1USSALLEM' OFFER YOU Real Bargains HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP A"ip Large, 2 bottles LIBBVS SLICED PINE- 9 Op HILLS BROS. COFFEE 95c 2 lb. CORN FLAKES All brands 9 An 3pkas. CHRISTIE'S SNOWFLAKE 19c SODAS, family size, pk?. CASCO POTATO FLOUR 29c 2 pkgs. GRAPEFRUIT each 5c per dec - :. 55c CALIFORNIA LETTUCE 15c 2 fop FRESH TOMATOES 20c per to. SPANISH ONIONS- 9 3 It 4 u v JELL-O AH Flavors 25C 4 for. BANANAS QJ 3 lbs. FRESH ROASTED 01 n PEANUTS, 2 lbs. "A V 111 U O O A L L i ill 0 ECONOMY STORE: "Where nniiir, n. r.-i. ' - vvm.j P. O. Bm 575 phone It mmwombUbh r . J.1.. j D. ELIO Furniture Dealer & Auctioneer USED FURNITURE HEATERS For Coal and Wood KITCHEN RANGES DRESSERS . RADIO BEDS t Third Are. Opposite Thrift's Phone Green 1 Box No. H MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Blankets, from per pair Flannel Sheets, from per pair SI'S Mattresses, from $7 Door Mats, from .$1.M Phone 775 Third Ave. Prince Rupert FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. OaU and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 55 WAHT ADJ. VESTRY OF ST. PETER'S 1 Year of Successful rrt.rrrs.Mve Work ' Shonn in Annual Reports of Departments Big Sunday School Finances of Seal Cotc Parish in Excellent Condition With AU . Debts Paid At the annual meeting of the res- try of St. Peter's Church IMd last night the following officers werei elected for the coming year: Lay Representative to the synod. C J Korrin?tn. Secretary Treasurer and People's Warden, W. O. Vrgar. I Clergyman's Warden, J. E. Bod-idle. . Sidesmen B. O. Beale. W, B. Skinner. Georse Kelsey and W. R. McAfee. The reports received from the Tarlous departments showed con-isiderable advance over previous years. The secretary-treasurer's re-port was outstanding. Besides hav- tag met all parochial expenses. raU - sJonary and other alied obHrattoiu'w .v ... ... .V.- . . . 1"";' " c ,?r r w'-emona. coz. 5c to ' smt do"" of which twelve rouj Vlvuuxyi. School report read Thflm, ctlnn.r .hn, . . uiAk uirir ix a inia pnrru mpni mi.. . . tn .hiin , .,v, w Skinner Is the school superinten- 'dent The finances of the school iwere in good shape, for. besides meeting all running expenses, the school had assisted missions to the extent of $23. A report from the Woman's Auxiliary read by Mrs. F. W. Stamp-Vincent showed a year of progressive effort not only on behalf of! Si. Peter's whkh It had greaUv helped but further afield through tm lit. !-.. A tote of thanks was pawed to mlT "T1 Xb" those who had served the church i b"' 1X11 ct0 uid Sunday School in any yl'SSS' with particular reference to Wju!' P60 ter DalzeU whose kindly efforts had been been particularly particularly annredati-d appreciated. MEETING OF CATHEDPJL . Annual Congregational Gathering " I 'T , Thanks, Elects Officers i The annual mwtln of h Mn- 'siregaUon of St. Andrew's Anglican ' Cathedral was held last ni;ht in the : Cathedral Hall with Very Rer. James B. Gibson, the dean, presld- j ng. j j The rector reported on services held.durtng the year and presented statistics. ! The people's warden. R. L. Mcln - tosh, reported on the condition of! the parish and urged the congre - gaUon to cultivate the habit of' more systematic giving to its funds. He expressed sympathy with those i who had suffered in the disastrous! fire last week. The rector's warden. H. T. Cross. read the financial statement. ! The election of officers for the year resulted as follows: I Rector's Warden, H. T. Crosj I People's Warden, R. L. Mcintosh for the twenty-seventh successive year) Church Committee W. J. .Alder, J. D. Allen. Robert Bartlett. n v , Evitt Judge W. E. Fisher, William 1 Gilchrist. George Hill. H. S. Mea- dows, O. P. Tinker and G. A. Wood - 1 land. Auditor Ernest Unwin. I "TILLIE THE TOILER" On mac TEU MB WHICH HOSTESS 3c - s ou ft ft XT 1 ' TheMarkets j?UB prices currenl nere arc " 'IoUoS. f Kiss B.C. Fresh Extras, Orade A Large, cartoned, doz. . .35 Local, new law, dot .... .40 Orade B. larse. dot .30 Fresh Pullets, dot. L .27 Apples Winesaps, fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. t f.Box . 2.75 Vdlow Newtons, fancy wrapped J 3 lbs. Box 2.75 Bulk, 4 lbs. .25 Box . :. It k . 25! Spltrenbergs. fancy wrapped I 3H lbs. . .25 Box 2.50 Bulk. 4 lbs. .. . .25 I Box . 1.95 1 Rome Beauties, Fancy, 3ft lbs. l Box . 230 Salomes, 4 lbs. .25 Box 1.75 1 Delicious, fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. ! BOX .wJL...' 2.75 i Bulk, 4 lbs. - . .25 ! Box". : L85j Fruits U'1W HUUWIU, ID. .15 40 90 1 Jorahwc dot" 25c to" " 1.75 .60 1 Oranefrnlt Pal .10 ; nM.f W W .15 Bananas, lb. .. : ; .15 i''1 Orapes. lb. .25 Emperor Grapes, lb. 2i Pears, Anjoti. large, doz. .60 Rotter Fancy cartoned. lb... 21 Noy 1 Creamerj. 3 lb SO Pure. lb. .N VejeUbles i Potatoes. NoT 1 Terrace. 12 lbs. .25' Sack . 1.65 1 Asheroft, 10 lbs. 25' 'on?" B "c Tih- 2D0 2m 25 M 2S M '.JwV 2i Carro-s. tnmch .. - i. .w Turnips, upriver 10 lbs. ; .25 Beets, bulk, 3 lbs - 2i Buneh J04I Celery BC, head in fn 14 sXrtr ,b .25 Hubbard Squash, lb M bunch M BmxeUs SpTouXs; .13 Lettuce, CaL. head ... .13 Feed Wheat. Alberva 215 Bran liK) Middlings Z2S Shorts ... 15 Oatf .. 20 Fine Oat Chops 2.45 Crushed Oats 2-45 IBarley : t.10 Layln; Mash 2.75 ;yter ShH 1.65 Meats i jFowl No. 1. lb. 25-3Z Roasting Chicken, lb. Ham. sliced, first grade .45. Ham. picnic, first grade, lb .20 ; Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .43 i Pork, shoulder, lb. .181 Pork, Icln, lb 3i Pork, leg, lb. 25' Pork, dry salt, lb. JO. Veal, loin, lb. Seef, pot roast, lb. 10c to .15 j Veal shoulder, lb. 12tic to .15 j Beef, boiling, lb. 8c to .10 ! Beef, roast nrinr.e rih. lh !R? In .20! Beef, steak, lb. 20c to 5i Lamb, shoulder, lb. .18 Lamb, leg. lb 22 Lamb Chops, lb 21 Fbh !iriiht-t. lh. 151 Smoked Kippers, lb. 15c. and J20 j ran nAZLr mi Where There's A Will But there seems to be no way for this ambitious canary to hatch these eggs as she seems t o be trying to do. She is owned by Fred Coffey. Los Angeles, who testifies to her intelligence un-oer normal conditions, although her mother instinct menu to have led her astray here. - - Salmon. freh, lb. ... Honey Z Kxtracted Honey, per Jar 20c to JO Comb Honey Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled 2$ Walnuts, shc&ed halves, lb. . .48 Aimonas, sneiled. lb. 45 Hoar Flour. 49's. No. I hard wheat IM Second Patent 1.70 tswy ouvl0 lbs. 45c to 0 AusL Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. J5 Dred rrults White Fbrs, ih, .i2H aiack Cooking Figs, lb U Diiles, bulk, lb tc to .1 Smyrna Natural FIrs. ib. .It Lemon and orange eei 13 Citron peel 3 Prunes, 30-40. lb. 15 Prunes, 40-50. lb Prunes. 60-70. lb. .12fe Raisins. Australian seedier lh 14 Raisins. Cal seedless lb Currants, lb. Apricots, lb ... 2H Apples, dried 14c. to ' 17 "IT Now Science Explains Why So Many People Past 40 Ferl That They're Slipping LoingTlieirMCrii'oiiTlnng Many r"rJ 'round 40 Hunk they 're "gro-.nu? ,4J. They feri Urad a lot . - '"TaL Have headaches, dizziness, stomach upset. Wefl. srientkn My the eae of all this, in a great maay rates, ts siaaphr arU ondilitn of the sioaaadi. Nothing more. All xv have to do m to aealraUze the excess stomach acidity. When yov have oae of thee arid stomscfa upsets. ULe 11ulli' MHk of Mssmsu after meats and before going to bed. That's all ! Try this. Soon youll feel like another pervrn! Take rither the faaBttr liquid "PI1ILLUS ..r the convenient new Phillti." Milk of Magnesia TaUdi. Made in Canada. JLSO IV TABLTT FORM t m ate tn MST n all Crjr Morn mrywtxTr tidi Uo itb- winrrrwrvii,TT Of anc rHBvs-Mdk of iu(nau. Phillips' stfiffi. cfslfetnitrAin First Choice is Best I ECLIPSE OF MOON Astronomical Phenomenon Seen ) Here Perfectir on Saturday 1 Itut lew Realized It. Just before the white pbere dis appeared in the western sky over i the low hortaon acraaa the harbor. a total ecllpte of the moon was I viribie perfectly in Prince Rupert on Saturday morning. The phenomenon wm noted by many local ' peraons who happened to be aboat 'at that time but the majority were probably unaware that It was an eclipe and poebty the beet that has ever been seen here. Many! :PPie thoofht that it wsa eauaea by base in the sky as there were some evtdencea of hue at the ;Ume. i Tne fcilps started at ( 03 an wHh the period of totality from i7 47 am to 8 31 am It was the ursT iota ecnpw of the moon visible here since 1927 Steamships Sailings For Vancoutn Toeaday Catala .I:X pm. j Thurs. a, p. Oeorfe f :M pm Friday ss. Prtn. Adelaide 10 pnj. Ss. Gardena mktnttht Jan. 17 and 31-. P. Norah 5pm vnt 4Hvari Sunday ta. CHtala 4 p m Wad. a Pr. Oeorje 10 ajn Pttdsn as. Prtn. Adelaide 4 pnv Sa Caroeua pm Jan. 13 and TT at. P Norah a m For Anjoi and Stewart Sunony Catala 8 p m Wedneaday j. p. Oeorje 4 pm rrom Anjoi and S 1cm art-Tuesday -ss. ouala II 30 Mia Thursday a. Pr George 8 pm Ititrr Ann rtt imph-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm iwin aas Kier ti rort Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 am For Queen CharUtle hlands Jan. 4 and 13 as. P. John 10 u m J from Queen Charlotte Iilands J Jan 10-sa. Prince John i am. j fr Ocean Kallj Thurs as. P. George 10:30 pm. ' Friday-s. Prtn. Adelaide 19 pm. 'rum Ucean Fall , j Wed ss. Pr. Geurge 10,am. Friday Prtn. Aclttalde . 4 pm. Ss. Cardena r pm lor Alaska Jan. 13 and 27 I. Nora W am From Alaska Jaa 17 and 31 ss. P. N'orah 4 p.m. From Skeena Kitrr . Friday ss. Cardena .4. pm. 1 LIMERICKS STILL COME Umrlrlu are still comiiiK in the I following being choten from among j a large number submitted This port In the Northern Pacific. I With products varied and prolific From crime to as free As the wide flowing sea. There & a frtendJUMM true and specific. There was once a young shark named CMtty, Who had neither a mother nor daddy. He went for f twim. But what happened to him. ! Is a lesson to every young laddy The "Newa" of this wonderful city Is a paner that's brief, bright and witty. And the editori staff Sort the wheat from the chaff With results that are wholesome and pretty. There was a cowgirl from the west Who on stair rails liked to ride best One day on a rail. She got caught on a nail And you can imagine the reit Helping millions to END COLDS SOONER Today's Weather Terrace Clear north wind, temperature. 2 below. Anyox-doar. north wind, aero SNrwwt Clear, north wins'. 4 above HaaeHonCIOtttfy, ut wind. 10 below. Smlthers Clondy. calm. coM. Brna Uin-Mtht. calm. M below. WHIFFLETS From i he Waterfront i Union fteaoser Catala Capt (James Findiay. returned to port at o'clock this mornlnc from Anyox. 'Stewart and other northern points and railed at i 30 this afternoon fur Vancouver m v. apo: .-.'. iPA !: ) BOY' I a I ffvH.ftT. I) TTl 1 OH.M.M,UCtaM..ff i V.T U THAT'S A V,ir-' ' 4-THlMtC TMff ' -V 'M XO OLAO VtJO WD EG I HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Jasper Coal MORE HEAT 'row camt Fool Ott MS. Btri 1 OM 1 . m 4L w i na nT sasanv 11 : ri . 'v v r 11 11 m 1 u 1 1 r rz . . f a 1 1 1 LAST SHOWImIs' t . j t i m - .nm'anw-MJ i . m . sV rmjt.-m 1 x. 1 1 m n 1 w izr 1 1 at c -i r l.ll V 1 s"l T. 'atnV asasasanV I' V T s 1 Pmm 1 I I V 11 V 1 M I AnW. I M - I LY The life and lore of a world famom adventuress ' CIRTSUDE MlCHAfL Paul cmmcH tEON ERROt I ASIRUR BT1"K iUSOK SUrADUH A' li Fl CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stat inns hcii: ( conoct dial imlicatethat. , Phone Blue 320 for partic . SITI'KRIOK RAUIO-Kl.ECTKIt NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarelU p? A IIO.MK AU'.tV HUMI IIOMi; lUles S1.M w? 50 Komu H i: t: i PrU tre R nt D Pl" e 38) p r LESS ASH By Westover cookis; -rvit . ffc -Tii it- uAr .-r AAJQ VOW UK6TJ AW felCTHT All) fSl Ti W