t - . ' r -.' , .H. .' -rvv,'-.. mi m iii 11 kmm i COM Service LIBBY'S PUMPKIN-22's 2 tins LIBBY'S SAUER KRAUT 2'2's, per tin PRUNES-Oood size ' per lb Agents For 25c 15c WHITE SPRING SALMON n w . ty V EMPRESS PURE JAMS All varieties, 4-lb. tin . 59c We have everything you want j 4 We Deliver MUSSALLEM'S'l ECONOMY STORE: "Where Dollars Have More OnU" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Daily News Want-Ads. always bring quick results. HBZJ I II I II ! SSj ! II v rTwHH WW11 I iimWHW 1 1 1 During 1932, 1933 and 1934 so many dads told us and our dealers that this CHALLENGE had been such a wonderful means of stimulating their boys in their school and home .'. work that we decided to repeat it again this year. :One father said, "After I took you up on your challenge ; and bought my boy a C.C.M. he just couldn't bear the thought of having to take it back to the dealer if he didn"t ' pass. He buckled right down to his studies and stood higher in his class at midsummer than ever before." Girls' Bicycles Included in this Offqr A' girl enjoys cycling just as much as a boy, and is equally entitled to a reward for good school work. This Challenge Offer applies to new C.C.M. Bicycles a'nfcr to the Midsummer Term Exams only. Claims fora refund " must be made to the dealer from whom the new C.C.M. Bicycle was purchased within one week of the announcement of the examination results. The great advantage of buying the bicycle NOW is that your boy will be able to enjoy a full season's use of ft, and .he is just rarin' to get on and ride.' This year C.C.M. models boys', girls', adults' have" seamless steel tube frames of aeroplane lightness; the easy-running C.C.M. Triplex Hanger; Hercules Coaster Brake; comfortable suspension saddles; Endrick rims; rustless steel the easy-running trne'valiie C. C. M. BICYCLES McRae Bros. Ltd. Third Avenue WE KEEP OUR PRICES IN LINE WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at Our Leader is Quality and'to:5 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypoints. C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, southbound Op 'from a regular voyage to Alaska, Is ,due in port at 3:15 this afternoon PUREX TOILET TISSUE OKp 'from Skagway and will sail an hour 700 sheets to rolUrolls AU .later for Vancouver. QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT 2 pkgs HEINZ SOUPS Large per tin BLUE" RIBBON TEA per lb. BLUE RIBBON BAKING POWDER, 5-lb. tin SUN-MAID RAISINS 2 lbs. READY-CUT MACARONI 3 lbs 25c 15c The steamer reported due here on Saturday of this week to load out a i full cargo of grain from the local (i 1 p j elevator for the United Kingdom or . j Continent is understood to be the SI "1 AiReardon, Smith ship Fresno City. '' ( Grain continues to arrive here to 27 Cmplete thC carg0 or hls vesse1. 22c "T!LL1E THE TOILER" Mail Schedule or the Kast Mondays, Wednesdays and Vt. days 4:30 p.n. rom the Cast Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satui days 10:15 pji: or Vancouver Mondays (train) 4:30 pjr, Tuesday 12:30 pjr Wednesdays (train) 4:3C p.n. Thursdays . 9:20 p.m Friday 11 pjn May 6, 14 and 24 4 p.m. k'rom Vancouver Sunday 4 p.m Tuesday (train) 10:15 p.m Wednesday . 10 am Thursday (train) 10:15 p.m Friday 4 p.rn Saturday (train) 10:15 pjn May 2, 10 and 20 a.m. ,ror Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m I'roni Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday 11:30" a.ra, THE DAILY NEWS Aqain We Challenge Dad 1 ip? 'L spokes; new, racy Dunlop tires; bright parts Chromium plated over C.C.M. 20-Year Nickel, insuring a brilliance that lasts. At to-day's prices C.C.M. Bicycles are truly wonderful values. Boy' 6- Girls' MoJtls $12 00 Crescent Men's Model J5 .00 Ladies' Models $ J5. 00 U 40.00 Boy Scout or Standard Rotdkur 17 . 50 Road Racers 41.09 &-4S.0O Motorbike Models 40.00 6-50 00 Light Roadster 45 00 Time payments may be arranged for a small extra charge Agents For C. C. M. BICYCLES Kaien Hardware Third Avenue IIH Bicycles '::. Thursday 8 p.m. j k or Naa. Kiver mo fort Simpvin Sunday 7 pxt PURE FRESH MILK from government tested cows delivered at your home Just in time for breakfast. Daily delivery, 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. Kxtra delivery at I p.m. except on Thursdays and Sundays. DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red C08 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 200 Window Shades, 36x72; Color grren and SOP cream, cath OH! Mall Orders Forwarded Promptly Phone 775 Third Ave. Miss Lawrence's Violin Puoils In Delightful Recital MIm Nellie Lawrence s violin pu-n. tM fhir annual 'recital last ! night In St Andrews Cathedral I uall. Alt acquitted themselves suiendldly. reflecUng credit .upon their own talenU and those of their! Instructress. There was an Interested audience of ninety persons. Mlw Lawrence violin orchestra, with MIm Thekla Pulton accompanying on the piano, rendered selections at the opening and clos- Boy." Jack Eastwood. "Hymn from Iphlgenie'" (Cluck). Mary Margaret Uulsjtr (0 years old). "Tiny Poem" (Tour). Piano solo. Beth Charnley (pupil of Miss M. A. Way). Ralph Mortn. "Prelude" (Donald Heins). Hugh McKerraJe. "Soldiers of the Fag" (Orayson). Duet. Robert Hale and Bngina Christenscn. "Uebettraum'' (Usst). Elmore Hanklnson, "Rose Petals" iLawson). I Piano solo. Norah Dougherty (pu-Jpll of Miss M. MeCaffery). Robert Rudderrnm, "Mazurka" (Sawyer). Kathleen Coombs. "The Conquer ors" (Oertrude Lind). James Madden, "Students' Concerto." Op. 13, No. 1. (Seltd. Piano solo. Patricia McClymont (pupil of Miss M. A. Way). Robert Hale. "Polonaise" illaesche). Englna Chrtstensen. "La Paloma" Yradlert. Duct. William Madden and James Madden. "Love's Old Sweet Song ' The Letter Box IIAIlllV STEVENS' I'ltOGKAM Editor. Dally News: So! Mr. Harry Stevens says If he were In authority he would call In the thirteen Canadian financial, moguls, put them on the carpet, and give them thirty days to cure the depression or he would take over their positions and do It himself. Rather short notice. I should say. Mr. Editor, to clean up the mess, considering that it Is world wide, but does It not seem a pertinent question to ask Mr. Stevens why lotos not do that very thing dur-puplte was augmented with piano by ln h nree cars he minister and Miss; of Miss M. A. Way M,rrt Mrcaffirv , of trade and commerce, when he ThP nm ram . as follows: nad the power. If anyone ever had? -n riannda - Or will he suggest that Bennett Orchestra. (a) "Waves of the,uU l lei h,m? In h,ch cv" Danube" tlvanovleJl. (b "Bugle ;ent- wUl ,M! wpport the d Bcn- neii aunng tne coming election If Mr. Stevens could have cured the depression In this way who was criminally negligent In not do ing so? Stevens' mental processes surely must be degenerating. This drivel sounds too much like Muey Long. The next thing. Marry will be advocating Muey's "share the wealth' program. DISOUSTED. (Molloyl, Bobby Houston, "Idylle." Op. 30. No. 1. (Dotb). William Madden "Fifth Air Varle" (Daneta). Orchestra, "Love's Dream After' the Ball." "Ood Save the King." a N. R. TRAINS For (he Estt Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days 4:30 p m rrom the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 1015 p.m Every Home Requires a Singer Sewing Machine Not a luxury hut a necessity in every thrifty home. Pays for itself in the many economics effected every day in the year. A New Singer may be had as low as $50.00 And 2 Years to Pay Pays for itself in less time. Less than rental and lasts for a generation. No home investment brings such multiple returns. Call Phone G and have a free demonstration. He's as Good as His Word ,1 CANT CRASH "THAT U BUT HOVaJ Ijm SOh3 OUT If BUT, TaOr4ME. I rfrfgdwAT HEE, TlLUE.I I T LIMB WAITIMS TO SEE) f! ; VOU TO HIS HOUSC HE MkSHTUT k5.'. P'l-L OMLV BE A r rtTT MR. CUSHMAMP -U OWNS "TO V , Zs . - RiT r- .i MlklHTC . " Tv I Tuesday, My 14 TOSfOtlT k WLDXtSDAV Special School ClUWrtn's MATIN KK Wednesday, t t p.m. It's Really Wonderful' V rt a. 1 1. r . wr I lPJ ADOIPH JMr& ZUKOR prtiinli mum OF A BENGAL LANCiH GARY COOPER FRAlSCHOT TONE RICHARD CROMWELL SIR GUY STANDING CAubr.y Smith Mont (Iw and XaiKltn BwrV (At 7 20 Si 9 I. AImi News and Cartoon GROTTO TAXI 456 3 tars at Your Sen Ice RERT MORGAN, HUD RARRIE, YOU CEfiTAlMLV KEPT VOUia pj ' "j PROM I I'KOP Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record ol all repairs made and all parti replaced. A copy of this rcord returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC I'honr Itlue 320 Try a Daily News ctasslflrd si By Westover