flwtcmbw 7. IMS VICTORIA, B.C.: DuBARRY Facial Ride a C. Kits For Dry awl Oily Skins.' Contajningi Foundation Dream, tissue Cream, Clennsing.'Gream, Hand Beauty, Skin ToniCnand'a box of Face Powder;, " "Price $1.10 Ormes Ltd. "Jiift Pioneer DrUqgiats. . u 8to Phones: 81 St l urn nnn DalLv Brom 8 a.m. till. 10 p.m., 82 Ldays and lUlidaya- From 1Z: noon Ull 2. p.nw 1. p-in- till, p.m. BRITISH COLOMBIA v THE MINERAL PROVINCE OF -WESTERN CANADA ' . has produced minerals of an aggregate value of $1,376,437,403.00. The v.ilnp of mitipml nroduction for the year 1934, fm 2.305.297.00: beine an increase of. 293 over the production tot'the year 1933., Gold production established an all-time high, m both volume and value. i-Aiwin, r. nn recent mibllcatlons. copies of which may to the DEPARTMENT OF MINES, be obtained upon application, Annual Report of the Honourable the Minister of Mines for the caltndar year 1934, . Bulletin, "British Columbia the Mineral. Industry. (Included In this Bulletin Is a synopsis of the various Mining Laws of the Province). Non-Metallic Mineral InvestigaUons: Barlte, Asbestos, Clay Glass-ware, Magneslte, and; ItydroMag-neslte. 8ketch map of B.C. showing Mining Divisions, Etc. CM The Better Bicycle! We carry a complete line o C.C.k Bicycler and repair parts.; C. C. M, BICYCLES $30.00 to;S 10.00. GORDON'S HARDWARE tT? UNION. STEA3iSHPS LIMITED a.fm... t. Drii.A nnnTt for Vancouver Arriving Vancouver Thursday TS.S. CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY- MIDNlflUT., Arriving Vancouver Mpriaay a.m. wkiJ uMinn to Part BUnfaoo. anrox. Otn. NM- a. BiTr jvuib,. ucmyz fiuiwcz nuyvit r - - purther information, regaxdlog' all sailings, andi ticket at- ffton. Ml. fKiNca. fclipiRT AOENCl: TWr4 Mn CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way prts- PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE; Sept. 6th, 15th, 25th. Oct. 4th, 16th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3. Tq, Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway PRINCESS LQVISE.8epU. lUh, 21st, 30th4 Qpt-iatti. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct.' ,21st, 30th write "uiinuon ana reservauuns !!' W. . L. POATBS, General, Aent, rdnca. Rupert, B.U J. Fred Ritchie B.CLJ3. sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip, to Stewart on prof csi- sionai Business. Mr. and. Mrs. W J. Linsham and - daughter of Lawyer Island sailed last nlght4on.the Princess Adelaide for a trip, to Vancouver. Mrs. J. A. Hinton. who. has. been on a visit to Victoria, returned; to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide last night. Flora Lewlsi pleaded guilty In city police eouit this morning -to a charge bf drunkenress and was re manded .until this, afternoon for sentence . Rev. T. Matsumoto, Anglican Japanese mlssionery here, sailed last ftlutii on the Princess Ade laide for Vancouver enroute to . i : . . ...... Toronto wnere ne wui continue theological studies. Father Sebastian, Roman Cathq lie Church. priest from Portland, Ob eeon. who has been on a visit? to Skaewiv. was a passenger aboard I the Princess Louise yesterday after, noon returning south. Rt: tpv p. M. Runo7 O.M.L. Ro man: Catholic Church Bishop, for Not thern' British. Columbia and. the Yukon, returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon front arirra' to'trte Yukon Territory and NorUiern British Columbia on ecclesiastical dutiec. Rt Rev. W, A. Seddes D.D . Bis hop of the Anglican Church for the Yukon, and Mrs. Geddes and child were passengers aboard the Prin cess Louise yesteiday afternoon bound. from Dawsor to Vancouver. They will spend the winter outside. Richard Pillsbury, who arrived in the city, earlier In the week from Anvox where he has been in the employ of the Granby Co., sails tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Rev. Evan. Baker arrived in tns city on Thursday night on ths Prince George from Anyox ana sailed last nlsht on the Prince Rupert for Stewart. Mr. Baker is at present In charge of bom Anyox and Stewart pastorates oi tne United Church. Announcements Prince Rupert: Tennis Club An nual Dance Friday, septemoer a), Oddfellow's Hall. Salvation Army Harvest Festival I Sale, September 23. Terrace Concert September 28. Catholic Church Iber 2 and 3. tH DAILTMXWt L'-ia ,J.J1,IUI LOCAL NEWS NOTES tag In 32 Taxi It costs the same. MISS Winnie Tnnfcpr la night qn the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:20. was reported' this morning to be on time. Free Canlt.nl ThMfru HeltPtt rnl- lect our cash register receipts. Bul gersvewellerystdfe. Mr. and Mrs. William Ranee are sailing tonight on the Prince Kupert ior a vacation trip to Bazaar Octo Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 9. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 Pnshvterian Bazaar, Novembei Orange Ladles' bazaar. Nov. 28; sc. Peters Bazaar Decemoer d, 14 oil MOOSE hODGK . meets at 8 D.m. Every Wednesday. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. E. Valny will sail this evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Van couver. You "can rflnV tx si Walter's as; low Mill JO., a day, clus 7c; a Canadian Legion BBS!., Exe cutive meeting, Monday; General meeting Wednesday. Miss Georgia Eckrman sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide fof Seattle. Final baseball game for Ormi Cup, Sons of Canada vs. Elks,, Sunday 2:30-- p.m. It Tom Hanson, a Ire cfuent of fendei, was, again up In. city police court this morning on. a. charge of drun kenness. and was sentenced three months' Imprisonment Okalla without option of fine. Miss JacQueline Newman who has been speeding the summer visiting; here with, her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs; C; E. Starr, sailed by tho Princess Adelaide last night on her return to her 'home in Seattle. William J Garrett, manager of Atlin Inn. pomilar Northern British Columbia tourist resort, and Mrs. Garrett were, passengers aboard the Princess Louise ytrterday after noon going' through to Vancouver to spend the winter. George Norrls, assistant Inspector of customs, was a passenger, aboard the Prlncesa Louisoyestaraay aiier- noon- returning to Victoria, after a tripi to Telegraph, Creek on official duties. . -- J. G Blanchard.. general passen ger agent for Uie Yukon and White Pass Route at Skagway and Mrs. Blanchard were passengers aboard the Princes Louise yesterday after noon going tnrough to beatue where they will spend the winter; R. E. Legg, manaeor q! Suri Point mine, arrived in. the pity on Thursday night's train crroute back to Mrs. Hill Barrington and son were passengers aboard the Prin cess Louise yesterday afternoon returning to Seattle after having snent the summer at Wraneell. Can- tain Batrington, well known Stlkine River skiDper. will be proceeding .south after the clo?e of navlgaUon. The question of the pulp, mill was discussed Informally at tne meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night but no action was taken in view of the progress that was being made and since no request for such action was forthcoming from the promoters. It was assumed that no news, from Ottawa was good news. CaDt. Geo.. Black, former speaker nf the Canadian House of Commons and Member of the last Parliament for the Yukon, was a passenger on board the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon come tnrougn to Van couver. Mrs. Black, who. is Conser valive candidate fr the Yukon in the forthcoming federal contest will remain in the north until af ter, the election. 1 Rev. R. C. Scott, nrlncloal N. L. Leach, well known Winnipeg wheat dealer and elevator ownet, disembarked from the ss. Princess Louise here yesterday afternoon afr ternoon after 'having "made the round trip north from Vancouver r to Rkaewav and nruseeded East bv to 1 train last evening. at Mrs. R. Dusenburv. wife of Col. Dusepbufy, Commander of the Unli- ted States Army ChHkpot Barracks at Haines. Alaska, was a. passenger aboard the Princess Louise yester- day afternoon going through for a Vlit vo iut' uimeu. cuates. vYiuicr the boat was In port Mrs. Dusen- bury was tne guest or Mr. ana Mrs. F. N. Feero and Miss Geraldinp Feero. Want Ads of Colualeeta Institute- at Sardls, and Mrs. Scott arrived in. the city on the. Cardeha this morning from Vancouver and are staying' ove here until tomorrow evening, when they, will sail on the Catala to rnake the round trip to the Naas River and back to Vancouver. Mr. Scott Is making the trip on Insti tute business. Electric Steam . Massage Treatments Mrs. Gammon 424 8th.Ave..E. Ph, Qreen.219 WOMEN WANTED WOMEN Wanted, to start private Kindergarten Schools In their I own homes this Fall Free booklet on request. Canadian Kindergarten, Institute, Winnipeg. Established 1927. tf. HELP WANTED i RELIABLE man to. take. cara. store route. Distribute and collect. New nroduct. Protected territory. Earn excellent weekly Income. Berland Nut Co., St. Paul, Minn. Porcher Island after a visit to the I AGENTS 45 Commission. Why Patmore property aw Dorreen on behalf of the Tunmlns interests. One of the finrfc dahlias ever shown in Prince Rupert is. on. view in the Capitol Barber Shop, It is a royal purple cactus "Jean. Tremb-ay" measuring 12 Inches across. There is also a fine "Ruby Taylor" a decorative pink. Both were grown by Horace Duhamel. LESSON from the depression-Be a Civil Servant Postman; Customs Examiner. Clerk, Sten ographer, etc. Free Boolc'D "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win nipeg. - BIG Money Maker. Specially constructed shoes. Patented 'features. No other shoes like it. Free shoe bonuses. Big profits. Don't miss. Write now. for our freo selling Kit Box 16031., Montreal. FOR RENT ... J TWO Remodelled 5-roomea uais and well furnished apartment with chestetfleld etoi Phone- 543. (tf) FOR RENT-r-Furnlshed or uniur- RADIO TONIGHT INTRODUCING MISTER SAGE A shrewd objservet who sees through, the pretences, knows the facts, and understands the true issues of the present political campaign, discusses the election with his friends. CRCV Vancouver CFCT Victoria AND OVEK A NATION-WIDE NETWORK 7:15 to 7:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time nlshed six roomed house located r,n nth Avenue- East, within, one block of Booth and High Schools. All bedroom have exceptionally.) large clothes; closets. House ,1s. newly painted and ready for Immediate occupation. Wouldl glvd reasonable long lease or would consider selling on rental terns to responsrole party; For ap? polntment. to view phone. A., M. Davies, Blue 916 or 540. FOR SALE. COMPLETE househtfd. furnishings, dishes, caroets. lamps,, electric range, etc. Flat for rent. Apply Mrs. W. Gralton. 741 Third Dhnnn Rlnrk 114. 206 I LilUi., a .U" LOST LOST White- crocheted' pursft with Initials J. W., containing, com-nWse roturn to Daily News. Reward. MUSIC vtoliln Tuition, theory and har mnnv. Miss N.. Lawrence.-, Phone non rtiiMM start Sent. 2. 209 MM CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Freacher Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith 11:00 a.m. Sermon Subjest: "ENJOYING RELIGION.'!, 12:15 Sunday School Reopens all, classes. .' ' 'i ( 12:30 Westvierv School Reopens. . : 7:30 p.m. Sermon Subject: "THE CHURCH AND THE SOCIAL ORDER." i A reply to. a question asked by an MJL.A. of British Columbia, "Why don't ministers preach the Gospel and leave politics and: economics alDne?" Evening Soloist Miss Betty Cameron. All Visitors Welcome. Have You Furniture for Sale? We BUY. Wc SELL. We EXCHANGE. D. ELIO FURNITURE Auctioneer. EXCHANGE PHONE GREEN 421 ! AGENTS WANTED" raroMeicmwBW.OTMnw ,. i :fci 9 work for less. Take orders for the , "Art-Point" Series Personal Xmas j Greeting Cards. Priced as law as; 18 for $1.00. "Victory" Box As-j sortment containing' 20; Beautiful j Cards with Calendar sell?- for $1.00. costs as low as; 50c, $io Sales Kit free, We ares only Interested In genuine workers. Art-Point Printing Co., Victoria,, B.C. (tf) THE PALM COFFEE SHOPPE I Offers You White helf- courteous: service SUPERIOR MEALS - LOWER-PRICES And a clean; convenient place to dine Call around and let us prove it Hours: 7:30 a.m. to I a.m. M RUPERT THIRD AVENUE BAPCO. Is- a hlgh-grada Paint for general use. DE LUXE WALL TINT Is a high-grade finish for Interior use. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. The Fxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous fcRupert Brand" SMOKED- BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Crfm Fish St Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C; 9. i' f If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement mthis.paper will. soon. let. you. know, il there, is-a. huyer in the city. . . .. . . . . , . -u-j-ui- 1