if. a. ft SI I 1 I PAQE, TWQ jaraaBatrKBEEiriBRis; ws ksbiciii ki si ex inxm One-Half One-Third One-Fourth ADVERTISING- RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per insertion . Classlfied-advertlslng, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion,, per line SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance r ur iesr periods, paid In advance,, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and Is!'. Regular Prices Is being offered during Our Annual Clearance Sale m of Seasonable Footwear. ' BACK TO SCHOOL. SHOES in fact Shoes for g ' any occasion. g SALE WILL CONTINUE FOR A LIMITED 1 TIME ONLY I . . . i Make it your business today to look these values over. It will pay you. jj The Family Shoe Store Ltd. f I PHONE 357. 3rd, Avenue jj i:mi.-m-r'micm:B'EijiKBr.ir::BrB;c THE DAILY NEWS. FRINGE BUPEUT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H: P. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edrcor 1.10 . .25 $3.0. It umwu otaies, paid in advance, per year . jqq By. mall to all other countries, pejr year. , 9'M Advertising and Circulation Telephone news uepartment Telephone Member of Audit Bureau, of Circulations , DAILY EDITION, 98 86 Saturday, September 7, 1935 - POPULATION AND EDUCATION. The population, of the citv is i ammo .tion facilities of the city are being taxed to the limit in jHuviumg ior an tne' youngsters, that are offering. Class rooms are bulging and' teachers are already working hard. If the increase continues we shall be feeling growing pains and we hope we shall have the opportunity. Nothing would please us betterthari to be a little crowded. A. year ago people were suggesting that our population had decreased since the census when the official count was six thousand, three hundred and twentv-six odd. Now they are suggesting that the populatibn is considerably higher than that. The recent demand for small, houses was probably caused by the arrival here of families from Anyox who. are;awaiting"the starting of the pulp mill. These people think they see more opportunity here than in the south where competition is keener and life more complicated. We are glarl to know that the local schools are able to take care of all the minils that nro. nffpvino- nmi tw in - r i -r w. wiiub All cases where there is too much pressure, extra teachers One of the siims of the times in this is the fact that all the qualified; girls who last year were una Die 10 secure scnoois are now teaching, either in the city or country.. In. fact there is not a nnnlif ird teacher in a position to do sustituting and married teach- era imve to oe impressed into tne service. mugmer uays Better Smokes These prmhterdqy are certainly worth, celebratjpg, .and wise "roll-yoyr;-owneri,,are doing it by. gelling back 1q Ogden's Fine. Cul. What a. fhrilJ it. ij. tp. enjoy-again the completely satisfying, cigarettes, that only Ogden'l gjve particularly when it cost $9, little to smoke the best Oi course, you'll be'; wise to use "Oiantecler"or"Aigue"papers. St poktf Hndi, tnf numttrs, new OGDEN F Your I N E Pi Kn ows Ml CUT Ogden's Cut Plug SPORT STANDINGS UNCHANGED lliat &l9Ulf- irt9 fTVlfc Alii Their Gam In National, League Yesterday St. Louis, September 7, (CP): First division teams all won their games,, n the National League yesterday and, a a result, there were no changes In the standings, the St. Louis Cardinals retaining their two and a half game margin of supremacy with the New York Giants and Chicago Cubs continuing In a virtual deadlock for second place. The Phillies are in sixth place but with only mathematical and not an actual, lead over the Cincinnati. Reds. Yesterday's Big, League scores: National League Brooklyn nil; Pittsburgh 13. New York. 7.; Cincinnati 5. Philadelphia 2;. Chicago 3. Boston 4; St. Louis. 6. American. League St. Louis 11-2; Washington 8-1, Baseball Standings American League W. L. Pet. Detroit 83 44 .654 New, York 73 52; .584 Cleveland 66. 62 .516 Chicago ...64 6i .512 Boston .05 65 .500 Philadelphia 51 71 .418 Washington : 53, 78 .411 St. Louis 52 76 .406 Nttlonal League ' W. L. Pet. St. Louis 82 47 .636 New. York 78 49 .614 Chicago 82 52 .612 Pittsburg 76 58 .567 Brooklyn 58 70 .453 Philadelphia 54 74 .422 Cincinnati 57 76 .421 Boston 33 94 .200 Preecp-Macdonald In Bowling Final Had Easy Victory Over Millar, and Wilsons-Murray Last Night in Double Match Jack. Preece and Sid Macdonald defeated W. H. Wilson-Murray and William Millar last night in the semi-final of doubles in city bowling championship tournament and, will meet Dave Borland and-John Bulger-tomorrow in the final. Last night's victory was an easy one for, Preece- and Macdonald who won by. a, score of 25 to 10 including one possible of eight. Preece and Fred Walton are meeting this afternoon in a. semi final of the-single for the right to, meet I). A.. MacPhee in the WALLACE WON OUT Decisioned Ottawa Opponent in Ten Kound Bout Last, Night In Canadian Capital OTTAWA, September. 7 (Cana dian Press) Gordon Wallace of Vancouver retained' his Canadian welterweight title here last night. decisloning Eddie Carroll of Ottawa in ten rounds. Wallace weighed 144 pounds and Carroll, 145. Wallace h now expected to eet a bout with Harry Dubllnsky, New York contender for Barney Ross' world's welterweight title, the winner probably to met Ross. Mail Schedule For Vancouver-Monday (train) Tuesday Wednesdays (train), Thursday. , Friday Saturdays Sept'. 6, 15 and 25 . From. Vancouver- Sunday Wednesday ; Thursday, (train) .., Friday .'. Saturday (train) ... Sept. 11, 21 and 30 5 p.m. 12:30 p.m" 5 p.m. .. 9:30 p.m. 11 p.m 9:30 p.m. . p.m. - 4 p.m. 10 a.m. 10:20. p.m. 10 a.m. 10:20 p.m. a.m. 1 THE DAILY NEWS Saturday sn. Announcing the Arrival from Montreal . t ANGLING PARTY INTO KIIXADA FOR WEEK-END Pilot Charles, Elliott with his Pacific Airways OunkerS low- winged seaplane arrived here at 1:45 this afternoon from Stewart and will hop off at 4 p.m. forKhal-ad? Lake, having on board a party consisting of D. L. Coulter, Harry Melville, . Jack Drysdale and W, Dickie- son, of Premier ad. Dougl Campbell of Big Missouri who will spend the we?krend ang- ling at the ponular Skeena River resort. They Intend to fly back to Stewart Monday morn- ine. Old Country Soccer English League Fjrst Division. Birmingham. 1:; Arsenal. 1. . Brentford, I; Huddersfleld 2. , 'Derby 4;, Bolton 0. Grimsby 1; Chelcea 3. Leeds 1; Blackburn 4. Liverpool. 6; EVertbn O. Portsmouth 3; Aston Villa 0, Preston Northend, 0: Middlesbrough 5. Wednesday 0; Wolverhampton, 0. - Sunderland 2; Manchester 0. . West Bromwich Albion, 2: Stoke Scottish League First Division. Aberdeen 3; Ayr 0. Albion 2; Lanark' 0. Clyde 1; Motherwell 2. Hamilton 5; Parlick Thistle 1 Hearts 2; Arbroath 1. Kilmarnock 1; Dunfermline 2. Queens Park 6; Hibernians 1. Queen of South 1; Celtic 3. Rangers 5; Alrdrfconlans 3. St. Johnstone 2; Dundee 0. BARNEY ROSS. WINS LOS. ANGELES, Peptember 7. Barney Ross, world's welterweleht boxing champion, knocked out Baby Joe Gans in the second round of an exhibition bout last nlghb. Football Monday, September 9 REGIMENT vs. CANADIAN LEGION Keuyru elenfonrf,; North cf. An all star team will olav th Papermakers tonight,, the proceeds to go to the- injured players: fund NELSON WINNER George Young Loses put By Close Margin; Tp Fort Dodge Man In Chaljenge. Swim TORONTO, September 7: Mar vin Neteon of Fort Dodge. Iowa won by twelve yards from George xoung in a special challenge swim at the Canadian Natinnni Vvn- tion here yesterday. Neither made as good time as did' Charinw Acrs('of 'Vancouver i? winning the wuiiioi o - iivc-iium ?wmi neison s time being twp" hours and thirty-two minutes. Hetoolr a purse of $2,-750. Young" suffered from cramps several -times. of - 75 LADIES' TWEED Retail, priced current' here re t follows: I B.C. Fresh Exjras, Grade , i Large, cartooned,-i!oz, 38 CNtrALLS,.September7-Pat tocal. new laid. doz. 45 DolaoV PaperniaSfrs: Softball, nlrie'i 'Apples' registered three straight wins in 'B.C. Qravenstelns. lbs. ..v.! 55 the opening games of, the three but B.C. Transparent lb 05 of. five championship, play-oft- ser-1 trulu ' ies, with Young, Liberals on Friday,. Pears, Wash., doz. .30c. to .40 Monday an'd Wedncfday nights. Pears, cooking, lb 07 Friday's game was close untllj Lemons, doz. 35c to .1. .42 the fifth, inning; when three men, Oranges, doz. 20c. to .-ju were walked with, the basA InnHpH flrnnef rnlt. Pal TMely hitting gave the Papermak- Plums, Terrace P'each, lb.V4 40. ers a final victory of 9 to 4, B.C. Italian Pruni. 3 lbi .25 Monday night's gamp' provided, Bananas, lb , .12 the best brand 'of bull; seen here for Canteldupesi B.C eirh. 13o,to .18 some time. Marshall scored-for. the- Terrace Blackberrlt,';baket Papenriakers In. the fifth on an ov erthrow. but that was the only counter : prior to, tho eighth, when Laionde started a rally that the pol itlclans could not stop, the final score being, 9 to njl weanesaay nighr's game was a spoctcuhur affair with "Tarzan" Simpson, hurting fpc the winners and the veteran Gorriie McLean former Macabce pitcher of Vancou ver, working for the losers. The teams were' rapermaicers- Marshall, c: Simpson, p.; Alexander, lb. H. Kel- Jey, .2b;, Mutyi, ss? Calhoun,, 3b.; Lalonda, rf.; Simpfron, If; PatDo-lan, cf.;, Young Llberals-T-lsbistcr. c: Mc J.Lean, p.;. J. Clarke lb.; L. Clarke. 2b.. Eadie, ss.; McQarrich, 3b.; P. Peaches, doz, ,35oVtn. Malaga Grapes, lb. Rlbier, Grapes, lb.-.. .. j:. Seedless Grapes, lb . Butter. Fancy cartoned, li- No. 2, Creamery; ib. .'. I4ra ' Pure, lb J. ., : Vegeubles Potatoes, B.C., 10 lbs '....;!... Green Onions,- 2' bunches Okanagan Onions, Ih, Garlic, Imported, per lb. . Cabbage B.C., per lb. 4c to Cauliflower, B.C., 15c to farsley, bunch Carrots, B.Clrf bunch Turnips, uu over ,7 lbs L&j?. Beets, B.C., bunch. 1..: Celery,, B.C., head 10c, to Field Tomatoes, No. 1, lb. . Basket . ........,bc-&?...v Lettuce, local, head. 6q. to com, doz : ... i.:..Z..... Small nlcklinn cucumbers. IS Cucumbers, outdoor, 5c. iQ Dill pickling cucuirfctrsl lb. COATS IN ALL SHADES With Collars of Mink, Sable, lted- Ftix. Squirrel, Fitoh, andGrey Lamb, with Dainty Muffs tu. Match. These Coats are on Sale Now, from $ 1 5.75 to $59.50 COME EARLY AND QET FIRST CHOICE. AND DONT FQRHKT Merchandise Satisfactory or Money Refunded DRESSES, EVENING DRESSES LINGERIE, HOS IERY, ETC., TO SUIfP EVERY PURSE. WE BUY FOR LESS. THE RUPERT :soFTBALL STEWART WAKT PLANE PLANE TAKING TAKING. "'VA A-AJrJUJU PEOPLES PLAYOFFS Papermakcrs Defput Youpjr Liberals , To. Win Xtie at Oceaa STORE LTD. WE SELL. FOR LESS. The Markets1 i " .10 .50 .20 .20 .15 -32 weea, Duncn .20 Vegetable Marrow, small, each .10 Green Beans, lbV Wax Beans, lb, . ..j Green Peppers,' lbY fc.........'....;... Red Peppers, lbY u.'. .... Crushed Oats Barley Laying- Mash" Feed' Oyster Shelifv.;. Fowl, No. 1. lb. Mean 1 .'?- .18 .25 J)5 .04 .35 106 .20 :.oa. .04 .25 .04 .15 09 .35 .08 5 .09 .10 .07, .07 .08 .15 .25 Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy 100 lbs. ;.j.w...k..i-v.;. 1.45 Wheat, Alberta X.: .:-; .!, X.. 2.10 un .-V V.-W....V... 1.80! Middlings 2 on I Shorts u .. . i 7n I "a" r..,.,w,...r1 ...... 2.20 Fine Oat Chops .,... ,,,.,.,. 2.30 2.30 h80 2.80 1.68 .23 Roasting Chicken,-)b; -....1 .28 Ham. slippd.'firfttfB'V'irfA ? :5" ic . r - - - J V . w W ,tlJ -. - feJP Han SMA J M I t m OWKI 1 maoin. uukat ...1 Lamb, shoulder, lb. k 1 ..A. Ham. picnic, first grade lb. Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .t Porki shoulder, lb, 'I Pork. loin. lb. - i Pork, leg, lb, , - Pork, drv salt. lb. i Veal, loin, lb. Beef, pot roast, lb, . 12c to: Van) pV.n..t.lU !u ' Beef, boiling, lb. 8c. to j Beef, roast prime r'b, lb. ' Beef, steak, lb, 25c toi Lamb, leg, lb; - Lamb Chops, lb. Fish Halibut, fresh, lb, J Smoked Kippers,, lb; .... 15c. and: Salmbn, red spring, fresh, lb. White, 2 lbs, Uonej Bxttacted, Honey, per Jar 20i to vomb Honey ..... M Nuts .Walnuts, broken shelled, Walnuts, shelled halves, lb. Almonds, shelled, lb Irlnr Flour, 40's, No': f hard wheat 1' , ..v..,, Pastry, Floury Id lbs, 45c to Aust. Pastry Fldjix,, 10 lbs. , nrlfA rrnltl WhM FIm ih 45' 1-BWI T... IIIHI I . Black. Cooking' Figs, lb, ..,-.-' Dates,, oulk, lb., i w Smyrna Natural Elgslb.. ..., Lemon and orange Peel Citron peel .-i, Prunes', 30-40, lb. :.,.-. Prunes, 40-50, lb - Prunes, 00-76, lb. .--. - RaUlns, Australian seedless, 16. R.otc;1ri r"ol ceorttncB Ih. n. . a " J vurrjtnw, iaf ' 'AprJeots, lb. .'..' MACKENZIE'S FURN1TUKE ClIKSTIiltFIFU) SlITB - Covered in; comlilnatlpn taj est.ry, reverse cjishlpns gyjj Soec'lai: 327 Third Aye., Prince BuM rnonc