71 8 W--l-T-mmTj?- , fAGK rOXTK "Boy! I can breathe now!" Jim a few drop, of Vick Va-tro-aol op each nostril reduces twollea membrane, clean ttu&nesi. brum Uied in time, help prevent many cold. ECONOMY SPECIALS FRY'S COCOA tt-lb. tin LIBBY'S TOMATO JUTCF- OQoj I Picnic 3 tins UOj GINGER SNAPS 5 doj, ;.....-.. ; HILLS BROS, COFFEE 1 lb. . 2 ibs. . SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE OQn 2s. 3 tins AUK, BARTLETr PEARS 2'i 2 tins ...Vlw.::.... EAGLE" LOBSTER4-s per tin ; ALLGOOD SOCKEYE SALMON, y2 2 tins. ROGER'S SYRUP 2-lb. Un EDDY'S OWL MATCHES - 3 box td pkg., per pkg, .. SWEET POTATOES 4 lbs CUCUMBERS Large each Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue 15c 48 c Queen Charlotte Island No. 1 Shim 3X, $3.50 per 5X, $1.50 per M. 95c 29 c 19 c 35c 18 c 27c 25c 7 c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE -Where Dollars nave More Cent' P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 9-Piece Dining Suite Walnut Table . $152.00 8-Piece Dining Suite Walnut s,"cw $128.50 Phone 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareill, Proprietor MA HOME AWAY FROM .DOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19S Hyde Ml III'. VlCKS VA-TRO NOL DILATES ON man of the meetihe oolltlcian existed in the history of ';he wnrlrt Tata n w.,. . . .uuv jt41j, jvicLfeer. iorr :nstance. He appealed to every hu' man prejudice. The mora one coufd , u.vi.Et a ponucian nei we or tne C. C. F., asserted Mr. Roberts, "d CI Tint, nail niiFt-Ain.. politicians but, rather, we claim to be political scientists. As such, we are out to change the social systetn- 1 bci, ria oi capitalism." Delves Into History Discussing the basis of political science, the speaker delved rippn in. to history. Political science, like pveryinmg else, was governed by laws of nature which evert the capitalistic politicians could not forever circumvent. Canithtfsm not always been here, it hart Into being 160 years ago as a result Of scientific develonmpnt. i " had . brought about th mav.i' and revolutlonlbed the means 'of production. dpVPlnn1n fW m... vWO classes capitalists and wage carriers. Todav the nrnhipm .-u longer one of beine able in rifnrtiWi iougn to meet the demand but rather to distribute what was produced. Rivalry for markets had en- Bcnuerea international disputes and. wars. Having lone since 'ri.nia. - " cnu mail-. uai labor of man: mnnhw now being developed with "brains," Instruments of production could be operated without any human attendants whatever. Airplanes could fly with electric control ground. Ships could . w.vw UlC ocean under control from the shoret- ... wai mere conid be no limit to rrri Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan & Bud Barri; Don't forget the number the ibread of death and destruc tlon. The photo-eiectric cell would bring about .the destruction of capitalism, declared the speaker. KriMitlfli. rlpvplnnmpnt. hart Nppn isurh that there would tin lnntrer h " - " ... : proiiu lor tne capitalists or Jobs " II 1 mm f ii.li iv t uic woifccis. unuer capitalism there was no longer security for any, one. If thase machines were not controlled by man, then man would be controlled bv thpm thp only thing they lacked was a soul. But all was not hopeless. With the exercise of a little Intelligence, these machines would be brought Under control and narartiv ins IU. - uic grasp 01 man. ine .aays MM I A I ISM UTery "uld be ended and the wumer woma De iree alter 6,000 . years of the curse of toil. The next (Continued horn pase one step in social evolution was social ism, under which machines would DC used not for amassing nmm In opening. Mr. Roberts declared 'I? . for ??5 the the .few te ht but for t benefit of that. although the noonip nf nan : " .t-. au manicind. ada . had . . been going . to the 91 r polls re- -We of the r c v k-, '.Kularlv jgularly for for sixtv sixty vpnrs years, thou they Mr1 had bolitlL .... U L ibp' . ' V ' ujuig reallv never rhanLi th JLJSWf up to the twentieth m k cen - o- ev v - riirv " -aivprafi . im . . ment. There was no difference be- 0 nart es-LraVr n gradually worse. Irt 1930 PrpmlPrJ.15!-125 a onth, work and ilame the bankers. The time had arrived fnr nnU. Meal understandlne. deelarprt' Vhi ipeaker.'AU politicians wers n he asserted. Never had a truthful' THJ DULY KIWI to bring Into Canada a system of real freedom, liberty and justice under which all oeODle mav enlov the good things of life.' Mr. Panter Mr. Panter referred briefly to the annparanrp nf TJhpral ramnalsn literature which did not bear the country until It was possible to league oi nauons ana tne capitalists would willingly plunge the whole world Into another war in order to keep the old system alive If the means of warfare such as from 1914 to 1918 could be Pm. ployed. They weer fearful, however, of how far destruction might go under the new scientific means and that was the onlv reason that ppn. eral warfare had not already star-. iea out oi tne present crisis. OCTOBER PICTURES List Of Attractions On Taniinl Theatre Screen Announced By Manager D. G. Borland J manager u. u. norland, announ-SnlV: t thA nri.ntoi. ti, u . o-'ng Capitol Theatre the rC n , 7 ? IYCa muOKings for the remainder of Great War. The Liberals andctober Conservatives had brought the October 7 and R-'The Olass Orientals Into this country in or- Key," with George Raft, and "Hop-aer to exploit the e.-J-J fhoV . . J 7 a irapmn. wun. the rising sDlrit ' f white ll,c -worKers, workers, alonsr aiong Cassidv." uassiay," with with wunm William B there would be jobs for all. Un- .the proletariat eventual XS2 Neither Neither u. at at thb this oolnt Plnt nor nor in ln th. the rv.tnhpr October o 9 and Inj m 10Strand uccess ul in remedying things, he to displace the SSSf S"? uestl Period at the close of the with Kay Francis." rf Nit ? !d.l?.e pP-nts and mlnation of labor bv th- eln?. wou,d Mr- Pan be drawn Wits," with Bert Wheeler and Rob Z q , 7 Uieir 'eaqers m pr- Machine: is the "greatest aenmtely as to his own stand t Woolsey. St81! r Z"! campaign ..v nw wcHiuuuig wui. you would 'end !mrtnl. HUVO"UH ut giving tne vote to Meewng. i ria cuss (i 4(c.ti.4t . - " ' union label. Old age pensions had not been"glven by the Liberals but had been made possible through the efforts of Woodsworth and Heaps who held the balance of I power between 1921 and 1925. The Liberals had taken ho action nn unemployment insurance. Speaking of railway matters, he asserted that the biggest wage cuts had come in August 1929 while the Liberals were in power. The canrtidatp rharpprt that. Mr Woodsworth had hppn mlsrpnrpspn. ted in regard to his stand on the unentai question. He gave fuller reference from Hansard in rnnnpn- tion with Mr. Woodsworth's declarations in favor of glvjng the franchise to Orientals In British Columbia which had been made incidental to a discussion alon broader lines. It had been the Lib-j erais wno nad first elvpn thp vni . distinction . h , " '1 "e said tne c. C. F. had wiowr 12 "Wanderer of tho "and foreign world war, w' 7 lne.ver asked or Proposed the giving Wasteland," Zane Orcy's story, and F. and vote for yourself When thpi fnchlse to the Orientals. Bloom," with 'Joe Mor-majorttyare wUllng he we S f 11 ' C- F' would not advocate rlson and Dixie Lee. are. ready , bringing any more people Into this1 ctober " and 15-"One New FOR 0RME IS A VOTE FOR BENNETT WHAT BENNETT FACED aW?-n t00k over- unemployment in at - Canada was increasing ' ""erest paymenl5 ' e,ry Ihree day "n. Recessive raises of the uftklS 0Wce: by These problems In themselves . were ereat h,,t were to follow-world panic Bribin lL ' ereater ones government daily for vears- deiaw , tne.m,nd ' the zl Mt us" He has not been able to do all ko h. hw . could have foreseen in ml the ', ,P'?"ned-no man .but today world ntZS'"1'' 'T lr"""e5; smoother waters-Canada cnnoVSd ITt&X? 11 -.JIH.- 'r. v- -v. . . -wxu.es campaign Committee. I I xors wigni," with Franchot Tone, and "People Will Talk," with Charles Ruggles and Mary BolandJ October 16 and 17 "Alice ah.1 ams," with Katherine Hepburn, ;..u nwsy Mountain Mystery, jwith Randolph Scott. ! October 48 and 19 "Farmer Takes a Wife," with Janet Oaynor 1 October 21 and 22 "The Informer," with Victor McLaglen and Heather Angel, and "Hooray For ,Love," with Anne Southern and Gene Raymond. October 23 and "i "nn . Lamps of China," with Josephine Hutchison and Pat O'Brien. October 25 and 28 "Here's Romance." with Nino Martini October 28 anrt 50 w w w -- y-v . V Oliup to Ladles," with Joan CrawfnrH nh ert Montgomery and Franchot Tone. October 30 and 31 "Alibi Ike" ' with Joe E. Brown. IT'S HERE The New Spalding STEEL SHAFT BADMINTON RACKET The Better Players Will Appreciate This Racket Lamp Shades Make that Old Lamp look like new again with a New Parchment Shade. Large assortment, just in stock. iZ. .. ... 45c Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Piu. Ct I. take care of those already here.! International socialism, he de clared, must inevitably come either by peaceful means or as a result of the war which was now pending. In answer to a Question. Mr. Ro berts expressed the belief that tha II in i it lui: tttxmj rnn - ' r - , . - inEiuuxK Mac is "Game" I -v KJW OIVJN. YOU LwP rV rtlfarw MUU,t:" I C,,HW 7 Tonight and Lb .. Mi... luesday Monda' mm ADDED ATTRACTION WM. rtnvn iv nn t. " nw'"' AS SIDY" iAt 8 on 11 A Yarn With - K,.v. One, norm's News (At 7:00 & 9 Everything with use gets weak, wears out, needs the Doctor. "Even as you and I 32 V HdQII too, at times needs service Doctor best performanrH equipment is the la! hiirl t.nni il MWU mat Bfti can buy, including J RCA Victor Osa scope. Coupled with iiid gence, technical & ing, experience si tegrity we place atjt service. AU makes radios. Chanres U and reasonable, work guaranteed Phone 6 eMaeMvsM TheFsh which made Prince ftperl Famoii Rupert Brand SMOKED Di A r7 ran Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish Sl Cold Storage Co., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. tu- sometnmg to sell, a classified auveiwi 'ii una iiannr win nnmi nt- l, if t ,ni ic n duvi I the citv. - S S A VA C au 1 GAME OPD-xtT oirtiire' CAN ANYBOPS (T " (CRT Iki i-t-OI