1 PAQS roua THE DAILY NEWS I i j i Acme Importers will be Closed Wednesday & Thursday April 10 and 11 To re-arrange Stock for our Liquidation Sale Watch For Further Announcements A REPUTATION Fyr Quality and Guaranteed Satisfaction Whatever you buy at MUSSAL-LfcMS S1URE is guaranteed to tained a standard, and our steady growth is solidly based upon quality, price and satisfaction nowhere will you find more TRUE ECONOMY than at MUSSALLEM S STORE r MAGIC BAKING POWDER 5-lb. tin $1.25 2Mb. tin 65c 12-oz. tin 23c Buy the beet at these new low prices. KLIM - it, & WIU. tin . o 1- 24-lb. tin $1.63 Mb. tin 79c ROGER'S GOLDEN SYRUP' 10-lb. tin 83c 5-lb. tin 43c 2-lb. tin . : 19c CRISCO 1-lfa. tin D. C. Lv MALT Light ii Dark, 2fc-lb. tin BLUE RIBBON MALT 3-lb. tin DOMINION HOPS ii"s 3 pkgk... SMALL WHITE BEANS " 6 lbs. AYLMER tdRK & BEANS 16-oz, 3 41ns i 25c $1.23 $1,431 25c' 25c 22c , t PURE LARD I ! 10-lb! tin .$1.73 1 5-lb. tin 85c I 1 3-lb. tin 54c 1 , Pa? Cash Pay Less Orders $1.00 or more delivered Free MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 rhone 18 FRESH MILK AND . CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY '.FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 First White Man In Terrace Area Has Passed Away TERRACE. April 9:-W. Megger-son, aged about sixty, died recently. Mr. Meggerson had been prospecting around Usk for many years. He was. as he himself used often to give satisfaction and to be of good remark, "the first quality. For 25 years we have main-1 this country ." white man in COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and. Bulkley Valley Coals are. guarat teed to give satisfaction. Try.i. ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley.. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat" pats and Barley. Prince ttupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 5SJ Lloyd's Baby Coaches $27.50 Lloyd's Colla psible Carts $8.50 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 Third Ave. Beautiful Waves By our new and latest Helen Curtis Machine, featuring Eugene and Princess Marina combination permanent. Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone CSS MANURE For Sale $1.50 a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red C08 "TILLIE THE TOILER" District News TERRACE 1 Bright sunny days with sharp frosts at night have characterized the past week. Farming and gardening operations are delayed in I consequence, the ground being still ; frown hard as a rock. Messrs. White and Sutherland, expert horUculturallsts, were here during the past week, giving demonstrations of tree pruning. Their visit was sponsored by the Farmers' Institute and many of the members availed themselves of the demon strations to Improve their own work. The Oddfellows' put on a minstrel . show last Monday. It was well done of the smaller kiddies were not used to seeing people with black faces so they departed in tlie arms of their parents, not without considerable vocal protest of the show. Mrs. J. B. Farquhar of Surf Point is staying with her mother, Mrs. T. J. Marsh. fenders who may feel disposed to deface the trees or dump old bottles and other rubbish. It is felt that the park may be a valuable asset to the place, occupy tag, as it does a piece of hilly ground well covered with forest and adjoinln gthe village. A Cottage 'Long The Skeena River By R. II. Chestnut) I've a cottage long the Skeena, Though small it's neat and clean; From, it I view the valley slopes. Of mine, of trap. 1 glean; Their lure of riches and renown, Has led me far I tro' But now. close long the river's . bank, I watch-the Skeena flow. Flow oo.Skeena. flow onward to the sea. Flow on skeena, your waters come to me. From far upstream whereof I dream, Of meadows, bench and bar. But here I rest from life's behest. Flow on. flow on, flow on. I've a cottage Ion the Skeena. With fruit trees now in blow, and drew a full house. One or two n's a garden all surrounding. Where flowers love to grow. The comfy dot of all known spots. And here my footsteps cling. For it's a- land of sunshine Summer, fall, winter, spring. DEATH OF PUBLISHER Continued from Page 1 ' J. Ra-mond Henry On Thursday th- Forestry Dc-l"16. partment staged & show In, theano . VT v and other hands was P53"1-to Oddfellows' Hall. It was much- en-J Joyed by young and oldtThe objects was to teach the defirabllit ofl preserving the fore-ts frohtitire- 1 V I On Thursday nleht theTerrace Ladles' Debating Club had for their subject a debate whether '.the nurs ing or the teaching profession 'wain most useiui to uy country. Tnf ourses won. Terrace district: has i lost two much' respected ' resided t Jn the persons of Mr.- and Mrs.' Frafak Nlghtwihe The Nlghtwines hive spfnwhe past lew years prospect- tag ,5 'the Douglas Creek country nortrj-df town and, both rjav'e lived here a good many years, they havV decided to retire.- 16 some easier part oI: the, country where they wi& have more neighbors and perhapsJ a warmer climate. i t Mrs C.-',R. Gilbertj h5s departed for California o'spend some time with relatives. Mrs. T. J. Marsh has returned to her. Terrace home after spending thejijtater in the south. Terrace Park Is Being Improved Work Debit Carried Out by Muni clpahty Stricter Rules Governing Resort TERRACE, April 9: George Lit tle and crew are clearing up and improving the appearance of Ter race Park by removing fallen trees. brush, etc., and those trees which, though still standing, are dead and, therefore, a menace to the safety of people using the park woods for picnicking. The corporation has undertaken this work and is now drawing up a fairly strict set of rules to govern the park in the future. Notices will be posted at stra tegic points warning possible of on its wav to slow extinction. Once rat? In the Ochs genius, and Confidence wire" manifested in a prottlem that ottyer experienced publishes declined lb tackle. In Uyee years, after its organization ,the company fxs placed on a paying basis. Sihce then; with Mr. OchJ as the dominating figure, the New York Times! his risen" from the 4 bottom to the top In the Volume of business among. New York daily newspapers. i v 'lh the newspaper field, outside of hli own personal enterprises, Mr. Ochs took d ereater Interest in the affairs of The Associated Press than anv other activity. Adolph Simon Ochs was born at Cincinnati. Ohio. March - tt: 1858 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Latest boats to clear from here for the halibut fishing grounds on their first tripu of the season are the Aleve. Capt Fred Blunden which got away yesterday, and the Wabash. Capt. E Pierce, which left today. This makes twenty-five vessels of the regular local fleet which are now at sea. First catches should start arrlvirg towards the end of this week The Reardon. Smith freights Jersey City, coming hece from the Orient to load a full cargo of gralni trom the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator Mr the United King dom or Continent, was 400 miles out at noon yesterday and is ex pected to be here by the sched uled date tomorrow, she will Immediately go on berth at the elevator to commence loadinc. www m CNJt. steamer Prince John. Cap tain jieu McLean, is making a speedy run northward this trip from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte IskuMU and It expected to be In port by late tonight. The vc9ol left SkMegate Inkt at 1 o'clock last night for Massett In let Union simmer CttUU, OapL J as Flndlay. returned to port at noon today from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1 30 ver and this ajternon for waypotnti. 1 . & The historic, Junkers low-winged monoplane from which - the late Pilot "Paddy Burke lost hU life In the Yukon Territory some years ago and whw'h.ia' now operated by the Pacific Airways pi. Vancouver arrivedt,nere at 1 2:30. noon t today from Vancouver, whert it hral hopped off efitt o'clock this rtdrnlng. and left at 2:30 this afternoon lor , th OilMtl nHnrtnltr, Tt1ant I'lW. Ed. Samiison at ntlatnnd William Holland as co-pllotithe plane has on board two mlntn men who will visit properties on the Islands. The the son ot Julius a:.d Bertha Levy 'plane and party is expected bark uens. wim rus lamuy ne moveo m 1865 to Kncxrille, Tenn.' ! On February 28. 1883, Utj Ochs married Miss Iphlgent ; ktlrUm Wise, daughter of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Wise of C'ncinnajl They had one daughter. Iphlgene, who In 1917 became the vdfe of lArthur nays ouizDcrger. vice-pre.-u.tv oi the New Ydrk Times Company. St. Peter's Girls? Club Ends Season Games and Contesti Enjoyed, Sup per Senred and Priies Awarded At Party Last Nleht St. Peter's Girls' Club, which has had a successful season during the past winter under the direction of Miss Mabel Dickinson and Mrs. C. J. Norringtoh, concluded the sea son's activities last night in the church hall with an enjoyable party at which games and contests were engaged in and supper served Prizes for needlework taught at the club were presented Jo Miss Phyllis Hill-Tout, first, and Miss Jean Smith, second. Contest winners) were Misses 'Thelma Skog. Phyllis Hill-Tout. Ella Krause and Jean Storrie. The presentations were made by Canon W. F. Rushbrook. The attendance prize went to Miss Dorothy Shrubsall with a perfect record. One of the Interesting diversions of the evening was an Irish Jig by i four little girls In costume Ella Krause. Helen MacDonald, Margar et Lamb and Joan Squire. here in two or three fdavs south bound. It called here today to Daily News Want-Ads. brine quick result. rhildren's.Colds Checked Chedcad Vhhatit vhhout dotmg. Rub on VAPORUB CVtg W UlttlQH JXBS UStD YCABtY Organization Is Completed Yoanic Liberal AvocUtln Fills Executive and Adopts Coiutl-tution and Bylaws Organtxatton of the Prince Rupert Young Liberal Association was xtmpleted at a meeting last night In the Metropole Hall when places in the executive were filled and a xmsUtutlon and bylaws drawn up.4 rhe possibility of entering a team n the Senior Football League was discussed. The executive of the association 1s as follows: President, o. p. Lyons. Vice-President, Douglas Frlaell. Seeretary-Treasurcr. R. E. Mortimer. Executive Spiro Ourvlch. WIN iiam Murray. E. AnxnellL D. Retd. Bronson Hunt and Patsy Mazzel. "Have You Work For WUIIng lland'.'toJ)or EMPLOYMENT SERVICE PLAN Executive Offices: 315 Third Ave.! Believing that a dollar Investtd In employing men and women will Improve conditions and relieve the call for charity. I fwc offer full co-operation by hereby pledging that I (we wilL during the next s4r month, expend approximately $ -v. A Difference of Opinion Signed Address; . Telephone : GET YOUR Easter ' NOW Business , Residence .. Business Residence LAST snow1Xrit Jut One Smi idt r., . i McFADDEffil FLATS 'At : t When i hi te McTa there's ri.r eHeoratiu: fV, generation' KL'hZZi th itum Mitng in N, "When the Cst i suf Worlds Sti t,fBU Cards No. 4: i Full selection of beautiful cards to chooc from. member your friend and relatives at (his pleisiui season. Cards . . 2 for 5c and 5c, 10c and Easter Novelties For the Children CHICKS j HASKKTS 1 RAHU1TS Easter Novelty Carls Ealiter Napkins and Decorations WHAT YOU AUK ASKED TO SIGN ornci: kkcorhs V Do Not Pay Money to Any Representative of "The Plan Simple Pledge That Residents Arc Asked to Make 1 "-A jjj, v-S BIIDS K1EVJ PLAY j H TNS OMNtE Dt8E lMOuy PLAVVqiSHrJ F'lTi i&rQfi5 t VT (Wn u Itheansle fy he's verv fcJ , -By Westoveil