SCI' ember 12 1933 .. BuBARRY acial Kits For Dry and Oily Skins. Containing: Foundation Cream, Tissue Cream,y Cleansing Cream, Hand Beauty, Skin Tonic,-and a box of Face Powder. Ormes Ltd. "Jiie Pioneer Drugrtats lhe KU Store Fbonesr 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Edays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. :i::i:3 Going Hunting? in and See Our Complete Stock of llunling Equipment lies, Shotguns, Shells, Hunting Knives, Cleaning ods, Gun Grease and Oil, Pocket Compasses KCIAL: 6.5 Mannlicher, rebuilt army $1 7.50 y ns, with one box of shells, only I JORDON'S HARDWARE Commencing this date, ss, "Catala" leaves Prince Rupert, Sunday 8:00 n.m. calling Port Simpson. "riving STEWART MONDAY 7100 a.m. Raving : " ll.:C0 ajn. living Naas River MONDAY, 6:00 p.m. approx. "rving Anyox ..J. ...--...J.... - MONDAY, 10:15 p.m. cdlllner Port Simmon "riving Prince Runert .. ...TUESDAY 8545,-Tftih. 'approx. paving Prince Rupert i TUESDAY 1:30 p.m. Tickets and all Information R. M. Smith, Agent, .'.third Ave.. Prince Kupcrt, or Purser ss. "Catala". Phone Vt. CANADIAN PACIFIC P Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Sept. Cth, 15th, 25th. Oct. 4th.. 16th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3. To Ketchikan, Vrangeil. Juneau and Skarway PRINCESS LOUISE, Sept. 11th, 21st, 30th, Oct. 12th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 21st, 30th. wF?r Information and reservations call or write W. L. COATES. r.rnrii irin iinnert. B.C. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News wits people or the whole district are doing tne samu. Price $1.10 McBride St f Phone 311 fave You Furniture for Sale? Miy. We SELL. D.ELIO We EXCHANGE. 1'ISNITl'ltE Auctioneer. EXCHANGE PHONE GREEN 421 Union Steamships Limited SPECIAL NOTICE IMPORTANT CHANGE IN NORTILUN ROUTE bf x. "CATALA". I'lcctive leaving Prince Rupert Northbound, Snnday Sept. 15th. Be warm and comfortable by riding In 32 Taxllt cosU the tame. J Regular meeting of the Trades and Labor Council tonight at 8. Hear Miss Outterldge C. C. F. Speaker Moose Hall, Thurs. 8 p.m. ' 211 A meeting in support of C. H. Orme, Conservative candidate for Skeena, will be addressed by A. deB.McPhlllips, JP. Sargent and C. H. Orme, Moose Hall, Saturday at 8 p.m. ' 213 Miss R. Bell of the staff of Wll-Ham Ooldbloom' fur store re turned to the city on the Princess! Louise yesterday from a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Merely routine business was ta Norman H. Terry, who is pro- minently identified with the de' velopment of the Graham Island black sands for the extraction of their gold content, arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning from Massett for a bust ness visit to town. Mrs. R. Evans of Massett and her mother. Mrs. Walter of Vancouver. who has been paying a visit with her. arrived' in the city on the ss. Prince Charles this morning from the Islands. Mrs. Weller will Proceed to Vancouver on the Prince Charles Saturday night. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince George 10:30 p.m. FrldaySs. P. Adelalde....l0 pjn. Ss. Cardena midnight Saturday ss. Prlrce Rupert 10:30 p.m September 6, 15 and 25 5 p.m From Vancouver- Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 aon Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide ....4 p.m, Ss. Cardena Pn SeDt. 11. 21 and 30 a.m. For Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Friday ss. Pr. Rupert .... 10 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 a.m, Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert . 8 p.m. To Anyox and Alice Arm Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday Pr. George.. 10 p.m. For Ahyox and Alice Arm Tuesday as, catrJa 11:30 a.m. Thursday Prince George 8 p.m. For Naas Uiver anil Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala ...11:30 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-Sept. 14 and 28 Prince Charles 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands Sept. 12 and 26 6s. Pr. Charles , a.m. For Ocean Falls-Thursday ss. Prince George : 10:30 p.m. Friday ss.. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. Saturday-k-ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 p.m. XHS DAILY NZWI .... II l l UMI .1. ..JWaMMfWt'.. I1"1,"1 . III LOCAL NEWS NOTES Yon eta rent ear at walker's as loW aj $1.40 a day, plus 7c. a mile. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:20 was reported thl morning to be on time. Joe Dunn of Massett arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning and will sail tonight on the Prince aOorge for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. C. Folson of Seattle, who has been visiting here with Mrs. C. E. Cullin, Fourth Avenue East, will sail by the Prince. Oeorgc tonight on her return south. Pleading .guilty to a charge of operating a motorvehlcle without a licence, Bronson Hunt was fined $5 by Magistrate McClymont in city Q. W. Lldler and C. C. Mills. whofPllc covtl yesterday afternoon. 'have bten on a business trip to! various Queen Charlotte Island' George w. cripps, provincial as-points, returned to the city from'sessor; left today on the provincial Port Clements on the Prince Char-Its this morning. police boat P.M.L. 8 for Prince Ro yal Mines at , Surf Inlet, Princess Royal Island, and Ocean Falls on official duties. ken up last night at the regular! weekly meeting of the local Moose Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott, who ar-Lodge. Dictator W. B. McCaTlum rived in the city on Tuesday from was in the chair and there was 1 Anyox, left on last evening's tralr, good attendance of members. .for Montreal wfiere they will em- J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from a ten-day trip to Graham Island points on official Inspection duties Arthur Robertson, well known Massett sawmill operator, and Mrs Robertson are paying a brief visit to the city. They arrived from the Islands on the Prince Charles thl morning and will be returning by the same steamer Saturday night. Mrs. R. J. Cromfe, wife of the well known Vancouver publisher, and two friends, Mrs. Treadwell and" Miss de Mumm of New York, were passengers aboard the Prln cess Louise yer'erday going through to make thf round trip to Skagway. bark September 20 aboard the ss. Ascanla for London, England. Miss Muriel Lain? of Victoria ar rived in the city cn the Princess Louise yesterday from the south to Join the teaching staff of King Ed ward High School here. For the past four years Mis; Lalng has been on the staff of the Princeton High School. Milton Gonzales, who has been a patient in the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital since last Friday suf lenng irom irencn mouin ana Jaundice, ma? have to remain there until next Sunday unless it becomes necessary for him to leave for Vancouver 'tomorrow night to conduct the defence In a man slaughter case. Mr. Gonzales, who returned here; recently to -resume law practice? in this city, has" taken offices in the Exchange Block. Mrs. J. L Northey, worthy grand matron of the OrdT of the Eastern Star, and Charles O'Neill, worthy rand patron, who arrived In the city yesterday from Vancouver to pay an official visit to Delist Chapter here, will proceed by tomorrow evening's train to Pr'nce George to pay a visit before returning south. Mrs. Northy comes from Vancou ver and Mr. O'Neill from Duncan. Vancouver Island. The official visit took plact last night and other functions are also being held. Announcements Prince Rupert Tennis Club An nual Dance Friday, September 20, Oddfellow's Hall. St. Andrew's Nov. 21. Cathedral Bazaar Salvation Army Harvest Festival Sale, September 23. Rebekah Bridge and Crib, Oddfellows' Hall, Sept. ?5. Anglican Tea at Mrs. C. V. Evltt's Sept. 26. (Terrace Concert September 28. Catholic Church ber 2 and 3. Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 5. Bazaar Octo Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17. Hugh Martyn, vocal recital, Nov ember 1. Presbyterian Bazaar. Novembei Orange Ladles' bazaar. Nov. 28. St. Peters Bazaar December 5. Moose Hali Prince Rupert Junior Lodga No. 18 Junior Order of Moose will meet at 8 p.m. FRIDAY Mrs. S. A. Williamson of Vancou ver, who has been visiting at Sed- gewick Bay with Mrs. J. R. Morgan, arrived In the city from the Islands on the Prince Charles this morning and will proceed to .'Vancouver on the Prince Charles Miss Guetterldge of Vancouver, who is on a campaign tour on be half of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, arrived in th? city on the Prince Charles this morning, having travelled north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. She will be the speaker at a meeting here tonight. Indian Agent James Gillett of the Queen Charlotte Islands arrived in the city on the ss. Prince George yesterday following a trip to Vancouver and will proceed by the Prince Charles Saturday night on his return to Massett. Mrs. Gillett came in from the Islands on the Prince Charles this morning and will accompany him home. Describing in a very Interesting and enlightening way a recent .tour : of Oriental countries. Miss E. M.i Earl was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the! Prince Rupert Rotaiy Club in the Commodore Cafe. President W. M. Blackstock was In, the chair1 and there was a good attendance of members with a trs guests. Charles F. P. Faulkner of New Westminster, district engineer for the federal department of public works, arrived in the city from the outh on the Prince Oeorge yesterday, being here on official duties. He will proceed to Stewart on the Prince Rupert tomorrow night and expects to be back here next Tues day. He wll also visit other point n tne district to Inspect worn be Ing carried on by the department. The contract has not. yet been awarded, Mr. Faulkner says, for 'mProvements to the fishermen's floats here which are contemplated. SAVE On Quality Food at The Thrift Specials in Effect Until September 19 OXYDOL large pkg PURITY OATS With New Style China, pkg CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Red Arrow, Fresh, per lb. XELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES, pkg. BAKING POWDER Nabob per 12-oz. tin MOLASSES Dominion No. Hi tins, each TOMATOES Royal City No. 22 tins, 2 for SPINACH Royal City Choice, per tin JELLY POWDERS-Em press, All Flavors, '6" pkgs. CLARK'S VEGETABLE S.OUP, 3 tins 18c 28c 26c 10 c 17c 8c 23c 14c 25c 25c PEACHES Choice Elbertas, Buy now for pro- (gi 'ffSj TOMATOES Field Ripened, per basket TEA "Thrift" Blend. per lb P. & G. SOAP 4 bars COCOANUT Snowdrift Sweetened, per lb. CANDIB DHONEY per brick CLASSIC CLEANSER per tin CORN SYRUP Edwards-burg, 2-lb. tin MAZOLA 1-lb. tin CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Malkln's No. 2 tins each ENSIGN PEARS per No. 2 squat tin AUSTRALIAN SEEDED RAISINS, 1-lb. pkg TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25c 42c f CJ 23c 15c 6c 15c 25c 19c 16 c! 16c 10c Thrift Cash & Carry We Deliver Phone 179 201 Third Aw "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Ilave Oar Prompt Attention FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished six roomed house located on 6th Avenue East, within one block of Booth and High Schools. All bedrooms have exceptionally large clothes closets. House is newly painted and ready for lm mediate occupation. Would give reasonable long lease or would consider selling on rental terms to responsible party. For appointment to view phone A. M. Davles, Blue 916 or 540. FOR SALE BKJYCLE In excellent condition Phone "384 or call 313, Third COMPLETE household furnishings. two-tone walnut bedroom suite, walnut Windsor style twin beds, dlnlngroom suite, electric range, etc. Flat for rent. Apply Mrs. W. Gratton, 741 Third Ave. Phone Black 114. 213 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 45 Commission. Why work for less. Take orders for the "Art-Point" Series Personal Xmas Greeting Cards. Priced as low .as 18 for $1.00. "Victory" Box Assortment containing 20 Beautiful Cards with Calendar sells for $1.00. Costs as low as 50c. $10 Sales Kit free. We are only Interested in genuine workers. Art-Point Printing Co., Victoria, B.d. (tf) CORN FLAKES CVM-ntSH - 9 0 FUKXMCHCT O f AOM THREX Kellogg's Corn Flak'es have become the world's" largest-selling ready-to-eat cereal because women recognize superior quality and big value. No substitute can match the flavor of Kellogg's, or their oven-fresh crispness, sealed-in by tlie patented waxtite inner wrapper. The red-and-green package holds many gener oui servings and costs but a few cents. Quality" guaranteed. No other brand of Corn Flakes is made by Kellogg in Loudon, Ontario. CORN FLAKES Classified Ads. FOR RENT TWO Remodelled 5-roomed flats and well furnished apartment with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. (tt) Gas in the Stomach lue to an excess of acid often causes a painful distending ot the stomach. . . . There is a safe, certain and speedy way of relieving "aeld stomach" conditions take a little Bisurated Magnesia (Ulsmuth in Magnesia) after meals. . . . This protective alkali neutralizes the acid condition and enables digestion -to proceed in comfort. . . DrugginU everywhere sell it in effective powder form, and in handy tabUts. as LOST $5.00 REWARD. Gold pencil engraved II ST, on train between Fort George and Jasper, Aug. 24, C.N.R. office. WANTED WANTED Experienced help for general housework. Permanent position. Apply Box 249. Dally News. tf IN THE SUPREME COURT D?" BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM STEWART. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of IIW Honcr, W. E. Fisher the 6th day t September, A. D. 1035 I was appointed Administrator or the estate or William Stewart, 'deceased, and all parties hav ing clatas ax&lnfit the ald estate ar hereby required to furnish game, properly vwlUed, ta me on or before th 10th day of October, A. D. 1933. and all parties Indebted to the eatat are re quired to pay the amount of their in debtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT OFFICIAL AMINISTRATOR Prince Rupert B. C. Dated the 7th day of September, A. D. 1935. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBEIA. IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF, CHARLES KARSKIS, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher the 10th da.? of September A.D. 1935 I wa appointed Admin.uuf.tcr or tne ustate oi unariej Karskls late of Atlln. British Columbia, deceased, and all parties . having claim against the said Estate ; are ' hereby . required to furnish same properly .verified to me on or before the 20th day of October A.D. 1935 and all persons indeb ted to the Estate are required to pay th? amount of their Indebtedness to ml forthwith HERBERT F. QLASSEY Official ' Administrator, Atlln. B.C. Dated the 11th day of September, 1935. (IUdJAXcdM MAGN ESIA lt$ a Protective feutnizer-NOT a Laxative The Daily News is a member5 of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of tha Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. .. . . 3 TV H mm mm 2 a es ft 3 It