I Friday June 7, 1935 NABOB NABOB . . f,rt J Ctfiiuflu to iiitrixliir Vuciiiiiii Put-Lin, now piwtitM TIIKKMAl.t) ... a new roasting proem thai trliHiut niire of rrry quality ,.t utakra ruffre ilrliriuiis. Cups and Saucers Values to $1.25. Special To clear Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to Rive satisfaction. Tnr a tn ol No, 1 Bulkley Valley We i UtT sell flinnthv llnv Wheat. Oa'j and Harley. I).:.. ... t i ij I n SI Phone. SSI 1 COFFEE Additional Values on Our Special Sale Fancy Stationery An excess stock to clear at low prices. Come in and see the values. School Watercolors Now is the time to buy. A new assortment . ju.st in. To clear on a quick turnover. Spec. 10c, 15c & 25c 1935 Bathing Caps In aborted colors, shn)es and sjy.es. COME TO Dunn's Cottages and Tents for holiday on famous North Beach. River and sea bathing. Boats for hire Fishing 'and hunting. Open air badminton, Clock golf. Dancing. Dining room. Oood plain cooking. Terms moderate For particulars apply MKS, DUNN Sangan Itlver Near MasseU, D C. TheFsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd, PRINCK RUPERT, B.C. 15c t0 50c 50c Sun Glasses t0 ftn In all tihailfs ami sizes, J1UU l'M.MOI.l E SIIAMITO-Spccial 15c Ormes Ltd. Jtff Pioneer Driiff tats rhf Keiall 8 tor Phonem XI & 82 Open Daily I'rom t a.m. till 10 p.m. SuitaaH-snil Holiday From 12 nmi till 2 p.m.. 7 p.m. till 9 pm. UNION STEAMSHIP UMITKl) Steamers leave PrUice Rupert for Vancouver-TS.S, CATAI.A I'.VI.UV TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M."" - , Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.S, CAHIIENA KVIIKY I ItlDAY MIDNIGHT. Arming Vancouver Monday am. MllinKi to Port Vmth. Anyei wewsrt and Nu Rlwr point, last Prlnr Hupwt Sunday. 8pm ftirtner information regarding all sailings and ticket aW- PKINCf KI IT.KT MtrCV: third Arm rhm M COAL! COAL! THJE DAILY NTWB FACE THREE 11 Li If tJ J Mr' PREMIUM Ilaptlst Strawberry tea June 19. Brown's 25e Taxi and Messen- GIGANTIC ttl 14 ATM.OC.tJK Kcl IIUIIC Be warm "and comfortable by rtd- K'MytlfeualasAC. lhg in 32 Taxi It costs the same. A new shipment of white carl-ooa ; u sandals fust arrived. Annette' A new shipment of white cari-lxa sandals Just arrived. Annette's. j " ; Presentation Jubilee medals to (dancing pupils at concert and i dance lh UglCn Han June 8 at 8 pjn., admission 25c. 130 W. P. ironside, assistant factory j inspector, after a brief visit here on official business sails by the 'l'rincess Adelaide Ihls evening on his return to Vancouver. J C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of pub- jUc works, returned to the city on 'the Prince John Wednesday eve- nlng from a ten day trip to the 'Queen Charlotte Islands on official ' duties. Mr and Mrs. W. L. Coates, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon. Harold MacDonald. purser of the steamer Princess Elaine, who has been relieving Mr. Coates here as general agent for the Canadian Pacific Rail. ay. wl'l return south on the Princess Adelaide tonight. 678-Notke-678 ZONE SERVICE between Mors? Creek Bridge and Emmanuel St. 1 or 2 passengers 35c., each additional passenger 10c.; Section 21 or 2 passengers 50c, each additional passenger 10c.; Emmanuel St. east to Cold Storage 1 'or 2 passenger 50c each additions passenger lOr Waiting time 2.50 per hour Rid the Zone Way T. Olenn. proprietor 129 Announcements Parent Teachers Tea. Mrs. Aler. MacKenzle's June 7. Lutheran Ladies' Aid tea and sale of fancy work and home-cooking, June 15. Catholic Ladies' Tea. Mrs. Ward's Atlin Avenue June 20. Canadian Legion, BJLS.L. Picnic, June 23. Sons of Norway picnic, June 30. Presbyterian Bazaar, November Moose Hall TUESDAY, JUNE 11 Bridge and Dance Oood prizes A: refreshments. Included Admission 35c qUauty MEATS A LAMB Legs, lb 28c Shoulders, lb 20c Loin Roast, lb 25c Chafing To relieve chaAnl apply cooling, soathmg .Mefunoiaium to I he Irritated skin. 130 Yoo can, rent acar at Walker's a Utw as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a inUe, Miss Willa Dyer sailed last night on the Prince, George for a trip to Vancouver to take legal examlna-Uons. II. F. MacLeod will sail on the "Prince John tonight for Tlell. Queen Charlotte Islands, where he plans on doing some fishing during the next ten days. Mr. and Mr. F. H. Bartman were passengers aboard the Prince Otorge laat evening going through from Anyex to Vancouver enroute to Hamilton, Ont. . . Mathew A. Myros of Hazelton will leave the Interior town on tomorrow morning's train for Quebec where he will embark June 15 on board the Empress of Britain for a trip to Stanlslawow, Poland. Re-1 turning, he will leave Le Havre,1 France, on the new French liner Normandle July 24. 1 O- H. Crrpps. provincial assessor, ill sail tonight on -he Prince John tor a trip to Massett and other Queen Charlotte Island points on official business. .MOKE TOTEM POLES HERE The steamer Prince John, on her present voyage, brought in four more totem poles from the Queen Charlotte Islands, completing a gift of ten such poles which have been presented to the city by Isl and native. T. B. Campbell, totem ! pale preservation engineer for the Canadian National Railways, will 3e here for two weeks this month to direct the renovation and preparation of the poles for erection. r BUY A TAG FROM ARMY SATURDAY The climax of the self. denial campaign of the Sajva- tlon Army comes on Saturday when there will be a' tag day throughout the city at which the local Olrl Quides and Sun- beams will aid. People are ask- ed to give this tag tile fullest possible support. 130) I 4 0fuv(Ry VEAL Rumps, lb. 20c Shoulders, lb 15c Rib Chops, lb 22c Breast of Veal or Lamb, lb 10c 28c lb. AYRSHIRE BACON lb. 28c Cottage Rolls 9ffn Swift's Picnic -t Qn per lb if3K' Hams, per lb. . . Pork Tenders 28C ?0rk Spare Ribs 25C )C1 H) lt)Sa 3 lbs. 78c COMET BUTTER 3 lbs. 78c Pork Butts, lb 20c Burns' Bakeasy 9Q Butt Chops, 2 lbs. . 45c 2 lbs Remember You Can Get it at the Sterling m We are closing out -all broken lines in our various shoe departments at prices that YOU CANNOT HELP BUT HUY, FOR THREE DAYS ONLY! As These Lines Are Limited, Would Advise to Shop Early JUST A FEW OF OUR "GIVE AWAY" PRICES Women's White Pumps, Straps and Oxfords in plenty ol variety Mostly broken sizes Q4 QQ To clear -?I.t70 120 Pairs of Women' black Brown and Suede Pumps. Ties and Straps In various heels. Values to $5.50 To clear 60 69c TtMIU.lt SLK X-18.VW SL69 up The fire on Second Avenue early Thursday morning was well under way when the department was called by a Chinaman who saw smoke and flames gushing from the windows. Chris Johnson and Dusty- Miller were still In the building at the ttme. Miller had his hair singed when he opened a door and a bolt of flame met him. For a time the fire looked quite threatening and Pat Phlllipson and other business men in the neighborhood started to move out. The department, however, got a hose on the flames from the rear entrance and soon had the blaze under Scaled twidem wilt be rec4vd by the District ForestM Prince Rupert. B.C.. not later taan noon on the 37th day ni June, 1935. for the purchase of Licence X 18538 near But Rapids. C.R. 5. to ntf. 1090 board feet, of Spruce. Balsam and Hemlock. One year will be allowed Tor removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria B.C.. the DUtrlct Fttr-eetw. Prince Rupert. B.C . Ranger O. . Frc!. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMHCR SALE X-1S539 There wUl be offered for ile by Public Auation at the office of the District Forester at Prince Rupert. B.C.. at noon on the 30th day of June 1935, the U-ence X-18539 situated on Sedwlck Bay, Q.C.X.. to cut 1831 F.B.M. of Spruce, Cedar and Hemtook. Provided anyone unable to attend the Auction In person, may aubmlt a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of Auction and trotted as one bid. One year will be allowed for removal of this timber. Particulars of Chief Forester. Victoria, District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. or Ranger J. B. Boon, Prince Ru-prt. B.C. Boys' irom at CD CO Men's BlacK ana Brown Oxfords In up to date styles. 90 pairs Q-f QQ to choose from. To clear Men's Sports Oxfords in brown ii fawn and black & whHe R u; up tj the mir,utes yles. QS Off To clear PAIRS MEN'S STORM KING GUM BOOTS in Goodrich, Gutta I'ercha, Dominion makes, highest grades possible. Sizes 6, 10, 11 and' 12. To clear 87c up Want Ads MALE HELP WANTED WE ARE SELECTING A LIMITED number of young men to train' for positions In high-speed Diesel j engineering, also Television Radio and Broadcasting: 2 Distinct) Trainings. Those accepted wifcj receive a preliminary training at home and then taken to our! shops for special practical exper- j ience at our expense. Must be mechanically inclined, studious.; and tletermined to succeed. Ap ply. giving address, and training desired. Box 241, Dally News. WANTED WANTED Four or five roomed house, preferably with furnace, reliable tenant, no children. Box 242 Dally News. 131 FOR SALE FOR SALE Cary Safe $75. Apply, Dally News Office. sf; FOR SALE Trolling or gill net' wvav, ,i-" t "5 n a, j Phone Green 399. (131) WE have left with us for sale a 3V by 44 lea Camera with film holders. Price $12.50. Wrathall's Photo Finishing. tf PAINTERS Men's from PAINTINO na Paperhanglnn 1 Moller. Phone Red 802. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 We sell circulation. We have It. $4.37 WOMEN'S TENNIS AND RUNNING SHOES SPECIAL 200 Youth's from Prs. White, Fawn and Brown Oxfords and Straps with plain or colored trimmings, with heels or without Greatest variety to choose from. Values to $2.00. To clear MEN'S, ROYS' AND YOUTHS' RUNNING SHOES 420 Pairs Running Shoes of all descriptions To cleai 78c 99c up THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE ! R. L Mcintosh has been in town this week from his summer homej at Terrace to attend the sessions of : the Anglican Synod. He arrived; from the interior on Tuesday! night's train and will be returning j there next Monday evening. Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record ol all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 --STET-- The Washable Kalsomino What It Will Do STET Will alhw you to wash off smudges and blemishes which often spoil an ordinary Kalsomlne wall. STET Colors will not fade. STET-Walls need no sizing. STET May be applied over new plaster without fear of burning. It? is not necessary to wait six months before kalsomlnlng with STET. STET Is so easy to apply and to mix. No bother, no waiting, by the time you are ready for STET It is ready for you. You will be agreeably surprised at the results. STET Will cover water stains perfectly with two coats. Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 Everybody reads the DallyNews There's a reason. I k i ! k