1 ' I Ulii ' PL- . fti NABOB J-Aee nr. premium catamk;i;k Kelly UourIm A Cm. l.lil. VamnH, H.C Something New Just Arrived Come nml See Tlicm Certuinly yonMI frel IwU,!r lifter5 u g(M1 cup of ?EA. NABOB., anytime I TEA Jasmine of Southern France Facial Beauty Treatment Sets 1 or Dry Skin. Oily Skin and Normal Skin Priced at $1.25, $2.50 and $.V25 Perfumed with Jasmine of Southern France Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer Druqefists , dif Keiall Btor HionM : 81 t 82 Open llally From K a.m. tilt 16 p.m. Sunday anil Holiday From 13 nonn till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. tm 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamfs leave I'rlure Rupert for Vancouver-is., r aTaiji i:vi:ky Tin:si).tY. 130 r.M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-S.8, CAIIDI'.NA EVERY FRIDAY MIMMRHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. Mllln to Tort mmpao.. Arijos Bi nd point. Itn Prim Hupr tsuiMtev. l pm Purtner informatluii regarding ali sailings nnd miNCr. Httrr.KT AlirNOV Thlfrf nn tickets aU THK CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TKA1L immSIl COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sttlphat of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete fertiliser Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Oold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, 7,1 rtc, Cadmium, Bismuth. TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ! Football opehtog tonight, Legion t; Regiment. 6:30 pjn. James An ,drew referee: i We have Just received a seowload fit fir lumber. We offer No. 1 fir shlplap at $13 per M. Clear fir V i Joint $20, Albert it McCaffery Ltd. Phones lie and 117. (tf) Man Moon. Fulton Street China man charged with keeping liquor ifor sale was further remanded for I eight days on his case coming up In city police court Saturday. T N. lPage, manager of the (northern division of the Horrie Oil iDfcrtrtbutors Limited returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a week's business trip to various interior points and left yesterday for the company's new fuel station at North Island, LGVES TO EAT THIS CEREAL, IT CHECKED HER CONSTIPATION Kdlore'a ALL-Bran" Helped Miss Kesterke We year I quote from her letter ! "Three aro. 1 became constipated. tried many laKatives. But at toon at 1 (rot used to each kind, I began to get the same trouble: "La ist summer I was on my vacation. They served Kellofrg's AuU UiiAN. I Just loved It 1 eat Kel-lofgs AiX-BiuK every morning, and ever since 1 nave not hid to take any more laxatives." Miss MafcHMt Kestcrke. Address oh request. Due to tneuflWtnf "hulk fti meats. TestiliawKellot&Y f AUBan provides "bulk" to aid elimination. All-Uran is also rich In vitamin B and iron. The "bulk'' hi AluttxH Is gen-tle. It resists digestion better than the fiber In fruits and vegetables, so it is often more effective. Isn't thin food safer than risking atetit medicines? Two tablespoon- uls of All-Bran daily are usually sufficient. If seriously constipated, use with each meal. See your doc tor, if you do tiot gtt relief Use as a cereal, or in cooking. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Keep on the Sunny Side of Lift 30. Announcements Anglican tea, Mrs. Orme's, May Lutheran Ladies' Aid tea and sale of fancy work and home-cooking. June 15. Eastern Star tea Kergln's June 5. Jurte 23. at Mrs. L. W. Parent Teachers' Tea, Mrs. Alex; MacKchtie's June 7. GROTTO TAXI 456 Football Opens May St. Bert Morgan Bud Barrie prop. TZ DATLY. NEWS PAOETHREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comfortable by in 32 TaxU-it cost the same. 4 t Yol can rent Mai low u $&0 I mile. tf a car at Walker a day, plug It. a Special meeting Esperanza (Mlhe shareh6lders 330 2nd" Avenue, May ; 2d, 8 pin. 121 At 2:30 Saturday afternoon the fire department had a call to' Sixth AVehue West Mar the Ar! morjr to extinguish a brush fire. No damage was done? Flora' Lewis and Albert Esper-' land, who celebrated Victoria Day" not wisely but too well, were each fined $23, with option of thirty days Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont' In city police court Baturday for drunkenness. Tom Hansen, a frequent offender, was again before Magistrate McClymont in clfy police court Baturday on a charge of drunkenness and was given twenty days' Imprisonment without option of fine. The magistrate declared that Hansen was a disgrace to the community and that something drastic would have to be done with him If ( he did not change his habit of per-' slswnt drunkenness. Next time he came up the magistrate promised; Hansen that he would get as severe a punishment as the law allowed. Hotel Arrivals Savoy A. Johnston, Surf Point Mine; I Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Garner and family. Oceanic; Mr. and Mrs. ; George Eyford, Cassiar; H. Deering, city. L.I. Olson, Queen Charlotte City C. S, Agnew. Smlthers; A. Wick, Inverness; H. Mackenzie, Dlgby. Royal R. Yoshlmoto. Port' Esslngton; W. Muam. Mrs. F. J. Salt and William A. Oauthlep, city; T. Haugh, Mrs. L LeVolr, F. Duran. W. O Gawthrin. R. McCibmbe. A. Edwards and N. Amoth, city; I. Nel son. Terrace; J". S. Motherwell, F. McDonald and D. G. Lumb, Sun-nyside. H. B. Scott, Vancouver; G. S. Eastham, Seattle; B. Krist-mansson, Osland; N. MacDonald. Claxton. Prince Rupert C. Wlnton Thompson, E. A. Tate and W. G. Jordan, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Anderson. Terrace; Harry MeCavour. Claxton; N. G. Pratt Port Esslngtod: K. Matheson,1 Prince George. R. G. Johnston, Inverness: Mr and Mrs. J. Peel and Mr. and Mrs. S. Peel and child, Anyox; Mrs. H. J. LUdgate and son, Smlthers; A. Attree. Terrace; B. McCrae and C H. Jannock, Topley: A. Sutherland and W. O. Jordan. Vancouver; D: Critchley. Inverness; J. Wilson, Sunnyside; J. F. Ellis-- Jr., A. C. Lawson, W. Shore, B. Van Dusen H. W. Bruce. W. 8. White, Iain Morrison And James' R. Wilson, Claxton; Martha C. Pohnert, An chorage. Central Peter Hanson, city; C. J. Duncan and E J. Laird, Haysport; M. Don aid, Claxton; A. Adam, Edmonton. Bill Morris. SmlthersT A. Mur ray, city; T. Andersoh, CNJt. Knux Ike McCornln, Queen Charlotte Islands; R. W". Pllisbury. Anyox Frank Allen, Stewart: I. Singh and C. Olsen, city; Mrs. M. D. Holland and Mrs. W. Spalding, Port Esslngton; G. Blakey and H. H'a.mmontf, Vancouver: W. Bullock, Vletorla Canadian-Legion, BE.S.L. Picnic Robert J. MacLeod. Kamloopr Moose Hall RENTAL RATES Concerts $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rater ! $4.00' Fof engagements phone the" Club steward, 640 or Red 413. FTank E. Barclay, Edmonton. Tenders Sealed tenders will be accented by the undersigned until noon on Friday. May 31st. 1935. for the stock and fixtures of the estate of Wong Chew (Kwong Sun Chong) of 909 Third Avenue. Separate tenders may be submitted tor a Reo delivery truck b) General Merchandise c Chinese Merchandise and d Fixtures. The lowest hOr any tender not necessarily accepted. G L. RORIE Wallace Block, Trustee prmce Rupert, b.c nao) Come to Dtnrn's Cottages and Tents tot holiday on famous North Beach; River and eea' bathing. Boats for hire. Fishing and hunting. Open air badminton. Clock golf. Dancing:. Dining room. Good plain- cooking. Terms moderate For particulars apply MRS. DUNN Sangan River Near Massett. B.C. Nature Builds Your Body-but 7 supply th mattnat. KeolA sufTers if you run short of iron. Tottr food and drink are the only msterUlt Nature Rets to maintain bodily strength and wtU-brins. But tfce tragedy of modem foods is their short-age of iron. Sooner or later this hafaa tSrct upon the health, It causes, at first, a run-down condition and simple anzmia: then develops into serious ail-tnenu, if not checked. This war shown to be true lfl a gtmrp of foty-five' people boe blood was examined by a competent authority. In forty cases the blood was thinner and paler than it should have been, due to the shortage of iron. The authority who conducted the tests recorded ihe exact amount of the shortage for each person, then put every one of them en a- JO-day treatment. The preparation he gave them was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (called pink because they .have a pink sugar toatieg). In one 'month be etsmirted their blood again and found that the red corpuscles and the iron' had definitely increased in every caiei This test is a demonstration of what this fine old remedy can do for yoif, U ... as is likely . . . you need iron. Wouldn't you like to feel really strong and vigorous again? Wouldn't you like to eat well, sleep soundly, take a keen interest in hfe around you . . . ? Then put yourself on a JO-day treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Directly you begin taking this reliable old preps ration, the reconstructive process will start. The blood will grow richer ... will carry more' vitality . . . and your own f ft lings will react pleasantly. Old aches and off days will give way to new vigor and brighter outlook on Hfe. You will know once again the joy of possessing that priceless treasure . . . health! Pull size box SOC 37M Elks' Flag Day Dance Popular Three Hundred and Fifty Persons At Affair Friday Night Fully 350 persons were In atten dance Friday night at the big dance in the Moose Hall which brought the Elks' Flag Day celebration pro gram to a fitting close. The hall was attractively decorated for the occasion with Elks' and patriotic colors and flags and bunting. Splendid dance music was furnished by Charlie Balagrto's Orchestra and Sam Joy was a genial master of ceremonies. Dancing started at 10 o'clock with. the Grand March led by the May Queen. Miss Emily Christopher, and George Peters, exalted ruler of the Elks' Lodge, other members o the court, all In their costumes following, escorted by officers of the Lodge. The party kept up me- rilly until 2:45 a.m. At midnight delicious refreshments were served by members of the Elks Ladies" Bowling League. Features of the evening included the presentaUon by Sam Joy of I cups to Miss Margaret Johnson.! captain of the Lucky Strikes, win-: nlng team in the Ladies' Bowling League, and to Miss Leah Basso-Bert, high Individual scorer. The Slavlnskl Brothers Bill Stone, Sam Joy and Joe Scott en tertained with their adagio dance and other numbers They brought the house down. Billy Russell, a woman, was fined $25, with option of seven days' Im prisonment, by Magistrate McCly mont In city police court this morning for drunkenness. Mrs. Agnes Bell, an elderly Mas- sett naUve woman, suffering- from paralysis, was brought to the city last week for treatment to the j Prince Rupert General Hospital. II 7 . ft 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE Bed, complete, lady's walnut dressing table, like new. owner leaving- town. Apply 59 Beach Place. (121 i FOR SALS-'-Small fishing boat. Apply Pet Bruno. tT - M- - FOR' SAX&L-Cary Safe Dally News Office. $75; Applr WE have left with us for sale a 3X4 by 4i, Ida Camera With film holders. Price $12.50. Wrathall's photo Finishing. tf FOR RENT CLEAN Furnished Phone Red 444. PAINTERS Apartment PAINTINO na Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. WALLACE'S Stock-Reducing SALE SUITS - COATS - DRESSES YARD GOODS ALL REDUCED Phoned You Save Money Here Lot 3, B. 9, S. 1, and Improvements MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 200 Window Shades, Color green and cream, each Third & Fnfton I HOLIDAYS How Will You Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at ! "The Dunes" ; Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands j SEA BATHING TENNIS BADMINTON FISHING ; Rates reduced this year. Plenty of fresh milk and cream. ; j Write or wireless for reservations to MADAME RAJAUT . M .WfsTTsTTB f ttffltaCTZBlaUB ITU TMVMTM U iM :9 M'.M ;M'Jha FOR SALE Lot 43, B. 22, S. 5. and Improvements Lot 4356. R. 5, CD., unimproved. Crown Granted,"l30 acres Lot 1, B. 3, S. 1, and Improvements .:, Lot 4, B. 27. S. 5, and improvements Lots & 10, B. 15, S. 7, and improvements, Chas. Vess Estat . 1 N.E V Lot 3063. Alyansh (153 acres) and Improvements, Wintermute Estate Lot 3053, Alyansh 103 acres) 6 acre's cleared and In hay, Wm. Stewart Estate - SHING0LEEN ..$1000.00 .. 450.00 125.00 200.00 250.00 J 500.00 100.00 600.00 Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 43, Sec. 6, ind Improvements, including contents, Ida Ramsay Estate . . 500.00 Lot 1045, R. 5, CD. (19 acres) and Improvements, Terrace 950.00 Blk. 3, SD. of Di. 1099. R. 5, CD (4 acrjs) Terrace ... ... 100.00 OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR. The standard of aualitv amoric shingle star 36x72; 80c Mail Orders Forwarded Promptly Phone 775 Third Ave. irl ' Browns. Reds. Black .52.10 gal? Greens Grey. White . S2.35 gal: in 5-galloh cans Oriento Oil Shingle Stain (container extra") S1.25 and 51.50 gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. HYDE TRANSFER P. CAMERON Manager PHONE 580 Dealers In Coal, Wood, Garden Soil, Shinjjles, Dry Sawdustl Tables and chairs for rent. Wine bottles bought Furniture moving Express General hauling, T NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot 6r Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 199 D. ELIO BUYS EVERYTHING SELLS EVERYTHING 3 Electric Ranges, A-I Condition at SNAP GREEN 421 M Ik t 0 t A I ii '.l