FAQB rOtJX Salvation Army Self-Denial Campaign FLOUR Early Rose. Purity. Five Roses, First Patent Q ns 49-lb. sack ?AU ROYAL YEAST CAKES fjn per pkg B & K ROLLED OATS QOp OAK, 6-lb. sack FELIX GINGER ALE Q-j OC pints, per doz ?JUUO SWEET MIXED BISCUITS 97o per lb MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY TEA Broken Orange Pekoe 3QC OTTOMAN FINE CUT OXJK, CJftp TOBACCO. ,i-lb. tin TWENTY GRAND FINE OCp CUT TOBACCO 1-5 lb. pk.,- FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES At Reduced Prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 55 Phone 18 We wish to announce that the REGAL SHOP is now established in their new home next door to the Bulkley Market. We should like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their loyal support during the past two years and trust that we shall be favored with your continued support in, our new store. II. J. ZUMKEHK Fully Equipped and Experienced ChimneySweep Authorized certificates Issued with each chimney cleaned. Call or Trlephonc Thompson Hardware ill Bagshavs TAXI Phone Fleet Cafe 849 The Salration Army's Self-Denial campaign has been launched for 1935. Your assistance during; prosperous times and in the years of adversity has enabled us to carry on. The need is as great as ever. The results rest with you. Don't withhold your support. Whether Little or Much, GIVE Baden-I'owcll Boy Scouts and others who have volunteered to assist will call on you this week wearing official collectors' ribbons. nrfluz ki at i i nm em iiii tu mwi hi n nms bj itur wsms m f g Get Your Oil Burner Wicks at 1 GORDON'S HARDWARE g i M We arc now carrying a large stock of ready made wicks and i wlcklng for the Imperial Oil Burner as well as cut wlcklng for t I other wick-using oil burners, both for fuel oil and distillate, j ZlMU I EBi 8 KBU.B IB1B 1 BJCB1B tUSBHUXMSMlM fM B3B?BB TUt ' I OUR PRICES Lead in Value Orders $1.00 Delivered FREE! Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the hest and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD wtll show complete record ol all repairs made "and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned vith all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-RI.KCTKIC Phone Blue 320 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulklcy Valley Coals are guaran teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wc also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oas and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones I WHIFFLETS i j From the Waterfront With a cargo of fuel oil for the company's local tanks. Imperial Oil Co.' tanker Albertollte. Capt. Mo-sher. arrived In port at 9 o'clock yesterday .morning from loco and, after discharging, sailed last evening for San Pedro. Capt Larry Thomson was aboard the Alberto- lite as pilot. Tanker Dlnamac. Capt. James McCulloch, being operated In con nection with the Home Oil Distributors Ltd.. arrived .In port Satur day night from Vancouver with fuel cargo and sailed yesterday for the company's station at North Island. Powell River Co.'s big towboat St. Faith, Capt. Landhcim, on the way from the Queen Charlotte Islands to mainland pulp and paper mills with a tow of logs, which she left at Captain's Cove while coming in. called yesterday to take on fuel here. Coast freighter Berwin, Capt. Whlteworth, arrived In port yesterday morning from Vancouver Canadian National Railways., sail ed for Seattle. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Clear, calm, 52. Anyox Clear, calm, 50. Stewart Clear, calm, 51. Hazclton Clear, calm. 50. Smlthers Clear, calm. warm. Bums Lake Clear, calm. 50. "TILL1E THE TOILER" "Build B.C. Pajrolls' HOW SHALL WE EXPRESS OUR i .THANKS? COME IMTQ MY OTFICH . MlSS T 01 SI Mrs. Davis Is good enough to! -i. . . ... ' ! Count halls THE DAILY NEW! i i m.ui i U- ii- DEMONSTRATIONS AND MOB VIOLENCE Continued from Page 1 serve their own Interests and a continuation of the present sys-tem. "Why I, as a reformer, fighting against money power and considered a 'menace by the monied Interests, should be so bitterly attacked by those who profess to have the Interests of the people at heart 1 more than I can understand," declared the- mayor. However, he would continue the fight, he declared, as long as he lived and was permitted to do so and could be trusted to be a leader In financial and currency reform If elected to the House of Commons. That was why he was being denounced, he declared, by the monied Interest. "Money power and capitalism are attacking constitutional democracy," Mr. McGeer declared, adding that "It Is not beyond the limit of possibility that International money power Is taking an active part. In communist agitation." In the course of his address. Mayor. McGeer placed the blame for recent clashes In department stores and on the streets of the city squarely upon the relief camp strikers. Police officers, he declared. ! had been misused and. even vet. i with general cargo, including coal one o!flcer (inspector Tuley) was' an dexploslves, for local delivery. stm ln hospital and his recovery ' : was a matter of doubt. Possibly.! The Ketchikan motorshlp Evelyn ne (tne mayor, nad erred ln re! Berg. Capt. Allan Fulmer. arrived strainlng the police as he had done , In port at 5 o'clock yesterday after- but by dolng M h! noon from Ketchikan and. after Ileved thc atrikers from in-; uvcmnmt one canoaa oi inKenJury, However, the word of the fish ior iranssnipmeni east over tMders of th strikers had been proven to be no good. They hadj made undertakings and promises j and had not adhered to them. The! leaders of the strike, some of whom j he charged with hiving had long' crime records, had prevented strlk-; ers who wished to return to the camps from doing so. Under all the circumstances, the time had ar-j rived for a showdown and demonstrations and mob violence, he 'made It clear, would no longer be ' tolerated. jBarbara Hutton j And Her Count ! In Gotham Now NEW YORK. May 27: The Court write us that she has used Pacific ana wnM urt naugwitz Re- Milk a long time and finds it the best milk she has ever tried. "It Is always handy and very convenient on picnics and summer holidays.'' she adds. Many thanks. How can we show you our appreciation for a letter like this? Pacific Milk ventlow. tnarlred recently ln Reno following the divorce of the latter (formerly Barbara Huttont from Prince Alexis Mdlvanl, have Just arrived heie from the west. They: will leave shortly for Europe and! may live in Paris Instead of Den-, mark from which country the , A Daily News Want-Ad. will get what you wanL I "SO MOVA1 MAVBE YOU TELL. I ( JUST SlME ME OME HOUFi AMD BIZMBSS.EtfTJS fffiTTS!H NT PICTURE IS GLAMOROUS Constance Bennett Star of "Outcast Lady," Odd Story on Screen Of Capitol Theatre Stunningly photographed, ex qulsitely gowned and fitted with a highly emotional and sensitive role. Constance Bennett Is the star or - Outcast Lady." first of the week feature offering ou the screen of the Capitol Theatre her. The pic-. ture has an undercurrent of ex-1 citement and glamor such as are usually typical of Bennett plays. In a story involving an engross-1 tng matrimonial problem laid against a background of English society. Miss Bennett Is the Innocent victim of scandalous tongues which cause her to pursue a career totally foreign to her own desires and nature. With. the world turning Its back upon her. she fights to retain her self-respect but the wreckage of her life leaves a bitter mark upon the man she loves a well as upon the members or her family. The action encompasses a wide variety of European backgrounds! and scenes which shift from light' Ready to serve . 7 ill wit Reflection; HE ABOUT THIS STYLE telVLL MAKE DEBUTANTES OUT OF IM TVIE chokcs YOU'EB MO (OH, ME. CUSHMAM, SOOD TO YOU12E MOT GOIMQ ME AS A tTP L.ET ML- CSQ SEcreETACY WmW MM you iviw your size of KODAK VERICIIROME FILM QTOP st our O KodA film dipcnr for your wttk-rnd supply of Kodak Vricbrome. It's the Aim tbn nukes pic lure-liking eaijr. Combined with our developing and print Ing icnice, it atiurtt you of bcittr taipthoo thin ever. i humor to the darkest moments. Beautiful Waves of tragic; aga ! The male lead Is taken by Herbert Marshall in the role of the man who Is estranged from Miss' Bennett owing to the restrictions! held over him by his father. The part is a quite difficult one which is handled competently by Marshall. Others In the supporting cast include Mrs. Patrick Campbell. Elisabeth Allan. Henry Stephenson and Ralph Forbes. By our new and latest Helen Curtis Machine, featuring Eugene and Princess Marina combination permanent. Mi Lady Heauty Shoppc Phone 655 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 More Pleasure with your Kodak Every day is Kodut; day with the modern camera and new film Anyone can make excellent picture, let Kodak do all the work while you have all the fun. BABV nitOWMK The neatest thing in a real camera, takes regular vest pocket stse film. Camera. $125. carrying case. 35c JIITY KODAK Quick, tellable and as simple as a box camera yet goes in the pocket In two popular sizes. M OO and $9 00. KODAK MXKS The ultra-modern camera. Extra thin models built like a fine watch. Makes perfect under all conditions The ectures eal camera for the amateur We especially recommend model 8ix-16 sice 2Hx4'i with t03 lens. $2000 CINE KODAKS li PKOJKCTOKS For Home Movie making. Anyone can do It. KEI'P YOUU riCTiritlUS In a Oen-uine Kodak Album. We have Just received an especially fine assortment, prices to suit everyone. 35c, 75c. $100. $126. $1.75. $2 00, $2.50 and up. Bring your fllcu to us for Quality Printing Prompt Service Irrrrrrrrii TON I OUT and TUESDAY CONSTANCE BENNETT a. Michael Arlc, r , K,. OUTCAST LADY' Beneath the Headline "The Notorious Iris M.rth' ... Was the Soul of a Court. ZtQH Woman KlihtinrU ieienu Another Good Stat' IV v y-v vwi XRinwtti I'iMH t . i 1 1 . svl tk,' r . iinii .r- niimii i sssii a A Familiar Sound LET YOU SO 7 NO VOU'E.E CSOIN61 TO CREATE I 'STYLES FOR Icushmam peo L tSOCTIONS r-rrrrr'i EU-UM-VJUAT'S THAT WKlfflMe-? vrTT -T4J a-t-'o -i TELEPHONE VJHAT DID kT WAS? 1 V - with Herbert MARSHALL n.l.AIU.TII ALLAN iiAi.ni roitiiLs .MILS. PATRICK CAMPBLU IIENKY STUrilLNSON At 745 St 8 . - ADOED THKL.MA TODD PATSY KELLY In -THE TIN .MAN-SYLVIA 1 KOOS Hi The Olrl Trout faradl' World's Nr Krenti BEAVER nnd MUSKRAT Wc have a hi;; order for lxth these varieties of pelts Ship in your f ji .: wire the mne a. I,' acreptable will ni'M- J '-" express on good. Goldbloom The Old Reliable ' IT'S MARVELOUS I US I HA- HA- TS OONE T -STUPENDOUS ! T'S VnTHH AID OP M -By Westover VAlTH j.YV A- lJ Ml liV.fT-. ' K. I I tftfC-X i Jm I r i i Mr m . . mi i vhi i r vr tiiiB mm i r THOUdHT I WAS DttEAH K1G" AMD THAT iTJJ W AN AUAftM 101 II 1 ApL