PAG? FOUR ik- GIFTS For Everyone There are so many different lines that it "would be impossible to tell you about all of them. We Specially Invite. You To Visit Our Store Courteous clerks will gladly show you our BASEMENT STORE Where we have added a Toy Department at prices that will amaze you. SHOP EARLY While our lines are all complete. A small deposit will hold-any article. ; See Our Beautiful Line of CHRISTMAS CARDS and" SAVE MONEY. : . VALUE AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST itjSmL NEVER REALIZED RCA Victor tydrjkjm. radio with METAL TUBES Tbmiand of Globe Trotter owners are now enjoying a new World of fawinating entertainment. To them the itriVing of Big Ben in London , . . an operatic gem from Rome . . . or aa infectious exotic rhythm from Sooth America ... in no uniuual experience. The thrill, of radio travel await you. too. A demowtration at our itore will reveal quickly what the new RCA Victor Globe Trotter Radio means in .till finer world, vide performance. . .higher tone fidelity... beautiful cabinet.. There', a wide choice of model, to choose from ... at price to meet every purse. Ea.v terms. him m LOOK AT THESE MATUIIJi 1. CImUM I. 1l"Sw-MmM. 4. Hi.k lrtq.Mr t.vL 5. ' 4. MafaiStMl w ttilnal 7. Tit imiilMtl Bvw dmlopmaiit, METAL TUIIJ TRADE-Ii ...We'll offer a generous allowance on your present set sMaMv5.JM MODEL CMS $116.00 Ca-ptaa Uff ftr At U. When Buying Coal Why Not Purchase The Best? , In ourcoalyotill the heat, r will make r home complete Nanaimo Vancouver Island Coal Foothills Alberta Sootlcss Coal Hulkley Valley Coal Philpott, Evitt & Cb. Ltd. 651 Phones 652 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 FURS FURS We have orders for Mink, Marten, Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices. Also all your other furs at full market value. Trial shipment will convince you. ship now to J. CLONES PRINCE GEOKGE, B.C. Kingd DAILTNZW Hi!" N0Tta Anniversary Of Legion Will Be Observed Soon While the executive meeting of Jie Canadian Leeion last evenlne as mainly In preparation for the egular monthly meeting to be held in Wednesday, plans were also laid for the observance of the tenth inniversary of the Canadian Le- qon. After the war several organiza ions were formed to perpetuate lie friendships formed in the army ina to see that the case of the re timed man was properly dealt Tith by those in power. Later there jrew up different factions. The late ne!d Marshal Haig saw that the inly hope for obtaining a proper ecognltion of the veteran's prob-ems and arrive at a suitable solu- Jon was to sink secUonal differ ences and concentrate on the ma or problems. This he felt the greatest contribution he could pay :o the men who had fought under lim and to the deoendents of hose who were killed. With the :ame breadth of vision as he had hown In command of the British orces and the same . adherence to he principles of co-ODeratlon hp had observed with the Allied Com manders, he labored to the enrf i '.hat an Empire-wide organization I Should be P.stahlKhfH Uo huj.j " w auvsnucu I and the tenth aninversary of this.) auaua concernea. win be properly observed next Monday -vening at the clubrooms. The Legion has a membershln nf 160.000 and is doing unequalled work In serving the country in peace as the members did in war it has the confidence of the government, no matter what party Is In power, for Its disinterest! as sistance Is of the greatest valur and its knowledge and research Into problems of unemDlovment havp been readily recognized by government officials. dm of God On Earth is Near Robert Bartlett is Speaker Before British-Israel Society last Alffht At a well-attended meetintr last evening of the British. clety in the Toe H Rooms. R h w Trail Officials Returning South Plant Operating Men of Consoli dated Spent Week at Anyox Plant A. H. Hopkins, R. Gosse. Herbert Clarke, Herbert F. Tiedge and A. J. McDonelL ooe rating department officials of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. from the south- em Interior, who have been spending the past week at Anyox on company business in connection with future plans of Smelters for the use of the former Granbv platn there, were passengers aboard the Catala today returning south. Among o6ier things they are re ported to have gon further Into the project of power transmission from Anyox to the Big Missouri mine in the Portland Canal Mr. Tiedge Is mechanical eneln- eer at Trail; Mr. Clarke, master TERRACE wcck aeo aunaav brought, a heavy fall of snow, about a foot In fftntk U.. 1 I rf Bartlett gave an absorbine- adHrPsJ No boats beins in with fv,. on israsr and the purpose fori inere sale of halibut on the 2 which It was formed, "in thee andl'ocal fish exchange this morning 'a In thy seed shall all nations of the' ' - - jg earth be blessedr The speaker I Ir vou wkn swap something- i" went on to show that God's plan Try a clajwlflec f nr monlrlnfl - . .1 aa ...u.iuiu woo a. new ran nr glorious creatures Chlldrpn nf God. Adam was endowed with per- i feet physical form, perfect men-' tality and spirituality. He could! commune with his Maker. Man was also given freewill but, in choosing ' to rebel against God, he forfeited' his right to eternal life. Adam Vpnt not his first estate. Then, God saw1 if his cause was to hp moinfoi1 witiVUUUU ages took place ror uoa so loved the world that He gaye His only begotten Son." The Pyramid very clearly substantiated this. Mr. Bartlett graphically ""f""" -w. tiv aoLciiuii ascending i v unn and n des no the openings through siars in their courses look down, all in that great witness of t' In Egypt which showed the history umumjia ana aod's plan for his salvation. Israel today was the leading nation in the world-foremost in mercy, Justice time of restitution of all things was near when the blessings promised would come anH tho Life eternal open up to all people. u:ie5ung discussion followed, many taking part. Vice-President Sam Massey,was In the chair. C N. rUYains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays B , From the East ' Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur- day-- : 10-20 P:m. Rev. C. D. rinrirp ,n. . First United Churrh win kq speaker tomorrow.-at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club. -. ' man must De redeemed. A medium 0"" Y" Kcal Values. Leave Your fnr tti. o..l i ...... I ... oaiiuur to enter this r iirder vnwi must be prepared. Thus the great-1 nninrnrAx U,TO ROLOCREAM est est wonder wonder nf of thp the i HEALTH UATS, larta pkg. CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs HILLS BROS. COFFEE- per lb. the me Ktr step, fVi the ti .l . 't ' per ' well, the chambers. . ... . ffh which MnU the :,AXli TOMATO JUICE- Small, per tin RIPE PEAS Tender No. 2 squat, per tin 1 LIBBY'S DILL PICKLES Wz's, per tin BARTLETT PEARS 2's 2 tins CHRISTIE'S SNOWFLAKE SODAS, per pkg. CAMP FIRE MARSH-MALLOWS, 3-lb. tin SNOWDRIFT COCOANUT per lb SHELLED BRAZU, NUTS Whole, per lb GRANULATED SUOAR (Limit 20 lbs.). 10 lbs. 27C 25c 47c - . . cendlng passages, the scored T lines. r"ADhS lb BLUE LABEL TEA i ,7c 10c 25c 29c 8 ECONOMY ! SPECIALS 19r!l 93c 27 c 39c 57c BAKEASY SHORTENING n 1-lb. pkg XC 3 lbs. ( .50c Out of Town Orders Receive Promp"t Attention. WE DELIVER MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars nave More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phon 1 Gordon Speaker Before Meeting ui reaagogues The Northern High Sehnni Teacher's Association held iu monthly meeting recently at th home of Roth Oordon. Mr. Gordon gave the address, dealing with some problems of "Secondary EducaUon." The speaker afterwards led a discussion on the subject. After the meeting adjourned, refreshments and a social hour wpro greatly enjoyed. , The case of Sam Cecil. Indian charged with drunkenness, ramp before Magistrate MeClvmnnl In city police court yesterday after- noon and was adjourned until this morning when five days' Imprisonment was imposed. ih. 53 in GEOKGE RAFT "STOLEN At 8:22 Shows1 HARMON - PLUS - George O'Bi Harold Bell Uriel "WHEN A MAN A MAN" "At 7 16 & 953 WOULD Nuvs EVE mechanic at Trail, and Mr. Hop-'KK3WKi:tlSB31XBqixiiij:i2 kins. Chief elprtrlrian frnm TVoM I i "WrM Mr. Gosse is master mechanic from1 Klmberley. District News uii"" evening, ine recent rough weather has done much damage to the road to Kalum Lake. Some two miles are completely washed out, 15 miles from Terrace. and several bridges have disappeared. The latest damage was by a gale which blew down about twenty trees across the road so that at the present time travellers can only go six or seven miles im comfort. W. H. Cotton, public works engineer. Smlthers. is in Tormw district looking over the road Armistice Day was (Celebrated In Terrace by a divine service at II a.m. This was held In the Orange Hall, the address being delivered by Rev. John Llnney of the Pentecostal Mission, a H9n was held the same evening in hJ iUUl NO HALIBUT IN I, BULGER'S New Christmas Sik HAS ARRIVED This year we have the loveliest and mon n stock we have ever had. The factories have 1 facilities so that yoM get better service than before. Hundreds of beautiful pieces at very m able prices. Call and look them over while the tions are complete. A Few Suggestions Are: 10"IdCcs1IgnUnd SU.VCr P,at?d Sandw1ch p beautiful np Same with side handles Other kinds, heavier and more elaborate $2.50, $3.50, jui, Sliver Plated Cocktail Shaker with handle and sdoui 'dw Silver Plated Teapot. Sugar and Cream j Other designs and weights, - $ijjo, $wx Cm5fuf redPch2tR08erS KnlvM',Forks a,,(1 Sfiooaslnb Larg.n9;InIChh811ver Pied Tea Sct '' twj bo"om will not show scratches Children's Silver Plated Cups, nice designs In gilt boxes Sterling Sliver Child's Cups $6.50, Very nice Sliver Plated Sugar and Creams on tray Rogers Fancy Pierced Pie Casserole with Pyrex linings : J3.50, Sliver Plated Casseroles, fancy pierced and chasei signs, Pyrex linings and lid $1.33, $8.50 to j J0HHU16E MTu2X rail. (Jewellers THC STOkE WITH THE CLOCN No Trouble to Sh KM You. krr zuznxw tuzmim r m raBxEiirB zm ebci.eiv:i ;niui.a SPECIAL Milk of Magnesia Tooth Pasle 50c size, for 25c Noxema Cream 25c size, for 15c Jasmine Shaving Cream and Tab Both for 50c now Wc are showing CHRISTMAS CARDS Come in and gel first choice, Wc will pu them away for you, Qrmes ltd. "3lifi Pioneer Druqgtets I'Le KexaU 8tr Phones: 81 & 2 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p m oundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m 1 p.m. till 9 r If you lose anytlung, try a classified ad.