T Today's Weather prince Rupert Ram, southeast Tlnd six miles per hour; barometer 30.02; temperatu' 52; sea XXIV No. 232 H. M. i I - -a c S. SKEENA leaves me council oi tne ucaguc wm report from Its committee of i rrn rnnnnmn n v i 1 1 f iLdiiiiu wporu from Addis AbaDa tnai rtlwn has made peace overtures to -r --"0 - 1 , t started," a' government spokes- iiii sain Ethiopia has of flclallv communl- wtv ViUWiVVU.v... f in ill nnnti nm i e pi nii inns mil. inni(l.. - I iUn nm 0 vut nggitoouio tit miv vw LIU Ethiopian Embargo ujndon, Oct. 7: (CP) Lilting 1 Trm .... 1 n net anus viuuai&u 6ow T h lAhl . . . ..I . t A ppre ii'.j t P nrflpi. 4. The decision t. n nprmlt British me Leaeue of Nations exoected 1 iri. ii ... . . . ie next iorvy-eigni nours. Aft a four-dav visit to this ' a. bKeena. uommau- pr T n ... . . . . . u. vv. umna u. a. u., leib.ut v.u4 uiuunne. rne vessel win cnirn t i i i , ... m ucr Dase ai t.squimait Dy wjr stages, rne oestroyer was 'nan ... -v.. lur puDiic insDectlon Satur- -"u ouuuay aiternoons ana TWELVE K1LLF.11 IV 7- i. ' -MyUUl I ll ll I InltnrJ 1 I , wmtcu All LUlt'6 T iau Dianp U'Prn VIHftl n,ARi X. npro An.i.. ii . . -v viiy tni5 morning when machlne crashed Into a nui. The dead include nine" Pengers, two pilots and a FALL ENDS TIGERS ARE was IN DEATH CHAMPIONS Frank Levy, Kecent Arrival From World Series Ends Today With Vic-Stewart, Fatally Hurt In Drop- j tory For American Leaguers, inp Over Cliff On Water- Giving Them Their front ! First Title returning home from her duties at the Fleet Cafe, heard his groans and calls for help and returned to the restaurant to advise the police by teelphone. Officers going to the scene found Levy in a helpless condition and removed him to ths police station, where a doctor was called who had him taken to tn? hospital where he .expired later in the morning. Levy told the police that he had fallen over the cliff but wis con dition was such that he was not able to give much Information as to his movements during the night. It is believed that he probably had lain unconscious some time on tmtown about midnight Dnreased was alone at the time and circumstances arc believed to Agassiz. He lived McClymont Park. UnM In TTki rr. . V . AR sITIJA TMN fC duwa is Captured on Sunday By Italians; Committee of League Blames Mussolini For i'!i4:nn nf I Tnvonnni. Warranting Other Na tions in imposing aanc- m . iif i eace Overtures nave C(..iJ ft To Ac. GaNhjVA, Uct. (Un ..i ..r t. t .... - . . ... ations cominmee oi six. finally approved this IIIUlllEa llllUk tllUb L11L .X. 1. Ik - 1 i. . J. I A n r; veriiiiiuiiL rt!MH Ltfii lu o - t? i.-tiYtriiHiiL ui Liit;-i jt'kiu lit: Nations. TV I- m.Am knfr ittH A ArtlrMP i 1 . tli t - against all other members or I Directors of Suez Canal Reiterate It Will Remain Open In Spite Of Warfare PARIS, Oct. 7: (CP) Directors of the Suez Canal Co. reiterated' today their previous assertion that the canal will remain open to all countries during hostilities in East Africa, The status of the Suez Canal is a matter of vital importance in connection with any sanctions which might be imposed against Italy as an aggressor against the League of Nations authority. Means of closing the canal to Italy are being canvassed. Invasion Ethiopians Evacuate Nor thcrn Tovn After 72- Hour Siege by Italian! Forces. F Invaders Repelled Mussolini's Hordes Dtf Not Find Going so Easy,; Particularly in the Southern Jungles. ADDIS ABABA, 0ct, 7: After 72 hours of siege from land and air), the town of Aduwa in Northern Ethio pia fell yesterday to the Ita- p. .11 Li 1 nan iorces auempung advance from Eritrea to wards the central plateau of Ethiopia and this capital city. Despite the fat. Aduwa, reports recelyed here are to the effect thai the invaders had been repelled at many points. Numerous small towns have been bombed In the southeast by Italian lirplanes from Italian Somaliland out ground forces are meeting with Frank Levy, an arrival of a few; DETROIT, Oct. 7: (CP) Detroit little success In the jungle country months ago from Stewart where Tigers won their first world base- of that region. The Invaders are be-he had been employed in assay'ball championship today, defeating irig, repulsed by the deadly giierilla work, succumbed at 10:30 yester-, Chicago Cubs 4 to 3 In the sixth warfare of the natives. day morning in the Prince Rupert eame. scoring four victories to two. Up to Saturday night more1 than General Hospital to the effects ilt was a sfUgglng duel with the five thousand troops were reported of Internal Injuries sustained dur-iead changing several times before killed, opinions being in conflict as lng the previous night when he'a howling thrill-soaked crowd of to which side had suffered the fell over tne mgn oiun on ""5,48,420. heaviest casualties, waterfront Just back of the Dlgby i he Tigers got the winning run Addis Ababa is already being Island ferry float, a distance of Jn the nJntn wneri( after ciif ton evacuated by women and children some sixty feet to the railway fanneclj Cochrane got his third hit' hi anticipation of the early .com- graae uciow. a shatn trrounder that Herman mencement or aerial Domoaramcni, Discovery of Levy's plight was !stonrjed but on which he could hot Little News Today made about 3 o'clock yesterday i malce a piay. Gehrlnger grounded Little news of fresh war actlvi- liiuiii! "vu ' j UaVareiu WUO SLCppcU UU lllot wca.wuic uum wre Mamie w for the put-out. Cavaretta threw day aitnougn tne lianan army in to second but the ball bounced, off the north was reported as; con-Cochrane's shoulder and he was solidatlng Its positions in the city safe. Ooslln singled to right and of Aduwa following Its fall yester- Cochrane came home with the win- day. One unofficial report said the ning run, R. H. E. Cubs .3 12 0 ' Tigers : 4 12 1 i Batteries French and Hartnett; Bridges and Cochrane. Cubs Won Yesterday : CHICAGO, Oct. 7: Chicago Cubs stayed in the World Series fight yesterday by winning the fifth game from Detroit Tigers 3 to 1, makine """" the game count three' to ly - got; - himself In trouble with bat- takers. Decea eo , on second and thlrd. The up'- rising was., however held in che.Jc'MV;d unmaSd bu uuu h s a ser at unmaincu , im inn nnH hut. nns run' Ethiopians had recaptured the city but this was doubted. It is how expected the advance of the Italians will be slower although air bombings, from ad vanced points are being carried out. Halibut Arrivals Summary I American 95,500 pounds, " I ana oc ana nc ana oc. A j. thp fall " 1 lBltinao Sie' ln faVr ".?f'S: , ! Canadlan-25,000 pounds Boin leams siariea and 8 3c and 6-when PnVtu his' T heard , nis heard u mi Miss Postulo o pltchlng,acesLon , Warneke for American u.c nf nnln. He had been seen y Z r.., r American Canadian 10.6c 8.1c . r---- -- itne uuds ana ochmuu, iw.c Aknbin: 35.000. Booth. 10.6c and local people visited the ship, have been Jm; t the hands of Hayner Bros., under for the Tigers. After having pitch- 6c ed a brilliant game, Warneke de-j guperlor 28000 PaclflC( Uc and veloped a sore arm ln the sixth and 6c Bill Lee who was.l was relieved by Glacierf 20i000; Garlandi 1050o, safe until tne nimn wuwi ,"f' -,and Betty. 2.000, Atlln, 11c and 6c! Sea Maid, 23,000, Cold Storage, ln a cabin In oy wuna naing Bayview. 2,000. Atlln, 8.1c and 6c Todays Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, 52. , Anyox-Ralning. calm, 42. , Stewart-Cloudy, calm, 48. Hazclton-Cloudy, calm, 50. Smlthers-Cloudy, calm, cool. calm, 45. Burns Lake-Cloudy, got through tor tne ngers. (ajso 4 000 poUnds of black cod and The Cubs had scored twice in tne.j 000 pQunds of red cod at 2,zC and third and once in the seventh. r3c) Robert P. Dunn, deputy minister' . DIED IN HOSPITAL of mines for the province of prlt-j .Lillian Lindsay, died in the lSfl Cojumpla Wltn neauqui vcis iii.vv - ivu. Mri'rfv Victoria, who arrived In the city .last night after having been aj Saturday after a trip to the Atiinjpaueni in tne institution ,for a: district, sailed last nigm on im Catala for Stewart. year, one was-oo years or age andj had lived here twelve years; " I - ; S ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1935 smL Changes Mad ted Lepage JACK ROAF Member of the staff of Home Oil Distributors. Limited,. Vancouver, BiC.,' producers' and distributors of Home Gas, Mr. Roaf has been appointed manager for the company In Prince Rupert and district. He takes over the duties of the present manager, Ted Le-Page, who is being transferred to head oUflce In Vancouver. Mr. LePage and Mr. Roaf left last night on the Catala to make, the round trip to Stewart and .Anyox, the former proceeding through to Vancouver tomorrow. Todays Stocks (Courtesy S. D, Jcxonstozl Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .18 V2. Big Missouri, .42. Bralorne, 5.65. . B. R. Cons., .03 V2. B, R. X, .082. Cariboo Quartz, 1.06. " D.entonla, .16. Dun well, .03 Georgia River, .0034. Golcohda, .003,4. . ( Glacier Creek, .15. : Grange, .01 V2. " Indian, .01.) , . Mlnto, .05V2- . ' Meridian New .19. -Morning Star, .03. , National Silver, .02'2. . . tfoble Five. .05 V2. Pend Oreille, .73. Pprter Idaho, .05V4. ' "' Premier, 1.58. v Quesnel Quartz, .052. Reeves McDonald, .10 . Reward, .00 V2. Reno, .74. silver Crest, .00. ' . . Salmon Gold, .07. . Taylor, Bridge, .16. Wayside, .15. Whitewater, .052-. . ri V ' United Empire,, .03.' -f i j I LIBERALS HOLD RALLY Tells Of Splendid Reception Hanson Was Given In Points Visited By Him That the Liberal party is the real party of reform, having put more real reforms on the statute books, thus helping to make conditions such that a man could make a decent living was one of the statements made at the liberal rally Saturday night ln the Liberal rooms. There was a good crowd present and It was a very enthusiastic gathering. ported killed and an undeter- , mined number injured today j in an explosion at the Nubian Paint and Varnish Co. plant. ' Early this afternoon seven bodies had been removed from the wreckage. Tomorrow's Tides High ,. Low .10:14 am. 18.7 It. 22:24 p.m. 19.4 It. 3:40 a.m. 5.7 ft. 16:11 a.m. 12 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS' MENACING DILATES ON SOCIALISM President Of District Association, Everything Is Not Hopeless After AU, Large Audience is Informed By Forceful C. C. F. Orator Panter Heard Takes up Oriental Question But Declines to Give Direct Answer ' As to Giving Franchise A large gatherlng whlch assembl ed in the Moose Hall Saturday The official speaker was Arthur fnr iha n v fpriprn, pW F Macdonald of Vancouver whose u campalgn meeting In supper address as Punctuated by ap;- E w nQt subjected plause. He showed how the Liberal " . . , . . . . , . party had served the people in the by PJnd.p'g u", Sast evening Frank Roberts of Van-things and spoke of some of the sucl a diatribe of blue they proposed to do ln the co"ver' and hopelessness as C. C P. future when Mackenzie King be-.111 came Prime Minister. His election orators ofte.n lndulge ,n buJt stead was Siven a. strong and ad-a with a good working majority was vanced discourse on social eco-to foregone conclusion and it was up the Liberals here to see that a nomy and Putlcal science. As he large majority was rolled up for intimated at the outset, Mr. Ro-Olof Hanson so that the candl- berts mad! n0 pretensions at being date who had done such good a practical politician but he proved work ln face of conditions thati0 be Qulte a convincing advocate had existed during the past five (Continued on page three) - ' - ... tTWENTT-FIVE KILLED IN FACTORY BLAST CHICAGO, Oct. 7: (CPJ Twenty-five persons were re- of the cause of socialism and those present, whether or not they might have been sympathizers with the C. C. F. cause, were ready to agree that he jiaoV made out an effective argumentagalnst the present economic order, showing the desirability of a change even if he was" not very specific about the method which should be followed In bring- ' lng the change about. J. E. Pant?r the candidate, spoke briefly, devoting himself to a refutation of Liberal cialms of having enacted useful legislation and to a more or less vague explanation of the C. . C. F. stand on the Oriental question. G. W. Rudderham was chair--(Continued on Page 4) THE POLITICAL CORNER DESERTING THE SINKING SHIP Why is it that Mr. Bennett has been able to keep a smaller proportion of his cabinet than any other Canadian Prime Minister? Seven-ministers have just resigned in addition to the defection of H. H. Stevens. These resignations too, let it be noted, include the ministers holding the most Important posts; Mr. Rhodes, Minister of Finance; Mr. Guthrie, Minister of Justice and one of the wisest political weather forecasters ln the history of the Dominion; Mr. Matthews, Minister of National Revenue; Mr. Stevens, Minister of Trade a,nd Commerce, and Sir George Perley, acting Premier when Bennett is away. 5 The Conservative Vancouver "Province" suggests "Weariness of office" as one of the causes, but adds: "It must be admitted too, that there Is a feeling abroad not confined to the opposition by any means that when the'ballots are counted on theievenlng of election day, the casualties on the Bennett side will be found to be very nu-! merous. It may be that the darkness of the storm clouds has i something to do with the number of ministers who are seeking shelter before the storm breaks." We commend this extract from the "Province" to all who may be thinking of supporting the Conservative candidate, Mr. ;Orme, in this election. When a Liberal government is coming !lnto power at Ottawa why should Voters, ordinarily of Conservative leanings, cast a vote for Orme and so weaken the forces seeking to elect a supporter of the Liberal governmnt, and thereby Increase the chances of the C. C. F. candidate? Those who vote for Mr. Orme In this election may. in the end find it a very costly experiment should the C. C. F. candidate win. Lloyds of London, the greatest insurance company and the best informed people ln the world, are wagering that the Liberals will win 166 seats In this election (they require only 130 to control the House). They.glve Bennett only 10 supporters, with the Stevens party making the official opposition. If Orme's Committee feels so sure of Orme winning why is It that the Liberals cannot get a bet with them? It would take a weasel to ferret out a dollar of Tory money ready to back the "big talk" made by Orme's Committee. -Liberal Campaign Committee. I.