fAUi i-WO NEW OUTDOOR SHOES Tennis and Outing Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY. NEWS. PKINCK KUPKRT - UKITISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Sea Cadet Corps ' Given Inspection' Highly Complimented by Major It-' f O. G. Morton on Appearance, Proficiency and Progress j - After a two-day visit here during which he inspected the new armory of the First North B. C. Regiment and also conducted an inspection of the local Sea Curie Corps, Ma-j jo'r R. O. G. Morton, general staff' officer of Military District No. 11,' tailed by the Prince George last night on his return to Victoria. ; . About fifty Sea Cadets paraded under Lieut. Robert Blance for the ! inspection. They were complimen- ted by Major Morton upon their1 smart appearance, proficiency and 1 progress and credit was ajso given to Chief Petty Officer Ross R. C. N. V. R. upon his excellent work as instructor. The local branch of the tfavy League of Canada was also ongratu!ated Tor Vz work in supporting and equipping the corps. WINS MODEL YACHT : Bobby Davey of Fifth Avenue East was the winner in the raffle of the model yacht Enterprise conducted by A. J. Croxford, the draw- ' lrig for which took place last night. ' The winning ticket was. No. C19. The model has been on display In i Gordon Hardware for some time. . The raffle was under the auspices of the Canadian Leeion. Managing-Edtr WTMmmaMaimmAmMZMXMVmimm 5 A complete stock of Tennis and Outing Shoes awaits 5 your choice, "fiutta Percha" make. Every pair made to wear. m "Scampers" and "Snugs" are made of Elk leather . .soft and Z 1 pliable composition or leather soles The Ideal health shoe Pro- J, tects the feet from heat and keeps them cool and healthful all jj day Made for Men. Women Boys and the Children ! The Family Shoe Store j Friday, June 7, 193i PLANS OF LIBERALS To Amend B. N. A. Act, Refund Entire National Debt ami Replace Direct Relief OTTAWA, June 7: When the Liberal party returns to the federal treasury benches following the general election this fall, it is the intention to amend the British North America Act to bring it up to date, it is staled in authoritative party circles here. The Liberals also plan a huge conversion loan to refund the entire Dominion public debt at an interest rate not exceeding three percent. The party is also discussing a "labor dividend" plan to take the place of direct relief. NO PEP ? When you feel like a log and your muscles tire easily, it's more than likely that wastes that shouldn't be in your body are sending out poisons into your blood. At times like these, take a bubbling, bracing glass of Andrews Liver Salt each day till th trouble clears up. Then take an occasional glass once or twice each week and you'll stay perfectly fit. Get Andrews now. Small tin, 35c; Large tin, 60c; Extra large bottle, 75c. Proprietors, Scott & Turner, Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. m mm mm m iziu IW ALL ACE'S! For the Good Old Summer Time Mercury Knee Length Lace Lastex Top Silk Hose Sheer Chiffon Q-fl A A Latest Shades VJ vV pajr Three-Piece Sport Suits Jumper, Shorts and Skirt, in Pleasing Contrasts For Sizes 10 to 14 and 10 to 20 Phone 9 iW!Mattin::Kafii Third & Fulton g ::i:is:i:i':Bti":EB;ii:;rBri::Bri':i'Cii'Eiri;iaK;i.:nMi SPORT . I ' i Supreme in Flavour SALADA" CHANGE OF TEA RUNNERS-UP i Pittsburg Takes Second Place In National League Chicago In American Yesterday's Big League score : American League Cleveland 9. Detroit 10. Boston 0. Washington 3. Two games postponed. National League St. Louis 1. Pittsburg 2. Two" games postponed. BASEBALL FRIDAY JUNE 7 Elks vs. Legion FOOTBALL MONDAY, JUNE 10 Young Liberals vs. Legion Baseball Standings National League W. New'ork ':. .'. 27 " Pittsburg 26 St. Louis 24 Chicago 21 Brooklyn; . .21 Cincinnati 16 Philadelphia 14 Boston ...ll American League New York leveland Chicago ... Detroit Boston n ...23 22 ......23 20 Washington 19 Philadelphia 16 St. Louis 13 L. 11 19 18 17 20 23 24 28 16 18 17 18 22 23 23 26 I DETROIT, June 7' CPi Detroit' Tigers close victory, "with "School! Boy" Rowe pitching, over Cleve-j land Indians In a heavy hitting' game here yesterday put the two clubs Into a tie for third place In the American League standing, the idle Chicago White Sex' possession! of second place being only mathematical. The margin of the leading j New York Yankee whose game, yesterday was postponed on account of rain, over the three run-ners-up is now thr?e full games. In the only National League game yesterday, the Pittsburg Pirates defeated the St. Louis Cardinals in a close pitchers' batUe and displaced them from second place. The New Yoik OiatvU' mar-. gin of leadership is now four and a hall games. Pc. .711 .578 .572 .553 .512 .410 .388 282 .628 .561 .564 .561 .476 .452 .410 .333 Americans Get Sweepstake Fund NEW YORK, June 7 -Over $2,- 000,000 came to the United States In prizes in the Irish Hospitals Sweepstake on the Derby this week. Several Americans receive first prizes exceeding $147,000. LEGION IS VICTORIOUS With all the scor'ng occurring In i the first half, Canadian Legion de feated Regiment by a score of 3 to 1 In last night's Oilhuly Cup senior football game. Ven. Archdeacon E. Hodson of Ocean Falls, who came here to attend the sessions of the synod of Caledonia diocese, sailed by the Prince George last night on his return to the paper town,. Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, Boating, Hunting, Swimming Make arrangements with SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace, B.C. to greet you. We meet all trains. Picnic parties every Sunday, 75c. Fare, adults, $350; each additional adult, $1.50. Hotel, Hot Springs or anywhere on the lake. MANY HEAR FINE MUSIC Students and Others Gathered Last Turning to Listen to Viggo Kihl masters of the musical art The recital was under the auspices oi the Ladies Musk Club. ANOTIIIK MAKKi'.l) HILL SPOKANK, June 7: Another marked bill from the Wejprluuer ransom money turned up here yesterday. A few days ago the first (note to appear wa-. reported from First Presbyterian Church was Huntingdon, Ore., where it liad pretty well filled last evening, j been wed to pure'vase a railway largely with piano atudenU and. ticket to Salt Lake City What U other musical people, to hear a! believed to have ben another of piano recital by Viggo Kihl who the ransom notes was tendered has been m the city conducting ; yesterday at the service statten in examination for the Toronto Ctn-; Yakima. It was a 930 bill. A . , . mA . iservaiory o-i aiuwc. it wm mic treat for music lovers. j The program took somewhat the: form of a history of the develop-1 came In the Seventeenth Century1 and his Sonata jn A flat In three movements was played to illustrate the fcdvances made. Chopin's Sonata In B Minor was the next. Modern music was illustrated by selections from Rachmaninoff and a number of other?, giving plenty of variety and full enjoyment to the audience who refused to be satisfied when the pianist left the stage and remained seated until he returned. Mr. Kihl left directly after the performance on the steamer Prince George for Vancouver, leaving behind him pleasant memories of his wonderful interpretations of the TERRACE jment of modern musk Illustrated There was lovely weather for by the playing of selections from victoria Day but Terrace was quiet the master. Mr. Klhl told of the M mom 0f the people spent the day rise of part music in the Sixteenth jat Utlc where Uwre a eeltora-Century. Bach being the leading 1 a bu game and a dance, exponent. This was followed byj Hayden and Mozart who earned xhc streets and roads about Ter- the work a step further. Beethoven raee are being planted with ave nues of beech trees whleh have been sent from Ontario In raspense to the public spirited request for! them by George Little. Some 1500 trees have up to the present been set out. Lat year Mr. Little obtained about the some number of sugar maple, these have been set out In a plantation overlooking tlief Skeena Bridge. The Wiflson Block on LakeM Avenue 19 being overhauled and a water connection installed. The building is to be used by the Pentecostal M anion as c place of meeting and residence for the KW. CAN'T I HAVE BBK A BIGGER ' Hfyr DISH FOR MY I Wwk mm,k, , . PUFFED i ry,. i i i - i westc WE'RE THE QUAKER PUFf ED PALVTOU DON T HAVE TOCOAX .CHILDREN TOUKf vV ritcccn 'wheat B & M PUFf ED RICE WATCH youngter go for bmk-fist with i zet When Quaker Puffed Wheat or QuaVrr Puffed Ric it on the table ! I low they love the luicioui, nut -like flavor of the whole grains puffed up to 8 tune normal arret With milk and sugar or fruit, this eay and lively cereal make a cua breakfast. One that youngsters low like candy' They eat without any urging. That's why we say, one hill m worth a thoutand uordt of t Mixing I Order today from your grocer 1 QUAKER PUFFED RICE PUFFED WHEAT bee'lSQQ Baseballs iSoftballs fOM BABE RUTH Canadian BoystGirli EOYSt CKIS ntPtVOUR CHANfl TO GIT ON! Of THE SOO RAIDING SO FT BAILS 4 wsfEAtts tVt ovmo away FRU ivery WUK IN (ANA0A.JUtlPtAD1HCUUS 6, se no me your entry MOW Contast good only In Canada I RULES. Jft rrlt M wenf or I UUmg "Why Vuk r.ci nati indllubtr Wiled Woarthmoil oiuIrjmrcri. "otUrUr to.tbr with top Irom I Qurter VuH Wht or titwktr PutM Kjcj puktftt tor IkmuiI) to UAliE l(U1'II.'o TK CM.k'f Oo.. iji.luXeoB. Snk.'Al coU. B aura to Mat ytmn wl btbr srp ant Hon I -oil o? PmIII llywi win. I k IM k.wl.M... nl4 mh w lr II mttkt N intrifi aufpa Am- . mot- TBI - w I AND 1 $24.75 MACKENZIE'S KURNITIIKK Stay young and let your friends admire you. Sleep on a Slumber King spring and spring filled mattress. The) are built for Merp, Phone 771 Third Ave. Hand Cut TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE Tip Top Tailor pre sent a range of British woollens that will blend in with the styles which the leading jylothing Designers luve selected for the well dressed nun. The blending of these patterns, tones and fabrics offer you a selection of hundreds of designs to choose from. Select your style and fabric and have your suit tailored to your personal measurements by Tip Top Tailors Limited P. CRAVETT0 Fourth Street NEW ROYAL HOTEL ). Zarelll, Proprietor -A IIOMi: AWAY f K IIOMK" Kales I1.U0 up SO Rooms Hot U Cold WaW Prince Hupert. D.C Thone 281 PA W ,M isjisUM! KEEP UP YOUR HOME II Pays to Paint and Ilcpair For best paint values and sound advice consult: GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 Mclirlde St. , USE 1MI PAINT H Vi. iJiiJl'iMi-11"1