THE DAILY NEWS —————— a aver mene —— } a — ————— —— ——— Cl LAND PURCHASE NOTICE ——erm ~—+~ LAND PURCHASE NOTICE W. L. BARKER Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Range 5 pan me Land District—Distriet of Coast Range V Tee Take notice that I, Thomas’ MeClymont of = = ake notice that Jesse M. Tallman of Cedar Second avenue and Third street Prince Rupert, B. C. occupation real estate Rapids, lowa, occupation lawyer, intends to ’ broker, intend to apply lor permission to puselines apply for permission to purchase the following Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. | the 1 > Ic r 1. desecri ands: Commupaing at 6 poet phased ot ti 200 DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN Commencing at a post planted on the itherly | / corner of pre-emption record 412, thence cat 80 shore of Kutzymateen Inlet on the right bank | Chains, thence south 40 chains, then:e west 80 «po~ of z emall stream flowing into sald Inlet just oust MUNRO & LAILEY ; s | chains to shore of lake, thence follow! hb +r of Crow Lake. Thence south 20 chains, thence “ ————— _ : —— of lake in northerly direction to point 64 oa west 20 chains more or less to the shore line of Architects, . General Merchandise - Largest Stock Dated Sept! 6, 1911 FROM ae Meee ARONeT This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted | lowing the ‘shore lines of Crow Lake the Inet | Stork Building, Seeond Avenue. “s 5, . § 24 sons to Crow Lake and Kut: teen Inlet to tb { : ————— ' a Pub. Sept. 9. Erenest Cole, Agent | to subjects of eee to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert | piace of jgommencement." containing ‘forty ten) on Skeena La: : 5 contribute to i in ¢ * . ig. | more or . Jeated August 7, 1911. | ene Lane Distries District, of Coat, Range 5 are invited to t 0 ite columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- | Dated Aug. 9, i911, JESSE 'M, TALLMAN | STUART & STEWART P ; s N, th RB C ng.,_eeeupation surveper, intends 40 apply fo gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that ‘The | Pub. Aug. 12. ‘a ‘ ONTANTS -:+ AUDITORS ‘ ; mission to purchase phe following described | Cosy Corner’’ will fill a social need. Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 ci ‘| Low est rices in ortnern s > nda: seiahceunsiealaki Take notice that Sarah E. Alton of Prince Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 -ommeneing a e N. W. Cor- sei a tintin a atatiatiiniess citiaaatad di eieee ats » oecupatio , inter t oe 36" alot 4400, thence wart 60 ehians, thence south | —— = = | Roe paren the ialewing wcd| Primes Rupert P.O. Box 61 3 — oo? aoe e exst 50 chains, thenee north 20 : 2 ————r ies 34 { coo ented Se pees of commencement containing MODISH SILK GOWN LACE YEAR THIS Commencing st 8 post planted at the North- " s sho eas. j west corner | TA Lhe ae Si Taree “ Dated August 15, 1911 E. H. G. MILLER oni from the northeast corner of Lot 1i16 (Harvey | ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. ‘ enn —_—_—_— >, Aug. 26. P. M. Miller, Agent | Fes Survey) Coast District, Range V, thence 80 chains| of British Colum! of B.C., = Sine |Combining Embroidery with | east, thence 80 chairs south, thence 40 chains| nd Manitoba Bars. katchewan 0 wena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 | > e ' west, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains berte Bars. " arse wale vv, a eamnee brake ‘notice that Herbert J. Mackie of Pem- All Materialsisthe Fashion | west, thence 40 chains north to post of eom- CARSS & BENNETT eaAMUEL HARRIS o We na a a occupation lumberman, intends to mencement containing 480 acres more or less. ” NoTARY PUBLIC | gpply, for ,Bermiasion to purebase the following anceps Dated June 14, 1911. SARAH E. ALTON BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. < ae . July 15. Bobler, Agent Commencing at a post planted > uh wide ‘ ma Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and e of the Zymoqoitz or Vien-e-got-ita fiver saaceee Combiring lace or embroidery Skeena Land District—District of Coast 5 Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 “ west corner of Lot 1706, thenes northerly, following with other materials is a feature | p take notes that Linford Sewell Bell of the westerly bousdary of Loi 1706, 80 chains ena ee Rupert, B. C., occupation locomotive 5 , more or leas, to the northwest corner of said Lot of the sezsor. li is an effective ae fe oy i eens - WM. S. HALL, L. D.S, bv. 0.8. : 3706, hones westerly and southerly, following . hectie ~ | following cen oot Sei the ee Y. Pare cn ke : e e leftjbank of said river, 80 chains more or leas to fashion, very striking ard becom- ——— post planted on north DENTIST. : point of commencement containing 160 acres 4 i ' iles di € mogotitz Kiver about three (3) © d Bridge W: s . more or lens. ons ing. The lace or embroidery forms | foe the junio ne, ite tee tee | Ane ge Work s ey , Real Estate and Stock Brokers peer ee Aseet 1 191, : and the main Zimoyotitz River, thence north 40 | local anasthetics administered for the ex- : ppROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED | Ribas": Fede 8 Gamer gat Bi tate 4h , . | . « on the . ‘ 5 chains ince at A ae Ra he ee Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V of the skirt ard the lower pert mencement containing 160 acres more or 1 d Take notice that I, George Kime of Towner, of the waist. Filet or more heavy | Paegaurs,” 19!. LINFORD SEWALL BELL Prince Rupert - an - Stewart North Dakota, U. S. A., farmer, intend to apply | 3 cna Geo, Agent Alex.M.Manson 8.a., W.E.Williams,B.A., LL.D lor permiasion to purchase the following deottines lace, or ever a close mesh of Const istrict—District of Skeena LLIAMS & MANSON Sens ol ? : : ° notice that I, Lemuel Freer of Vancouver, WI m C at a post planted at the south- Valerciennes, is most effective over | cecupation brok 1 _ mest eorner of Lot 2287, thence east 80 ehains, ae - : effective ove te wae the fehowine dewibeds foe Barristers, Solicitors, etc. = we PRD inj Shense south 40 chains, thence west “0 iy black or colored satin. A model on mi cing, at 8 post planted on the shore Box 285 ffi hence 5 west : a northerly direction from Port Nelson 4 an ‘OMPLETE LINE OF BEERS WINES AND thence perth 80 chains to point of commencement this order that has attracted fav- L. F.’s S. F. Corner, thence chains Prince Rupert, B.C o_ WE HAVE A co s Ds con ’ ae or lens. : ‘ as ; js s north, thence 2° chains west, 20 chains ‘e LIQUORS, ALWAYS IN STOCK-— sees 1 Pred PORGE, KIME orable attention has a wide fold south to shore line, thence along the shore to 4 ’ ys e 2. Cowell, Agen : : point of commencement. containing 40 acres more a - : sO "i : s of deep cerise satin on the over-j or less. P. O. BOX 22 PRINCE RUPERT : 'Take notice that'T, Peter Larsen of ‘Towner, skirt which falls over a secord| Pub dus.” "ii Colson, Agent > : t CIAL 1 sduieidabeaiatiaas sles ’ » s Ss over a se eae df se aad HERE ARE THREB (i OUR SPECIAL LINES North Da f 0: RAs formar, intend to ply . secor. J Agent JOHN =. DAVEY “ dweiser Beer, We are sole agents for Northern B.C go RRA ER fold, and again»a third ‘fold furstalees tees Dit De | aera er anaes Bu we ’ . ade Commen ata planted at the south- nishes the bottom f the skirt Sie, ee a snes e o e SKirt. , intend to apply for permission « 1 Whisk east corner Let 1729, thenee south 80 chains, to the following lands: PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG e ey thence west 40 ehai This i eee “ : < te ; ; ns, thence north 80 chains, This same model in black irstead @ at a post planted on the north Guaranteed to be 12 years in the wood before being bottled pence cans # — to point ee f . " 7 bank of Williams Creek where the rail ; . Dated , 1911. ; o rise is y smart, as we ne = Sole agents for Northern B.C. Pub July 25, 1911. Fred E. Cowal , ceri e is very sm rt, as we cone qromes and 8 chains back from the ook RGE LEEK vs Victoria Phoenix Beer as still another rerdering of the | chains, thence north 30 chains, thenee west 40 GEO a Skeena Land District —District of Coast Range V ‘ ‘ chains to point of commencement. 2 | Take notice that I, Adolph H. Christianson of same design in a flowered erd | Dated July 7, 1911. PETER ERICKSON MERCANTILE AGENCY — Te re Se coer | eet woes ey enn plein soft finished -taffet Also | bab aay 25 Fred E. Cowell, Agent COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS ae * ore permissio hase 2. solt 1S anlete. ZAIso the follo descri lands: oc ° 5 i > er siglo -ahernd-aiai . ¢,, | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V i : Northern B.C. Liquor Company, pov st's; 2) gortsifmiot & foci! ate tat ji hes beer made successfully ir | take totes that T, John Evenon of Prines| Third Avenue also Water Street, } . ‘ : \ 9 P.O. Box 577 Trout River on the west side of Lakelse Lake, | ja flowered chiffon with Liberiy]¢ Sie iotewine cuted nat FRINGE: RUPMET si i jen Shout chains from the lake-front, thence is * at a planted at the south- | north 80 diane Shenae east osdhales tome | | ci aenaeaiiain 90 os = Fees 80 pom a ¢ ‘. te ‘ fais 4 of SNE Ena at i CRIN TANSON Rm 5 Fe TI ah it sp 2, Dated Jol im, ae to point eo A. M. BROWN . —> -2*-+--3o oss -% —~ — a os sae, . . . b ne Double Weekly Ser vice I 4 Mae eet eee | Voile, Chiffon, Marquisette | pint July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER sa FRED STORK | Voile, chiffon, marquisette— Repairi Specialt nee | Skeena Land District —District of Coast Range 5 | BY hy : x, Skeena Land District—-District of Coast epairing @ speciaity. eI aes + - + |. Take notice that R. F. Miller of ‘Tipton, Eng- | |there is ceaseless repetition of | | Take notice that I, Benjamin A. Fish ten Complete Stock: Carried. . $5. Prince Rupert, S.S, Prince George | ; ~General Hardware | | land, occupation farmer, intends to apply for ; : ; N. D., occupation t, intend to apply Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 4 ? Bee « oe to purchase the following described j their popularity this seasor. All for permission to purchase the following described not For 4 : Commeneing at a post planted abont 60 chains | jitransperert materials, ard surely Commencing at a post planted on the east 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts e Builders’ Hardware | | west from the N. W. Corner of Lot 4406, thence | | ~ | boundary and about five chains from the south- d | " : | north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence ithere 2re many more than were | east corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, Vancouver Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves @ | south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to the } - -: thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, tot “f ¢ : | | point of seeneneement containing eighty acres jever known before, 2re in corstant pew parr chains to eo circ ee ] HE IR OQUOIS jranitewar inware | more Or less. s cats | . Dated June 24, 1911. N A. FIS) Victoria ? : ree ’ ‘ sales Anes 19, 1911. es 7 uae |demard, ard such charming re-] Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent , te a i ». . 26, . M. er, | r = AND ; jsults are achieved it is rot re- P : . . ? . . keena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 - | Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Range 5 Tak ! re | Tak thet Frank S. Miller of London, ating . o+ + 28 > an e notice that Stanley Green of Prince * : : Seattle SECOND AVENUE ¢ | spenemceatiog Sia Thank: 8. Stiiet of Lesaen | markable thet idressmake rs 2 | pupert, 5. Cr, oveupation aniver, tatends $0 opp | English and American Billiards a ; ©—e—e—e—o — -e—e—e—-o—-0-—- 0 =< paren to purchase the following described | customers are alike erthusiestic. — pe ission to purchase the following daskthes | Twelve Tables SEconD AtE. “ Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. Com at a post planted at the N. E. pe RL gs Re axGommencing at a post planted t0 chains south | * | Corner of Lot 28, thence north 20 chains, thence Z chains oO © northwest corner - RS west 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence | Sardine Salad Lot 1733, Lakeise Valley, District of Coast Range FRANK D. KEELEY d ot Stewart, Th javs at 8a east 20 chains to point of commencement, con- : e 5, thence west 40 chains, thence south 80 chains, > er te Nee SMITH & MALLETT eee eT ani” "FRANK S.MILLER| c,.: Cover a large plate with lettuce point of commencement. north §0 chains to| WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Prince John sails for Port Simp- THIRD AVE ae > M. Mi Stripes and Checks are t£e-| eevec letiir . . 5 arate , | Staked June 30th, 1911 STANLEY GREEN “ won, Naas River, Masset, Naden |} 1) Heat St cc Atti i ee osname mendously popular, ard our cut eer Siva ere) = Pub. July 15. Locator | Phone No. 200 P. O. Box 580 Harbor, Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m. umbing, Heat:ng, Steamfitting and —_——_——— SSS | e ee tee edge of the dish. Take any kin PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. a i dane Sheet Metal Work COAL NOTICE today shows an effeciive efter | of boiled white fish that has been Skeena Land District—District of Cassiac J Queen Charlotte Island points, Sat- |] Dice: tedAve, | a Workshop: I) roorn gown of black and white} «ory ” | neh ‘ t y wont rere ea a ena Camere eee rely . “ e. -4 Sts. : " : over anc DIC into § ; upert, occupation carpenter, in: apply | 2 urdays 1 p.m | Sk Land Distriet—Distriet of Queen Chariott | nispaiceicl mesnaline The checks | ~ : ‘ gs | i . jar permission to purchase the following describ- PIANOFORTE LESSONS , : ? in ’ ssaline. BOOT i ee a “e leay land. : ‘ a Railway Service to Copper River | Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince rath‘ Sdiée condskith ent “Eek ak pieces, covering the ettuce ' cay ing ticchiccsivdceeis bicathd alentens sails | For Beginners and Advanced Pupils we ixed trains from Prince Rupert Mon- | Rupert, saddier, intends to apply to the Chief | TUM D1é nN skirt end trort ¢ oe narrow margin; split six sardir-es, | south from the mouth of Falls creek and about days, Weinesd and Saturday 1 999 $$$40444446464646046000604 © of Lands and Works jor a licence high-weisted bodice A flat collar | f 150 feet back from the beach, thence 80 chains ss ak =e en ays and Saturdays, + ™ 4 | £@ peompess for coal, oil and petroleum on and BN-Weisie JOUICE. 4 et COMs taking out the bone ard lay them | north, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains | Miss Vera Greenwood cat p.m., returning Tuesdays, Thursdays | & # | undor the following described lands on the West | .f 4 -cordion pleited white chiffon ¥ , south, thence east 40 chains to pointof commence- ; ae and Sundays at 4 p.m, + W J McCUTCHEON 4 | Coast of Graham Island. c | € plete . 2 ‘loa the fish. the heads to the centre, | ment, containing 320 acres more or less. | Pupil of Franz Wilezek, Paris and Berlin. ’ Th x ee $F | og emmensing st 8 post planed swo mia ew | trimmed with narrow velevt rib- eaniog Whee Goiewen: | ¢ Grand Trunk Railway System + 4 | of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4478 thence | ‘ t « av t and spread around to form a | Dated July 7th, 1911. Charles Webster Calhoun, ‘ a a Bounecting with trains from the Pacific |? Cagsteoqumatann stest: of Donen. Bosete! .® | Si geaine cam, Snenee D0, hens seems Spolen 8 \bon outlines the rourd yoke of dite t bila naenletitaniie wats Ave: Sth. Agent. |Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs poast Operates a frequent and conven- | ¥ ee ere 7 re é . disk; put a little parsie) 1€ a * “ . . ° | commencement. i eos hah . a . . 4 : E — ‘ nt service of luxurious trains over its z Theatre Block Puowe No. 79 Second Ave. . AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | lace. Across ihe front ai the middle of the dish, at the heads | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V ble track route between Chicago, |, ear bust line is a band of Chinese] and on the fish: bet h | Rupert, laborer, intend to" apply tor permision |====E. E BY @ Cos os oronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax 0 5$564446666644446044004 | ud. Avy 1. een , preven, ' ~|and on the fish; between each | Rupert, ‘laborer, intend > . 2 ° D ’ , } : ‘ aS ates ‘ ‘ t < lands: | al etl i, Boator New York and Phila- Sens and District —Diviriet of Queen Charlotte} Mbroidery, in beautiful wistaria | sardine put a generous teaspoonful ne commencing st 8 post Planted on the north | REAL ESTATE i lantic Stes ip - Mo : . white 4 “ > a ms Creek # chains south- : - ee ; ~ “ . ' amshif bookings . ee > shades of silk, and a heavy white avornaise, slice 2 Jemon end | east from R. R., thence south 40 chains, thence-| Kitsumkalum Land For Sale ee ‘ang Yin all line Full informa- Take notice that Austin M. Brown of oo E ot mayomnaise, slice < emon end cust 40 chain, thenen uaeth 1abcuieien teak or j t s or, y to the Ch ‘or r rssels ii S »j . ° . : aonre a | “ fice of n’t? Obtained from the) ; ee ee eh eke nat ad ee denes cord d tassels finishes waist) «4; each slice in half ard garnish Da hn OF Ore UL HAGEN | wa aang ca " B. C. nee of . rect fi l, oil and i d/ line z : ; : , : 4 A.E.M Gasoline Launches wee Boats ao pera aewlen daaeseed tenhe aatatioe Wiaen line. the edge of the fish, the rind lying } Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent d .m. cMASTER i ’ s Coast of Graham Island spaebeeornaiietirn Gay Bs | S Oo ag | For Hire by Hour or Day » ERASE: 18 BON, pleted tre nen aes Wool i Se on the lettuce. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Rance 5 | . 0. E. B.S. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT -BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED — ade gs Her ri wants Yes i ay «raat oolen flowers on the sheerest em Bae ee aS ‘Take notice that Percy M. Miller of Prince Ru-| The Prince Rupert Lodge, &o. 318, Sons of - ——— H. Joh Cow Crock P.O. Bex 187 } an 0 chains, thones onst 80 chains to point of | { *ks have c > in al ‘ ‘ pert, B.C., occupation Civil Engineer, intends to | England, meets the first and third in Fi — | F eae .0. Box porte: Sanaa . | frocks ave come immto unusué If we reject reciprocity now, apnls toe panetesien to purchase the following ae month in the Sons of England Hall, Ave. | GRE } “AUSTIN IN, 1 |: esse Ake ckan tinted as : . : , lescr nds: at 8 p.m. < | Located Sist Jute iat Ms BROWN, Locator jimporience. They are circuler| ye reject it for this generation, | Commencing at a post planted on the left bauk| F. V. CLARK, Sec. a } | Pon Aug. 17 y lai k fserochetediwonlk sor thered ; ; ° of McNeil River at north west corner of lot 4409 * P.O. Box 812, Pri a a | | Pub. Aug. 17. disks of crocheied work, gechered| 4+ Jeast. If we accept this recip- RB. V.. thence east 90 chains more or less to wast ERNEST A. WOODS, President, B non Rupert i“ | : . fe Sab eg < : ; . rare ‘ 3 7 erly boundary of timter limit 545 number m 7 d aH | Skeena Land District = Disicies ef Queen Charlotte} jp io a centre and in many sizes. rociiy pact, we ta ke it on tria] | 40616) thence northerly following said westerly | Tak tice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | [The He ; ie »e inch ir ¢ : * boundary of timber limit 60 chains more or less 3 ta j Saat atin saddiler, ‘intends to a ply | 1e smatiest ores are one inch and can throw it over ore veer to north west corner of said timber limit, thence MISS ELSIE FROUD : a 9 CARTAGE and | {2 toe-chiet Commitiner it Lands and Works | diameter and are used with em-[°"" © Pebaniand ? fg OIE AL-C.M, 5 ‘or a licence to prospect for coal, o: d 7 ; . aati a ars from ne : ae Z y " ae . ~. | LINDSAY S STORAGE on and uader the following described lands on the} broidered stems or the eages of from now, iwi : vere ' or eres ta cesatemek eee Teacher of Piano, Violin and ¥ ( di iG Commencing at post plamted two miles east | sashes, Large ores form patches}Or ten years from now or any | moreor less. caaiancik iia Voice Culture. 2 G. T. P. Transfer ent | of the southeast corner of C, L. No. 77 thence | : a ‘ . ey adian Pacitic Railway ane | 80 chains north, thence 80 chains seat, thence £0 of color on the bodice or girdle. time.—Calgary Albertan. Date June 19, 1911 E. Pigeman, Agent Bet mie rag s Prince Rupert a B.C, Coast ix rvi man Pri Orders promptly Allied. Prices reasonable. i Shains Son. nent 80 chains west to p Pub. July 19, 1911 etween ts. : “ ~~ #amous Princess | oF FICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 63 | * AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | = 2 ea mM a: ° : . B. ; s : N, | cee * Pri B | foseted oat July, 1911, OPA oe Skeena Land District. ncess Beatrice = bya District of Coast, Range 5. . Tuesday, September 12th Skeena Land District—District of Queen Chariott Take notice that Wm. Francis Nichol- E. L FISHER 4 Wisteria. ‘Vans te vat 9 am, iF S ] e Lotin Section 5 with! exe notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | Ow t ee to e ousan eet son, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Funeral Director and Embalmer LGM, tT Bae Bente |POF Male? 5) foot frontage at a Rupert, saddier, intends to apply to the Chief ; locomotive fireman, intend to apply for CHARGES REASONABLE a General Agent | bargain. Close to Fulton Street, | Comentesionss ot Las rere ee eal permission to purchase the following THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. 6 r | nae the followin described lands on the West Aviator Who Escaped With His Life Describes His Experience described lands: OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 4 Wanted to Trade: | Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted on the .§ a ; Commencing ot 6 pont, planed twa sales cat north bank of the Zim-o-got-ita river, “ase Improved property in Sectioc 1 for | of tis tres thence 80 chains north, thence 80 | about two miles up stream in a wester- ie = resident property. | chains east, thence 80 chains south to point of | Arthur Stone the aviator who| ‘‘I pulled frantically at the/|ly direction from the junction of the emmimiatiak ; commencement. 5 a : 7 3 , 5 aE ENG Sea 7 . _| little Zim-o-got-itz river and the main . FOR For Rent: Furnished apart-| eae aa M. BROWN, Locator | fol] into Lake Michigan with his|controls again and that time they Zim-o-got-itz river, and marked Wm. HAYNER BROS. - tee Arai : " ment, Good view, | Sip. Aug: iT. aeroplane from a height of more| responded. Instead of makirg the | Francis Nicholson’s south-east corner, UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS A HAZELTON $20 a month, Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlott |) aang oo ao lef 1 as | weadikn cost thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 = Fire, Life and Accident Insurance teen: tien thet tea. Mapurn. ot Benes ee feet narrowly escaping } leit turn as 1 wanted fo, the Macht: | chains, thence south 40 chains more or ard . we, Lite and Accident insur Rue necupation aaddier, intends to apply te| death tells how it feels to drop that|me darted up into the sky at ¢,| less to shore line of river, thence east | ® Ave. near 6th St, Phone No, 86 " Take the r3 : ° - | the chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for! ,, ae: 1 I Se . 40 chains more or less along shere line | ; Ne fast light draught steam. |NOW is the time to buy a lot or two in| Sicence to prospect for coal, oll and petroleum distance. terrihe speed. wes going OUt | of river to post of commencement, con- *t Inlander for Hazelton Mave George on easy pian a Oca ned mann “My first thought was when I] past the line. taining 160 acres more or less. ‘ips ' , call for information and free Maps. | MT ining at @ post planted three miles east solsaw no tugs in sight ard the! “I knew it was running wild Wa. Ppasices Bonet son, One more lot on Summit avenue at $500, | the northeast former - ide Be. Sie ee aio ugs stg ar. and the aa: g : Geo. R. Putman, agent. Gr, d H t 7 a Good terms. Shaine west, thénee 80 chains north to point of{siorm coming on,’’ said Stone. “Il kept pulling the controls | Dated July 17, 1911. lee an oO e eo : B, Rochester Ba Agent Money to Loan. SeRRR AEN. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Loeato | ‘‘I'll bet I won't get home to dinner |and trying to come back to earth. Workingman’s Home i JOHN DYBHAVN homers An Rare sett in time. Furny, isn’t it, when one} Then suddenly something happen- | Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25¢ ‘ SSS = : is facing death, but that was myjed to the controls. I felt the ma- es ie Rooms 50c ' Pattullo Block WATER NOTICE first thought. chine turn and then speed like | BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY ; ——— I, S. Harrison of Prince Rupert, B. C., broker ‘‘My next thought was, I’velan arrow for the lake. I tried to in Sor 0 e GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor { give notice that on the Sfveonith day of November ? F | } x + free hut ldn' i | —_ 1 t yater Commissioner t t cause se ’ z ; OU , : j TO nea ese neperts 8 C., for a licence - = es vecause t 8 ee ee i, 4 irs ge Aa mntdo FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Dy kc i use three cubic feet of water per second | heads wor see me. acted on e saw the lake waiter. rnished and ! i é@ Ru jade MeNeil River in Skeena District. Lf he water S 2 ; % Newly Furnished and Hotel Central Cor. First Ave. pert dge 1.0 OF is to be taken from the stream about four miles} thai second thought and paddled | seemed to be coming up to me. I Shean: Mabhidl: anus and 7th Street : 9 ae bi the unction with e 5 “ o : Sas pnaedaeweamaanatanmanpae . NO, 63 vanes _ is to be used on, Lot 4405 for domestic and agri) the water at a rate that would|wasn’t afraid. Again I thought of |f , peer cLass BAR AND DINING European aad American plan, a eets in the Hey cultural purpow’®: SAMUEL HARRISON |haye done credit to an old lake| Johnstone and his being dragged ROOM IN CONNECTION $1.00 to $2.50 per day, ‘igerson Block | Sept. 9 , paiaetiomee E | Sept. 9. ‘ + sneath the water. In the P Very T GRAHAM ISLAND Cs -— packet. down beneath the water. In the oc iaiesti monies alka ebev Rieck =>.» Oeensieles ues s JATER NOTICE , : : : : | U membe day Evening 160 acres, $20.00 per acre | WATER d0T" “When I stop to think how close|few seconds’ time I was falling I BATHS FREE TO GUESTS T8 of the ; { Prince Rupert, B. C., broke 5 2 s . . bin'dhiealiiatia Real Sh i gE Serene : We requested 7 order in the city 7; os oi eodee thet on the fifteenth day of November | | came (Oo poor Johnsione’s tragic |did a thousand and one things. I | ° Visit the lodge, BULKLEY VALLEY 1911, 1 intend (9, ay ieee Go for a heense [ed it makes me quake, held my hand over my face and|{ ROBT. ASHLAND P.O, BOX 37 Notice to Creditors Shee a” 2 at his office . 4 » a 46 - . e e e ; 160 acres, $10 per acre; 320 acres to take and use two euble fost of moter Oe sores I first noticed that something | stood up in the cockpit. , In a 2 rom the ° ‘ ‘ iw TARE N. G. $10 per acre District, The wate i (0 Oe ae awich NeMal | Wes Wrong when with my machine] ‘When the machine was 30 feet EEO SS AMPEG aa renee SKEENA RIVER itiver and is to be used on Lot 4408 for domestic | afi. y | had made the first turn on| from the waver I dived head first ree Mor pamen in iy and agricultural p e* MUEL HARRISON ennnaitcl Al ‘ il a f : I ; ton are required send in their 158 acres $12 50 per acre ; the second lap. About two milesiand away from it, t hit about ! claims properly proved in accordance — K . Sept. 9. n ‘ ¢ * : NE : : — =} out | pulled my controls. They did|the same time I hit with a great B o Y S ° with the Creditors’ Trust Deeds Act, ; ee . S Agency Whit Po rtland Cement. not work, I pulled and pulled. Ijecrash, I had on a life preserver Two Five Dollar billa to to Williams & Manson, solicitors for ‘3 Peri C R. NADEN COMPANY | ese es *|was drifting off the course intojand was able to keep afloat until be given away to bright > Assignee, on or before the 2ist day ts Periodicnte .. : ’ September Odicals :; Newspapers G. C. EMMERSON the hazy mist over the water, and| the tugs came." x See Mr, Munroe at : » 191), one date sasdeh 2KNT ¢ office the will proceed distribute ‘ TOBACCOS FRUITS Limited. AGEN then I concluded my end had eee een creditors. GTP. WHARP Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C-| Phone 125 Naden Block Second Ave | come, Laurier and larger markets, D. G. aT! UART, Assignee,