PAGE TWC - - They're Here! New 'OMT STOS For Fall r New "Onyx" Shoes that are fashioned ; right for . y Autumn wear. I Other lines are arriving daily . fall showing. Third Avenue UAILV EDITION Your inspection invited! Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone PURCHASING ALBERTA to complete our The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations Phone .357 auaaairiiia:w Rinnvms mKiiaraKnTiEixvi c THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue a P. PULLEN Managlng-Edfcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lessor periods, paid In advance, per week B partVf Brllish Columb. the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, pel- year . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incn. per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion " ' Local readers, per Insertion, per line 98 . 86 ii- $5.00 It. 3.00 9 00 1.10 .02 .25 SF Thursday, September 12 1935 EAST AND WEST It is the expressed opinion of Mitchell Hepburn of On-.tario that the east would send a majority of Liberals to iarliament but he was not so sure about the west. Evidently his suggestion was that the west miVht not fall in line with the east and might Jose the advantages Which could accrue from a Dominion policy supported by members from all the provinces. . Some voters will not consider this a sufficient reason lor returning Liberal members but others will feel it is an essential. It is the feeling of many that British bia cannot afford to be an outcast province. There never was a more brazen, case of purchasW yotes than the one in point. Everyone knows that Mr i Bennett has ntf sympathy with social credit. He is & sound money" advocate of the strongest type. Everv-i thing he. has 6vpr rlnnp nhfl omM inAtnniA 4-Ui r J. : der the shaddw of an election he expresses strong sympathy with the strong Alberta movement and loans the province enough money to carry it past the election. Once the election is over Aberhart will get scan- sympathy for his pjan if by any ill chance the present government should be returned. raMPtoMAY0NHAt5E CLi 'crniinmiPM tLUHU VMLML Man in the Moon A Vancouver firm of stock brokers Is advertising "Prompt executions on the Vancouver Stock Exchange." Now wha about sending a few local citizens to the exchange? "Elect me and yott may have even a publlclv-owned central bank." pleads Prime Minister Dennett in his latest speech. The chief danger of the election campaign now in progress is that the electorate will become afflicted with political dysppsta before el ection day arrives. Players' Guild Holds Meeting Activities For Coming Season Dis cussed Last Evening The first meeting of the season of the Prince Runert Amat.pnr Players Guild was held last night in the Toe H rooms with the president. Roth Gordon. In the rhi'r There were Iwentv members r sent and activities Vor thaicnrnln oEaouii wcic-UJiUUSSCQ. Folowlng the business meetinff refreshments were served cial half-hour spent.. LIBRARIES TRAVEL BUDAPEST, Sept 12: (CP) Old street cars are being turned into travelling branches by the Budapest rriunlcipal library which sends the bookladen vehicles on regular tours through suburban towns. VETERAN PRINCIPAL RESIGNS EDINBURGH, Sept. 12: (CP) The University of Aberdeen has sr. ' tcepted with regret the resignation SATS MicmcoeHJUNr MOR. DETROIT TIBUt ' SPORT CARDS AND RIVAL OF CUBS FIGHT CAMPBELL New York Giants Fall Back In George Eyslon Wil' Also Try Sands k'.i! w I .auoiui league Kace ugers of Utah With New Hash And Yankee Lose Yesterdays Big League scores: National League Kew York 7, Pittsburg 10. Brooklyn 4, Cincinnati 7. Boston 3, Chicago 15. Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 10. American League Detroit 3, Washington 4. Cleveland 5, New York 4. Chicago 10, Boston 2. I --nbw M I I I U I I Al. mill mis iiim mwmm of Very Rev. Georpe Adam Smith i ' w W. 1 .. . . , ' ; nnffft f b When the Premier of British Columbia, went to Ottawa ! vice" clpa1, after 26 years' 'iNew York 47 ii anu asked for cn-onpfnti'nn fn fV.Q fnr. ...i. u.ii n, j-cuciui , he was refused. . . All hd got was just enough to government. prevent in- j ...v. ".u.i ui wic yuimmun. mere was no attempt made to co-operate to relieve a very serious situation. YVJien the new Prpmior rf Aiv,Q.f i 1 .i r .- Minister Bennett asking for co-operation in the carryintr' out of his.scheme, he was assured that he would get it. Mr , Bennett, in view of the impending election, was ready to promise anvthinrr. Thp rpsiilr io nt at likely to get the support of the social credit element in the province; of Alberta. Baseball Standings American League L. i Cleveland :.. . ..69 ! Chicago .......Go i Boston 68 : Washington 57 St. Louis 56 Philadelphia S. 51 National League W. St. Louis 86 Chicago New York .... Pittsburg ...... Brooklyn Cincinnati' .... Philadelphia:' Boston ueiKeaiBiow.uutPro- rpwrpw T n tection at no Extra Cost flilLll Id with blow-outs when Goodrich Safety Silrertown j give you Life-Savrr Golden Plv blnw-nm tection and monthi more mileage at the same price as other Standard tires? THIS AMAZING LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN iPLY MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE rOO mm drick effffif Silvertowns ,"iin uiiwni COLDCJV FIT Garage & Service Station Rupert Motors PHONE 566 .87 ...80 ...78 .61 ..59 .56 ...33 G6 65 68 77 77 77 L. .49 52 51 60 72 79 78 99. 00 .425 .421 .398 Pet. .6371 .826 .011 .565 .459 .427 .418 .250 RETAINED Helen Jacobs Defeats Sarah Palfrey In Tennis Final Perry Injured in Mate! Yesterday , FOREST HILLS, N.Y., Sept. 12: ; (CP) Helen Jacobs retained her United States national women's i tennis championship yesterday byl I defeating Sarah Pnlfrey In the! first set against Allison when he fell. After the 1 At A. t ... . . Creation PITTSBURG, Sept. 12: (CP) NEW YORK. Rpn 19- P)ri, Losing to the Pin.tes in a free- Malcolm Campoell's famous record " rrnung game nere yesterday, the breaking Bluebird has a rival for "To fight or not to fleht. that is New York Hoontr nt ., - - " jjuuni; niicii-si. iraveuing in me the question, beforp Mussolini as third place in the National League' nm iin k . lire lailiuuj VitlllU- . he soliloquizes in over the ..... African while ,. the i. St. Louis Cardinals and bell-Bluehirri hm.tinn Situation. ChicaeO CUDS Pnnlirtllprl a tloht. !nnth nnA n.i.i.i. j - battle for the pennant, the former chant, Capt. Oeorgt Eyston. and a It IS announced that next month "ririnincr oodl" r.o. th. rv,inio ' ... . "ti wic i iimjto ai new super-racer mat in cieslen Is g relief recipients wi.l have to an- Sportsmen's Field irhlle the latter ; almost as startling as was Bluebird gjawer a lot of quwttans. Poetfbly the won by a wide mrrgln over the on its first public appearance. ",8ley.F?eld: In . new. 20O-mlle an. hour D M .uu c iwc v,UU3 afC DUt one game oenma creation Capt. Eys'on intends to M.UUMis auu. . I smash . practically every record . !. In the American League, both ; that his distinguished countryman A shark u was recettly captured at the leading Detroit Tigers and the idoesnf want, from 20 miles to 24 Ketchikan. We wonder If he breez- second nlace New Yni-ir va -j ( - . iiuuio, xic aiiucipa.ea nine anil- ed in from Vancouver or. Seattle lost their . Barnes, the former to the i : culty in bettering ill the si "g a 1 21 re and on what boat he will be sent Washinaton f5ennnr, th ,.' I 11 . th5 south i,L i. . . . . W1US ictciuiy sei on, inq same " " :ian course by another Briton,' , ' I Cleveland Indians at Yankee Sta-;Johir Cobb. r-t.. D- Taylor was In town vester- dium. Chlcaeo Vhito Rn- rti.Hta,H . ..... .. . day wearlrrz a carnation and all the Bn.,tnn 9 w i "! : . macmn'- et in npnn.H - .,. .. "7 " ... V " ,uuu" xn8"i ana . taperlr.p down to a: m hot nnd " s SJS fa:?.JACt0.ry: The PtUre in front that looks . . .uov un --iraiui o ujuvcu ih'.u exclusive pos- which he had slept for so many session of sixth nlace ahead nf thp years. t Idle Rt. !i..l like a shark's month. novel points. It has a 12-cvllnder! aviation power unit and no sign of ! a clutch. A fourspeed, self-changing gear box fakes its place. ; 11 is the first big machine of the type to have front-wheel drive. I Further, each whee! Is IndeDendent of the other. Fuel Is carried in two I j-ganon tanks v and pumped to the carburetors by a mech.-Miirai! engine device. Adoption of front-wheel drlv has greatly simplified the layout of me cockpit, since there Is no mechanism in it with the driver. True Streamliner The body, held on a, light alloy framework, Is shaped as half a true streamline section, th im. derside, naturally, being flat Ex tensions at each sld cover the gas tanks and uartlv enrlnsp ih wheels. In.iide the tall is a compartment for' spare Ures and tools. In accordance with tho ntrn' tlonal rules for distance runs. The Ilfehting system for th Inn cr I night runs iS nov?i, two head-i lights being carried close together ilnslde the nose of the car and mrowing their beams through portholes in the streamlined cover. Captain Eyston and Albert Denly who will "spell- him at the wheel' have evolved a scheme which they" believe will save much time in refueling the giant. They plan to. Install a hl(7 nnnl. - . 'i uu h tower pp . lCl.fwith ,lL twn Vinc. . . . r47' "I,r '"f racn tank. JJJi Since the car Weighs nearly two I tons special pads are fitted for jtwo huge compound Jacks which I win noist both front and both w.ives on tne ground In on5 movement for tire changes. Today's Weather Terrace Foeey. calm. 42 Anyox Clear, calm, 60. Stewart-Part cloudy, calm, 51. Hazelton-Cloudy. calm, 50. Smithers Cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Lake bull, calm, 34. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, light southwest wind; barometer, 29 74-temperature, 52; heavy chop. Triple Island-Part cloudy, calm-barometer, 29.86; sea smooth. La nea m Tinnri to i 1 moderate, easterly wind; moderate ANKLET F.VF.NING PARTY LONDON, Sspt. 12 (CP)-The latest novelty lot evening wear Is an tmklet of platted &old or silver braid. GLOVES WITH POCKETS final by straight sots 6-3, 6-4. Mlssi ,L0ND0N' Sept. ir: (CP)-Some i Jacobs was fully up to form and! e s s are ynowlng gloves ,had no difficulty in disposing of th "ny Pket8 concealed in the ! her opponent. gauntlet. . i Following the final in the men's. ' " singles yesterday whirh WiWr At.. ... BMCK HOLLYHOCKS llson of the United States won from . U"KWVILLE, Kas Sept. Fred Perry of OreM. Britain, it s ,tr,-Mr- Harr.v PePPe 12: has learned that Perry had suffered ah'.V bla.clc h'J'kf n her gar- In tV, " nere Ior inree years, Injury the seventh rame of ELIZABETH IN COLOR llc 11UU mukh ,uose ni3i LONDON fW 11 irm t. . frM tU.; reported Alexander Kord the He will ' pro 0 be unable to nlav for a rinmr rmn. .lr. monvn.. ....... . ibeth of ror, in i .m.. .-p... m kuiut mm, j CHAPPY rmi i TH F 1 t - , - , ! -Thursday, SeptemW i, ... DAYS 1 h i' m r n What iqore welcome prize to the victor or solace to the vanquished than a waiting Collins made with Sir Robert Durnett's famous LONDON DRY Gin. uoz.l2 W'& 25 OZ. SD& ianair BURNETT'S IN SESSION Life Membership Presented to Pre- suieiit 4ack rreece , At the reguar fettirig of theiCa nadian Legion of 'the British Em -CI N TVila advertisement is not publlslied or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. LEGION IS i programme. As a start &e ti- I Hard season the pre rjtton 0! ' City Billiard Champ! a-S'p Cup. and cue wil be made n 1 smofcr on the last Friday of . monft 1 Nell Cameron won tli, tup tad also the cue for the h:. ; break A new cloth for the tab! haibwn ordered.i The,, branch, will also co oPtntt with the Women's Auxilur to the pire 8ervice League last evening th? annual bazaar prestntatlon to President , Preecs of a life membership Jn the Legion . -: 11 1 1 - - was made by First Vlce-Pre.wnt ..... W. M. Brown. In making the pre- Rrli fT and ard Mn DURBAN. South Africa, Sept. I! ?ZZ ivf f a Jm the JeIy uktenl 'cp,-No 'ewer than 153 appto SSltS W?,' d ;howp 'ons hay been ree'ved ITZtt1? the "'tPostot borough musical director c wc,?ih ZP the wP? that-accession to the late Dan Godfrey he he would b long spared to carry, on his fine work. In reply Mr. I - - Preece acknowedged the honor thei KlpmiII141f! b",pnl)ING LV SUI.DG branch had conferred on him by! life membership. He would nlwav' - - 1 STOCKHOLM, Srpt U (CP .'I'.' w "car wie. uaage. er.,...,:., ,The rD Mallo j Awlicitlon fnr r.iav Shipbuilding an ship from H. McKlnnon was ap-:ne1'?nB U worklng 10 fullca" proved. ;Paclty and Its stafr of 2.100 constl- Preliminary . arrangements foi tUtes a re:ord for com?any the Poppy Day obwrvance were i ' 1 made. The entertainment commit-1 If you wish to swap something-tee is planning an active winter's Try a classified. If THE THE CERTAINTY OF DAWN In quiet confidence and In the adherence to toOncj buiineis principlet-liei ihe way to true nccyt. The Royal Bank offeri to legitimate tnterpriiejthe ecuriry and prestige which sixryjiix ytmt of experience have built up. R O Y , A L ANA BANK D A