IS II ft ft Mi i. j i ft 4 ,1 Mi raBor'ii; araTSTrtis vies mt it bi i '' tt:itii I THURSTON'S "TWICE-AS-GOOD" I a P M B P Bays' School Boots I No substitutes for leather used other than rubber heels. Hand-made with full .double soles, and the best value J)oy's shoe .made an Canada, !bar none. Your Inspection Cordially Invited I The Family Shoe Store Third Jlvenue LIMITED Where Service .and Quality Excels Fhone 357 SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlodpaid in advance . For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all parts , of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ! Ml utmms!A.i:M":iMmmm ruisicii masKSiui ti at as inn tm caia THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert , Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H.F.'PULLEN Managing-Editor $5.00 .1Q 3.00 Friday, January 11, 1935 5 DIFFICULT TO FOLLOW Premier Bennett, in his radio addresses, promises so much that it is difficult for the ordinary individual to keep in mind all the things he has said he will do. The new policies come rolling out one after another. Almost every Iiberaliind Labor policy of the past . twenty years has been A t 1 11 A A A - T"1 1 Jl1 .1 -- auopieu Dy tne rnme ivunisier inxoto. E;vicieniiy ne is resolved to outdo anything that .ever in the past has-been, done by any person or party. And he has not yet finished. There are more addresses to be given and ,more promises to be made. One of the Vancouver papers has been criticizing Premier Pattullo for making so marry promises during his election campaign. Yet anyone who turns back to the reports of his speeches will find thatlie promised hardly anything. He urged work and wages as.a policy but admitted that it would be only through the co-operation of the federal. government that he could hope to do anything. But he, presaged that the federal government would be forced by circumstances over which it had not control .to take The Pattullo prediction lias come .true. Mr. Bennett has beenjforced to.announce a radical policv or go down to de feat. Possibly he will be defeated as it is but, if he is, his opponents will have to carry out a radical policy along the line of the Pattullo predictions. Work .and wages will have to be provided by someone .and it matters little which side does it. Only a little .over a jear ago the prediction was made by Premier Pattullo that it would come, and now the policy is one that both sides at Ottawa will be supporting. . -'-i" 1 ' WT "-JL VICT0UIAN WINS jOUTl wh nearlyhifjyaarilaga. JVlpses CotpviPrth. .AVasJ hastily convicted by .Mr. Justice Aulay Morrison m a spite libel suit, it seemed as if the whole world was against him. He was penniless and the judge would scarcely listen to. his defence. Today Moses Cotsworth is known to millions of people as the originator of the iixed calendar which is likely to be adopted within a few years by the Whole world. He is a world figure. Although 75 years of age he is still working on the job of trying to convince everybody .that his calendar proposal is the right one. He is supported by the League of "Nations and is directing the .campaign on their behalf. Mr. Cotsworth, after forty vears-of advocacv of 'his nlan. is today inore. optimistic of success than ever. He expects that the report lavorintr the ulan will be adonted bv the League of 'Nations assembly next year and that on January 1, 1039 it will be generally adopted throughout the world. Briefly the new x-alendar provides for thirteen months in each -year of exactly four weeks in each month, the odd day to be YearDav between the new vear.and the old and to be a legal .holiday. Christmas Day would always come on .a .Monday and Easter would always 'be on April 9. A new month would be created, probably between June and July, the name for this month proposed to be, Sol. During the last thirteen years Mr. Cotsworth lias .been at home only six weeks And on one of the infrequent visits he ireturned .to -bury his wife who had sunnorted him throughout. It isrto be hoped that this British Columbian will -see his work in calendar reform completed before he dies. At any rate he is within measurabe distance of success and he is still as keen as ever. t i f t ii m or iisntii bi b b r hi b ia a r n 1 ai at hi hi bi b uxmi nxmt am ai a hi h 1 hi hi msu p . pa SPORT SKIING IS EXCELLENT Local Adepts Looking Forward Cross-Country Race on Sunday SPORT CHAT t A party of skliers, consisting of Hans Pedersen, Oscar Sather and Gunnar Selvlg visited Mount Old- field ski grounds yesterday and found the skiing excellent, there being .about three feet of snow on top. .By using the new trail built last summer thoy were able to ski all the way up the mountain from Ninth Avenue. This was the first thne anyone had walked on skis all the. way , .a.. ' SkiierS fireball hoping that the weather. un .Sunday wllkbe'sigfgood as-today as there1 ts UTbe a cross country race of ten miles from the Sons of Norway ski cabin. A party went up today to break trail for the race. Up to today there were twelve entries. The entry list will remain open until Sunday. Line-ups. for the Ladles' Bowling League fixtures -tonight are as follows: Big Four vs. Canadian National Recreation Association. Annette's vs. Alley Cats. Lucky Strikes vs. Mufwallem's. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 I'hones 558 ' '' '' ' ' NEW Orotto, C. N. R. A. and .Ramblers Winners Last N'Uht Second half of the season ope-.jlrg Bridge League resulU last evening were as follows: Swift's 670, Orotto 5837. Musketeers 5593. C. N. R. A. C000. Ramblers 6958. Canadian Lojdon 4327. League Standia' P. ,F. A. C. N. R. A. Ramblers Qrotto Swift's ., Rfuskeleers Canadian Legion a. ...I XOQO 5958 ,5237 ,5670 i.l 5508 1 4327 International Division W D. L. F. A. Toronto 16 Maroons 13 Americans 7 Canadiens t 5 St. Louis 2 2 4 3 53 American Division P. 5 65 45 34 7 56 -30 28 11 43 52 18 12 37 '55 13 l!r34 62 13 I Boston 13 1 9 53 48 27 Chicago 12 2 8 48.37 20 Detroit 10 3 10 62 45 23 Rangers . 7 2 11 47 55 1C BILLIARD SCHEDULE January 15 Legion vs. Elks. January 17 Orotto vs. Empress. January 22 Empress vs. Elks. January 24 Orotto vs. Legion. January 27 Orotto vs. Elks. January 31 Legion vs. Empress. February 5 'Elks vs. Legion. February 7 Empress vs. Orotto. February 12Elks vs. Empress. February 14 Legion vs. Orotto. February 19 Elks vs. Orotto. February 21 Empress vs Legion. February 26 Legion vs. Elks. S rBTHrHrHTHTHlHTHrBIHtHfHrHHHtHf'rlBITHH1Hr:HEHrHrHP;HTMrHt'iB:IBr1BBrjyHsl Dunlop Puiting So .this 1 the famous St. Andrews course we'v heard so much about American golf fans would be more interested in the landscape than in thi j-utting scene during the Walker Cup tournament. Notice the treacherous dunes in the biic;srount. It s bad business to hook or slice in that territory. The Strangest Kiss In All Animaldom Usually a cat looks upon a rat as nothing more than a one-course dinner. Buddy is of different Ilk. He is shown in an affectionate pose with a Newfoundland friend; a white rodent of fearless nature The two strange ' friendly enemies" are owned by Joseph Lantione of Albany. N..Y BRIDGE LEAGUE SIMPSON IS STARTS AGAIN Visitors Iist'ltoth Senior and Intermediate Ilasketball Game The Port Simpson Y. P. E. A. se nior cugers, represented by .Sankcy and lalt and a few intermediates, lost to the Moose scoring machine 5 to 23 in last night's second half senior basketball opener. At no time was the game interesting Half-time score was 23-9. Little 598 i lommy jworaes pi oimpson pruvcu 4327 tne star of the evening. He garnered 5C70 v5887 ,"6000 , 5953 Hockey Standings eighteen. poinU for his night's work. The Port Simpson Intermediates plavin on a strange floor, lost to the Tfl.JilMntermediates 48-29, ; After holding down tlre'RUfJtttlitoi ito.a 21-21 score in the first half, I the visitors lost their star player, ;Moracs, a few minutes after the "second half started and with him went the game. This proved to be the best game of the evening's program. iPebbles Stone and her Annette's, assisted by Sue Boddie, went on a free scoring spree to win over the All Stars 34-10 In a one-sided ladles' game .Ladies' O.ame (Annette's (34) Stone CIS). Boddie U5),iBrand, Rlvett. Jtatchford 4), Stamp-Vincent. All -Stars U0)-Smlth, Dickens, Beale, Ellison (4), Musallem 6), Blaine. Davis. 'Intermediate Game Port .Simpson (29) H. Orey (7), Clayton (4,Moraes (8),Lawson (1), Scott 12), Ryan, 8. Orey (2), McKay, Talt (5). Prince Rupert (48) Tobcy, Llnd-Kiy (.9), Davles (0), Campbell (13), Armstrong (8), Olllls (2), Morgan HO). Senior .Game Port Simpson Y. P. E. A. (23) Banker (3). White (4), A. Talt (2), Lawson (.4), R. Cooper, Moraes (10), C. Talt. Moose (55) Mitchell (19). Pierce (12). Wlngham (10), Morrison, Vance, Menzle, Nakamoto (14). Jannarv 21-C N. R. A. VS. Moot. 'J Annette vs. High School. Jiin School .vs. 'Legion, High School vs. Scouts. January 24 Orotto vs. C. N. R. A . Warriors ,vs. Jllah School, Annette's vs. Orotto, Scythians vs. ScouU. January 28 Orotto vs. Mooce. Fridtiy. January 11, 193 5 SCHEDULE BILLIARDS OF WHIST SLOWING UP 5! January 11 I.O.O.F. vs. Orotto, oy one Game Hayed In Last St. Andrews vs. Sons or Norway. Night's Fixture Two other January -l 6on ,o1 Norway -vs. incomplete I.O.O.F., Canadian Legion vs. Grot- to. i .Only one .game jktos played In last. January 25 I.O.O.F. vs. St. An-! night's Prince Rupert Billiard tdrews, Canadian Legion vs. bans j League tixture. R. MeLeod. -Empress, of Norway. . (losing to M.'M.Lamb.'Canadlan Le February '1-tCanadlan Legion vs. Lion, 230 to 250. The "following JI.O.O.F.. St. Andrews vs. Orotto. lsames were postponed: E. Cameron, February 8 Qrotto vs. Sons 01 1 Empress, vs. O. P Tinker. Canadian Norway. Canadian "Legion vs. 8t.! Legion; A. Donald vs. A. 'Harvey; M, Andrews. IE. Young vs. 0. A. Woodland, Pete I February 15-:l.OO.r. vs. Orotto, j-prttchard vs. C. L. Youngman, Len ! Sons of Norway vs. St. Andrews. Raabe vs. George -Crlpps. J ' February 22-4I.O.O.F. vs.. Sons of two more games wcre(played In Norway. tOrotto vs. 'Canadian Le- Tuesday night's fixtures between I Rlon. 1 March 1-St. Andrews vs. I.O.O.F.. I Sons of Norway -vs. 'Canadian 'Le- jftlon. ! March 8- -I.aO.F. vs. (.Canadian Iuion. Orotto vs..St., Andrews. 1 March 15 'Sons of -Norway vs. Orotto. St. Andrews vs. Canadian 1 Lemon. BASKETBALL JanuaryJ C. N. R. A. vs. Orolto. Oroito vs. Annette's. High School vs. Warlrors, High School vs. January 47 Moose vs.-Orotto. i- cion vs. Warriors. Jllgn senooi v. E E. Orotto. Scouts vs. Scythians. Bites and Orotto. Don Brown. Orotto. defeated C. P. Balagno. Elk. 250 to 181 and Bert Morgan also won for the Orotto by a score of 250 to lea ovr J. E Morris. The gumc of Harry Meniie vs.-B.lD Maaloiuld still outsUndlng. Two long outstanding R;imc; urom the fixture of 'December 11 be Mwcftn 'Elks and Ottnadlan Lemon James Andrew vs. Alex Hurvy and J E "MorrUws. Oeorge Cnpp alto remain .to be played. Billiard Averages W. Stuart (Elksi Cameron Emp Oeorge Crlpps CLl II. Meirte tfHUi . .. R. MeLeod (Erap) M E. Younc (Empl Bert Morgan 0 ' Oeorge Howe 0 A. Donald Rmp ithlans. u. iirown toi February 7 Moose Trs. Orotto. T. Kerrigan Q Legion vs. Warriors, High School vs. S. D. Macdonald 0 Orotto. ScouU vs. Scythians. fP- Prltehard 4Kmp February 11-C.N. R. A. vs. Moose. E. SUeoy tmp) Annette's' vs. High School, High School vs. Legion, High" School vs. ScouU. February 14 Orotto vs. C. N. R. A.. Warriors vs. High School. An nette's vs. Grotto, Scythians vs. ScouU. I February J8 Orotto vs. Moose, , Grotto vs. High School, Warriors vs Legion. Scythians vs. ScouU. February 21 Moose vs. C. N. R A.. Legion vs. ailgh Sahool. High1 School vs. Annette's, ScouU vs. High School. .February 25 C.N.R.A. vs. Orotto, Orotto vs. -Annette's, High School vs. Warriors, rlllgh School vs. Scythians. February 28 Moose .vs. Orotto. Legion vs. Warriors. High School vs. Orotto. .ScouU .vs. Scythians. March 4 C. H. R. A. vs. Moose. Annette's vs. High School. HIbIi Legion vs. High School, High School vs. Annette's. ScouU vs. High School. CRIBBAGE January 14 Canadian Legion vs. Orotto, I.O.O.F. vs. Moose. Empress vs. C.N.R.A., Meat Packers vs. BJIe-. valor. January 1 weal J'UCKers .vsj Orotto,, Moose vs., Canadian .Legion C.N.R.A. vs. I.O.O.F., Elevator vs Empress. January 28 Orotto vs. Elevator; I.O.O.F. .vs. Canadian Legion, 'CNr R.A. vs. Moose, Meat Packers Empress. vs: O. 4 3 2 .2 .1 & J3 4 .4 3 Orotto vs. 'High School, Warriors "vs. W. Macey F4np) 1 Legion. Scythians vs. ScouU. A. Jiarvey iCUt .2 January 31 Moose vs. C. N. R. AjW WUltseroft BHe 4 Legion vs.'Hlgh School, High School M. M. Umb tttl 4 vs. Annette's, ScouU vs. Hlgh'E BaU (oi . 4 School. , !J E- Morris .(Elks4 3 February 4-C. N. R. A. vs. Orotto. C P IUIatH tE4k A Orotto vs. Annette's. High SchoolfO. A. Woecltoftd .L & vs. Warriors, HJn scnooi vs. scy- " jiuwi w u w ivuauv trail)' ,0 P Tinker tC3' .4 .3 -J "SC 3 ;C L youngman CL 3 Jimes Arnlraws (Ell' 8 ,A. Beale tCL' 1 Ttl. 1000 750 500 M0 760 789 730 978 1X55 710 238 -470 m m -C23 000 430 225 89C .601 442 C55 314 03 C02 s:a 51 JSC Av 2j0 2j0 2i0 ISO 250 24S H. 244 241 239 238 21. i-)- 23J 211 223 225 XM 223 22'i 2"3 2:4 " t SCHEDULE GFBRIDGE January 17 Swift's vs .C H M A Canadian Legion vs Orotto Ru pert Brand" Musketeers XLiXi biers January 24 - "Rupert Brar-t" Musketeers vs Swift's: Ramber vs. Orotto: C N.RJ. vs Canadi .n Legion. January 31 Swift's vs. Canadian Legion: Orotto vs. "Rupert Brand' School vs. Legion, High School vs. I February? Swlfu vs. Rambler ScouU. C.NR.A. v Orotto; Canadian Le March 7 Orotto ,v. C. N. R. A.. lon v- "Rupert Brand" Musk Warriors vs. Hiith Rrhool Ariniti.'Kteers. vs. Orotto, Scythians vs. High School. ' ; March JJ Orotto 'vs. . Moose," PJU&P Hisj . Schools 'WirtTora vs. Legion. Scythians vs. ScouU. March 14 Moose vs. C. N. R. A., ; Musketeers; Ramblers vs. C.N.RA, February 14--SwlfU vs. Orotto: ON.R. vs. "Rupert Brand" Mus keteers; Canadian Legion vs. Ram biers. February 21 C.NJLA. vs. 8wlft Orotto vs. Canadian Legion; Ram biers vs. ".Rupert .Brand" Musket cers. .February 23--SwtfU vs. "Ruper Brand" Mutketccri; Orotto v nomblcrs; Canadian Legion vs CN R.A. '.March 7 Canadian Legion v SwlfU; "Rupert Brand" 'Musketeers vs. Orotto: C.N.R.A. Vs. Ramblers. 'March 14 Ramblers vs. Swift . Orotto vs. C.N.R.A.: "Ruperf, Brand" Musketeers vs. Canadian Legion. ' BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Jan. ,11: CPBnr silver closed .at 54?i,c per ounce .on the lop.ll .molnl mirlut vftslerd.1V February 4 Empress vs. Orotto. lunchanRcd from .Wedncsdav. Tlicre C.N.R.A. vs. Canadian Legion, Ele-'was a drqp today to Wc. vaior vs. Moose, Meat Packers vs. I.O.O.F. February 11-Orotto vs. C.N.R.A., Empress vs. Canadian Legion, jvieot Packers vs. Moose. I.O.O.F vs v.. vator. February 18-I.o.O.F. vs. Orotto, Elevator vs. Canodlan Legion, Empress vs. Moose, C.N.R.A. -vs. Meat Packers. February 25-Orotto The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post 1 Office ;News Stand, 323 Oranvllle SU Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince Oeorge, B.C. R. W. Rllev. Terrace. B.C. VS. Mnoxn Ji nni ai... .4 vl"a.d'a" L.e8 " vs' Meat PMkers, Bmlthers Dn.g Store. Smith- Empress CN.R.A vs. i.u.o r., Elevator vs. ers. 110,