FAliK i"WU THE DAILY NEWS TM)r, April 3o PRINCE THE RUPERT DAILY - BRITISH NEWS. COLUMBIA BOYS 'SPORT' lfaey : Published Every Afternoon, Except fiunday. by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H V. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance J5.6; for lesser periods, oald In advance, oer week .It By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year Si By mall to all other countries, per year 9.M1 Local readers, per insertion, per line . in ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn. per insertion Classified advertising per word, per Insertion DAILY EDITION j02 Tuesday. April 30. 1935 NO TAXES FOR WAR There is a grown!? feeling throughout the country that no country should y taxed for war. During the last war many young men gaye their lives for their country. Other young men were more or less permanently incapacitated for making a living, and some even yet are suffering for their patriotism. During that time a few people became rich on war profits.' But the whole country today, every individual, no matter tiow poor, is taxed to pay for the four years of patriotic e'ujJerance. The Native Sons of' Canada suggest that in future the people of the country shall not be taxed for any war. If it is found necessary to fight, the government of the day shall for the time beinjg take over all the wealth of the country and use it as it sees fit-in carrying on the war. At the end of the camjiaign, it is to be supposed the money or property or securities will be returned to the former owners less the amount needed in the war. Then the country would not be encumbered as it is today in order to pay for something that should have been paid at the time. No more War debts would be incurred unless it was found necessary to borrow from some other country. It would not be necessary for the government of the day to stop' any Indnstry in order to take over the wealth of the country. The people now operating would carry on. The only difference would be that they would then be working for the government instead of for themselves. There is a very strong feeling, at any rate in the west, against conscription of men without conscripting wealth. It is considered ahat the people who carry on the government think moreof money than they do of men. Their patriotism consists in sending someone else to fight the battles. Should the country be involved in war there will be a strong popular demand for all to" share alike in the sacrifices she is called upon to make. This demand will be insisted on by many war veterans who feel that they did more than their share when they offered their lives while others made themselves rich. Dank "Loans to FARMERS ; and MERCHANTS 1,. " ' Applications for loans from responsible farmers and merchants needing credic for business purposes arc welcomed and promptly dealt with by the Banlc of Montreal. This Bank's approach to any credit problem is helpful and constructive. If you require banking accommodation, you are invited to talk over your ideas with our local manager. . BANK OF MONTREAL '.; ' Eiublithcd 1817 r, ' ... HEAD OFFICE . . . MONTREAL K vMODUN, EfMCUNT BANKING SERVICE. .th Oycoon f lt7 Ytm' Succntful Operation Trrace Branch: D. II. I. SHILDRICK, Manafcrr Strwart Branch: W. WRIGIfT, Managrr Prince Ruprrt Branch: V. A. MacCALLUM, Manager Railway Girls British Auto Move Forward Racer Fined Scored Decisive VMory in l-atlie How line League Last Niclit In NrnxmH PlaT Vo I Canadian National Recreation Association scored a decisive 1403 to 1189. victory over Coquettes In the Ladies Howling League last night. In the Kecoiitl game of Uie- evening. Blue Blurts won 1416 to! 1221 over Strikers. As a result oil the evening's play. Annette's Is tn!r, exclusive possession of first P,are'dpVpiBr,( Association Alexanfer. Stromdahl. Npw For Speeding LONDON. April 30: Sir Malcolm Campbell, famous British auto racer, was fined S here yesterday on a speeding charge. Baseball Standings American League W. L. wun Canadian Nauonai ic ecrpaT.um!N,w York 8 ' Association in second. !wuvj.i Mrs. WoodsWe of the Canadian, National Recreation Association tret & had the high average score of 170 st Louis""" 1 A in last mgnvn piay. !phlh.rte4f,h1 2 wooasine, iiauoerg ann uaumger. moldyr, 8 Coquettes - Tiirgeon. Blam. CnlwlBO 7 Byrne. Colusal and Brown. lnj fl Blue Birds Boulter". Church, Co-Hv,,lt Jl,. madina, Hartwig and Kcron. i,.. . Strikers InglU, Jones, Eastman, 1 6 v. Morse and i. worse. The standing to date Tor the se cond half: O. TU. Aw. Annette's 2 2853 1427 C. N. R. A - 3 4199 1400 Strikers 3 4075 1358 Doodads 2 2776 138 Carnation qirls 2 2776 1388 Blue Birds 3 3959 13201 Grotto 2 2405 1233 Coquettes 3 3491 1104 VICTORIA BLUE RIBBONS WIN SENIOR HOOP TITLE VICTORIA, April 30: CP Victoria Blue Ribbons won the Canadian men's senior basket- ball championship last night by defeating Assumption Col- lege of Windsor. Ont 39 to 37. Victoria won the series three games to one. 'Philadelphia Glrlv Twlrlers ... . Lncky Strikes- : :.. Ates .. Gadget ... Kippers ... Co-Eds . Bowler Bear J-M's Kmg Eds Play Maid Tigers .. 1 Giants Champs Buckaroos Cabs Punks Boys 9 3 7 3 me piayws were: j -a Canadian National Itecrcationj v.m.-.Y ....... 4 S s 8 9 lb 2 4 5 6 7 7 7 9 Pet. .760 J700 .607 .182 .10? 3Wr .Oflf J63 . .500 .403 .408. 4t? .198 STUDENT BOWLING 6097 5893 5594 .5483 5325 5092 4942 .4910 4515 .4251 Am . .1028 4537 1516 1494 1438 LADIES' BOWLING The second half Ladles' Bowling League schedule Is as follows: May 2 Carnation Girls vs. Grotto; Doodads vs. Annette's. May .6 Coquetts vs. Strikers; j Blue Birds vs. C. N. R. A. May 9 Orotto vs. Annette's; Carnation Girls vs. Doodads. May 13 Carnation Qirls vs. Blue Birds; Corfuettes vs. Annette's. May 16 Grotto vs. Strikers; C. 1J. R. A. vs. Doodada. May 20 Annette' vs. Carnation Orris; Coquettes vs. Blue BlrdS. . May 23 Strikers vs. C. N. R. A.; Doodads vs. Grotto. May 27 Coquettes vs. Carnation Girls; Annette's vs. Bine Birds. D' b OkW MVK Crcn Man a foM l4m MMi MM Rmm. fWwfafrr Jt MRwi 49 Ml, iW toiUtt 4000fr m Lifhc RaoiMr . 4 MO Drvrry fteaaBaik HM Time raynwnlt may I arrant! fr a i extra chute. Aak your dealer for atari Xa. -J r -t. TVi. -i IN 0 all itiWgua. RIDES A C.C.M, on thB Streets and Highways as well as on the Race Tracks good-natured Torchy Peden. wofid-famous BIG, 6-tlay rider, just loves to ride a bicycle. He actually spend more time spinning along city street s and country highway than he doe on the race track. By riding out-of-door regularly Torchy PoVn Till hi lung full of life-giving freih air. kf hi muacl'flexib1e and hi bod (k.( He says, "Tle bicycle is a grand conditiontf." And, of course, you'll want to ride the same make of bicycle a Torchv Pcden. Atoyone vl liat seen thi human dynamo do Ni MurT in a 6-day bicyde net Inowi ihat no ordinary bicycle could Jtand up for long under hit hard rklmg. Yet Toechy can lw you bkyclet in In C.C.M. fleet that have gone eve- 4.2.000 mile and arc still on racetrack duty. All C.C.M. model havetlw Straight Line Drive which make the bicycle run so truly that "bck and fronr:v,lHets track like one." They aho have C.C.M. V own weather rrswtant. briUfarnt Ena mel: C.C.M.' own Chromim Plate over a 20-Year Nickel: Tnplex Hanger; Rustles Steel Snokf; Endrick.or Enamelled Steel Rimi: Dunlop "Fort" or Dunlep Imperial Tire. In tle long run you uve money by buying aCCM. Ak Torchy -he knowl WHEN BUYING A BICYCLE BE SURE IT HAS THE COM- TRADE MARK OO M The True Value BICYCLE . Tr4fW W CU. CnU ar M-4 CV fi4, 1111. Agents For Afients For C. C. M. BICYCLES C. C. M. BICYCLES McRae Bros. Ltd. Kaien Hardware Third Avenue Third Avenue SNAP ptt CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, and Mirrors. Cannot toatcn. Two Famous Fliers C5esare Sabelll 're(t), and Captain George Pond In the cockpit of their Bellanca monoplane Jnst before they went aloft at Floyd Bennett airport for a load test. In 1028 Sabelll attempted an unsuccessful Rome hop with Jloger Q. Williams.' Pond, formerly of the U. S. navy and army air forces, once planned a solo flight around the world, but failed to take off. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Oally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PR1NCK KUPKRT. ll.C. Dont rvirt Kltifa KHver Jthllre Anniversary Olrbration, May 6th p Keep ymir lawn in proper shanc with a new 1 or m blade easy-vunning, halUbwinn Canadian Iutv.o Mower. Several different models and width to choose from I From $6.95 tum't Fnret KlriR's Silver Jubilee Anniversary Cr1Hra,lon g H May fit It X 3 GORDON'S HAKUWAKfc aa r.i. . irllridf Stf' usmsmrmmmtu'vmfmvu-vM KwmxmwaxmixmimM tmtm mx1 9 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated