1935 JUST ARRIVED A Fresh Shipment of iiey's Toffee rice Rum & Butter, Fig and "Date Assorted; price per pound bags I Jubilee tins . Jubilee tins 60c 25c .... 60c $LO0 BURY'S DAIRY MILK. UliUUULATE HUDS bagsV brmes Ltd. "Jit Pioneer vrt2?i-sts. bc KcuU Start Phone: 81 & 82 Open Daily Prom 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. i and Holidays From 12 noon tUl 2 p.m., 1 p.m. till 8 pa. Consolidated mining & smelting COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRA1L-MUTISII COLUMBIA Kufacturcrs of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer noniam Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos phates, Complete tcruiiiers lucers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Silrtr, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, nismuth. Are You Ready For Winter? ffs have a fine selection of heaters in type and 2cz to assure the warmth, and comfort of any home Heaters ior wood, coal or oil burner instal-' m in attractive finishes. Drop, in or.d inspect ;ur selection. You'wlll find that .our prices are right. IRDON'S HARDWARE Sl HUNTERS' REQUISITES - Rifles - "Gun Oil - Gun Grease - Knives - Lanterns Flash Lights She and Cartridges In all gauges ahd calibres THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamsis leave Prince Rupert; for Vancouvar- CATAI.A rvpiVTiTPKriAV. 1:30 PJIt . lArriving Vancouver Thhrsday P CAKDrv.t iviiiv iriiinkv MIIlMinnT. iArrivIng Vancouver Monday a.m. 4 MMngB to Port atmpMU Aayoi. Bw nl, Na, Rt., juii utre R-inoe Ruperi ounay. o tor information regarding all sailings and tickets -atr- CANADIAN PACIFIC j, Vancouver via Ocean falls and way :port PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 4th. 16th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct.;26th, Nov, 3rd, 21st. j Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneaa and Skazway- ru NCESS LOUISE, Oct. 12th'. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 31st, 30th, Nov. 17th. For lnfnvnl.v mirliji j ii- L A. uu unQ reservauons can ui Av i riAv., ' u COATES, General; Asent, prince Rupert, B.C. s interesting to know, when reading the Dally 1 ne PeoPle of the whole district are doing the i , ii u . .1 i ii ii ii I. PAaaC f x l LOCAL HEWS NQTES " Be warm fcadcomSqablebyrtd-, tog In 32 Taxi it costs the ". . You can rent a tat t walker' as. low as JLM a day. plus 7c. a mils. B. Mcll.arg returned .to. the cits- on toe Catala last nlsht from iNamu In which district he has. Been engaged in fisheries patrol j service during the past season. I William Sherman jr., who has' ibeen engaged In fisheries patrol I service In the Namu district, re turned to the city from down the coast on the Catala last evening. News same. Mrs. j. steen was a passenger! aooara me uatala last night going through to Wafcs Inland to Join her husband who Is watchman of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s can nery there. Mrs. F. Dodsworth -and family of Anyox will be passengers aboard the 'Catala tomorrow going through' i loons. Hotel Arrivals 'Savoy R. E. Valpy, Inverness; B O. Beamer. D. M?Rae. E. Henrlksan, Miss Myrtle Robinson and A. Mc- .lit:Uill-!ijnBrna-KKrs Donald, -.city; E. M "LawTence, Ter ini.p- Plnrpnrp Clarence H Bt, .Nelfon,. rNnlsnn. TCam tKam- St. Andrew's Nov.,-21. RoyaJ Johnson. A. Zordbvlch, F United Annual :Supper October 8, Lutheran Church "Bazaar ,-pct. 10, Metropole Hall. Gyro mlnlstrel show 11:15 pm , October .14, Capitol Theatre.: Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct, It 31. Hygga's Bazaar, October 55. Junior Chamber Hallowe'eii dance Moose Hall October 30. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, October Hugh Martyn," vocal recital, Nov ember 1. t Presbyterian Bazaar,. November rjauehters jf iNorway Bazaar, Nov. 8, Moose. Hal, Cathedral -Baaaat Orange Ladles' o'waar. llov. St.. Peters. Bazaar December. 5 United Bazaar, December's. Moose Hall -TUESDAY, OCT. & Chapter. 211 Women ose Meets at 8 'o'clock, in the Woqae Hall TUESDAY OCT. 8 Moose, legion 45 Meets at 8 o'clock Wllliaf Stone sailed last night on the Catala lor Stewart ana Premier on one of his periodical, business trips. . . Come, celebrate , "Lie Eriksen" anniversary, Oddfellows Hall,. Oct ober 9, 3 pm. Admission 35c. ' 33) S. Jabour returned to the city last .Friday night on-the Prin JONES Family Market PiIONE-457 PHONE 95' TJuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Frjesh Killed Bulldey Valley Xpt Roast Beef,, f lbs. & 10 lbs. Spuds Boiling Beef, "3 lbs. & 5 lbs, -Spuds Shoulder, Steak, 2 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Hamburger " 3, lbs Boneless iStevf ?Beef 3, lbs Rump -Steak,. .6 toi, ; ii ao ibs'SMds ..r, Rib Roast Bief-r per lib, Round .Steak, .'ibSi &..2 'ibs. Onions ..... Sir loin ,Stcuk2;lbs, St 2 lbs( Onions T-Borie Roas,' per, lb ' Sirloin Tip s per, lb. ..J...... MYSTERY- return to Vancouver and tor Stewart. Ko boats being in; with catch3s,' there was no sale ot halibut on the local -Fish Exchange Saturday. LIBERALS HOLD RALLY ((ontlpued troro paire one) years might have ai) opportunity to-do better work, with a friendly party behind hjrn. 'ujoerallsm,'' Mr. Macdonald said, "had always brought pros perity and, there Is -no doubt but that it will do so on this occasion. The advent of the Liberal party ;yesyck, G. Johnston, J. Olsen andj should be frinse Rupert's oppor M. Kastelic, city; Chester Leask, Metlakatla; Johnson Russ, Oreen-vhle. Prince Rupert W. G. Scott, Vancouver; M. and Mrs. A. Attree, Terract; A. J. Buttlmer, Balmoral; A. Main, Sunnyside; G. Frlzzell, city. Announcements tunlty." All the country, needed now was a change of government fhat would approach friendly ountries iii a friendly way, fori the prosperity of a tountry to a large extent .depended 'on Us com ' merce. Alex. Pjudhomme, president of the, district liberal Association, who presided, told, e-f his recent trip, with Olof Hanson and .others to -. Queen Charlotte Islands and points south of Prince Rupert Everywhere they were received particularly well: He was satisfied Mr,. Hanson would be given a good majority In those places vis-itcd by. him. Prince Rupert had been a long time lh oppcltlon and it was a sburoe of satisfaction that it .was how about, to have a member on the government side. 50c 25c 25c 25c 25c 75c 15c 35c 45c 20c 18c THRILLER nig City Murder Story And Ex-iciing Western On Screen At Capitol This Weew Opening ?.. The Glass Key," a novel mystery -with George Raft In the starring rote and Edward Ar- cess Adelaide from, a weeks busl- nold . Claire Dodd ltnsalind Keith Jiess trip le Ocean Palls. L . . " ,.u.. ' . P. C. O. Edwarids, .manager, and, ured and "Hopalong Cassldy." an staff of the branch, of, the Canr exciting western -with William adlan Bank of .Commerce at Anyox, Boyd In the Utle role, comes to whjch Is "being closed down, wUl, the Capitol on a double bill at oe. passengers aboard tne CataU the first of this Tveek. tomorrow going through to Van- "The Glass Key," finds un In-' couyer where Mr. Edwards will re-, genlous solution to a murder that' port at head office for future threatens to blow up the political duty- . structure of a big city. Edward Arnold, the city's political boss, Frank charnley. assistant chem- supporting Charles Hichman for 1st t the. Prince ltypert Fisheries a senatorial post -when the latter's Experimental Station, here, who son is killed. Rumor lays the Tes- lelt Here recently tor Vancouver DOnsibllltv for the, murder at Ar-i to Vancouver where they, will be has heen appointed, chief chemist nold's door Onlv Raft AmoldV joined by Mr. Dodsworth, former n charge of the Inspection o' trusted friend, believes in his in-1 jassistant manager of the Granny canned salmon Jn British Colum- nocence and the climax of the .store at the smelter- town, -who bia under the Department ol Fish - j film .shows how he, after many i uucu vui a wijj uj uie -trues xius aupDinini?nv, n is in trying experiences, finally succeeds Country. timated -officially, will be followed in trapping the real -criminal into Chest Clime Dr. G. T. Klncade, of the pro: ivincial Travelllhg Chest CUnlc, Uy Doctor. This notice is inserted by the Tranqullle Tuberculosis Socletyt Kamloops, in the near future by that of twoU confession and clears Arnold. assistants. "Hopalong Cassldy" deals Trithj the days of the West iorty or Bringing north .a' "fair-sized lis1 fifty, years ago In the time when of passengers, Union steamer Cat- the open range, cattle, barons, I ala, Capt. -James Flndlay. arrive rustlers and the six-eiin weer. law. I will hojd a Chest Clinic In the 1US' , Wenty of drama and. action Is; south and sailed a .couple of Prince -Rupert Hospital on Friday, oacked mto the ,llm later tewart. Anyox (afternoon ad Saturday, morning. : I October llth and 12th, also the. " f HOTthempoints whence Miss Dalg3sn9i -daughter .. sue wui TEiurn irere wjmurruw i nt f. nn j r t.i 14th, 15th and- 16th. -Cansulu-lOTO," A of r "u "lia- "."aiBa Uons are fraa: those wishing a! Wta?-V.aU-? M0'.1 st night on ttie Catala arrangements through their iamr "Build B.C. Payrolls- B. C. . Makes It Better . .tVAPOMTM 1 I he quaUty of British Columbia Milk is so high that Pacific is nate here as a change in these elements will quickly show. The milk will reflect the change. Pacific Milk HIGHLITES MONDAY, -OCT. 7 Short Wave ti, 140 KC .'30 'p.m. Radio Nile Club. W8XK ;30 p.m. Ozzie Nelson's. Orches tra, WBXKi Standard :30 D.m. Musical Mnhneouiris. KOMO. 10:30 p.m. Musical Reflections. CRCV. 11:00 p.m. Pod Concert. K3R. TUESDAY, OCT 8 Short, Wave J a.m. 15,210 KC, Honeymooners, WEXK. -?:15 p.m. 15;210 KC, 'Comedy .Stars -oi riouywooa, waiK,. . p.m. 6,140 KC, Shandor Violinist. W8XK. ) p.m. 9,510 KC, Chamber Music, GSB. -4 p.m. 9,510 KC, Mixed Pickles, JUSB. Standard i .'30 p.m. Army Band Concert, KOMO. 9:00 p.m. Crazy Water, Program, J:15 p.m. Damski's Alabama Starsr KJK, ):45 D.m. Dude Ranch. KNX. 10:45 p.m. Piano Personalities, CRCV. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9 Short Wave t:30 a.m, 15,210 KC, Army Band; 3:30 p.m. 9,510 KC. Music 0160.-.) ssraDhs. GSB. 4:20 p.m. 9.&10 KC; BSC. Dance orencstra, 'una. Standard 8:00 D.m. Woodwind Duo, 'CRCV. ' '8:15 p.m.-Jusical Moment, KOMO. j:j5 p.m? Aioum oi music, wvn; J:l5 pm. sympnony k.ju. , 10:30 p.m. Popular Concert, KJR. SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC riione Blue 320 . s BETTER LIGHT BETTER SIGHT 7 jj To avoid serious eyestrain, . X JH ttSstrt use plenty- of light free '5 JP from glare. You will find, l$iS5g that Edison Mazda Lamps are' ftg s' always "kind to your eyes". f LAMPS MADE IN CANADA i-'is- CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited r -" , ! Classified Ada FORALE FOR RENT Graham Ave. Phone Red 104. AGENTS AVANTED (2321 1 FOR SALE Office safe, extra thick walls, .giving perfect protection against lire. Dally, News. (tt) better milk from this fact alone. FDR. RENT Six-room modern, til. A V-1 IT 1851 The soli, water and climate make . wuu . it so. We are particularly fprtu- (234) basement, glassed Phone Blue 812. (tf) j MALE HELP WANTED Be a Civil Servant Postman, 'Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Book'e. "How to get a Government Job."i M.C.C. Civil Service School, AGENTS Wanted to sell .leather neckties or silk neckties for us. We sell you at a price that allows you to make 100 commission. Write to"5ay for free samples, and particulars. Ontario Neckwear Company, Dept. 605, Toronto 8: Ont. i FOUND FOUND CUP and saucer in paper parcel. Owner apply at Dally News and pay lor aavertisemeni. i. AtCTIOS.SALE TIMBER SAU: XJ8988 There wUl be offered for sale at AucUon. at noon on Xiit Twenty- fifth iday of 'Ootobe?, 1936; .la the 'office of the District Forester, Prlnie Rupert, fl.O, .the licence X1B988 to cut 2,674,-000 feet, board measure, of Spruce Cedar -and Hemlock on an area adjolntiw; Iits' -692 and 653. Ircll Island, Quean Charlotte Island Land District. One year wUl be allowed for of, tlm;ber. , "Provided amy one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction And. treated as one bid." Rurther jpartlciilars may be obtained from .the Chief Forester, Victoria. ac or Jtotrlot Fot-t. Prince Rupert, b.u. .TIMBER SAIJE XIB874 -flmilMl tenders will be received by the Minister of Land not later than unon on the 7th day Of October. Itfio, for the purchase of Licence Xl887, to cut 2.241,000 fleet of Spruce. Oedar and -Hemlock on an area (rttuated on the mirth AtAa of remise Narrows uum aheira Inlet. Queen Charlotte Island tjinrf Dlatrlot. 1935. Two years -will be allowed, for the removal of .timber. .Further particulars of the Chief For- jester, victoria, b. u., or uistrict vf Btex, -Erlnoa -Rupert, .B. C. PERSONAL FURNITURE For Sale. Mrs. Gam-jANyoi Kh 'ing the address of mon, w oui A'cxiuc a. Mrs aladvs ailtchel. or herself, Qreen 219. please notfyl Mr. L. J. Newton, 630 N. E. "23 'Ave. Portland Ore , Apartment. 42. (232) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA XK PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION. ACT" AND ;IN, THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE O? GEOBCIE BROWNELL WHITE, UaCEASED. INTESTATE. MODERN House Atltn Avenue for . H &Sf Sfot rent, excellent harbor view, good odober. ax. 1935. i waa appoinud in In rnrnh porch. i Administrator oi one esiai oi vns BroimeH WW.te. deceased, and' all parties AaVinfe claims against tha; jald estate are hereby required to -.furnish same, properly vcrllled - to job oa w m-Ior the 5th d3y of November, AJJ. 1835, and all parties indebted to tht ato twiuimi to i Kiv .the amount 1 LESSON irom the depression of their lndebtedcees .,me Iprthwlth. NORMAN A. WATT. Oftlc;ai Administrator, Prinoe RuFrt. B.C. Dated the 2nd day of October, -AD. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBEIA, IN PROBATA,.. , IN, THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINI4- TRATOW AVI AND , . . IN THE MATTER OF THE 'ESTATE ,OF CHARLES KARSKIS, peeeaeed. j. TAKE NOTICE that; bjifefder br Hl HoMauraudSteTV.'E.Tteher aHe lOth'da? of iSeptember AX. 1935 1 "a appointed Administrator of the 'Estate 61- Cnarlei KarskU .late of AUln. Brlttsh Columbia.. deceased, and all parties bavin? claims against the aalfl E-rtate are hereby required to lurnlfih same property verlfUd to me on or before the 20th day of Oe- tober A D, 1835. ana an persona: -ted to the Estate are. ; required to pay the amount of their lndebtediss.' 't, forthwith . . HERBERT F. QLASSET. OJflctal Administrator, AUln, BO. Dated the tlth. de,y of September. 1935. 'iiusxBaiiniiiiKnaiis iisi&iiict RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your Catering Needs SKHfully Fulfilled We cater to - socials, clubs, banquets,' luncheons, dances, dinners arid bridge parties. Madeio Your Order Nothing -too large or too X 'small. LUNCHES PUT UP TO' TAKE OUT Phone us any time. Give Us a Trial Thone Black -625 oaismn:iSs:iiasi 2 3 3 S3 I t i if? .'A . Tf .ii tin i mi .11 ur .,11 :vi