Todays Weather Tomorrow's Tides prinre RupertH", light north-v hammeter. 30.06:- tem- i-esl i.i rP DU. ' vimsc, wuesnci erorer. was ".luuimn I'artV in T.hw rnrth. coming federal nwunn . Z If h cndldate in the field, iast parliament: .t ri t, -. "beral. and .ti- .7" ;"1?"M BRUGE AS rA Mnntr.oi tn hi.iril906 In respect to Ethiopia's inde- ...ti u, .1 i.i v. Inonipnrp trill h( flf fl in ItaiV lO wm.u.- ut nia iijiaitvtui i vu- i nr. Qf Air IS HIGHER tion One Year Ago. )i1 0TO L, I t - I UaaI. Ti,uo uuaru iePL- snuwa a iicai- - vi bill WW v-- inn rf nriAiHi t i ti " v VrAUl Cedar Douglas fir, spruce, hem- LR Hnf1 tlKbn nn nil V.rn,A n 41- F "O M 1 11 I . i A 4 The scale of polc3 and piling In tT ntrt, -I n uuwu irum insi year a uu,- -vai icct. ine lie count 01 "ttca LI IIS !.F1IXT Wfl S WPI1 2as slightly below 267 last year. CARIBOO "d Clarke, tjuesnel Oricer, Nom-'nated Stevens Party Candl- "e or Federal Election WILLIAMS LAKE, Sept. 7:-At i tiuiiiinnTin A 11 i -v.nit tuiiveiiLion nere. permit premier Mursouius, dance. Will' Keep Peace LONDON, Scpterrber 7 (Canadian Press) Paris lepoits that Premier Mussolini has assured Premier La val that Italy will rot resort w war so long as the Ita'o-Ethiop'.an dis pute Is under consideration Pope Sees Peace ROME, September 7 (Canadian Press) Referring to the Itald-Ethi-oplan crisis', Pope Ptus today delivered a plea, for peace before twenty thousand former service men and announced: "From our latest infor mation we seem to see forming on the horizon a rainbow of peace casting its rays across the world." Consulates .Withdrawn. AIEfDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, Sep tember 7 (Canadian Press) under direct instructioons of Premier Mus solini all Italian corsulatcs in Ethiopia have been withdrawn. CANDIDATE Former Lieutenant Governor Is Named To Oppose Leader of Reconstructlonist Party mjANrmoOK. September 7: Capt. J S. Blakely. Cranbrook. has withdrawn from the federal elec tion contest in Kootenay ast as Liberal candidate. The party nomination has now been tendered to R. Randolph Bruce, former Lieutenant Governor. This Is the seat which was represented in the last parliament by Hon. H. II. ot,.c iPArier of the Recon structlonist Party, who seeks reelection here. nAR SILVER w YORK. September 7 (Ca-J silver was un-, nadlan Press)-Bar changed yesterday at oaw p, ounce on the locai mew. -i today. 1 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1935 munist Activities Abroad In Answering Japanese Protest TOKyo. SepUnbcr 7 .Japanese Vllnlster Otiat loscpw has repor-ed to his government here that he ecelved no. satisfaction from the Soviet Russian government In retard to his protest at communist ictivities in Japan presumably or iginating In Russia The Soviet bf- icials informed lilm that they could hot be responsible for the activities abroad of Hie Third Another 'Warning WASHINGTON D.C., September 7 Secretary of State Cordell Hull has sent another note to Moscow warning Soyiet Russia that any further attempt to Interfere in the domestic affairs rt the United States either political, social or economlc--wouId Involve the break ing off of the present friendly re lations. VANCOUVER SHOOTING Hold-Up Man Gets Bullet in Abdo men From Police Officer Was Staging Ilold'Up VANCOUVER, September 7 (Can adian Press) A man giving the name of Ronald Holrisworth of Montreal is In a s?rlo'us condition in hospital hete after being shot down by a policeman after he had fired a bullfct through the oincers caD. Holdsworth first fcntered the Pa-. trlcla Hotel and grabbed a glass of beer. Remonstrated with, he pulled a gun, firing twice, misfiring once and next sending a bullet into the wall. He, left and entered a Japanese store.- holding up three Japanese men arid a' woman, During the hold-up Officers Ray Slattery and Jack Harrison came into the store- They ordered Holds-worth to put up .his hands but he fired innstead. the bullet striking the shield on Slattery's cap and giving him powder burns. Slattery fired back, a bullet Holdswprth's abdomen. BEER IS OPPOSED KKihwNA. Sentember 7 Follow ing the example of this city a short time ago,'Sou,th Keiowna, in a pieo-lscite yesterday, voted 00 to 80 against sale of beer by the glass.- Tr" the big Missouri gr.tup. The rocks! on the property are rudely bedded tuff and breccia, striking north and dipping gently west. A bed of tuff has been mincializcd with pyrite, chalcopyrits, sphalerite, galena and quartz. The mineralised body Is up solidated company with respect to Big Missouri, It Is believed. Vancouver Wheal VANCOUVER, September 7 (Canadian Prets) Wheat was quoted at 83Vc on the loca'. Exchange yesterday, jumping to 86J2C today In response to' yesterday's price pegr glng. j Despite the attempts ly all nations to bring atont a psaceable settlement of the present Ethiopian-Italian crisis. Premier Benito Mussolini continues to send new detachments of ltis finest troops to Eritrea, Italy's colony in northern Africa. In Eritrea the troops will be ready to attack the Ethiopian kingdom, should war be declared. This picture cf the ss. Gange was maJ.e Just as It left Naples, laden with troops for Africa. CONSOLIDATED ACQUIRES HERCULES PROPERTY IN - IMPORTANT MINING DEAL Lease and Bond is Taken by Smelters On Ground Adjoining Big Missouri, General Manager of Trail Company Announces. VANCOUVER, September 7 (Canadian Press) -:S. G. Blaylock, general manager of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., announced yesterday that his company had taken a lease and bond on the property of the Hercules Mines Ltd. in the Portland Canal district. The holdings of the Hercules Mines Limited consist of the Martha Ellen roup of clalmsjt-rr. adjoining ?.nd lylrg northwest of Halibut Arrivals I Summary i Canadian 148.500 pounds, to 6.5c. i American None. 6c. to twenty-five feet wide and has! Canadian v been traced from south to north: Melville. 19.000. 6c. Cold Stbrage. across two full claims. Samples ta-j jenny Mllly, 10,000, 6c. Cold Stor-ken over fair width have 'shown age . good values in gold. A quartz vein, Gony, 15,000, B.lOc and 6c, Cold similarly mineralized, .strikes north- st,oragei v. ;, east, Is one to night ieet wide and Kalen. 16 000. 6.2c. and 6c;, Atlln has been traced for. several hun- . Fisheries. ' . drecT feet. Relief. 21.000. at 6.4c. and 6c. Cold The acquisition o! - the Hercules Storage. nronertv will have an ImDortant R. w., 6,500, at be, uoia otorage. Harln nn mtn rn nf thPCnn.i Fanny F., 3,000, 6.5c and 6c. Cold Storage.. Viking, 11,500, 6c. Cold Storage. Oslo, 18,000, 6.4t. and 6c. Cold Storage. , . Mother, 10,000, 'at 6.1c. and 6c, Atlln Fisheries. y , Signal, 18,000, at 6c, Cold Storage. Two small boats sold privately.. VETERAN TEACHER DIES VANCOUVER, Sept 7 Frederick M. Cowperwaithe, veteran educator and prominent Mason, passed away heret yesterday at an advanced 'age, High 10:00 a.m. 15.9 ft. 21:40 pjn. 18.6 ft. Low ... 3:14 ajn. 63 ft. 15:18 pjn. 9.8 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS ITUATK) IN EUROPE MUCH EASIER A j n i i i w m m a i m a m m mi m mm i m m mm i 7 iiii'ii mi m m t m m m -miai!"!"!' tWHUH oriUULU . dlAI - - UU1 - VF rUKLlUiy IT -A A uLlYlVL 1 1 Jo Investigate halo-Ethiopian Differences .i n.iinin Vrnnrp. Poland. Snain nnd Tnrkov In Pro- U L M 7 - vide Members naiys Aiuiuue More Conciliatory n i i n k 1 .. ri! UMii U a soniomiiur i . mucii easier leuiiiiir wjlii ru- tn the neace of hurone prevailed last nignt following ? ,in.icinn nf fho T.pnmin nf Nntinns with Iralv s i i 1 r. n m vi if Mnn tn iniA-"! t.vnf (i .ivwfl am ti tz.ii ill iiiiiiiii.iiiii ill iiii-mii'LirT iiiii I i. CCJllllll) w wv J" cj i tv,n Tto1n.Ahvsj?fiinn rlisnnto. This rnmniissinn l UIIVJII vv - . . . . .' . .... I I ana, spam ana mrircy. iiaiy au . at first objected to the British arid , French members on the commission but was induced to accept then af- nrvn P i finp ter Spain and Turicey Jiaa reiusea HI ill A I to act without thenv Wlth France r T LiSTlVj 1 1 ViV ;and Poland desirous o! retaining "", friendship with Italy. Great Britain Alberli Premier Off v. Ktxl n. Q : frnmni a as ui . ; Ethiopia, the commlslon, it lis believed, will be as impartial as wcwmv, Sept. . 7:-rremler C0"W, KKUjed. i k..i.... -.ii, , Italy also agreed t3 sit down with , . . . rthinnifl in a conierence wun a ec j! a loin of $18,000,000 peaceiuiiy. Another three-power conference -. Alt A- Tf . intcifv bank heads in tor between Great urua:n rrance ana Italy, signatories ti the treaty of PARALYSIS SPREADING Epidemic of Infantile Malady Quite Serious In Edmonton Nearly :0t Cases " EDMONTON, September 1 (Canadian Press) While officially only seventeen cases of infantile paralysis are reported in this city, Dr. A. C. McfJutan, director of health announced yesterday that he believed there were be-twen one and two' hundred cases here. Parents generally, Dr. McGujan declared, seemed to be making little effort to co-operate in keeping down the sprrnd. Schools will be ejosed for another week at least. SOVIET IS EVASIVE Desclaims Responsibility For Com Mussolini Still Sending Troops Trade Treaty With United States is Under Arrangement Details To Be Announced On Monday Premier Would Consider It His Duty To Keep Country Out of Conflict. OTTAWA, September 7 (Canadian Press) Canada should not become involved in any foreign war in which there is no aggression of Canadian rights, declared Premier R. B. Bennett in a nation-wide radio address last night in opening his election campaign. He would consider it the duty of any government he headed to keep Canada out of such a war. Ir peace and war, the Conservative party stood for Canadian rights and against economic aggression of any foreign power but Canadians would not be embroiled in any foreign quarrel in which rights of Canaalans are not Involved. Premier Bennett also announced that a trade treaty was being ar ranged between Urlted States and i Canada, details of which would be I made public on Monday. The-Prime Minister disclosed that he had threatened to cancel trade arrangements with Japan if that country Insisted on continuing its fifty percent surtax. Premier Bennett also announced thdt a trade treatv was being arranged between United States and Canada, details of which would be made public on Monday. The Prime Minister disclosed that he had threatened to cancel trade arrangements with Japan If that country Insisted or. continuing Its fifty percent surtax. Hurricane Death Toll Uncertain Two Hundred and Fifty-Six Bodies Recovered in Tlorida 320 Still Mining MIAMI. Florida, Srptember 7 (Ca nadian Press) Red Cross reports yesterday showed 256 known dead in veterans' relief ramps as a result of the hurricane 144 bodies having ;been recovered, following the de struction of campr. There are at least 320 persons still missing. Governor Scholtz ordered yester day, In the Interests of public health, that the bodies be cremated on the spot as soon as identification had been estab'lshed. This order was made in srlte of a proposal of 'President Roosevelt that all the dead veterans be burled in Arlington National Cemetery at the public expense. Many of the dead veterans were former bonus Social Credit !s Organizing New Movement Will Have Candidates in Alberta and in Saskatchewan CALGARY, September 7 Organization of the Social Credit League to take part in the federal election Contest in Alberta and Saskatche- was is proceeding, organizers for each province having been named. The new party plans on contesting practically all seats in those two provipces as well as some in Man! toba. OUTPUT OF MINERALS Value $11,000,000 This Year New High Mark for Gold Expected Silver Also Up VICTORIA, September 7 (Canadian Press) Provincial mineral arid metal production this year is expected to total $14,000,000. Gold is expected to set ar all time record of about $12,250,000. Silver, up in volume and value, is expected to top. last year by $1500,000. Thirty Million Pounds of Fish Catch This Year SEATTLE, September 7, (CP): A halibut catch totalling 30,500,000 pounds for Areas No. 2 and 3 from March 1 to August 31 Is reported by the International Commission. Pegging of Wheat Price Causes Rise In Price of Flour Local dealers were advised this morning of an advance of 20c per barrell in the price of flour. The advance Is believed to be in res-Dense to the .federal government's action of yesterday In pegging the price of wheat at 87V2c per bushel. NEW YORK WEATHER BAD. NEW YORK, September 7 New .York has had the wettest and meanest summer ir years from the weather standpoint. DOMINION GOVERNMENT PEGS PRICE OF WHEAT AT 87 Vic. PER BUSHEL OTTAWA. September 7 (Ca- nadlan Press) Acting upon recommendation of the Caria- dlan Wheat Board, the Domln- Ion government by order-In- council last night fixed the minimum Canadian wheat price for one year at 87 Vic. per bushel for No. 1 Nor- them at Fort William. If the world price g'oe3 higher, the farmers will get the benefit but, as far as Canada is con- cerned, It will not be allowed to go lower. . ' ' " . . : ' . -v. , -