PAGE TWO "On With The Dance" Jr. Let joy be unconfined I Why not dine and dance in comfort? Yon will probably be needing a new pair of evening shoes. THE DAILY NEWS. FKINCK KOPEIIT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 We therefore wish to emphasize that the selection afforded by us, together with our experience in fitting, costs you no more (sometimes even less) than purchasing' elsewhere. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except 8unday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN ... Managlng-Edtor News Department Telephone .... 86 Advertising; and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Borcmu of Circulations DAILY EDITION CONCERT AT METLAKATLA Delightful Entertainment Presented On Boxing Day By Salvation Army The annual Christmas entertainment of the Salvation Array at Metlakatla took place on Boxing Day. William A. Leak acted as chairman Snd 'almost" ' the entire population of the village was in attendance. An excellent program of Instrumental and vocal music was presented and there were also a few appropriate speeches. The program was as follows: Community singing, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks." Prayer, P. Haldane. Community singing, "Christians Awake." Talk, H. Prevost. Vocal solo, "Angels From the Realms of Glory." A. Auckland. Christmas chorus. "Silent Night," Salvation Army Songsters. Vocal solo. "O Little Town of Monday, Dec. 30, 1935 Bethlehsm," Mrs. A. Auckland. Community singing, "Glory to God in the Highest." Action singing, Ruth Nelson. Vocal solo, 'The New-Born King," Peter Nelson. Christmas anthem, "Hark! Hark My Soul," Church Choir. Vocal solo, William M. Lelghton. Christmas chorus, "His Name Shall be Called Wonderful Coun sellor," Junior Songsters. Instrumental selection. String Band. Talk, Mark Morrison. Favorite chorus1, W." J. Robinson" Duet, "Story of Bethlehem," Alan and Charlotte Prevost. Christmas antfrsm, "Hall! To the Lord's Annotated," Church Choir. Duet, "Nazareth." Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ryan. Instrumental, "Love's Dreamland Waltz," String Band. Doxology. MODERNIZE POLICE JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 30: CP) The South African government Is mechanizing its police department. This year $175,000 was expended and a similar sum has been set aside for 1936. world famous brands, which offer you the utmost in value and quality. Ancient OLD PARR Scotch Whisky SANDY MACDONALD Special Liqueur Scotch Whisky VICKERS' Finest London Dry Gin - Sir Robert BURNETT'S London Dry Gin SEAGRAM'S "83" Rye Whisky .... SEAGRAM'S .... Special Old Rye Whisky SPORT CHICAGO GOES UP Joins Detroit In Tie for Leadership In American Hockey Section CHICAGp. Dec. 30: tCPi Chicago Black Hawks defeated New York Rangers last night and moved into a tie with Detroit Red Wings for the leadership of the American section of the National Hockey League. The Red Wings lost a close game to the Boston Bruins at Detroit. The Rangers remain in third place but one point behind the deadlocked leading teams. The New York Americans, win aing easily over the Montreal Ca nadlens In New York last night, ad vanced Into a Ue for second place in the international section with Montreal Maroons who were de feated by the Boston Bruins Sa turday night. Week-end National League scores were as follows: Saturday Scores Boston 6, Montreal 3. New York Rangers 3, Toronto 9. Sunday Scores Boston 4, Detroit 3. Canadiens 1, Americans 5. Rangers 1, Chicago 3. The league standing to date: American Section W. D. L. F. A. P. Detroit - ....7 6 5 34 32 20 Chicago 9 2 6 30 26 20 Rangers 8 3 7 35 38 19 Boston 7 2 9 29 27 16 international Section Toronto 10 2 5 55 39 22 Montreal 7 2 7 33 35 16 Americans 7 2 9 37 42 16 Canadiens 3 4 10 27 41 10 Seattle Scores Decisive Win Defeated Vancouver Lions 7 to 2 In Hockey Saturday SEATTLE, Dec. 30: CP Seattle Sea Hawks scored a smashing 7 to 2 victory over Vancouver Lions on Seattle ice Saturday night to move; out of the cellar in the Northwest- j em Hockey League, leaving the iaie &amomon ESKimos in exclusive possession of the basement. Second place Portland Buckaroos defeated Calgary Tigers two to nil at Calgary. The league standing to date: 26oz.$3?$ 26Joz.$32 13ox.$Il 25oz.$Z 13oz.$l 25oz.$Z 16 oz.$!25 25 oz2l 16oz.$15 25oz.$25 W. D. L. F.A. P. Vancouver 9 3 5 62 46 21 Portland 8 3 3 32 21 19 J uaigary 6 3 9 45 54 15 Seattle 6 0 8 29 38 12 Edmonton 4 3 8 30 39 11 Now when holiday hospitality centres WJSM4m in in your your home, home, choose choose wisely wisely from from these these . QH Thlt advertisement It not published or displayed by the Uquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BN 9 DAILY NEWS Monday. Dec 'n.uer 39 REPLY OF MR. CLARKE (Continued rzotn page one) co - operation. The co - operative movement is putting Nova Scotia on its feet an dhas made life much brighter and better m the Scandi navian countries. "In religion, too, we have circled the mountain. We are still going around our denominational mountains. We do come talking about unity but we are afraid to make a venture forth by turning northward. I do not know whether 1936 will see the churches turning towards a larger union but I do know that it is high time to back up our beautiful talk about unity with a little practice of uniting our churches, to make them more effective instruments in the hands of God. In Religious Thought "In religious thought we have also gone around the mountain ofj ancient forms and thought about Jesus rather than following Jesus; In his own religion. We hear about 'Getting back to God,' The Virgin Birth," The Atonement,' 'Jesus, a Savior' but what it all means for today Is very vague and foggy Christianity is not to believe statements about Jesus but to believe in Jesus. It is to follow Jesus, the Messiah, God's leader, in making a new day the Kingdom of God. That is the only way to salvation personal and social. "With all the faults of the pre sent, and I see them as well as any ! one, there never was a time in the I history of the world that was nearer to God's will than the present. That does not say much for the past. But, if there was a better time in the world's history, when was it? I would like to know. "We hear a great deal about preaching politics and economics Instead of the gospel of Jesus. What Is the gospel of Jesus but the good news of Ood's will done not up in some seventh heaven but the good news of God's will done among men, by men? If that has nothing to do with politics and economics every phase of man's life then I give up. "In 1936 let us go forward to God, to seek but the ways and means of doing and having done the will of God In human relationship, to find out how to apply Jesus' law of love In the world of today. "As for myself, I will seek to un derstand Jesus and his teachings better. I shall study the co-opera tive movements. I want to be able to give some help in applying the Gospel of Jesus to our problem of human betterment. It Is the preacher's business to preach the gospel. It Is also his business to know how the Gospel can be applied. I know that to follow Jesus means to go off the well-beaten paths of thought and custom. It means to go northward. It means carrying a cross but it will get us somewhere." Hotel Arrival Savoy Mrs. B. Iverson and Mrs. Oona River: E. Aden. K I Campbell and Mrs. T. Yule and Jack Yule, Prince Rupert; Howard 'Leask, Metlakatla; C. Olsen.ONP..; a. Chapman, Victoria; Mrs. Maurice Barnes, Usk. Roral Wah Soon, Inverness: Pebr .t uorsuK and Ruth Stew.rt, Hulatt; J. Nelson and W. Liverett, Vancouver; Mrs. O. Kenney, city. I Central i S. Dzapko and O. Hnnt nwp. A. Mathew, Kamloops; D. McLean. iruifc cssmgion. TELKWA F. R. McLeod of Prince Rupeit Is spending the Christmas holidays n Tl , ... . . " 1C'W wim nts parents, Mr and Mrs. A. McLeod. I u".c runups, wno teacne ( schnol at 150-mile House In ths Cariboo district, is spending the Christmas and New Year vacation at ner home In Telkwa. I Miss W. Hyndman Is visiting at Telkwa with her brother, E, Hyndman, who Is principal of the school tnere. A SILENT AIRPLANE FARNBOROUOH. En.. Dec. 30 CP) The Royal Air Force Is ex. perlmentlng at its nlant here with a view to evolving a silent airplane ; not merely soundless in the cabin I but inaudible from the ground. , School Concert At Metlakatla The Christmas entertainment of! Metlakatla day school, of which T. j A. Bryant is teacher, took place recently and drew a large and ap-; irrelative audience. The village) rchetra assisted in the program! which fnelwfed readings, recita-1 tens, songs and drills by the chfl-' Iren who acquitted themselves vsry . rreditabiy. j The program ws a follows: j "O Canada" by th school. j March, "Under the Double Eagle," j village orchestra, i Reading. "Christmas in Other' Lands," Class 3. Recitation The tht1 Frog 12-oz. 25 Oz. 25 Oz. 12-oz. $1.00 SILVER SLIPPER 12-oz. London Dry Gin $2-15 '1.10 OLD DUTCH Genera Gin $2-15 '1.10 and the Little Red Hen,, Frances Lelghton. Word Building, the Seniors. Reeding, The Hare -and the Tbrtoue," Grade II. . i Recitation. "How the Kite Learn-! ed to Fly." Elva Lelghton. ; Number Drill and Word Test, Grade 1. Duet. "Some Folks'DQ," Rita Ryan and Elva Lelghton. Recitation, "If You Meet a Fairy.-Frances Lelghton.. ,: , Writing Demonstration, Grade 1. Recitation, "Wheie Go the. Boats? Alice Nelson, Chorus. "Jolly Old St. 'Nicholas Little Ones. I Drill, "Multiplication in a Hurry." the Seniors. Rcpitation The Elf and the Dor- 25 Oz. RYES $ U.D.L THOROUGHBRED $1.80 13-oz. . 40-oz. - ..$1.00 $2.75 U.D.L. SPECIAL 2L $2-10 16-OZ. ..$1.35 40-oz. , , ' ,,. $3.25 25 Oz. 40-oz. JOCKEY CAP $2-35 $3.60 moue." Harold, Lelghton Clapping Song. Liu;( 0- ps Hpeflmg Driij, seniors Ihere was a vote of i ,.k . Bryant and to Mb CK",,'-, p vost who assisted in , Grotto Taxi 456 3 UAUS AT YOUlt SUtVICE Proprietors Bert Morcan & Hud Bafrr, Don't forget the number 43C I GINS g SILVER FIZZ 25 Oz. 12-oz. 40-oz. 25 Oz. London Dry Gin $1.75 MISTLETOE London Dry Gin DISTILLED AND BOTTLED IN BOND 90 2.60 $2-00 g SCOTCH g MJt frmm Putt HiiMdti Math, BUnJtd an J Yttlti m, Scotttni. Mcdonald's 26 Oz. 16-oz. 40-oz. -6 Oz. 40-oz. 26 Oz, 26 Jz. "The Choice of Connoisseurs" NIGHTCAP $2-25 $1.40 $3.35 HIGHLAND SANDY $2-50 $3.60 JOHN DUNBAR Gold Label $2-4 WEE McKAY $2-75 This advertisement is not pu!lihed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by The Government of British Columbia.