PAGE POUR Better Light Better Sight Use Mazda Lamps 20c each 25, 40 jind 60 watt Oil Burners, Wicks, etc. Kaien Hardware Wish You the Season's Greetings Don't Put a Dollar On Any New Car Until You See the . . . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clyinder Motor Fisher No; Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR GOOD ALLEYS Weekly Prizes For High Scores ANNOUNCING: 65 .Look ,for. , the i WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Taxi and Messenger Service Bill Stuart t Phone: 65 Stand: Sixth Street A complete-Taxi and Delivery-Service Day and Night Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye 11 i mm Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. New Kitwanga Hall is Opened Dedication Of Structure At Interior Village Conducted Recently A two dav celebration has lust jbeen held at Kitwanga in. conncr,-ition with the opening of a new I hall thpr Vnrlftllc filraono T?lvnr . - . - a u w j ..uv..4 . V . i I.. Jin the opening ceremonies and the The weather which for several! !rfnH!at!r.n lira a nnHiif-r1 hv nVilof ' UPfl? V.pfnro. haH hAnn mIM artrl , Mane a. McKay of Kitseias. Ths.wei iook a cnange two days before i native name of the new structure lis De-au-zip Hall. VISITED TERRACE TERRACE, Dec. 30: F. A. Mac Callum, manager of the Prince Ru and Smithers Observes Christmas Season Snow And Frost Cave Appropriate Setting Band And Choral Singers Busy SMITHERS, Dec. 30: Christmas was celebrated at Smithers in a very conventional, and tlme-hon-j the holiday and brought In some snow and frost which was all that was needed to make the holiday take on the atmosphere and appearance of real Christmas weather. A party headed by J. O. Stephens and l? J. W. Turner sang Christ - pert branch of the Bank of Mon-;ens . Ureal, was a visitor for a few days;5. i, ... ... Christmas Eve. "TILLIE THE TOILER" ln the streets oh 1 ' C f quamted with local customers ,Bandt 'went T prior to the transferring of ac- " 7 nL J l . , . . . on Christmas Day at noon an'' 1?hUi?l, b'pta thy program the?e which s being closed out at the un?der bandf lts able conduc. tuu u urc cai- w r""re upen. jtor. John Gray., was in fine fonr "Build B.C. Payrolls" Between Great Days JwpTrB i Christmas the Day, is past, and New Year's beckoning, promising, is Just ahead. Great days of joy and hope. Pacific Milk is looking forward with buoyant gladness 1936 is to' be a big year. Pacific Milk and the concert was greatly enjoyed, by those, who were so unfortunate as to be patients then- over the Christmas holidays. After the band concert was com; pleted the bandsmen formed them. selves Into a male choir and. witl Van 'orchestra of several pieces tr accompany "them, they sang man'-of the Christmas Hymns, surorls' ih'g both themselves and the di tients an dstaff of the hospital with1 .their ability as choristers. Th Sisters of St. Ann were very appreciative of the visit of thp Smithers Band on Christmas Day thtsbeine the second occasion of the- kind and which will probably be an annual institution. EXTOLS PAPER ADVERTISING . LONDON. Dec. 30: (CP) Sir Ed; mund Crane, chairman of a large bicycle manufacturing firm, said at a. luncheon' his firm would con centrate on newsoarjer advertising lri 1936 as it had proved the most powerful selling force today. New Year Cards Thank You Cards We have a large stock of beautiful Cards from ocup i 1936 DIARIES For personal and office use. Many useful as well as attractive diaries in various styles and sizes, from 25c up , .. For your New Year Celebration Balloons, Noisemakers, Paper Hats, Decorations, Etc. Have a bang-up time and give 1936 a real start. DAILY KZTff Monda-i WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Co-operative Operated at Deficit Two Boats in Sunday Salvage of Dicky Boy Costly. Instead of the expected surplus, the Prince' Rupert FLshermen's Co-operative Association operated at a deficit during the past year, it was reported at the annual meeting of the association held recently at Jap Inlet. The deficit, however, Vorah, has gone ashore In Vancouver for his annual varaMnn n MacRaild, lately chief on the Princess Maqulnna and well known on northern runs, is relieving as chief I ... .... ..u.u.i uuijiig ivu. uuruon 8 iDsence. It is considered aulte llkelv that mother freighter mav come tn Prince Rupert in February to load i cargo of aspen and. nnihiw ' . . .... nemiocK timber for the Orient Mucn will depend on the results irom the shipment which was recently made aboard the Norwegian motorship Danwood. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imperial !s due in port from loco with a cargo of fuel for the company's local tanks. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 II PAUL MUNI FEATURED Karen Morley Plays Opposite Him In "Black Fury" at Capitol Theatre "Black Fury," featuring Paul Muni In a vivid role, comes as the feature offering on the screen of ihe Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week. It Is a story of the loves and hates, sorrows and was a small one and the association joys, hopes and despairs of men plans on being active again next and women whose lives are devoted season, operating three and pos-,to bringing forth fuel from the slbly four camps. Confidence was earth. It shows with real fidelity, expressed in the 1935 directorate It Is said, the dangers and hazards by re-electing It In toto. Fred Keith encountered hourly by intrepid men Is president. At the same time the to whom death is a constant corn-annual meeting of the Northern nanion. British British Columbia Columbia Salmon Salmon Trollers'! Trollers, Muni Muni has has the the role role of of a a burly burly Slav Slavi vorkers and at Ocean Falls with .nachinery for the Pacific Mills, ar-ived at 12 noon and sailed an hour ater for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she Is scheduled to .eturn here Thursday afternoon outhbound. The Norah had 27 passengers of whom nine disembarked here. She took seven north from here. The Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, arrived from Vancouver at 5 o'clock yesterday lfternoon and sailed at 8 p.m. for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here Tuesday morning to sail at 1:30 o.m. that day for the .south. The Catala had a light list of passengers. Capt. Peter Lelghton of Metla-catla sailed yesterday on the Prin-:ess Norah for Ketchikan to make irarngements to bring back his veil known, selneboat -and packer Oicky Boy which brpke adrift from ius musings, ai AieuaKJHia in a itorm two weeks ago yesterday and lrined out to Dixon's Entrance, eing picked up bv the American halibut boat North which towed it mdamaged into .Ketchikan. A $700 alvage claim has been made gainst the Dicky Boy by the North. Alexander Gordon, regular chief ;ngineer of the steamer injured in a fight before Anna re omewhat behind schedule owing i turns. She helps him to break into a having made extra calls at' the company's dynamite storage Inglewood with Japanese sawmill i house and load a hand car with ex- plosives which he uses to barricade the mine until his demands are met. EDUCATED BEES STOCKHOLM. Dec. 30: (CP) If properly trained, bees will come for their food at the whistle of a bee-keeper. Ake Hansson has managed, after several years of experimentation, to teach bees to respond to his call. ECONOMY SPECIALS Call, Phone or Send Your Order In By Mail. We Are Always Glad To Serve You BLUE RIBBON COFFEE per lb TURKEYS All sizes per lb. MIXED NUTS No peanuts 3 lbs. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, per lb XMAS HOLLY While It lasts; per lb per pkg. 10c and BOX CHOCOLATES All Reasonable prices. POPPING CORN per lb. MUSSALLEM'S BUTTER First grade, 3 lbs SLICED BACON per lb BACON Whole per lb An Impossible Request 37c 30c 49c 10c! 40c MISTLETOE at Low Prices SCOTCH OATCAKES 25c sizes at 15c 95c 33c 29c FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Grapefruit, 6 for 25c Brussells Sprouts, 2 lbs. 25c California Celery, each 20c WE DELIVER MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Claxton Fisherman Dies in Hospital Shoeman Hamano Passed Away Yesterday After Brief Illness Shoeman Hamano, 53-year old Japanese fisherman of Claxton on the Skeena River, died at 9 o'clock last night in the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he had been a patient for a couple of days He is survived by a widow at Claxton. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of Hayner Bros., undertakers, and Interment will take place tomorrow. POLISH BIRTH RATE DROPS WARSAW. Dec. 30: (CP) Hare times affected the Polish birth rate The natural population surplus In t"" " Association was held. The veteran! miner who has arranged to buy a although In previous years It har ri. ni . . . . j i ...uui. v. it. . i ! gradually eraduallv Increased. Increased. Jack Roberts was re-elected secre-1 farm on which he expect to llye tary for the ensuing year. The convention passed the perennial esolution asking for a breakwater at Seven, Mile Point on Graham island. Two coastal steamers were In port Vancouver yesterday bound .orth. The C. P. R. steamer Prin- :ess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, the role of whom Is portrayed by! Karen Morley. She, however, runs! away with a coal mine policeman and Joe. grief-stricken and bewildered, falls easy prey to the machinations of a group of thugs who foment a strike In order to get the job of breaking it. Joe Is severely How to Earn More Money Just published Send 10c coin or stamps for your copy. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE BUREAU 135 Yonge St, TORONTO, ONTARIO COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL ' VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 HfMafiooMrvi nn,A :rj mopes m -r"- r i'-i n K?omb h W Wiww1 V does rWJI m.I' II VURit 7 p VK'n y I - ... ' A .Vli 33 I i ill A ureal AriJ mance (At 7 23 it S, ADDED Johnny Green and Orchtstrj I World News Evtnts & A Commencing at 11:15 p.m. SPECIAL STAGE AND SCREEN SHOW FUN FAVORS NOVELTIES Big Cash Drawing $25.00 in Cash Prizes Tickets, 50c Now Selling THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Supcrphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Rrand Mcfais Gold, Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium. Bismuth. Always Carry Spares To Fill the Empty Sockets Spare lamps in the home are a great cbnveniencre, allowing you to replace immediately burned out or broken lamps without robbing other fixtures. 25, 40 and 60 watt Laco Mazda Lamps are now only 20c each GORDON'S HARDWARE mm I m It rf m 3 Iff 3 AH PUUMft ro AST yc -to SOTTHIM' ACCCMT Q McUride St- Phone 311 It's interesting to know when readinglhe Daily News' that the people of the whole district are doing the same. -By Wstover I CAMT. IT'S UMPARDOMABLE