fAUt mru iniKiiimiui mi m nmim iini m i b i c m bi i iTnr n 2 a i tmt. g m i PJ I s I i I Shoes must be WHITE - ron Summer Wear That's why we urge you to get yours now ! i ' Now Imported Lines Just Received See these in the following numlwrs Women'e White DeauvHie T-Btrap 8awll leather sole. Cuban heel ; sixes 3 to 8 Women's White Deauville 3-eye Tie. moulded leather sole and Cuban heel size:- 4 to 8 Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION moulded 2A5 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations CLEARED THE AIR CLEAN CUT CAMPAIGN $3.45 For comfort, coolness & style see these. They're new. i The Family Shoe Store j THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edfior SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, .per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year - , .ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncxi, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ., Local readers, per Insertion, per line , ,,, By mall to all other countries, per year . -- 98 86 Monday, May 27. 193 Mayor G. G. McGeer seems to have cleared the air somewhat in his radio address from Vancouver last night, He showed that he had no part or lot with the communism which foments strikes with a view to stirring up trouble generally and bringing about a clash between the authori ties and the workers. Also he made it clear that he was not supporting the big Conservative monied element which he charged with fomenting strikes for the purpose of draw ing attention away from the real problems affecting the country. Evidently McGeer is a Liberal with radical tendencies, He will be with the Liberal party during the coming elec tion and, doubtless, will be one of its big campaigners. Such men are needed in the party to put life into those who are a little inclined to go slow, not realizing tliat courageous action in the present crisis means everything to the cotintry. Witti McGeer and MacKenzie in the Liberal cabinet there would undoubtedly be a cabinet of action. With McGeer in the House outside the cabinet he would make life miserable for any who refused to take reasonable action in the present crisis. v The local political campaign seems to have become somewhat clarified. At the Conservative convention Fri day the work of Prime Minister Bennett was extolled and evidently the local organization is pinning its faith on Bennett Conservatism. As this does not seem to be the same aB Stevens Conservatism it will make things easier lor the public to decide on the merits or demerits of the party. It is possible that more was discussed than was pub lished and that the name of Hon. H. H. Stevens was men tioned at the local Conservative convention. Possibly we shall learn of that later from public speakers. At anv rate it is an advantage to know exactly where the party stands so-far as the past policy of the federal government is VV 000!j throughout the . World A Efine game OF SOCCER nooth and High Flay tr Scoreless Draw in Junior League Playing as good a game of foot Memorial ana rwmg wimuu i"B" 2 'schools played to a seorele draw on Saturday last in the Junior Football League. I High made tracks for the Booth $5.00 It 3.W. 1.41 .25 aoal but McKay sent them baek and Holkestad. from close in. skied ! the ball over th bar. Then Krause did well to save from Russell Cam eron. McLean passed nicely to Holkestad and Ritchie shot narrowly past from the tetter's centre. Husoy hit the underside of the bar Dut Beale was offside in any ease. Dick Cameron made a good run but Eastman cleared. The second half was featured by fine shot from O'Neill that Krause did well to save. Then Booth combined nicely but Cameron shot past. High broke away but Percy Knutson stopped the attack and Holkestad forced a fruit less corner. Husoy shot well but the Booth goalie was on the spot. Then Ilsoth bombarded the High goal and was value for a goal but Brown. Gulick and Wllllscroft repelled the attack. Russell Cameron broke away but Percy Knutson brought off a iine stop. Gulick forced the attack and crossed a beauty but there was no one up to connect.; Then Booth hit the bar twice in a sustained attack. Davis made a fine run to send Ritchie in but Brown sloped him in the nick of time and full time came with the score shee clean. High School F. Wllllscroft; Brown, Eastman; Croxford. Gulick. Kanaya; Husoy. R. Cameron, B. O' Neill, Berner. H. Beale. Booth Krause; P. Knutson, L Knutson; Christian. McKay. Mc Lean; D. Cameron. Wlkdal. J Rlt chle. Davie. Holkestad. Referee J. Carroll. The game was even bill Booth had the better forwards, their com bination being superior. Gulick waft a strong derehder for High but the High team plays tod much indlvl- lually GROTTO WINS IN SOFTBALL Defeated Junior Elks by Srore I to 4 Yesterday of In the postponed City Softball '.vague game of Monday played yesterday the Orotto defeated the 'unior'EHcs in ten innings by score of 6' to 4. At the vrtd of the seventh' inning the Junior Elks were leading 4 to 1 but the heavy nuung urotios scored tnree runs !n the eighth and two wore in the ilnth. After playing sterling1 ball tor seven Innings the Junior Elk wilted, making many mlsplays In the field. Campbell for the Elk's had an off day while Arney at third -was clearly not in his proper form. Arney contributed the longest hit, getting a three-bagger ir the fifth and scoring? two runs. Roma for the Elks played a good game tooth lh field and at bat. Ya ger was- the best hitter for Grotto. Players Orotto: Fong. 2b; Simonson, rf; Yaer. p: Stalker, If; Hill, ss Ratchford, lb; Antonelll, cf; Our vich. c; Bury, 3b. Junior Elks Morgan, c; Cross, ss; Lindsay, p; Arney. 3b; Campbell. 'f; Roma, rf ; Comadina, 2b; B. To bey, lb; Naylor, cf. Umpires: -Stone and Lambic. Taxi 99 The latest In motor transportation 3 CAR SERVICE Stan Moran, Proprietor THE DAILY NfiWa Monday Ma, Twirlers Ait Leading Both in Girls And Boys Leagues Result in the King Edward Hi$h School Bowling League on S&lut- ball as one would wUh to see. Boding f Girls OadgeU 056, Twirlers 83a Lucky Strike 646. Kippers 67 Ace 760. J A!. 541 Oo-Ette 634. King gas 477 Bowler Bearr 626. Play Maids 513 Boys BuekafOfYs 524. Ptmks Ht. Champs 506, Tigers 566. Cubs 507. Giant 544. Win Scorers Olrts Leah Btss&-Bert. 209. Boys DeH. 156. ' The standings Girls Twirlers . Aces J...;. Oo-Eds Lucky Strikes 3adgete Kippers Bowler BeafS King Eds pby Maids Twirlers .. Buckaroos Oiants Cubs Punks cond half: Boys 2348 2219 2203 1898 1890 1789 17545 1526 1516 1444! I I 3883 i 3845 3737 3036 3626 Punks 3C26, Champs 3535 LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE The standing to date for the se O. Ttl. Ave C. N. R. A I!-. 6 8843 1474 Annette's 6 8536 1423 Carnation Olrls ...: 8319 1387 Doodads 6 8215 1369 Blue Birds 6 8110 1352 Strikers ' 6 B086 1348 Orotto 7702 1284 Coquettes 6 7581 1264 Km OUTING IS ENJOYABLE (Continued from Pace U Olrls under P May Skinner, or, der Campagnola. Boys under 9, David Murray, Jchn Casperson. Olrls under 12, Ruby Gornra. Hiomaslna Krause. Boys under 12, Harold Lelghton, David Balllle. Olrls under 14, Ella Krause, Ida Moorehouse. Boys under 14, B'. Beale, Harold Lelghton. Boys and girls thread and tteedb race, Howard B?ale and Helen Dell. Olrls egg and spoon race. June Oomez, Ella Krause. Single ladles' race, Alice Gomez Ella Krause. Married ladles' race, Mrs. Sun- derwood, Mrs. Casperson. Single men's raceT'W. Murray Tony Bussdnich. Married men's race, J Murray, J FOOT HAL h Monday, May 27 Reziment vs. Legion Thursday. May 30 Voting Liberals yB. Legion H A S E II A L L Tuesday, May 28 Legion vs. pki Friday, "Slay 31 Legion vs. Sons of panada Norrington I acli plae kick Men's plaee kick. Ous Krause Jr Mw'j ra?. over 40 years. B IJcale. Ous Krause. ladies over 40 years Mm. Wood Mrs BaltHe. Boys' and fir Is' tfiree-Iaaeed raee. 'ius Krause and A I domes. Go Fishing the 24th - w;th Dependable FISHING TACKLE Rod, Line & Reel Special $2.50 Baskets, from .r $l.l75 Fly Books filc Lines, from '5c Reels, from ...... .25c You don't need a fishing licence this year. Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 will carry on until the end or this month. Everything in the store is offered at bargain prices. Another Lot of 30 Suits at the Special Price of $12 REGIMENT LINE -IT ReulmTit !itb;iil !inr-tip for to-nlnlit v KsiiiH- kj anrmunrrd at follows M Morgan. W. Murray. A. Davles. 8 Vet if h P Bdgrumb. O Wlngham W Vance. D ChnHJaon. A. MNehcli. L CMMfMmd P Phn-et: spare. B McMeektn. M Oty and A. McDonald Boys' and Ws' aatk race. Jtino m;r,,MILV1 , (mTIUI.L OITICI.RS Gomez. Blllle Gomez. i of C the Regiment J Norrington I Don't miss this, tempting 'offer as the manufacturer." enn't make these suits for what we are selling thc-m. See the suits on tliHplav in our windows. Hats Made by Biltmore Special-All shades. Uk lined, (TO QJ at the bargain price of mA iOtl Acme Importers Mrs Norrlng- vli-e pridnl six f' er-n-Ury Thr exi--i.'n J T Hurv-y WiilUir L Younaman Ph. Ku captain of '.he team ai.e vies Jr.. vtcr-capU) i ... I SPORT Qur Liquidation STUDENT bowling! 0. A fff II 1 PITTSBURO Mnv 25 Babe Rutii Mnaittoed out runs arid n siniile In a ;x ' at but Saturday. LriiiRf: runt, bQL Boston lir..vrs the PIUaimrK Pirate tx Tug-oi-war i or men. uw.iiuu. Qwrr w has bn alee- tint home was er s team. Tug-of-War for ladta. Mrs. Wood s team. P Busaanlch and his snappy or-heKtra played aei'eatlona for thr dunces while Bob Murray was master of ceremonies. The commlUIca were under ihn general ehalrmanhlp of J Col. J. W NlchoHs and R M Wlnslo-.v wnro Judges of the sport ing events and Robert Blanco wj- tarter ted president Football Club off t.U(- tmt Inning and the othrrv in the third and stnT.'li Slnce1Q57theword"SEAGAMS,, L fgA H on Canadian Whisky has stood for I MMA Quality Supreme. If you want Say Seagram's and be Sure This advertisement la not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia.