IrtSscs i: products, both knplng up the quality of Royal x- I'lu' great h'-tK'nt of this corn is an indication 6f the U h nl .ill 1 a .-.. ft itm mai uhlntt la Tni llA1 , '.. l 11 VI lull iiqitii jI no .7 1'( n 1 1 iv ia ij y wi J vv. ' ' Royal City riant at Chllliwark. The young lady it v employed In this plant, who invite you to try this ; K :.tu City Food. I Christmas Gift To all our patrons spending $5.00 or more between now and Christmas See Our Window D E M ERS D. ELIO i FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy - - We Sell PHONE: GREEN 121 fttfisft which made f rince RupertFamous Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co., ltd. i KINCE UUIERT, B.C. Now You Can Wear TALSE 'TEETH Salada Orange Pekoe Buy We Buy For Less THE lend and discover the pleas- With 'Real 'Comfort IFASTEETH, a new, pleasant powder, keeps teeth firmly set. Deodorizes. No Kummv. eooev. Dastv Peopl Store taste or feeling. To eat and laugh I in comfort lust sormkle a little 1 FASTEETH on your plates. Get It today at all good drug stores. We -Sell Eor Less LOCAL NEWS i t Be warm and comrortiWe by riding' In '32 Taxi if costs the same. You can rent ' a' tor 'at Walkers as low as '$1.50 'a day, 'plus 7c. i mile. H. S. Parker left on last night's' train 'for a' brief 'business trip to Terrace. Jnlrtt meetlncof entertainment t committees' 5f 'Canadian Legion,'B.t E. S. L., and Women's Auxiliary to- f I nieht. 7:30 n.m. 2CG) P. L. BarterVancouver Insurance , adjuster, was a passenger Aboard the Catala today returning south after a brief business visit to Stewart. Christmas cards, exceptionally ;flne 'assortment. Special dis counts n orders 'placed -at store. Max'lleilbroner. (Dec. 4) Mfs.BarneyTurbUt Of 'Alice Arm was a Dassenger-aboard'the Oatala this morning going ' through on a trip' to Vancouver. Antttcan 'W. 'A. Xnvas Bazaa! Thursday, Nov. pm.'Supper at 6.30 served "by ;men of the con gregation. Adm. 35c. 1267 Mrs. D. L J Pitt or Premier was a passenger aboard the Catala today bound for Vancouver whence she will proceed on a trip east. "The ' time has come, the walrus said" to buy your Old Country fchriitmas Cards. Darby ones at hp nollar Store. 2-5c. tf) Mrs. John 'Ruklrt, wife 6f the school leacher at Port Simpson, was a passenger aooara me ca tala today gblng through to Wan couver. Canadian Legion, ;B. E. S. L., joint meeting -with Women's Auxiliary postponed till Monday, No vember 25, Tenth Anniversary 01 Formation of Canadian Legion. mi) Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:20 tonight, was re ported, this morning to be on Urns but, owing to slow tracK conditions nlontr the lower SReena, 'may oe an hour or so late in-getting in. Announcements , St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaa. Nov. "21.. Oyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, No-, vember 22. Toe H Bridge, November 27, 8:30 Orange Ladies' oazaar. Nov. 28 Christmas tree social, 'Crithollc Hall, November 28. TeMiirp Recital. Mrs. Mandy, Baptist Church. November 29. United Bazaar, December '5. rnmoM 'muntv !PUlls the Strings", Presbyterian 'Church Dec. '5 and 6. S. O.'N. Ski Club dance December G. 'Drawing 'for radio. tap Hi Christmas Cheer Novelty Dahce, 'Moose 'Hall, December b. Hogmanay Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. RIOOSEHAIX e and Dance "Friday November 29th . Itln'der "AUSpifes rif Junior Order of M8ose M New low excursion winter rates on coach and tourist cars from : this coast to prairie and Middle West noints of Canada and ttu United States are announced. They are good returning wunm six months '-and, in some instance run as low as iy2c per mile. Mlss'V.'B. Thompson R. 'N., well known member of the;hurslng staff of'the'Port.Slmpson General Hos .pital and 'sister of Mrs. J.'B. Mac-Kay of this city, was, here today aboard the Catala going through for a visit to her home in Vancouver on vacation. District headquarters of the provincial police were still without further information of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simpson who have not been' reported since they left Telegraph Creek on October 27 in an putboard mbtorboat for Juneau via Wrangell. Real anxiety is felt for the couDle as conditions for navi gation on the Stlkine have been very unfavorable owing to siusn and ice and, further, they had only three days' food with them. Provincial Constable J. V. Boys of Tele-craDh Creek Is' now conducting a search and it is possible that he may not be heard from for some days. TO BRITAIN ON ONE OF THESE en's Winter Underwear SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS from Quibec Nov.29 - 7LETITIA to BelfMt, Uferpool. Gla4ow Nov.29 - "AUSONIAJ to Plymouth, Htt,' London ' ? ttr$onlty conducted excursion to Britain. from Haitfax Vtc.t - "ALAUNIA' to Plymouth, Ilarre, London DC S "LACONIA"! to Galway, Claaftow, Llrerpool . Pe.15 - "ASCAN1A" 1 to Plymouth, Ilarre, London Choose this famous Christmas Route to Europe. Thoughtful . service, excellent food, 'com-j fertable accommodation, spe-1 clal attention paid to women! 'and children; recreation and j entertainment forall. LOW OCEAN RATES IN ALL CLASSES i " Apply to your local 4ent inn on cms B ei aerreyoubtttrrlW to 117 CranTllU S t. ( Saymour'ms ) Vancootw I " ; : ' " Men's Fall 'Weight Underwear, Cream or "Natural. 'All sizes $1.29, $1.49, $1.69, $L95, $2&5 1 1 : 1 5 Men's AH Wool Underwear in 'Pontilar Makes, Light 'Weight & tflcttvy TObed Wool SOy $295 $325 $3.45, $3.95, $4.95 You can buy with confidences you-are-covered 'by Our 'Guarantee MERCH ANDISE SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED I W HIFFLETS 1 j From the waterironi j i i Union steamer Catala, Capt, James Fin'dlay, ''returned to -port it .this marhlne :from -Stew art. Anvox and other northern points and sailed aJltSQ this afternoon for .Vancouver ah'd way-t points. C. N. R.' steamer Prihee 'Johnj Capt. Nell -McLean, left Skldegate; Inlet for Massett ilriiet yesterday afternoon 'In 'the course of her fortnightly 'voyage -north from Vancouver - via ' the(Queen Charlotte Islands and is - expected to arrive here during 'the night 'Or 'early morning. Eighty -cars or grain rfrom the prairies were 'here this 'morning for the Alberta 'Wheat' Pool's 'elevator and another train 'df forty-j , five cars is' due ' today. Want trator. Ads FOR SALE "OR RENT-Cottage, Ninth Avenue. fOfficidl Adminis (tf) FOR SALE Off iee'safe,' extra thick walls, giving "perfect protection against fire. Dally News. (f) IN' THE SITRKME COI KT OF IIKIT1SII rOLVMHIA . In Probate And ; In the Mattor of the "ArtmlnHtrntW Act" In tli Matter of the Estate of Samuel Stephenson Moore. Defeased. Tiirp wrynrK t.hnt. hv nrtler fkf HI Honor Judge Fisher the 6th day '"Of November 1935 I was appoimea Aamiji-ictTotnr nf Vi r.otnit of Samuel Steoh- enson Moore, late of Anyox, B. ;C, De4 M.ouvrt nrui nil nartles haiDlnz claims ttrainst. aari eKtnt are herebv reaulred Ion or before December tsth '1935 -antj all persons Indebted to the estate are, i AunirH r nav thA amourit 6f their vu..u r'-j - lftdebtedness u 'me lonmrira. "NORMAN A. WATT . . Official &dmlrilsrator Prince RUDert. B. C Dated the Tth day 6f-Novemoer 1935. 'L'AND ACT N'otlee of lntetln to apply to Lens Land In PRINCE RUPERT Land Recording District of Range 5 Coast, and situate about 1-2 hiUe south of the SW. A Brown Homeslte Lease on Skteki Bay, 1 1'' J . nn.n rr cirtairi Ffei v RtThens Isl. occupation risherman and Trapper 'in tends to apply lor lease i ine km" lag described foreshore lands: Commencing at post planted 'on a small island within an Inle of Skl-aU Bay, about 20 Feet west 'of my boa thou se, which Is looated approxim ately J- m' tea souwi oi Brown HomesWe Lease thence West li200 Feet; Wience wortn uu ti p.oj!t viinn 'reet: "thenCe South 900 Feet; thence 'West "800 Feet to I point of commencement and containing iTliltty acres, mbre 'or 'less. WILUAM ANTHONY BROWN Dated November 4th, 1939. Mdtel Awivals Royal William Sim.-Foreher Island. "rnnce'iiunen i . . . . . , 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Morgan, Bill mor. Prlnce'Oeorge. Central S. Johnson and ?Nels !Garlson, Prince Rupert; M. Johnston, -Mrs, KlL-uka. rc. 'Henderson. ;joe'Oskey, P. -rJ. "Rolls and A. King, C. N. R.; Mr. and' Mrs. 'J. L. 'Frank and -jack M6Culloch, Terrace; 'J'C Clements 'Knox J. 'McCrea and r. Woodhouse Billmor:'CAnderson.Billmor: J. A: Reynolds. C. Blair, J. Simpson, E. Edson and J. Claws, city; Frank Lancaster and J. H. Laire, Prince aeprge;'F. Roberts, 'Vancouver. MACKENZIE FURNITURE IBR1DGE TMLT3S 'Priced at $2;50, $3.50 and $4.50 StUrdy'frables, everyone 6f them. 'Phone '775 Hyde Transfer PHONE Office 315 'Second Avenue Jasper 'Goal Dry Wood Mk IFor 'Fancy !Rcd Sodkeyc Look for the WHITE iLA'BEL , With 'the 'GCfLiD 1 1 mm mm PackeH by the only Salomon Ganning' Company with an all the year round ,payrol in Prince 'Rupert. We have -a 'fairly Complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near "Haysport, ready for jail ana water shipments. If billldlng or repairing, it will pay you to examine our stock anti receive prices. "SHAMES RIVER LmiBER COjMPANY 'llayipdrt.'B.C. 60LDBL00M The 'bid Ueliable, Wants 500'0. "Martin Pelts 10;OOD Minks & Other Furs He is In a position tc pay the highest price going. Debts trappers owe him will' hot be collected until afte? next fishing season. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proprietor . '"A HOME AWAY FROM 'HOME" 'Rates $1.00 np '50 -ftoorris Hot '& Cold Waer Prince 'Rupert, B.C. !Phone 281 'P.O. Box 198 Everybody reads the Daily News rhere's a reason.