FADE TOXTR A" I r. i 6 v. A? If ' t i it HEINZ PORK & BEANS Medium, per tin LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS Large, per tin FLY SPRAY For killing flies, per bottle' the FLAT 10 Package the S1.75 TERRACE POTATOES 24c 11c i While they last CI 9 IZ per sack TANGO Ribbon, EASY-OPENING DEVICE or Removing the Cellophane 1 1 12c 15c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE OQo Large, 3 tins AvK, I.B.C. SODAS Dollar size QH p per box O IV SWEET MIXED BISCUITS otn ner lb. tO, 35c Strawberries, Bananas, Oranges, Canleloupes, Apples & Vegetables at REDUCED PRICES MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Ilave More Cents" P. 0. Box 575 Phone 18 Bcbw wwrawm gram HVMIW HERE is the new TURRET "flatten" distinguished in appearance, compact and so convenient that you'll always want to keep a few of these "flat ten's" at home ready to pop into an evenins bag or waistcoat pocket. Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited We Buy for Less. THE PEOPLES. STORE ANKTHE ALANCE Whether you are going camping, picnicing or staying: at home, we can supply you and save you money FLOUR First Patent All Brands, 49-lb. sack FLOUR Second Patent O-f All Brands, 49-lb, sack vl0 ALBERTA BUTTER per lb B. C. LETTUCE Good ' beads, "2 for r HEALTH AND EDUCATION' Continued irom Page 1 Jnadians whose language and re ligion were especially protected in the Confederation law. At one time there was intense friction between the Catholics and Protestants In Lower Canada and they did not wish to again start a racial or religious war. The old breach had i Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture . Moving been healed However, he felt they should be able to solve this ques tion. In this province it was found that many of the venereal cases came from other provinces. People who were ill on the prairies were ordered to the coast with the result that this province suffered from having to take care of people who were 111 but whose illness did not originate here. This made it a federal question. , In the matter of education, the ninister said the social conditions l the past few years had made it cry desirable that grown people should be provided with the means if further education. The govern-; ment was ready to do something for Prince Rupert along the line of university extension and adult1 education and also in physical and! recreational education which had proved so successful in the south. He suggested that those Interested m the matter here who had already discussed the question with him should send In a oronosal within the next few weeks and the government would give it everv consideration. They wished to do everything possible for the young unemployed men. BUSY WEEK F0RC0URT Three Civil Actions Dealt With At Smithers Judge and Officials Climb Mountain ( SMITHERS, Juni 25:-In the tcourse of the hearing of an action here last week involving a mining property, Judge W E. Fisher and the entire County Court climbed jhalf way up Hudson Bay Mountain "to examine staking! of the property. Plaintiff in the suit was ,Fred Castell. who " clafmed sioon JJfrom J. M. Sloan and Mm. Hilda THE DAILY NEWS mi And the Turret "flat ten" has the tango ribbon; easy-opening device for removing the Cellophane an ingenious invention that makes a hit with every smoker. Get a "flat ten" package today and see how smart it is I A Full Line of Mens Underwear from 39c up to $8.75 jj We Sell For Less, g UY HERE APOSTOLIC DELEGATE 0N VISIT Will be Here Tomorrow Morning And Will Hold Two Receptions During Day An official visit will be paid to Prince Rupert tomorrow morning by Most Rev. Andrew Cassulto. apostolic delegate 'for Canada and , Newfoundland wtio is expected to arrive on the steamship Prince George, going ea.$t on the train in the evening. A reception wIM be held in the Catholic Church at 1015 and there will be a formal reception In the i school at 1:30. The delegate. Who Is the official representative of the Pope, has been touring the country, stopping off at all important points. Hemingway in connection with a deal on the property of which plaintiff was the owner. The action was dismissed and the parties will endeavor to reach a new agreement, failing which the matter will again be referred to the Judge. J. T. Harvey of Prince Rupert was counsel for the plaintiff while J. D. Forin of Vancouver acted for defendant Sloan and H. H. Griffin of Smithers for Mrs. Hemingway. In another case. Judge Fisher dismissed the action of ejectment brought by Jack Carr against Eric Edlund in connection with a dispute over the terms of a lease of a farm near here. II. H. Griffin was counsel for Carr and J. T. Harvey for Edlund. Yesterday the hearing of a suit of William Thome vs. Columbia Power Co. was in progress. Plaintiff was suing on the nrounda that operation by defendant of a delsel electric plant close to his house created a nuisance, the noise and smell of the engines lossenlng the value of the property, J. t. Harvey was counsel for plaintiff and II. H. Griffin for the defendant company. This session of Countv Court here has occupied an entire week. Judge W. E. Fisher and Mr. Harvey arc returning to Prince Rupert WEATHER REPORT Terrace-Cloudy, south wind, 52. Anyox Cloudy, calm, S3. Stewart-Cloudy, south wind, 50. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, warm. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 53, i HazeltonCloudy calm, 58. El Visited Smithers SMITH KR8. Jum 25: Rev. Dr. G. A. Wilson, superintendent of missions for the United Church In B. C arrived by cir on Saturday day from Vancouver ;ti the course of a ' 2000-mile tour of the province. He - preached in the local Church on Sunday and southward from here. United returns Everybody reads the Dally News There s a naon SWIM SUITS KLINGTITES Children's from . . . Ladies' from ... $1.95 $2.95 HATIIINfi CAPS, MOLTS WALLACE'S TOMORROW Last Day of Sale on Floor Covering Printed Linoleum. Reg. 89c Sale, square yard 75c CONGOl.KUM RUGS iilae 6x9, Reg. $6.00; Sale $3.00 Size 7x9, Reg. $7.50: Sale, $6.25 Size 9x9, Reg. $9.00: Sale $7.25 Size 0xl04. Reg. $10.50: Sale $8.50 Size 0x12, Reg. $12.00; Sale ....$9.75 C. C. M. JOYCYCLK Ages 2V4 to 4 years. Reg $7.50 Sale $6.25 Ages 3V2 to 5 years Reg. $8.25 Sale .....J7.00 D. ELIO Local Member School Staff Weds Monday Nelton Allen of High School to Become Benedict on Monday Next at Vancouver . One of the younger members of the High School staff. Nelson Allen. Is to be married on Dominion Day In Vancouver to Miss Elaine Mc-Klllop. a well known Vancouver girl. The summer will be spent in Vancouver and In September Mr. Allen will return to Prince Rupert bringing his bride. Both Vancouver evening papers publish picture of the bride and groom, the Sun having the following: "Miss Elaine McKlllop and Mr. Nelson Allen, who are to be principals of a July 1 wedding, will have the unusual privilege of being matron of honor and beat man. re spectively, the day following their own wedding, when Mr. Aliens sister. Miss Grace Allen, weds Mr Pierre Tlmp in Victoria on July 2 The AIlen-McKIUop nuptials will take place quietly at 2054 Trafalgar Street, home of Mr and Mrs. Kcbtr Q. McKlllop. the bride-elect's parent. Rev. H R. McOlll officiating and Miss Betty McKlllop acting as bridesmaid for her elder staler "The Timp-Allen wedding will be solemnised In Victoria, where the principals are both well known Mngera. members pf the Mrtster-slngers' Choir, and where the bridc-ekct s parents. Mr. and Mrs. ilainJw Altar. .4- Both couples will spend a part of their honeymoon together at Haralson Hot Springs. Mr. Allen, who graduated from the University of B. C. and Is affiliated with Sigma Alpha Phi. U bringing his bride back to Vancouver for the summer and in the fall returning to Prince Rupert where he Is a member of the High School staff." FOURTEEN kii.i.i:d MEDALUN. Columbia. June 23 Fourteen people were killed ani stx seriously Injured in a crash b- twrn two alrnlnriKut hr rvr LAST Tl.Mrg TONIGHT From the OffieUl Wir ra Um' of All the C.rrat N,lon As the Camera Saw It As Our Own Csn.dlini $, "LEST WE FORGET" Presei w n Canadian Legion It i: j, j. Preserved In Guarded liJm, Hitherto l?nremled' (At 7:23 & g )o - AlfA Cartoon and News THE ATTACK IS ON Keep Plants Free of Disease SPRAY NOW 1ZT 25c .Hruia Floral CO op Sprayers . 0sD Bedding Oealtun Ft .t window btx. etc 6 for Special - at $1.25 Garden Whwlbarr" rt $4.45 Cotton Glovei OSp 2 pair for 8weet Pea Twine OA UV per ball lc & Kaien Hardware PIIONF. - 1 New Rochester Dial THERMOMETERS Pjiitv In rearf Arrura'r cry home use Rochrv L' -i; Thermometer meet : ''' need In every home A' a " In appearance. Low if r ' Each in a suitable box For the BATH Float !.., i;r unbreakable. Use It fr Ba . bath, or your cwn $! For OUTSIDE THE WINDOW Tell the outside tempcu'- without golni out 7 For INDOORS - Hangm r standing type black rr ; po llshed chromium or brass jm CALENDAR Colored IcaUr;' r! feet, thermometer and pc?( pctual calendar. A SP-gift f HUMIDIMETER Tells y u :: e percentage of moisture m your home. InsuresUv cir.ior1 and health of your family ar,a guests. Save fuel also J-J f r CANDY. JELLY. FAT. visible dial thermometer, Indlspen.sibl modern recipes. Polished rustless chtomlum. Easy ' Eliminates guesswork and saves time, fuel and ingrcdiri Recommended and approved by Oood Housekeeping Instuu ,J Only i SHINGLE STAIN pp Preserve and beautify your shingles with pure Linseed Oil Shingle Stain, Guaranteed to Last. Mixed In any Shade desired, j (Jrccns and Greys, per gallon jj Macks, Hrowns and Reds, per gallon H riMtMn vritt nAturiMn nnnnT.r.Mn Tf US ui,iu A V W . V I ,11,1 1,11U GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 Mcllrlde St. m zti vrvri I ' t"m vm rnva vm vm nm r m t-m rmifm im !" 5" ' " If you lose anything, try a classified ad-