1 PAGE FOUR - i The PEOPLES STORE Ltd. SPECIALS for Saturday and Monday Only Hosiery Mail Orders Attended To Promptly Lingerie . Beautiful Lace Trim- aervice 69c med sun sups, white Crepe . 65c & 95c jhand 1.89 Chiffnn 65c : Rayons per pr. 29c ve,LCrepLde ?ente f 1 1 lace trammed, adjust- 4 ... !1.UU 51 ftft pair able shouider strapSi Sockees, 2 pr. -15c 1.39 h Children's and Girls' Cotton Stockings, fawn Satin Teddier in peach X 6IJCt 19c u S1.65 Tarns & Caps, newest Crepe tie Chenc Ted-colors 1Qf dies- Ph tP-f 1Q at and white Blouses Striped Taffetas lovely designs OA a at Crepe and Waffles the latest designs. HOLIDAYS "now AVill You Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" TIell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING TENNIS FISHINO Hates $12 and. up. Modern Conveniences. Writ! or wireless for reservations to MADAME RAJAUT 1.29 u:iii.ainaiiii:M:i iiii'Ei.:rixi xi.eboi cbib mm m nnnua GROTTO TAXI 456 Three Cars at your service. Hcrt Morjran Bu Barric TROP. 4 The latest in motor transportation 3 CAR SERVICE Stan Moran, Proprietor up in up Blouseciaft Tailored out of the finest. Sa- ory $3.50 up KNITTED SUITS Two and 3 piece styles, fancy and Bramble knits, in an assortment of colors. 5.50, 6.50, 7.50 up Hi Dresses Mercerized Tafettas in all summer shades and sizes at $1.69 Beauti Ray Flat Crepes In all sices Q-f QO and shades VAtJO Satin Stripe Crepes in all sites Moss $1.85 Dainty Pastel Rayon.N Prints, all colors including flower blue blush and primrose and ffQ Mayburi 9&OV Just Arrived From Montreal's Largest Manufacturers New Design Sand Crepes The newest and prettiest designs in fine sand weave. YouH like the colors, the quality and price. $2.95 and $3.79 House Dresses 79c Suede Taffeta Princess Slips In white, pink and peach. Lace trimmed and adjustable shoulder strap 98c, $1.05, $1.19 UNDERWEAR Mesh Underwear in pink and white. Several styles to choose from. 49cset Just Arrived Direct from Montreal 18 All Wool Chonga Cloth POLO COATS Clark Gable & Swagger Styles. Convertible Collars. Wide Lapels. $11.95 AND $12.95 Saturday & Monday Only Come in and get yours! SWAGGER SUITS To fit the matron or the miss, in short, three-quarter and full length styles. Beautifully lined and tailored. As low as $5.95, $7.95, $9.95, $11.95, $13.95 up Be sure and see these Special Bargains as the quantity is limited. Saturday only! Twin Sweater Sets $2.39 A Large Assortment In girls' and women's Pullover and Coat Sweaters. Ranging from 95c up Men's, Women's and Children's Bathing Suits and Trunks, from 95c up See Our Men's Window For Values MERCHANDISE SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED The Peoples Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert BimfecKiaffiisixiiBrjixBsiiixKi bsbibibib tan mmiuzwinsn LIMITED I Dr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Wrinch of Hazelton arrived in the city from the interior on last night's train and sailed aboard the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. FUR CO ATS We have just received the largest and finest assortment of Ladies' Fur Coats ever received in our history. These coats are the last word In design shown In Canada's largest centres. You are Invited to come and inspect the same. Goldbloom The Old Rcliahle in THE DAILT NETTS J'JOt WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Petty Officer Jack Macfie. son of Mrs Helen Macfie if this city and for many years a well known member of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, who joined the Royal Canadian Navy a few monUis aco and was recently transferred .from Esquimau to Halifax, lies critically 111 today with pneumonia in hospital at Halifax, according to telegrams received at hte home The fact that he had just recovered from a se vere attack of measles makes his present condition the more serious. His numerous friends are hoping for an early improvement and recovery- Brinaln; passengers, mall and freight. C. N. R. steamer Prince John. Capt. Dan McKinnon. ved in port at 7:30 p m. Wednesday on a regular trip from Vancouver via the Queen, Charlotte Islands and wtll be here unUl 10 o'clock this evening when she will sail on her return south over the same route. There were 45 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Alice which was in port from 2 45 to 4:15 Wednesday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Pour persons disembarked from the vessel at this port while three went south aboard her. The Princess Alice, on the way south, made an extra eal. at Ocean Falls yesterday to load 150 tons of paper for Vancouver. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Clear, east wtnd, 56. Anyox Clear, calm. 57. Stewart Clear, calm. 52. Hazelton Clear, calm. 46. Smlthers Clear, calm. warm. Burns Lake Clear calm. 52. Mr r 9 a BRUISES Amu fit mklii, WIm(. Civet quick relief I TABLE SPECIALS Try Atussallem's Quality of Goods. They Always Please DEVONSHIRE L ROSE BUTTER 49c First Grade 2 lbs BROWN SUGAR 10 lbs. '. V.C. PINEAPPLE Sliced lib. talis, per Un KAMLOOPS TOMATOES Choice, 22's, 2 tins ROYAL CITY CORN 2 s 2 tins 53c 17c 23c 21c TERRACE POTATOES Good Quality, Just arrived ar 15 lbs H, per sack 51.35 ; ECONOMY BRAND Fresh Ground per lb JAP RICE 4 lbs FANCY RECLEANED CURRANTS, 2 lbs. . STRAWBERRY JAM 4-lb. tin MONOGRAM PURE MARMALADE 4-lb. tin MONOORAM PURE RED PLUM JAM, 4-lb. tin Head Lettuce, large, each Fresh Canteloupes, each COFFEE 25c 19c 26c 49c ORANGE 49c 39c 7c 15c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 IS FINE COMEDY Joan Crawford, CUrk Gable And Itobert Montgomery Starring In "Forsaking All Others'' Joan Crawford. CUrk Gable and Robert Montgomery, all 'ars of first magnitude in their own right are combined for the first time in Forsaking All Others." week-end feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Thu triumvirate is said to be perfectly cast In the new comedy which has been adapted from the stage hit of the same name. The locale Is socialite Parte Avenue with many beautiful settings. As a light comedienne left standing at the altar one minute and pursued by two handsome men the next. Miss Crawford is said to be at her best. Incidentally. It Is the first time she has attempted pure comedy. Oabte and Montgomery are both well known as masters of light comedy and they vie to outdo one another m the many hilarious situations that develop as the story unfolds. The supporting cast is excellent including Biliie Burke as a fllb-berty - Jlbberty society matron Charles Butterworth as Gamble's awkward shadow and Frances Drake as a seductive bUck-haired siren. For drunkenness. Adoiph Br-holts was fined $36 with option of seven days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate MeClymont In city oiler court Wednesday JONES Family Market MIONU 937 Legs of Lamb per lb. Shoulders of Lamb per lb Stewing Lamb, 2 tbs. 1 tin Peas Loin of Lamb per lb. Spare Ribs per lb. Good Com Beef 4 lbs Loin Lamb Chops per lb. Shoulder Veal per lb Stewing Veal per lb .. Tomato Sausage 2 lbs. Pot Roast of Beef per lb. Boiling Beef 3 lbs. Hamburger Steak 3 lbs Boiling Fowl per lb. I' riU)Ni;-337 20c 15c 25c 20c 10c 25c 20c 10c 10c 25c 10c 25c 25c 20c Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office .'515 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving I I Tonieht & Saturday FOR SALE Matine Sat,. 2:?,ft Three treat stars whooplnr. It up to beat The Thin .. , J" sj" jivmrc. mauc uj v o. an Dyke III. ai . at that lauth-and-tlirlll lilt' Joan lovrs Ilob, and cisri 1 tor Its fun is surprhinr and hilarious till tlVverr V'10 PBBBBfcBBBBMk4BB with CHARLES nrrrr.uwouTii iullie nrnvr FRANCES DRAKE ROSALIND Htssm A I II IH I I (H it GANG In "SIIIU.MPS FOR A DAY Hiny Bympmwv The Tortoise and the llare,! Ff aturc Starts 7 3" & 9 40 "lUinbow Canyon Save Your Pleasure in Kodak Snapshots The stage is? always set for Kodak snapshot: that will warm your heart for a lifetime. Don't neglect your precious opportunities Keep a Kodak hand. We have a complete stock of fine Kodaks, Priced from $1.25 to $32 Slop at the store and set- the various models first hand. Send your films to ns for export finiihing. Prompt Service Lowest Prices aMw BbBBbV ZI?1"" "MHaBBBBBBBIBBBBBte Brownies $125 up THE lUbr Hrowpic, luitmm'i latest, $1 2 Drnwnic Juniurs at 5- ") and 5 3. Regular llrownie with Magna-fir J crs and Diway Units. T.i Sis.20for2V4"x mip-shotiforonlr$3.aniithcS.i 16 for hrpcr (2 x4 4 ' pinurci at 53.5. You.l enjoy owning one of these smart Lastman camcrai sec them at our store MaSi VS. a a, un w' L V Utl t, II, t. 8 I. and Improvements . . ii -v r, tt 43. 1J. S3. 8. 6. and Improvements 4,"r"". Lot 4346. R. 5. CD., unimproved. Crown Gran, ito r. ; .... K Lot 1. D. 3. 8. 1, and improvements ....... 200 DC Lot 4. D. 27. 8. 5, and Improvements 25" W Lots 0 ii 10, U. 15. s. 7. and ImpruvemenU. Ohm. Vess Estate WOW N.E. U Lot 303. Alyamh U53 acres) and ImprotemenU, Wlntermute Estate t'"K-W Lot 3063. Alyansli doa acres) C acres ttaarcrt and in hay Wm. Btewart Ustate 60" w Lot 5 At 0. Dlk. 43, Sec. 6. ind Improvements. Including contenU. Ida Ramsay Estate w10 Lot 1045. R. 5, CD. (10 acres and improvements. Terr- 0j- M Rile 3. 8D. of Di. 1099. R 6. CD (4 acres) Terrace 100.03 OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR. WINDOW SCREENS Window Screens, 4 tlm 53c. C3c. 75c A Mack Wire Screen, 21, 30 & 36 in., per yard 30c 3Jc & Galvanized Screen, 30 & 36 In., per yard & SOc Screen Doors and Fittings $350 & I'09 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. D. ELIO HITYS EVKKYTIIING SKLLS KVKUYTIHNC FURNITDRi: DCAI.KIl & AtlCTIONKiJt Wc Sell New Dominion Linoleum by the Yard GREEN 421 soBsmsssssssssmsasssssmBsaammssam