MAUY PICK FORD L"V ANGELES, Jan 11 CP' Z -i .M Fairbanks wa divorced ( t relay afternoon by his wife, May Pickford. The petition was : .:, fended and it took but three ti..i.utcs for Jud.e lien Llndwy to turn the decree. Mental cruelty, iiinfference and neglect were )i ukmi u will be a year before i.o decree bcomes final. Fun banks U at present In Swlt- Z' l uUKi Fire Started In Office of Tin Shop Yesterday The fire In Pteens Sheet Metal Works yesterday broke out in the 'tffi'-r of the shop and is believed o have been caused by an overrated stove or defective flue. Mr. R,-oen had lit the fire and stepped out the place being In flames a few minutes later. ' The fire in ithc office was soon extinguished by the fire department but had spread Into the attic find at that point proved rather difficult to Ret at. gaining quite a hold and breaking through the roof before It was brought under control. Two lines of hose were required. x .aUott. ANDERSON PRESIDENT Named Head of rioneers' Aocla- lion I'or Silver Jubilee Year Of i Prince Rupert I Ti. Prince Rupert Pioneers As night, elected officers for the year ; 1935. twenty-fifth Incorporation anniversary year, as follows: President. P. W. Anderson, i Past President. A. J. Prudhomme. Vice-President. Robert McKay. Treasurer, r. W. Weech. Secretary, A. O. Franks. Executive Henri Letourneau. Fred Rlffou. II. B. Eastman. O. W Johnstone. Mrs. J A. J. Prudhomme. Convener of flower committee, Service, he said, naturally followed Mrs. P. W. Anderson. In the wake of obedience. It is Mr. Franks" seventh year as j During the devotional period & secretary. .number of voluntary prayers were The retiring president, Mr. Prud- offered. Adjutant Laycock sang t homme. occupied the chair during solo "Pleasure In His Service." Mrs. the early part of the evening. Ro-1 L. J. North presided at the piano, bert McKay later taking the chair Lieut. Bridge gave the benediction. In the absence of Mr. Anderson, the' The final meeting of the s-rlcs nw nresident 1 will take place tonight at St. An- Suitable celebration of the drew's Cathedral with Dean 0on twenty-fifth anniversary of the bv' in charge and the speaker Rev. C. MarcKlO D. Clarke whose subject will be "Deis corporation of the city on ; planned, the Junior Chamber Of dlcatlon." Commerce having offered its co-j operation. terauon. A a banquet Danquei will win be oe held, mm, committee to take charge of ar- jftetCIllKan - D KOiarV l . ..... n t 4 n k. n M t lH til? tht president. Another meeting of the i association will be held next Tues-, day. ! The association plans consider-J able activity this year including the , compilation of a history of the' early days. I VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. VAnUUUVCUi Vfu vw ' Jan. lull. ! 11: 1 vi CP- ' Members to Pay Visit Here Soon If present plans are carried out there will be a large contingent from the Ketchikan Rotary Club visit it Trlncc ....vw Rupert - on January 26 j VCT Oh ia, B.C. CON S Eft VAT I VES "NAM K - SHERWOOD AS THEIR VANCOUVER CHOICE VANCOUVER. Jan. 11: CPt E. Q. Sherwood was chosen Conservative candidate for Vancouver Centre at the forth- coming federal election, oppos- lng Hon. Ian Mackenzie, Lib- erat and W. W. Lefeaux. C. C. F. Hon. H. H. Stevens, former member for Vancouver Centre, refused to permit his name to go before the convention. It Is expected he will seek re-elec- tlon in Kootenay East, his pre- sent seat HOLD-UP IS PREVENTED Manager of Vancouver Bank Shows Grit and Two .irmcd Bandits Depart After Shooting 1 VANCOUVER, Jan. 11: Two' armed bandits attempted to holdj up the Victoria Road branch of the! Canadian Bank of Commerce here yesterday afternoon but were pre Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Piince Rupert Clear, calm; High 8:56 a.m. 195 ft uometer, 30.04; temperature. M; 19:45 p.m. 10.1 ft. a smooth. Low 0:19 a.m. 7.1 ft. 13:27 pin. 6.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV No. 9 V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1935 PRIC: FIVE CEN1H MINIMUM WAGES FOR RELIEF WORK C.C.F. CANDIDATE FOR SKEENA RIDING BEING NOMINATED Naming of Candidate Deterred Until Boat Brings In Delegate Arrival of Representative From Ocean Falls Being Awaited Before Choice of Standard Bearer in Federal Contest Made This Afternoon T"f Skeena district nominating convention of the Co-.j)f rative Commonwealth Federation opened this morn-at the West C. C. F. Club's rooms on Fulton Street, the u incss up to noon being largely devoted to preliminaries ira-iuiK up to voting for the nomination. Awaiting the ar-riai f the Ocean Falls delegate aboard the steamer Prin- Gets Divorce -ceu Adelaide Uiu afternoon, tne ! nomination will probably not be Milled unUl late afternoon or this evening The four candidate for . the nomination are Alan Cormack ! of Ocean Palls. J. E. Panter of Sml-, theia. J S Taylor of Vancouver and ! A E Wlndle of Burnt Lake, i O W Rudderham. defeated candidate idt Pitnce Rupert In the provincial election. U acting as rni.vention chairman while the convener U J. 8. Bb&K secretary of if SoolatW Part? W Canada here O V WHktrwon U -district Resurrected From Death, Puppy Barks For Food Literally In his second life " after being asphyxl-it' j w:'h paon ;:s Thi. terrier puppy being used for a life and death experiment cy Dr. Robert E Cornish. University of California scientist, at his laboratory in Berkeley, is pictured actually sitting up to eat after barking for food. The photo was made 11 days after the terrier had "been officially pronounced dead by eephyxlation. Dr. Cornish resurrected the puppy and has kept It alive with Injections of adrenalin, powerful heart stimulant, and heparin, a solution mtxtec, with: the blood of another dog. Dr. Dafoe Speaker J At Prayer Meeting! Good Attendance at Catherine Last Night In Citadel. Indicating Sustained Interest Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe, pastor of First Baptist Church, gave an Interesting address on "Obedience and Service last night at the fourth of the series of meetings be at IU annual mceUng lastilng I held here this week In connec- tv. Hon Wlln ine OOServaucc ui Universal Week of Prayer. Tbt meeting took place at the Salvation Army Citadel with Adjutant Eva Laycock and Lieut. Hilda Bridge ir. charge. There was a good attendance. Indicating well sustained ir-tcrest. Dr. Dafoe found his text in I Samuel 15 for a heart to heart ta'k in O. Vlereck and; which he urged unconditional ooe-!rtienee to the known will of God. BOSTON QN- J TOP AGAIN Bruins Won Over St. Louis Last .Nigh While Chicago Lost to .Maroons ST. LOUIS. Jan. 11: (CP) Bruins defeated the long-suffering St. Louis Eagles last night ' and moved back into the leadership of the American Division of the Na-'tlonal Hockey League with a one-! point margin over the Chicago Black Hawks who were blanked by : the Maroons at Montreal. In the 'third scheduled game last night, j the Maple Leafs and Americans i played an overtime draw to a score of one-all at New York. Last night's scores: Toronto 1. New York Americans 1. Chicago 0, Montreal 4. Boston 2, St. Louis 1 PASSING OF 'ROLY'WOOD Well Known Vancouver Mining Man Was at One Time Owner Of Premier VANCOUVER, Jan. 11: CP Municipalities Must Pay Forty Cents Or Forego Gov't. Grant Special Provision For Expectant Mothers Amounting to $5 Per Week For Month Before Birth of Child is Announced VICTORIA, Jan. 11: (CP) British Columbia municipalities must pay a minimum wage of forty cents an hour to all employed on relief work or lose the government contribution to their relief costs, Hon. George S. Pearson, minister of labor, ruled today. The minister also announced special assistance amOUnt-lS ne to $5 weeklv for fonr weeks UNITED IN MARRIAGE Mis Clara Belle Kurutok Becomes Bride of Victor Kovich at Pretty Ceremony A pretty wedding took place yes terday afternoon at the home "of the groom, 909 First Avenue, when Miss Clara Belle Kurulok, fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kuru- ..lor to the birth of a child would e paid to expectant mothers de-endent upon relief. A doctor's cer-iflcate showing the date of birth nust be furnished. MEETING ON STORY HOUR tVorkJac "Resumed TJhls Saturday; Moving to Elics' Home At an enthusiastic meeting of the Children's Storv Hour staff on lok, 1133 Sixth Avenue East, became . afternoon Wednesday plans were the bride of Victor K Kovich. third , of outlined for comlng sea3m son of Mr. and Mrs. Kosta Kovich of Wcv, rn an n. Hercegovlnia. J ugo-Slavta. Very claUon were unanlmously expressed Rev. James a dean U Gibson, of St. a .hn hart Pn.nnTtA tn rn Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, offi ciated at the ceremony which was' solemnized in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends of the contracting couple. The rooms were tastefully decor ated for the occasion with pink and white streamers and white bells. The bride wore a beautiful wedding dress of white satin with silk this constructive entertainment for the young of the city possible and successful. The Prince Rupert Parent - Teachers' Association, the press, city commissioner, library board, librarian and Daughters of the Empire were commended. The attendance and broadened cooe of the children's hour in Prince Rupert has already outgrown veil and coronet of orange blossoms , the much appreciated initial facility and bouquet of white chrysanthe mums and was given In marriage by her father. There were two bridesmaids. Misses Mary Kurulok and Frances Michaluk, both of whom wore pretty gowns of white silk and lace and carried bouquets of chry- of the Public Library Hall and the next meeting tomorrow for children eight to twelve years of age will be the last held there. Unfortunately on acocunt of the available hour, the offer of the I. O. D. E. Hall could not be taken advantage of.- santhemums. Mrs. John Gurvlch. ,., ,v, n.nnartin. charmingly gowned In rose-colored, of the whlch has placed its satin, was matron of honor. nan at the dlsp0S3ii of the children's John Gurvlch was groomsman. hour subsequent meetings will be The ceremony was performed un-1 heid there where many increased der a beautiful wedding bell which facilities will be available. a5 wter oursi open, snowenng me , tj,- focus for the New year and couple with confetti. j the second series of programs is the A reception followed the nuptial ; incorporation of a broader scope of rites, about 100 guests being in at-activltv Including dramatization. vented from doing so by the grit of Roland w WoQd beUer to6wn tendance. The toast to the Drldejmuslc appreciation, handicraft and the managr. Harry W. Morden.nU m fr,ends as ..Rq1 ,. Qne Qf was proposed by the groomsman t ,h(J discovery and development of When the two visitors made known umsh Columblas best known mln. ! and was responded to by the groom. talent through the Introduction of their hold-up intentions Morten. ta men dled yesterday afternoon' .YideC"tahandsret!!fertler!chUclre"'5 PW and coastrue-reached for a revolver and resisted ! wedding cake on a table which was t h, te ,n tne Hotel Van. ( tive play. A faculty of 24 ardent and TJ ! . . , k T had couver here after having " been ill for white wiUing workers coupled with the withdrew but not until shots H .. cho-santhemums. 3een fired at close range. ,n associallon wlth A. B. 0j ' The mother and father of the j age past attendance of 65 is a spleq- " : the famous Premier mine. He re-' fnrlde !ISslbte?Kthe brltde d Kgrf m : dld background for the future. TELLS OF AUSTRALIA tItgwtIlt . , . . ... ...In receiving the guests. The bride's . , . ...... I mother had a striking costume of The people of Australia are much .. .brown crepe back satin. mbm bm t llke the people of Canada but there ire a number of very pronounced minor differences In their customs and habits and modes of life, according to Roy Van dcr Sluys. who told the Rotary Club yesterday about w. some of them. Col. J. W. ... Nl- ... wL , Following the serving of refresh- y,r i. e ,n,. a -.f. a son and three brothers in Toronto. ! "tS' dancl"8f was oyed, ! j Many beautiful wedding gifts f tes- POUND AND DOLLAR IN X. YORK NEW YORK, Jan. U: The Bri tish uou iaiuiiu pound siciuu sterling uuovu closed at S4.92V4, i. nrn. iicnse r.Icud i- of , smoke LiM,, billowed! . .. . .., k 1 .i u.j n.. - ....... from ii.a !. .Wheat was quoted at 78T-fec on tnc a special mi-cmus ' wuu picsmcu, uiannea mc Up c, on tne local lorctgn cx- Tlic Salvation Aimv Citadel. flosc adjoining, was saved from damage. The regular monthly meeting of tlic Prince Rupert Tradu & I -iho Council was htid last night. Presl. tU-U 8. d Ma?ld6nald was In th chair and there was a good attendance of delegates. local exchange yesterday, up bc wouia nave m oc v- spcaser ior an exceeaingiy mier- change market and the Canadian from the day previous. Today's casloh, possibly a luncheon, at esting address. dollar at $1.00A, up 9-32c. wlilcli the visitors would be guesU. WHEAT price was down to 78'fec. ( This is being considered by the lo- v. D. Vance, district deputy 1 1 u. PRICK OF CiOI.I) ca directors who will meet soon to grandmaster of the Masonic Lodge. officers Lakelse POUND IN MONTREAL MONTREAL Jan. 11: The Ca- make a decision, me visitors, 11 and party or sixteen local Masons -u .'..1 u-oq thev eome. will cross with the male returned to the :ltv on last nlcht's MONTREAL. Jan. 11: The naoinn rwu i- . - . f. . . .... . m .,.- .,..,, Brl- CllOlr, viwiii mm n 15 is CUUllllg .s licic uu iw- iiuill ....... iiuill . ll'lldtc . . Willie .... mvj Wiey.wa" . yuuuu iicnui 0 uuocu aii t.o ! experience of the fall and an aver- I Banquet After Installation 1 tifled to the esteem and popularity In which the happy couple are held. Flks' I.odie Has Good Year And Is The groomsman made a gift to the Optimistic For Future bride of a diamond ring. The bride received over $250 In cash gifts. Following the installation cere-Mr. and Mrs. Kovich will remain nonies of the Elks' Lodge Wednes-In Prince Rupert for about a month day night, there was a banquet at before proceeding to Dawson where which various officers and members (they will take up residence, the noke. Progress of the past year ; groom being Interested In mining was detailed and optimism was ex- there. ttivn rirtn 7c npr ounce as com- iu, uau mis. u. v. oiuiiii arc: a trip to Vancouver. pressed for the coming year, particularly In view of the splendid calibre of the officers who would nr''ttith $14 57 In London, down turhsWlth them the next day on the went to attend the Installation of on the local exchange market 'yes- sailing tonight on the Cardena for, have the affairs of the order In Princess rnncess Noral norau. k .wimu ui of uuoui; Lodges iuuycv, n iuj, uj i-ol hand.