We Buy for Less. The RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Boy's Oilskin Slickers, make, from 4 to 14 years Men's Oilskin Slickers "Towers," from . . . NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 198 If you wish to swap a classified. "Towers" $2.95 We invite your inspection of our Fall and Winter Coats with and without fur, in the season's newest styles, at prices to suit every purse. Men's Turnbull Underwear in fall and winter Weight. $1.49, $1.69, $2.25 and up Men's Work Pants, in -all weights. $1.49, $2.49, $2.79 and up 395 1111 I I I 7:30 p.m. Great Moments in torv. KGO. 8;30 Melody Lane, KLX. .io -- uamsKis Alabama KJR. 9:45 Silver Strains, KLX. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2 Short Wave, 25 Mtrcs 11:00 a.m. World Series Hook-up, KDKA, CJRX. 6:30 p.m. 20,000 Years in Sing Sing, KDKA. 7:20 Orera Oernel Violin Recital, Daventry, GSD. 31 Metres 6,: 00 Town Hall Tonite, W2XAF. Standard 7:00 p.m. March of Time, KOIN. 8:15 Happy Valley Folks, KHQ. 8:30 Music In the Modern Manner, KJR. 9:00 Town Hall Tonite, KPO. 10:30 Valesco Russian Eagle Quartet, KNX. SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC Phone Bine 320 RW yourself of CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION RHEUMATISM with jtn womstuiNOiitMtDYOf in know Canada "Til LIE THE TOILER" Ltd. We Sell For Less Special Clearance of Odd Lines of Dresses in light and dark crepes, at the low price 2 Silk Knit Slips, lace trimmed or plain tailored style with built up shoulder 69c, 95c, $1.25 Twelve only Ensembles in the finest of materials. Just the thing for informal wear. S8-95, $12.95, $16.95 10 ONLY Chiffon Dresses Complete With Slips Smart New Styles Special Clearance $4.95 a I Compare Our Prices We Deliver and Ship Out-of-Town Orders at No Extra Cost. It Will I'ay You to Investigate NESTLE'S MILK Tails Vz case $2.15 C.N.R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pjn. From the East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10:20 p.m. HIGHLITES MONDAY. SMPT 30 7:00 p.m. Popeye the Sailor, KGW. I , io ionic iunes, riJK. tin nor per un Qc 8:45 New Tunes For Old, KSL. CANADIAN SALT-Plain or Offp Iodized, shakers, 3 for ..Is WHITE BEANS A ryn 4 lbs 1L SPLIT LENTILS For soups 2 5 (J CHRISTIE'S SODAS Royal Creams. 1-lb. pkg. WHITE SPRING SALMON l's, 3 tins HEINZ PICKLES All varieties, qt. jars BEST FOODS' MAYONNAISE, 16-oz. Jar SAANICH CLAMS l's 2 tins SAANICH CLAMS Minced,' Vs, 2 tins PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES per pkg 18c 35c 43c 39 c 27c 29c 15c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 "SBFSTZaSEB MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE PILLOWS BY SIMMONS 45 Pairs Pillows g jn from, per pair . . . vlw" 327 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 775 11:00 Violin and Organ, KGW. TUESDAY, OCT. 1 . Short Wave, 25 Metres 8:30 a.m. Hessbergers Bavarian Orchestra, KDKA. 11:00 Elsie Chambers Daventry. GSD. 12:00 The Silver Flute, KDKA. 4:30 p.m. Pittsburg Varieties, KDKA. Standard His- WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil McLean, returned to potr at 9:45 Saturday night from Stewart and has now been withdrawn from service to be tied up at the local dry dock for the winter. Later the vessel will be given iher annual overhaul. The Prinrp George will operate on a weekly schedule between here and Vancouver. The Prince Rupert moved Into the dry dock this morning. lay, arrived in port at 4 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound Stars, Capt. Findlay has taken over com mand or tne' Catala owing to Indisposition of Capt. A. E. Dickson. On a regularly scheduled voyage to Alaska, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 0 o'clock this morning from ine south and sailed a couple of hours later for Skagway and other northern points whence she is due to return here on Friday afternoon southbound. The Princess Louise brought 29 passengers north, six of whom disembarked .here. She took eight passengers on here for. the north. The provincial police cruiser P. M. L. 8 returned to port on Sunday from Wrangell, bringing in two men named Hallas and Juleln who were fined $300 and three months' Imprisonment, with the option of an additional three months imprisonment in event of falling to pay their fine, for operating a still at Telegraph Creek. Everybody reads the Dally News There's a reason. ; . 1 ; - . . TEX DAILY HSWB The Letter Box I THE IRON HEEL Editor, Dally News: i Mr. Bennett, in his role of a ra-idlcal re-organizer of vague projects 'of reform, Is a patheUc figure to 'those familiar with his very recent past. ' In January, 1934, he made some very abusive attacks on the revolutionary, radical policies and intentions of the Liberals and in his budget speech of April 26, 1932, he vi-'ciously attacked Vincent Massey tfor sponsoring and circulating a program of extensive social reconstruction. Time moved on and at Vancouver, on January 10, 1934, he showed none of that ardent sympathy for the unfortunates that now pulsates through his harangues. "Where," he demanded to know from his Vancouver audience, "Is the spirit of our pioneers who tilled our soil and worked in our forests? Did they go to the government whenever they wanted anything? They didn't ask governments to be a wet-nurse to every derelict." In an address in Toronto in the following November he was very philosophical about the existence of poverty. "Remember," he said, "the words of the Man of Nazareth: "'The poor we have always with us.' Nineteen centuries have passed but still it is so," and he specifically charged the Liberals with sharing the radical views of the C. C. F. Mr. Bennett went on to declare that he had a short way for dealing with the leftist movements. Quoted: "And we ask every man and woman to put down the iron heel and ruthlessness against a thing of that kind." Here spoke the real Mr. Bennett. Hurrying back from Toronto on January 22. 1934, he appeared again as the unyielding defender of things as they were against those who would, if they dared, lay hands on sacred established order. And who were these public enemies? The Liberals. In an address on that occasion to the young Conservatives, he said: "While1 those of the Conser vative faith ; have been working 117 If Vl Vi I rrVi nn..a.A 9 11. i Having been delayed by engine effort to bring an even keel, what trouble on her way north, Union! do we find on the Liberal side? We sieamsr uataia, Capt. James Find- na unrest capitalized. I would like to promise a spectacular move that would make you hip hooray, but, gentlemen, you did too much of that a few years ago, forgetting that some day the bills would havP to be paid." Here again spoke the real Mr. Bennett. He speaks as he does now because he hopes and thjnks that he will be able to reach the position where he can speak again the sentiments of two years ago. LIBERAL. DEFENDS SECTION 98 Editor, Daily News: In your publication of 27th inst. in the "Letterbox" one signing himself "British Justice" undertakes to tell your readers why Section 98 of the Criminal Code should be repealed and that the section is covered by Sections 87 and 89 of the Criminal Code. If that were so why Is there such a furore by the would-be lawless ones over Section 98 and never a word against Sec- vj iu ovc met is mat there are "teeth" In Section 98 that are not In evidence In the Sections 87 and 89. If a bad boy is told that he should not do mischief It is no deterrent, but if he is promised a good, severe punishment he does not like it and starts trying to get the nunlshmpnt. nm mise removed and that Is exactly g " ' VII'T'T i -ill '-j!i.:,x.ii:n .j. ... I I I the way with those who actually want Section 98 repealed. The ones who are trying to catch votes by promising to do away with this law are in a different class, will leave It to your readers to decide whe ther that class Is above or below the class to whom they are pandering. Your correspondent must have got slightly twisted when saying that Sections 87 and 89 covered Section 98 as it Is the reverse, Sec tion 98 covers Sections 87 and 89 ind was passed since the world got tainted with communism as a measure to safeguard our country. To my mind it Is very necessary that we have laws with teeth In them, Judging by various things, lately the examples set by the class who are trying to get Section 98 repealed are very good evidence that we need those laws to keep hood-lumlsm under. I would very much like to have some "wise guy" tell me why any law-abiding citizen would object to the much talked of Section 98 of the Criminal Code. As your correspondent of last week has appropriated the pseudonym of British Justice I shall be obliged to simply sign my name, as I simply could not think of trying to imagine a pseudonym so very suggestive as his (or hers). JAMES A. BROWN. r. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m, Thursday ss. Prince George 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelalde...l0 p.m. Ss. Cardena midnight Saturday ss. Prince Rupert 10:30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Cataja 4 pan. Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 ajn Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide ....4 p.m Ss. Cardena , ... pm Sept. 11, 21 and 30 ..... a.m. Tor Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala , 8 p.m. Friday ss. Pr. Rupert .... 10 pjn. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 a.m. Saturday ss. Pr Rupert . 8 p.m. To Anyox and Alice Arm Sunday ss. Catal3 8 p.m. Wednesday Pr. George.. 10 p.m. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Sirloin Steak 2 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Stew Veal, 2 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions ... Hamburger, 2 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Stewing Lamb, 2 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Veal Chops 3 lbs Shoulder of Veal, 4 lbs. & 1 lb. Lard Shoulder of Lamb 4 lbs ; Lamb Chops 3 lbs Pot Roast of Beef, 4 lbs. & 1 lb. Lard Leg of Veal per lb. Rump Roast of Beef per lb PHONE 95; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Specials 50c 25c 25c 25c 35c 25c 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c 15c 15c Tea in Honor Of Miss Jean Grieve Parents of Groom Entertain at Affair Sunday Afternoon For Popular Bride-Elect In honor of Miss Jean Grieve. whose marriage to George C. Mlt- jchell will take place on Thursday of this week, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mitchell, Atlln Avenue, were hosts at a delightful afternoon tea yesterday at their beautiful home. There were about one hundred callers and the rooms were attractively decoratei for the occasion. Pouring at a tea table which was attractively decorated with red roses were Mrs. C. F. Kemp, Mrs. G. W. Abbott. Mrs. G. W. Laldler land Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls. Cutting the ' Ices were Mrs. J. A. Frascr and 1 Mrs. N. L. Freeman. Serviteurs were Misses Margaret McQulre, Miss Jessie Moffatt, Miss Polema Cameron, MlSS Wllla Dver. Miss Iirnn Me. I Laren, Miss Margaret McCaffery and Miss Laura Frlzzell. Notice Pursuant to the piovlsion of Bylaw numbered 889, passed by W. J. Alder, Commissioner appointed for the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert under Part XXIII of the "Municipal Act." on the 18th day of September, 1935, the sale of lands for taxes, which was to be held on September 30th, 1935, is abandoned. D. J. MATHESON, (226) Collector of Taxes. Try a Dally News classified ad. THE Tf V n w.uut and i I,, i w "S Lambral Chapter, Lfjl i mi rax n .Vvlfl m. J K ill. iirv y "demers" The cream of th fashions . . ilve nlng create 25 Mannequins jeweis and Ace-- Max Hejbre? Fash on Rh r,. "- OKTIIRKrnrr MARTA EGGERT "THE UNFIMSH! SYMPHONr TIME SCIIEDIH "Unfinished SymD1 v Comedy News Fashion Show "Unfinished "ices Revert Bi Old Scale For This S unly FRESH MfLK AS CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAW Phone 657 WAY IC IIICT AC Ciumr mc ilfllk Wffl 7V- ..tlK)valfeM.l,UWl MOOCLCM $121.00 W. Til AUK IN.. W.H off., gtntfum Itawtnr pmat art. Uat i lit tumt 'CM4 TnairT a lit iid at 4 fd. TO TUNE IN ON RCA Victor Cloba Trotter Radio ku txroma trunf mom with raven aliort lone, wire radio. N i to new Globe Tratten far 193S-36, world-wide perferwM reechei a new ak of perfection. Eauer anj Bin accurate tuning of European. American ahort wen tiona aa well aa the alandard wave profr.ma. BrillUal ton qaalilr, love It cabineta. See hear then at et atero. lido clioic of moJela ... at nodereta frio ciir terse. RCA Victor C&JfjKSttiH. RADIO ' m METAL TUBES Shells and Cartridges in all gauges and calibres eMaeMv5.M HUNTERS' REQUISITES Axes - Rifles - Gun Oil - Gun Grease Guns - Knives - Lanterns - Flash Light THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. A "Close Call" For Mac MAC, AE YOU. r V at vy ? . 0IIA rJAf'J 1 1 THAT FlrSTT -TT3r SE ' f' o -By Westovei