ri, ua The system that males you sisht-su of COItfCt fitting. Solid quality thioughout flexible comfortable and smait in styla. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up &0 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 108 GROTTO TAXI 456 You only live once. Why not ride in the best? Three Cars at your service. Bert Morgan Bud Barrie PROP. Jatl OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS The Family Shoe Store Tuesday, June 25, 1&35 SELFISHNESS OF CITIES Businessmen in big cities, especially those who have become rich, become very selfish. Recently it was announced at Victoria that the provincial government would spend a considerable sum of money on the roads of the province. Immediately a cry went up from Vancou ver: "We want it all." Of course those were not the words i used but they meant just that. They ask that it all be spent' on the particular roads on which they drive. Some of them shout for a highway commission to prevent the roads in the remote districts from being opened up. j These businessmen should know that Prince Rupert,, Terrace, Smithers, Burns Lake, Prince George. Queen Charlotte Islands and other places too numerous to men-, ti'Qn need roads as well as they, in fact the need is much greater. We are all in favor of hard surfaced roads in the south but we are absolutely opposed to the spending of the available money on a few roads around Vancouver and Victoria, leaving the rest of the province to do without. Happily we have a government at Victoria that knows the need of the country places as well as that of-the big centres and it has been announced that all parts of the province will get a share. YEAR TO REACH DESTINATION The difficulties of the pioneer mining men is well illustrated in the story published yesterday from Vanderhoof of a mining outfit starting in February last for the Man-son Creek country. It started to move over the frozen ground and got a few miles north of Fort St. James when ihe thaw came and operations had to stop. Now it is on the move again and it is expected will not arrive at its destination until October. That is a long time and it requires a great deal of persistence for mining operators to start on such a journey under such conditions. It may be next year before they reach their objective. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oa'& and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 88 Phones S38 Taxi 99 The latest In motor transportation 3 CAR SERVICE Stan Moran, Proprietor s sirytxi M B. uzmsmzmzMxujitm imsMintmrusti. mm enzm iiuaxi . ikia in m tn THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edfcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance .- $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid to advance, per year 3-00 Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION I Smithers Ball j Tennis Delayed Teams on Road By Wet Weather One Wins at Telkwa While Other Loses at llaiflton Both Close CSaines SMITHEIIS. June 25: Two Smithers baseball teams were on the road Sunday, one playing at Tel-kwa to win 8 to 7 while a local High School team went to Hazelton and lost 2 to 1. Angus McLean was on the mound (or Smithers ai Telkwa while Bob Donaldson and Art Dockrlll did hurling duty for Telkwa. Telkwa came up from behind In the ninth stanza to score five runs and nearly win. Mike O'Neill, for Smtthm. and Perry York, for Haaetten, staged a pitcher's battle in the Hazelton game. Ray Kershaw, SmUhera pitchlni ace, and local High School teacher, has gone to Vancouver for thr summer. Baseball TUESDAY, JUNE 25 S. O. C. vs. Elks Baseball Scores National St. Louis 12; Brooklyn 7. Chicago 10; New York 9. Cincinnati C: Philadelphia 4. American Boston 4: Chicago 6. Philadelphia 1: St. Louis 2. Washington 8; Dc'toi. 9. New York 4 Cleveland 1 s : s EVERTBODT Will praise you when you serve Kellogg's Rice Krispiea. Their crispness and flavor is something to talk about. Children love to hear Rico Krispiea crackle in milk or cream. Let them have all they want those toasted rice Lubhles are nourishing and easy to digest. Just the thing for the nursery supper. They promote sound sleep. Crocera everywhere sell Kellogg's Rice Krispies in tho Mother Coose story package. The more you buy the mora stories you get. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. I RICE m KRSPlIs jj Only Two Oames Played Yesterday But Full Schedule Arranged For Today ? At a result of wet wUw the ennis tournament at the Prime tupert Tennis dub was taterrup-ed, only two matches being played. Thae resulted as follows: Mrs. Ilnrton and Miss Davis beat Mrs. Jabour and Mrs, Carrie 0-4, 7-5. Mitchell and Mitt FrtaceJt brat Clarke and Mrs. Laidfer. 0-1 7-8. Today, weather rxMmtt4nf, ptay 111 be continued with game as ollows: 11:00 AM. Mrs. Tinker va. Mr, labour. ' 4:30 P.M. Brown va. Hawarth. 6:00 PAL-Oreggar and HarttV . La Idler and Davit. 6:30 P.M. Brown and Mr. Tin-:er vs. Freeman and Mlas Brueef Jarry vs. Young. 7:00 PAL Mrs. Horton and Mfcw )avls vs. Miss FrtrzHl and Mlas Sdgcumbe; Freeman and Bedfard ;s. Joslin and Moore. T"qr. June fAOE rwu THE DAILY NEWS 25 arc KiiiK?3irr BsKnisrwi& n oj u au iik aUKXiza 3 5 LAV NOTHING UNKNOWNJ WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS JTack&nd jfill HEALTH SHOES You ItnOM by teeing intide tht shoes on th child's fool you ssmin the quality of the shod. Listen! get hungry Yacht Race Challenge Monday, July 1 being a public holiday and the ss. Prince George nd ss. Prince Robert being due In oort, I, A. J. Croxford. herewith :hallenge the holder of the ss. Prince George Trophy to a model yacht race, to be held In the forenoon between 10 and 11. the eeuree to be from the Yacht dub floats to a point off McNlchol Crek, thence, to a point off the C. N. wharf, thence parelW to the waterfront, and finish off at the Yacht Club". The event to be open to any and all competitors. District News VANDERHOOF . Rev. Father J. Boase O. M. I. of:-I Fort St. James left on Friday for' Smithers to receive treatment for t a badly sprained ankle. Father , Godfrey of Smithers will relieve at ! Fort St. James during his absence. ! ' A. A. Hutchinson, local station , agent, returned here at the end of the week from a vacaUon trip. J. jE. Panter of Smithers was reliev ing as agent here during hi SMITHERS Jack McNeil returned here at the end of the week from a visit to the country between Edmonton and Calgary in connection with his stock business. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mathews and family, for many years residents of Smithers, left on Sunday by motor for Vancouver, their Intention being to locate In the south. Mr. Mathews was at one time manager of Sargent's Store here and has al-ways taken an active part in local I affairs. L. H. Kenney succeeds him j as secretary of the Canadian nrnisi- Living Policyholders OPENING UP COAL MINE Aveling Property Near Telkwa To! Ship This Winter Road Heine r.ullt are Receiving 75 0 of Life Insurance Benefits Beneficiaries Receive the Balance YEAR after year, living policy holders are receiving by far the greater share of the moneys disbursed In Life Insurance benefits in Canada. In 19M, for example, these living policyholders received an average of over $ (00,000 every working day! In that year, their total receipts of over 127 million dollars amounted tu 75' , of all Life Insurance benefits; the balance of nearly 42 million dollars was distributed among beneficiaries of deceased policy holders. Through Life Insurance disbursements, thousands of Canadians from coast to coast have been able to realize their earlier ambitions. Men and women have won financial independence in their later years. Young men have obtained a start in business. Children have been educated. Families have been tided over periods of financial stress. Life Insurance offers a safe, because it is a scientific, plan of saving for future needs. Not only does it provide vital protection for dependents but it enables millions of policyholders to make sure of money when tiicy need it most. As a Life Insurance policy-holder, your savings are held "in trust" for you. They are safely invested on your behalf so that you can look forward to the time when you will enjoy the benefits of your own thrift. Life Insurance 1 Guardian of Jv A- itMddidii tiomeii XI IV wail- Out of a Sti of Mriuign Sp,n$orrJ by lift. ImiurmiMt Comptnlti TELKWA, June 25: A second coal mine In this district, the Avellng Coal Co.'s property, operating on a new seam of the old Betty mine, expects to go Into production this fall. The other active fuel producer of this district Is the Bulkley Valley Colliery of Frank Dockrill on Goat Creek. Onrnfnrfl rtf tha A vol frit trtina (SV IllVtltlf) IMIIIVf (VflVIHKVtB which Is located seven miles up the ! Telkwa River, are John Wilson, Thomas Blythman and Asa Robinson, all experienced coal miners, who formerly were with Jack McNeil in his operations. I Preliminary to opening Bp the 'property, four miles of road has had to be constructed Including a I bridge 170 feet lonz taking in ap-Iproaches. This summer the road iwlll be gravelled to permit trucks to use It for hauling out the coal. I HOLIDAYS How Will You Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all tho joys of country life at "The Dunes" TIell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHINO - TENN18 - FISHINO H Rates $12 and up. Modern Conveniences. B Writ or wireless for reservations ta t MADAME RAJAUT atsi EBimi n mm mtwmsmstm-rm suimrrnxmrm mrm' ' DELUXE WALL TINTS Made in many attractive tints. Different shade can bo obtained by comblnlnu two or more mini " Simply follow directions on ft 5 P. package uuw Thompson Hardware Co. Limited Itl