water, was such that he died in hospital last night nine hours after beipng found eleven miles south of St Boniface. Samuel Sampson, Fishermen, Dies Sixty-Eight Year Old Nova Scotian Passed Away Yesterday After noon in Prince Rupert General Hospital The death occurred yesterday af ternoon in the Prir ce Rupert Gen eral Hospital of Samuel Sampson 68-year old fisherman, who had been a patient in the Institution for hut one dav. A native of Nova Sco tla, deceased had followed fishing hereabouts for some time. As far as can be learned, he was unmarried and had no relatives In this district Funeral arrangements aro in the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. Sampson resided In a shack In McClymont Park, whence he was taken In the ambulance Sunday night to the hospital. He is believed to have been unwell .for some time - . . CUBS TAKE Noted Author k IBiGCARGO- SPOTLIGHT battle i-onowmg, OF SALMON Pacific American Fisheries Steamer Lands ."Million Dollars Worth At Seattle lorrlvoH hprp vPstpfHriV aboard his tiPTITWnuiM Rent m IPnna. .... v u .-- j " a i ,.i.i..i..........t . pmnAnn Rentcrnber 10 (Cana- Ivacht following his fifteenth cruise Llan Press The Pacific American lian Press) unicns uu muiw ; w Aiasiiau waw;i. nto ih'q spoUingh In the National i league pennant rae yesterday by, . , nr 1 Fisheries freighter Mary D. arrived yesterday from Alaska with a $1,-000.000 cargo of canned salmon. The company's Alaska pack approx imates 575,000 cases, about 175,000 cases under last year due chiefly to the fact that the Bristol Bay region was closed until late in the season. Stock Market Is Irregular Owing To Profit Taking NEW YORK, September 10: Under pressure of profit-taking, tJiprp was trreeularitv on the New York .stock maket Monday, some issues being forced down while others held steady. The day's turn over totalled two million shares and closing averages were as' fol lows: industrials, 132.48, up .62 rails. 36.95. up .01; utilities, 26.58 off .13; bonds, 96.61, off .01. Injured Aviator Still Hopes For Safety of Mines FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Sept. 10: Lying seriously Injured in a hospi tal here as a result of a crash last Tuesday while engaged In the search between here and Dawson for Pilot Arthur Hines and three passengers, who have been missing since August 19 on a flight from Dawson here; Pilot Percy Hubbard, well known Alaska aviator, ex pressed the hope toat the s missing party might still be alive. , :- Daryl Kent, Well Known Piano Dealer, Charged With Attempted Murder Is Alleged To Have Hired Taxi To Drive Him Around Stanley Park, Trying To Shoot Driver When Nearing Big Tree. VANCOUVER, September 10 (Canadian Press) Daryl H. Kent, well known in business and civic circles of this city, was arrested early this morning and charged with attempted murder, being remanded until Thursday on appearing in city police court. Kent is alleged to have ' entratred Charles Story, a taxi driver, to take him around , b b , astanley Park. When near the "Big IMIDAS OF Edward L. IMieny, Who Had $100 000,000, Passes Away at Age of Seventy-Nine HadUpsandDowiis iv,.' invnlvpH With Albert B. Fall Irf Scandal Daring 'Regime of President Harding LOS ANGELES, September 10 (Canadian Press)- Edward Laur ence JDoheny, multimillionaire Ml- ras of the oil industry, who wres ted one of the country's greatest fortunes In excess of $100,000,000 from the coastal ol? fields of Mex-; xo and the west coast section of the United States, is d?ad here at the age of seventy-nine from intestinal influenza. The fur.ccal will take place tomorrow. In Mexico, he reared an Industrial empire of such vast proportions that his Investments were known as greatest concentrated holdings of private capital in the world. From Mexican Pete" radiated concerns controlling refineries, pipe lines, stnraee nlants. railroads, tank steamers, and . distributing sta tions, far flung along the seaboard in Mexico. Panama. Brazil, and the United States. With Rockefeller. Sinclair and others, Doheny was one of Amer ica's storied oil barons. The calm nerve that carried him to success through the hard living days of the oil frontier of a generation ago, Stood him in good stead when he reached the age fit which many men retire. Involved in Scandal He was Veil past 60 when the oil scandals of President Harding's administration centered around the group of which he was a member and his napie was carried to a sweeping position of attention before the American people. He was Indicted In 1924. Tragedy and sorrow stalked him In the heat of the oil litigation, his only son, E. L. Dohtny, jr., was mur dered by a servant. He saw his old friend, Albert B. Fall Harding's sec retary of the Interior, declared guilty of .bribe .taking. In the ramificatlcns of lltlgatioln. that followed leasing of government oil lands by Fall, an alleged $100, 000 bribe given Fall by Doheny oc cupled a key position. It was for that act. that Fall was convicted. Bu Doheny was acquitted. The government, charged that Secretary Fall leased to Doheny the Elk Hills naval oil reserve In Call- f Continued on Page Four) Tree" he ordered Sccry to stop and I told him he was gclng to kill him. He fired two shots ryhlch struck the TVf r C ' driver's seat whereupon Story Jum-1 III I -1 1 r 1 ped out and telephoned the police. ViiU U kiMJ ,Kpnt ., fonn,i in the automobile J with his revolver on the floor and A UU1U MiUb JcUlUUCV . oiui wiu v.,v. police that Kent Informed him "I'm going to do away r:ith myself and you are going first " , Kent is a married man and Is a director ol the Kent Piano House. PROBING DISPUTE Leaiue Committee Starts Investi gation Emperor Halle Selassie Offers Italy Confessions GENEVA, September 10 The -five-power conciliation committee appointed by the League of Nations to investigate and report upon, the Italo-Ethioplan dlsnute met yes terday and appointed a sub-com- mlttec to study the c'alms.of the. disputant countries. Meantime at Addis Ababa, Em peror Halle Selassie was making a final effort to avert war with Italy by offering that country important territorial concessions. The offer was sent to the Ethl6pian delegates here by whom it was trannsmltted to the five-power conciliation com mittee. Alderman Named Stevens Party Candidate Now (VANCOUVER, September 10 (Canadian Press) Aid. II. D. Wilson was last night chosen Reconstruc tion Party candidate fct Vancouver East in the forthcoming federal election. This Is the seat lri which Angus Mclnnls, C.C.F. member of the last Parliament, is seeking re- I election. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 8,500 pounds, 9c and 6c. ' Canadian 23,000 pounds, 6.2c, and 6c. J American Alki, 8,500, Cold Storage, 9c arid 6c. Canadian t Capella, 18,000, Cold Storage, 6.1c and 6c. , Toodle, 5,000, Atliri,' 6.2c and 6c.