OOVFRIS ' CRITICAL Files Out at New Deal Con- IdfiuDs Reckless Expenditure And lr.es Sensible Plan iwtr ..a out at the New Deal. rkU Hi. Roosevelt admlnls- I'ia i cmy phases of Its pro- IAHe demanded a halt in pre-l -i!: cxDenditures." the - ( nt a sensible program of streets of this ancient city and other centres yesterday carrying banners with such legends as "Down With Sanctions, Long Live Italy." Widespread resentment, was expressed in all quarters as the n was wrecked when It failed League of Nations penalties became '.op at a pc!;1 where the track effective. been waslra out Embassies of the various sanc- food va being drooped by air- tlon-approvlng nations were under M to 400 motorists wno were unusually heavy gurfrd to Drotect nded by dcei snow near Wllk- them against demonstrations of . , pt!r.rr!vanla. Italian Datriots. a well known radio . Xn Rome and Mllan large crowds to:' ' h;s life here as staacd frienrilv rtpmnnstmHnnc tertik ol ''. ctorm. J - - v vaaa waw u Vllttw VVw fore the legations of United States, Germany. Austria, Hungary, Argentine and other nations which have not joined In the sanctions. All British newspapers and ma- ' gazlnes were ordered removed from newstands. Mussolini Speaks j In a fighting speech, Premier i j Benito Mussolini said: "Sanctions j will never make the Italian people J I submit. They will only make the ,vnnu, YORK, Nov. 19: Speaking people around rally me the more. I Former President Herbert t am unahlp tn am, Iikm in i mc sanctions. i Today Fascism's highest authority, the Grand Council, approved! Premier Mussolini's program of: Ethiopian conquest and resistance: to the League of Nations sanctions, j r.i instead or tne present taking a relentless stand against! fit works plan and the re-: compromise. ... :f the gold standard. No public statement was issued PH:.. - made no reference to excent that thp nmnH rnnnrii h-rt ' wi fciltlcal plans. Pr. Hans Luther pre:autlons were being taken Police here vesterdav to guard i- Hans Luther former Chancellor j Gwmany, while on a visit to ' He had been threatened ; Communists. r'audette Colbert Very Much Alive listened to II Duce's statement. Mussolini discussed the Mediterranean situation and said there n . f l 1 j tions Hons or or wlthdn withdrawals Being (jUanled 'or the present. Finer Chancellor of Germany Threatened by Reds At St. Paul PT PAUL Minn Nnv. 19!Sne- i would be no further troop reduc from Llbva BURD IS RETIRED Switch-Around Made Among: Heads Of Vancouver Province Winnipeg- Man to Coast MONTREAL, Nov. 19: (CP) F. J. Burd, vice-president and manag ing director of the Vancouver Dally Province, has retired and becomes president of the Province. and director of the Southam Publishing Co. Ltd. I" Enjoying Week-End Party At' M. E. Nichols of the Winnipeg m Springs When Reported Tribune succeeds Mr. oura as vice- KUled in Car Crash president and managing director of . the Province with Roy W. Brown, editor of the Province, POLLYwooD, Nov. 10: Reports managing r- m circulation here atthe Promoiea lo V1CL "L m u wd that na,,.t r.iurf isistant general manager , or tne arscrepn cu. u.j i i.mj.: Province. Ian IIUU UTOl MlltU, an automobile nrMrW th.v Fvtd laise whpn ih ....,. . dcnnvlr, . ..... . . !l tuirtfi.n In brings. b a pa"y av aim Uliaciiuuuu jii OF Wruiir xt S,,,PLOAniNa CARGO Utl FOR AFRirA 'tiSft,PEDRO'Nov' 19:The . lighter OrPtrnn l.-- . ioaamg a Carir,, iuaui ""-sorted ' was h u ' H bee! er scamen when carg0 2 rfknOWn that the Soried for Italian m ' the uie ! East. . Afri ... ar2onB African Grantee f Wn demand ""J Will protection sail. i. China Decided On Nationalist Party Congress In-. structs Nanking Government To Put It Into Effect NANKING, Nov. 19: Delegates to the Nationalist Party Congress tare decided to instruct the gov-n-n.ov,f in pnfnrre a Droeram of CiillUCMV w v...w - nation-wide conscription for mill tary service. BAR SIIA'Iin new vdrk. Nov. 19: (CP) Bar ' silver was unchanged at 65c per Jounce on the' local metal, market ,today. STOCK PRICES HIGHEST LEVEL IN FOUR YEARS . NEW YORK, Nov. 19: Fur- ther notable advances were recorded during the short day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange Saturday. In- dustrlals rose to the highest average since 1931 and the day's turnover of 1,640,000 shares, was the heaviest short session since 1934. Yesterday, however, ever, TODAY'S STOCKS (Ouuruiy a. LI. JuiiiiaUm oo. Vancouver B. C. Nickel. 22. Big Missouri, .63. Bralorne, 5.75. " B. R. Cons., .03 Vi. B. R. X. Gold, .07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.18. Dentonla, 22'2-Dunwell, .03V4. ' Georgia River, .00 Yz- -Golcondai,.ll. . w Indian, .01. r Mlnto, .06. Meridian New, .12. . Morning Star, .03 12. National Silver, .02. Noble Five, .04 '2. s Pend Oreille, .69. Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 1.76. Reno, .85. Silver Crest, .00. Salmon Gold, .07 Vi. Taylor Bridge, ,18. Wayside, .15. United Empire, .03, Glacier Creek, .01 Grange, .02. Toronto Central Patricia, 2.02. Chlbougamau, .15. Lee Gold, .03. Granada, .20. , Inter. Nickel, 38.00, Macassa, 2.70. Noranda, 43.50. Sherrltt Gordon, .822. Slscoe, 2.65. Ventures, 1.25. Lake Maron, .02. Teck Iughes, 4.42. Sudbury Basin, 2.12. Smelter Gold, .05. Can. Malartlc, .83. Lttle Long Lac, 5.50. Astoria Rouyn, .02 'A. Stadacona, .17. Maple Leaf, .06. Pickle Crow, 3.15. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.20. God's Lake, 1.26. Sturgeon River, .64. Red Lake Gold Shore, .40. San Antonio, 2.80. Ideal Radio Is Plan For India Nizam Of Hyderabad To Set Up System Confined To Classical Musical And Cultural Education NEW YORK, Nov. Nizam of Hyderabad, buying half a worth of radio 19: The India, is l Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Raining south She ed wind, two miles our; High ... 9:20 ajn. 18.4 ft. tercmcr 30.24; tern. ,v 8; 21:54 pjn. 165 ft. jca smooth. Y Jj, Low . ... 2:37 a.m. 8.6 Jt. 15:46 pjn. 85 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXn? No. 266. ANY DIE IN STORM .T pMths Attributed To Tem- ,f4 On Damage Is tslimaiea m $J,000,uuu YORK, Nov. 19: Thirty , mow;) onaa anu uamage m l.),0OO wa:; t ;umaiea last mgr.: rc ul of a fierce winter wl'h ryclonlc wind, tor- 3 t 1 1 If ran a"a ounaing snow. L wfpf fhe Atlantic seaboard Eaidsy and Monday from Can to the Carollnas. tupping and air iramc was uslly at a r.anasuu ana nign- and railways in some casn tied up on account of the now ii i k . rmt sbII ouaw vvcjc swept1 i to sia while some were cast Ion the Jhorci and wrecked. Inr Jamfsport New York, i ITALIANS ARE ANGRY Widespread Resentment Expressed At Imposition of Sanctions-Mussolini Heard Stand Approved Kelentless Stand Against Compromise Approved Troops To Stay in Libya ROME, Nov. 19: Declaring "Implacable resistance" to the impo- sitlon of sanctions, angry crowds of millions of Italians paraded the PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1935 Two Thousand Ethiopians Are Reported Killed By Italians From Air in Northern Battle Abyssinian Troops Were Caught in Narrow Valley South Of Makale and Rained Upon With Bombs And Machine Gun Fire From Planes ASMARA, Eritrea, Nov. 19: (CP) About two thriu- sand Ethiopians, it was officially reported today, were killed by twenjy Italian bombing planes including two flown by sons of Premier Benito Mussolini, There was a two-hour battle with a strong Ethiopian land force in the course of whicr) every Fascist machine is stated to have " """""''srnrpH scored an an average nvprniwvnf of a a Anton dozen hits. hltc ribrSrJ Col. Julian Quits ra- ther heavy profit-taking set in with 3,230,000 shares turning over and the list was down, generally, closing averages being as follows: Industrials, 147.05, off .26; rails, 37.18, off .41; utilities, 29.40, up .05; bonds, 96.70, up .07. Ethiopian Arm; j Colorful Negro From Harlem Leaving After Break ivith Emperor Haile Selassie ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 19 Co' "'bert Jullen. a cplorful Harlen negro, who has been taking a pro mlnerit 'rmt in the training of Ethiopian soldiers In modern f lht-1ns methods, is Ir-avlns Ethiopia fnll'-wins a breakffwlth Emperor Halle Selassie, it 'became known yesterday. He wllli make a trip around the world, he says, and thp expectation is thai" he will end :up In Harlem agalri. Col. Jnlbn and, th Emperor have not. been ori the best of i terms since the former wrecked t . . j itne Ethiopian air force of one i plane during a review some time 1 ago. Stewart Man Dies Suddenly Laic Archie Patterson Was Known In Prince Rupert and Member Of Local Lodge ' equipment here be purchased at 40c each. Gas including material for two broad casting stations and ZQ.uuu re celvlng sets. The broadcasts In Hyderabad,! the Nizam declares, will be confined to classical music and cultural -education. 1 . j ber of Tsimpsean Lodge, No. 58, A. F. & A. M., here. He expired in his cabin after having been 111 for some time. The coroner, Dr. J. W. Vos-burgh, found that death was due jto heart failure. Mr. Patterson was 65 years of age land was born in Dutton, Ont. He was a single man and had been a resident of Stewart since 1919. There are relatives at Dutton. The funeral took place at Stewart Friday," , Vancouver Wheat . VANCOUVER, Nov. 19; (CP) Wheat was quoted at 82c on the! local exchange yesterday, advancing to. 8314c .today. . Adolph Berner, representative of the "Soldiers' Settlement Board with -headauarters at Telkwa. ar rived In the city on the this morning following a visit to Alice Arm on official business and will proceed to the interior on tomorrow evening's train. GUARDING AGAINST GAS ATTACK URGED BY BRITISH GOV'T . LONDON, Nov. 19. The Brl- tlsh government urges that every man, woman ano cnuo In Great -Britain be provided 1 . HI 1 I l A mininn ri nil or t wim cas maMts wiucii can nuw t t proof cnamoers, as a precau- t tlon against possible future gas attlck, In ali homes are also urged. , . Army reports said that an Ethio pian force estimated at between 15,000 and 20,000 soldiers was con centrated In a narrow val'-ey south of Makale, the most advanced point of the main Italian forces on the northern front. The Italian machines dove to 100 feet off the ground, dropping bombs and' pour ing out machine gun fire. From another source came a re port that an. Italian land. force wa. In danger of being trapped b? Ethiopians. Nominations For Quebec Election .iberals in Flrlfl For Tlvcry Seal Two Bein; Elected By Acclamation QUEBEC, -Nov. 19: (CP) Yes terday was nomination, day. for. thC, jrovlnclal election to be held next Monday. Liberals were nominated In every riding, two being electee" without opposition Peter Berco-vitch In Montreal-St. Louis and J C. A. Turcotte In Richelieu. With return of the Taschereau government conceded, not a greal deal of Interest Is being manlfes-, ted in the campaign. There are in all 208 candidates in the field and there will be contests Information was received through in eighty-eight seats with Conser- , the provincial police here today of vatives and Action Llberale Na-! the death at Stewart on the night tlonales uniting In the most ol of November 12 of Archie N. Pat- cases in opposition to the Liberal terson, who was quite w'ell known government of Premier Taschereau. in Prince Rupert and was a mem-1 Dividend For Cariboo Gold Melon to be Cut For Shareholders Of Noted Mine on January 1 ! VANCOUVER, Nor. 19: (CP) :The Cariboo Gold Quartz Co. to- January l or 2'27o quarterly. Winnipeg Oil Plant Suffers Loss by Fire WINNIPEG, Nov. 19: Damage estimated at $6000 was done to the Catala ! plant .of the Radio Oil Refineries brief 'Ltd. here Sunday by fire which followed an explosion in the company's laboratory. Tnelnv's Wfnthtr " ' " ' Dead Trpe Point Overcast cairn: barometer, 30.20 J temperature, 40; ;sea smooth. Triple Island Raining, calm; barometer. 30.24; light swell. Langara Island Cloudy, derate southwest wind, light swell Terrace Cloudy, calm, 24. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 32. Stewart Heavy south wind, 31. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 20. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 10. - MONTREAL, Nov. 19: (CP) The British pound, sterling was, quoted at $4.97 9-16 here yesterday. Five Provinces Of North China Form New Nation TOKYO, Nov. 19: (CP) Five North China provinces are Involved In the breakaway from the Nanking government which is expected to result in the formation of the new Japanese controlled nation of Htu this week. The area is about one-third of that of the United States. It is Said here that the setting up of this state was the only alternative to a Communist nation there. Dispatches from Peiplng today aid that it was reliably reported that Japan had presented an ultimatum to the local military authorities there giving North China until noon Wednesday to reply favorably on the projected independence under Jappnese control ilong similar lines to ManchQukuo. Still No Sign Of Kingsford-Smith 'lane Sighted Inland Over Siam Was Not That of Famous Australian SINGAPORE. Nov. 19: (CP) The -eport that Sir Charles Klngsford-Smlth's plans Lady Southern Cross 'I had been sighted ten miles iri-'and over Siam a week ago Friday was discredited when another Australian flier. H. F, Broadbent. re ported that he had been there1 about that time and It was probably his plane which had been seen. Royal Air Force filers, after continuing the search for the cele orated Australian flier and his companion,, Tom Pethybridge, who have been inlying for twelve days on a hop from Allahabad to Sln- japore, have given up all the pair being found alive. Ethiopians Defer Their Bis? Stand Emperor Haile Selassie Expected To Visit Front in About Ten Days ADDIS ABABA, Nov, 19: (CP) jit is believed here that Ethiopian ! forces will not make a determined stand against the Italian Invasion until Emperor Halle Selassie leaves In about ten days for the front to set up field headquarters. Plot to Poison Havana's Water Spanish Agitator is Placed Under Arrest in Capital of Cuba HAVANA, Nov. 19: A plot to poison the water supply of Havana was reported uncovered An alleged Spanish agitator has been arrested on a wholesale murder charge. mo- i k CANADIAN DOLLAR NEW YORK, Nov. 19: (CP) The Canadian dollar was trading at discount of 1 5-32c here yesterday. PRICE: 5 CENTS UNCLE SAM WORKED UP President F. D. Roosevelt in Storm Centre Fololwing Announcement of Trade Pact Terms WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 19:-S Evidently, from every state In the Union, a storm of protest broke over the head of President Franklin D. Roosevelt yesterday following announcement of the terms of the American-Canadian reciprocity pact. Business, agricultural and industrial leaders were prominent in the protest which was both from the commercial and the political standpoints. Agricultural and timber Industries seem to be particularly fearful of the effects. The president of the Chicago Federation of Labor said that tariff adjustments were required but it was important that products of cheap labor in other countries should be kept out of competition with American-made goods. From the Pacific Northwest '.ame threats that half of the lumber mills in Oregon and Washing-ton would probably have to close down If the proposed reduction In lumber duties went Into effect. Liquor manufacturers also-nro- on whiskey. Recount Increases Majority of Gov't Member in Britain LONDON, Nov. .19: (CP Rl, Hon. Walter Elliott, minister of ag-rlculture, who was declared elected over H. McNeil, Labor, with a ma jority of two in Kelvingrove divl- slon Glasgow in the general el- l ection last week, had this majority increased to iuu on a recount. The Scottish Labor Party however, ls' jnot yet satisfied and has asked for still another recount. Results In only four seats have yet to be announced. i Mooney Habeas Corpus Hearing Being Resumed SAN FRANCISCO, foov. 19:Af-ter a two weeks recess, hearing of the habeas corpus proceedings of Tom Mooney, who Is seeking his freedom from San Quentin Penitentiary where he Is serving a life sentence for having been Involved In the Preparedness Day bombing here eighteen years ago, was resumed yesterday. Admission of correspondence with Former Senator Shortrldge, which the defence asserted would have shown that Mooney was "framed," was denied. v FINED FOR THEFT Pleading guilty to a charge of theft of a $15 coat belonging to Edward Werschke, John Dableston was fined $25, with option of 14 days' imprisonment; by Magistrate McClymont In city police coutt a this mornlne. Both men reside on the waterfront near the elevator. Best Christmas Gift This- Is a season of the year when people are sel- . ectlng their Christmas gifts to go to different parts of the world. May we suggest that nothing Is so acceptable to a former resident of Prjnce Rupert or to one who has friends and interests in the city or district, as a copy of the Dally News mailed to them direct at the special , , Christmas Gift rate of $2.00 A YEAR In this way they get approximately 300 reminders