THE DAILY NEWS ‘ sets NOT ~ . ? 5 * General Merc handise { | e | | { {| | Cl smn ES SAMUEL HAR ON NOTAR ’ Prince Rupert LYNCH BROS. | - - Largest Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. ms ee ep le ms rt rs a rs pe ne re ee BE Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers ApPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED regret aE A A AT 8 tH tt tt HE LAND PURCHASE NOTICE TT? ons oO om me lias ee ee ee ee || ———— Vv. F. G. GAMBLE and Stewart Skeena Land Distriet-—Distriet of Coast Renge 5 ; Take notice that I, Thomas MecClymont of Prince Rupert, B. (¢ » occupation real estate broker, intend to apply for permission to purchase tne following deseribed lands Commencing at a psot planted at the S. W, corner of pre-emption record 412, thence east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 80 chains to shore of lake, thence following shore | of lake in a northerly direction to point of com- mencement; containing 320 acves, more or lesa. | Dated Sept. 56,1911. THOMAS MeCLYMONT | Pub. Sept. 9. Erenest Cole, Agent Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 _ Take notice that E. H. G. Miller of Falmouth Eng., oceupation surveyor, intends to apply fo | ae to purchase the following described ands: Commencing at a post planted at the N. W. Cor- ner of Lot 4406, thencs west 80 chians, thence south | 20 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 20 chains to the point of commencement containing 160 acres more or leas | Dated August 15, 1911 E. H. G. MILLER | Pub. Aug. 26. P. M. Miller, Agent | | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 | Take notice that Herbert J. Mackie of Pem- | broke, Ont., occupation lumberman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: | ,Commencing at a post planted on the left bank | of the Zymoqoitz or Zim-a-got-itz River, at south- west corner of Lot 1706, thence northerly, following the westerly boundary of Lot 1706, 80 chains | More or leas, to the northwest corner of said Lot 1706, thence westerly and southerly, following | the lefttbank of said river, 80 chains more or less to | point of commencement containing 160 acres more or less. Located August 19, 1911 | Dated August 21,1911, HERBERT J. MACKIE | Pub. Aug. 26. Frederick 8. Clements, Agent | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V } , Take notice that I, George Kime of Towner, | North Dakota, U. S. A., farmer, intend to apply } ie pewaetos to purchase the following described nds: ee AEE ee LINE OF LIQUORS, ALWAYS IN STOCK WE HAVE A COMPLETE HERE ARE THREE OF OUR SPECIAL LINES————— Budweiser Beer, We are Guaranteed to be 12 years in Dbl Weekly Service 8, Prince Rupert, S.S. Prince George Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. or Stewart, Thursdays at 8 a.m. . Prince John sails for Port Simp- son, Naas River, Masset, Naden Harbor, Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m, ind for: Queen Charlotte Island points, Sat- urdays | p.n Railway Service to Copper River om Prince Rupert Mon- and Saturdays, 1 g Tuesdays, Thursdays ndays at 4 p.m, The Grand Trunk Railway System ng with trains from the Pacific erates a frequent and conven- service of luxurious trains over its t track route between Chicago, | soronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, ortlanc Boston, New York and Phila- iphia. Atlant eamship bookings via es, Full informa- Vand ticket tained from the A. E. MCMASTER FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT | ’ Northern B.C. Liquor Company, Irn rn rok BEERS WINES AND sole agents for Northern B.C. | Double OO Whiskey the wood before being bottled Sole agents for Northern B.C. Victoria Phoenix Beer Phone No. 7 P.O, Box 577 FRED. STORK } leaier -# — 0 © 0-4-4 © ° | General Hardware } ? ; *. | Builders’ Hardware | @ Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves * Graniteware Tinware + + | | * t SECOND - AVENUE 4 © %-@ @— @ @ 6 ¢ @ © © SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 3rd Ave, Phone 174 Workshop 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and Sth Sts bobo bo SoSSeS DSSS SSSSLSSSS PPS SSS SST ST ETT TTT Tee ee W. J. McCUTCHEON > a > > . » Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special > . » , t4+44+44 attention paid to filling prescriptions. Theatre Block PHone No. 79 Second Ave. 4444444444 oSS5444444 i t Gasoline Launches, Re;csoets For Hire by Hour or Day “BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED CANADIAN Rahal} ery Canadian \C. Coast ser NS Pacitic Railway ‘ Famous Princess I Princess May Friday, September 15th, at 9 a.m. atte General Agent .5. INLANDER a FOR eee HAZELTON aa er and Viet G. McNab Take the Mf fast light draught steam- er Inlar f nlander for Hazelton, — areas “B Rochester Agent ince Rupert Lodge, L0.0.F. ae : ®ets in the Hy lgerson Block Very Tuesd t Members «4 ay Evening the order in the city ! to visit the lodge. eee We requeste; J.P. CADE , CADE, N. G. J. W, JACKSON, ian! i e's NEWS Agency 8Bazings : IGARS Dp rs Periodicals } Newspape ss TOBACGOS FRUITS P.O. Box 187 Cow Creek PHONE 259 GREEN CARTAGE and LINDSAY'S “’storace G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable, Phone 68 Orders promptly filled OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St to buy, property. If you want sell or rent ASK ME I Have Fire, Life and Accident Insurance buyers on hand for prop- erties at right” prices, Furnished apart- For Rent: ment, $20 month, F L f-room house with or ease bath, close in. $28 a month, JOHN DYBHAVN Pattullo Block. TO RENT Comfortable 5 roomed house with bath, on Sixth Ave., near McBride, $35.00 3 roomed cabin, near Government office, $10.00 G. R. NADEN COMPANY Limited, GTP, WHARF Second Ave., oe | west 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence |} Dated August 15, 1911 } Pub. Aug. 26. Commencing at a pose planted at the south- west corner of Lot 2287, thence east 80 ehains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains | thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, | thence north 80 chains to point of commencement containing 480 acres more or less. Dared July 15, 1911 GEORGE KIME Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Peter Larsen of Towner, North Dakota, U. 8. A., farmer, intend to apply - ission to purchase the following described kas at a post planted at the south- | Commencin east corner | thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement. Dated July 15, 1911. PETER LARSEN Pub July 25, 1911. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | .. Take notice that I, Adolph H. Christianson of | Towner, North Dakota, occupation attorney- | {2j : é -etin she > | coders latent oo speiy tet, perectonee to vend y-\feir that a meeting should be | the following described lands: held at which the facts of the Commen: at a post planted about one and } c ; ; ; | one-half, miles (1 1-2) northeast of the head of |question of reciprocity could be Trout River on the west side of Lakelse Lake, |} and about 5 chains from the lakefront, thence | ( south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence j neste 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point | of Dated June 30, 1911. | Pub, July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | Skeena Land District -Disicict of Coast Range 5 | ; | Take notice that R. F. Miller of Tipton, Eng- land, occupation farmer, intends to apply for}them. He had been a_ school perminsion to purchase the following described . ands: teacher at one time and therefore Commencing at a post planted about 60 chains west from the N. W. Corner of Lot 4406, thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to the point of commencement containing eighty acres more or less. t Dated August 19, 1911. R. F. MILLER Pub. Aug. 26. P. M. Miller, Agent | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 | ¢ Take notice that Frank S. Miller of London, Eng., occupation civil engineer, intends to apply ee pecmmamen to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted at the N. E. Corner of Lot 28, thence north 20 chains, thence east 20 chains to point of commencement, con- | taining 40 acres more or less. FRANK 8. MILLER P. M. Miller, Agent District of Coast Range V Tallman of Cedar | intends to Skeena Land District Take notice that Jesse M. Rapids, lowa, occupation lawyer, ’ | apply for permission to purchase the following that one of them could not have described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the err i} shore of Kutzymateen Iniet on the right ban! of a small stream flowing into said Inlet just east | of Crow Lake. Thence south 20 chains, thence Crow Lake, thence northerly and easterly fol- lowing the shore lines of Crow Lake, the Inlet to Crow Lake and Kutzeymateen Inlet to the place of commencement, containing forty acres more or less. Located August 7, 1911. JESSE M. TALLMAN il nest jat a matinee just as he came Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Ranges | from the boat and started in on Take notice that Sarah E. Alton of Prince Rupert, occupation nurse, intends to apply for ] permission to purenase the following described | ands: | Commencing at a post planted at the North- west corner 140 chains easterly (slightly from the northeast sorner of Lot 1116 (Harvey Survey , thence 80 chains south, thence 40 chains | west, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains | 5 west, thence 40 chains north to post of com-/| mencement containing 480 acres more or less. Dated June 14, 1911 SARAH E, ALTON Pub. July 15. Fred Bohler, Agent jt Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 | Take notce that Linford Sewell Bell of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation locomotive engineer, | « intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the north bank of the Zimogotitz River about three (3) miles distant (upstream) in a westerly direction from the junction of the Little Zimogotitz River | ; and the main Zimogotitz River, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to post of com-/| ~ mencement containing 160 acres more or leas. a fc Dated June 7, 1911. LINFORD SEWALL BELL Pub. July 8. Cassiar Land District-——District of Skeena man was addressed io him, and dience; troducing the candidate had been neat and to the point. he said, interest in this campaign, mainly because its leading question so Lot 1729, thende south 80 chains,| nearly affected household expen- a | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Pange V} committee had thought it only ADOLPH H. CHRISTIANSON | qualified to state these facts to the ladies as he was something knew girls from their infancy up. mind at present, and no one could the household than he. Mr. same as in a man’s meeting. seid he regretted that the ladies Modesiy west 20 chains more or less to the shore line of woman, but too much of it was Then he apologized for appearing north)| mittee asked me to address you,” Coast District, Range V, thence 80 chains he said, fluence upon the government of deal to do with the most beautiful Geo. R. Putnam, Agent the ROSS DUNCAN TO THE LADIES Political Matinee at Empress Theatre Yesterday After- noon—‘‘How Reciproc ity Cuts Down House- hold Expenses’’ the Theme Which Inter- ested Large Audience “Madam Chairman,” said Dun- can Ross as he began his address to the ladies at the Empress Theatre yesterday afternoon, and then he excused himself by the observation: ‘That is what I intended to say, thinking up my remarks to you as ! the boat this afternoon, because, as it was to be a mecting of the ladies called by and for the ladies, I naiurelly thought there would be a lady chairman for such an important gathering of the fair sex." Mr. Manson Blushed Alex Manson is youthful enough to blush when the Madam Chair- came in on the ladies the au- in in- it occasioned a tiiter in but his speech Women, were taking so much ses, that upon the suggestion of number of them the Liberal liscussed for their benefit alone. Mr. Ross, he said, was well of a ladies’ man and undersiood This question of reciprocity was he ore uppermost in the public xplain it and how it affected Tribute to Modesty There was hardclapping when Ross came forward, all the He f Prince Rupert were so modest veen induced to take the chair. was a noble trait in iable to be a detriment in politics. iis political speech. “IT do not know why the com- “unless it is that while elfish man denies you the privilege f the franchise they cannot deny hat you exercise a mighty in- very country. Is for Woman Suffrage “T believe woman should have he franchise. They have a great rm of government of the world— home government, which is Take notice that I, Lemuel Freer of Vancouver, occupation broker, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following desribedr lands Commencing at a post planted on the shore in a northerly direction from Port Nelson Cannery marked L. F.’s S. E. Corner, thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains west, thence 20 chains south to shore line, thence along the shore to point of commencement, containing 40 acres more r less. Ae Dated June 10, 1911 LEMUEL FREER Pub, July 8. J, M. Collison, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Peter Erickson of Prince Rupert, laborer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north bank of Williams Creek where the railway right- of-way crosses and 8 chains back from the creek | bank, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 | chains, thence north 30 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement. ha Dated July 7, 1911. PETER ERICKSON Pub, July 25. Fred BE, Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, John Evenson of Prince Rupert, laborer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands: commencing at a post planted at the south- east corner of Lot 4415, thence north 80 chain, thence east 60 chains, Senne south 80 onains, thence west 60 chains to point of commencement, Dated July 18, 1911. JOHN EVENSON Pub. July 25. Fred BE, Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range v Take notice that 1, Benjamin A. Fish of Towner, . D., occupation merchant, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following descri nds: Commencing at a post planted on the east boundary and about five chains from the south- east corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 chains, teen sonsn 60 Sara | thence west 30 chains to point of commencement, | Dated June 24, 1911. BENJAMIN A. FISH Pub. July 25. Fred E, Cowell, Agent keena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 Prince Rupert, B.C. | pub. July 19, 1911 Take notice that Stanley Green of Prince Rupert, B, C., occupation miner, intends to apply | for person to purchase the following described na: | Oe at a post planted 40 chains south and 40 chains west of the northwest corner of Lot 1738, Lakelse Valley, District of Coast Range 6, thence west 40 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 80 chains to oint of commencement, STANLEY GREEN Locator | | Staked June 80th, 1911 Pub. July 15. | Skeena Land Distriot-District of Coast Range 5 a irake notice that Perey M, Miller of Prince Ru- | pert, B.C,, occupation Civil Engineer, intends to | apply for permission to purchase the following scribed lands | he enalne at a post planted on the left bank of McNeil River at north west corner of lot 4409 R.V., thence east 20 chains more or less to west- lerly boundary of timber limit 545 (old number 40616) thence northerly following said westerly | boundary of timber limit 60 chains more or loss | to north west corner of said timber limit, thenne westerly 20 chains more or less to left bank o MeNeil River, thence southerly following said left bank of McNeil River 60 chains more or leas t, containing 100 acres } to point of commencemeéen more or less rag) : } PERCY M, MILLER, | EK, Flexman, Agent Date June 19, 1911 based upon the same natural lines as governments all over. Some- times ladies hold cabinet positions in this government, generally as the finance or chan- cellor of the exchequer, The Lure of the North “And I am particularly pleased to many ladies here this afternoon, and it leads one to the thought of what has brought so many here at this very early the history of Prince Rupert. It is a something almost undefinable; called in the East the lure of the West, in the West minister of sce sO epoch in the lure of the North, I think it must be that down in the bottom of the heart of every properly constituted person there is an ambition to have something to do with the making and de- velopment of a new country, “Women who brave these diffi- culties, oftentimes dangers, and always manifold inconveniences are to be ranked among the noblest of their kind. I believe it is the duty of every government to make it people who are doing this great pioneer work, What Reciprocity Is “In every properly constituted home government the wife, or the manager of the household, is the minister of finances and the chancellor of the exchequer As such she has often, under ex- isting circumstances, to endeavor to make one dollar go as far as a as easy as possible for the [maintain the household. Reci- |procity therefore mcans much to her because its object is mainly | the reduction of the cost of living. “Reciprocity means nothing more or less than a reduction of taxation, and especially on food supplies. It therefore appeals with irresistible force to every house- holder, and particularly those of the working classes. It means that when it goes into effect we shall get $3,500,000 worth of such goods which we are now importing from the United States much cheaper than at the present time. Means More Than That “There are those of you in the habit of getting nic-nacs some- times from the great stores of the Mother Country. When the Liberal party went into power it showed its loyalty to the Mother Country by reducing the duty on all British goods by 3 1-2 per cent below the goods of all other nations. This is called the pref- erencial tax. But when the reciprocity treaty goes into effect every British pos- sessiqn will enjoy the same re- duction of tariff on the goods they import to this country that the United States will enjoy, and the duties on goods from all other nations having friendly relations with Great Britain and Canada vill be reduced under reciprocity. Entails a Moral Issue Mr. Ross went on to give figures of ‘the cost of ham and bacon and ocher household neces- saries under the present tariff and under reciprocity, and found that this developed another phase of the home government. ‘‘You are not only minister of finance but also minister of justice, as you have to see that order is main- tained in the household. There is more or less of a morality issue in this reciprocity pact under a corrupt government taxes or duties might be imposed to an enormous extent,, and on certain articles, in order that the manufacturers of these articles may become im- mensely rich at the expense of the consumer. Then the people rise under and protest that they will not pay these enormous duties in order that a few may become rich at the expense of the many. And this was the invariable faci that these manufacturers by sub- sidizing the press, by corrupting if possible the members of par- liament and others, and in all sorts of ways, as they are doing now in regard to this question of reciprocity, oppose the people’s will for their own personal profit. Build up Prince Rupert ‘There is another point of view,’ said Mr. Ross, after running off a lot of figures to show how the manufacturers were raising the cry of loyalry and annexation in order to protect the profit they had in a protective duty, “and this of view particularly appeals to the ladies of Prince Rupert as pioneers. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has created another trans- continental railway and he has made Prince Rupert its terminus. “The Grand Trunk Pacific is going to be the most magnificent railway in the world for the carrying of freight because of its low grades. This greatest freight gatherer of the world will pile up your city with freight and the only thing you will need will be a convenient market. What about your next door neighbor, Alaska, also peopled with pioneer womer like yourselves. Alaska’s Trade for Us “Under this protective policy every new industry is discouraged; every new country is discouraged. Alaska today has to send for everything in the way of supplies to the United States because if she made her purchases here she would have heavy duties to pay, “Under reciprocity she would get her goods here cheaper than in the United States, and every trad- ing point from Ketchikan to Non e would be sending its vessels to ve laden here instead of sending them, as they do now to Seatile, Portland or San Francisco some two or four days journey farther point dollar and a half to feed and for Alaska and under reciprocity this. city will just as naturally have the trade of that vast ter- ritory.”’ Ten Dollars Off Grocery Bill Mr. Ross concluded with figures showing how a housewife whose bill from $30 $35 per month with the grocer would save about $10 on that bill under reciprocity, and that he trusted that when he came them as a candidate for Parliament all would have been granted suff- rage as, from the flattering re- ception they had given to him he would confidently rely upon most of their votes, expecially it if were then a question, as il was today, of cutting down the household expenses. To Influence Husbands Chairman Manson added a few words to this which really served to drive further home the im- portant points made by the can- didate. Women believed, he feared that most political talk was hot air, but they had heard something this afternoon that was not hot air. In fact it was upon a subject better understood by the ladies than by the men themselves—the cost of maintaining a household. It was for them now to tell their husbands ard brothers that they found that this was not a question of party politics but one upon which every householder must be agreed; that reciprocity meant a reduction in the household ex- penditure. was to next before LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Thomas Carter, of Prince Rupert, occupation carpenter, intend to apply fo to purchase the following describ- Commencing at a post planted about one mile W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 361 berta Bars, CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and 8 street. Prince Ruvert. 8 WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S. DENTIST. Cc and B Work aS 5 rown ridge a gg ny All dental local administered the ox- traction of teeth. Consultation 3 Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 Alex.M.Manson B.a., W,E.Williams,B.A., L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C P. O. BOX 23 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M.,.10N., ENG GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Third Avenue also Water Street, PRINCE KUPERT A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts south from the mouth of Falls creek and about 180 feet back from the beach, th 80 chai north, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains south, thence east 40 chains to point of commence- ment, containing 320 acres more or less. THOMAS CARTER, Dated July 7th, 1911, Charles Webster Calhoun, Pub. Aug. 5th. Agent. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that | ul Hagen of Prince laborer, intend to ap; ly for permission Fs mae aa planted on the north Creek about 50 chains R., thence south 40 chains, thence 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence 40 chains to t of commmencement. Dated July 7, 1911. PAUL HAGEN 25. E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District. District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that Wm. Francis Nichol- son, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation locomotive fireman, intend to appiy for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north bank of the Zim-o-got-itz river, about two miles up stream in a wester- ly direction from the junction of the little Zim-o-got-itz river and the main Zim-o-got-itz river, and marked Wm. Francis Nicholson’s south-east corner, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains more or less to shore line of river, thence east 40 chains more or less along shore line of river to post of commencement, con- taining 160 acres more or less. WM. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, Geo. R. Putman, agent. Dated July 17, 1911. COAL NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte ue Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddler, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a li to prospest for coal, oil and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No. 4469 thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August Ist, 1911. Pub, Aug. 19. Skeena Land District-—-District of Queen Charlotte Islands se south- |. THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. PIANOFORTE LESSONS For Beginners and Advanced Pupils Miss Vera Greenwood Pupil of Franz Wilczek, Paris and Berlin. Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs ==; E B Y ae Cos REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM - B. C. S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, Ni Sons England, meets the first and Tee ~ 0. third each month in the Sons of England Hall ted Ave, at 8 p.m. * % 0. prety es upert . O. 8 ERNEST A. WOODS, President, saan - MISS ELSIE FROUD A.L.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Violin and Voice Culture, 2nd Ave, o Between 7th & 8th Sts, Prince Rupert E. L, FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddler, intends to appl to the Chiei Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted three miles east of the northeast corner of C. L. No, 4469 thence south 80 chains, thence 80 chains west, ce 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August Ist, 1911, Pub. Aug. 19. Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlotte Islar.ds Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Rupert, occupation saddier, intends to apply to | the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and jleum on and under the following described lands on the West. Coast of Graham Island: | of the southeast corner of C. L. No, 4475 thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of com- | - mencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August Ist, 1911. i Pub, Aug. 19. | a ‘Windsor Hotel | FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and | Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION Commencing at a post planted three miles east Phone 178 HAYNE BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 8 “| Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Ist Ave. and 7th St, GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor Hotel Central Co; Firs Ars: European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. we $1.00 to $2.50 per day. g 3 Peter Black - Proprittor SAVOY HOTEL RATES 50 CENTS AND UP Fraser and Fifth St. BATHS FREE TO GUESTS , wh aden ae anaeennens er in rooms, ROBT. ASHLAND P.O, BOX 37 ———EEEEEEEeEeees a eS BOYS! — Two Five Dollar bills to be given away to bright boys, See Mr. Munroe at the News office. away. This is the natural marke Se ene