page rotra ran 6 llC LET US GIVG YOU A PAIR OF FESTIVE FEET... Pb'ie have Kcn on the "luxury'' air of Spri ig f ahions! En.ei . . .cnmrauirig leathers, fancy airamings and perforations . . . more feminine and sophu Jested styles. Vou't going to have ce when ou tcp out in a new paif of Ocyx Shoes. And you're going to Uke them . . . very much. mm SHOES BY BLACHFORD The Family Shoe Store LIMITED Third Aye. rhone 337 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 For Sale MANURE $1.50 a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Ked 608 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Studio Lounge An attractive addition to the home. Loengc by day. double or twin beds by night. Remember May 6th King's JuDilee Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record ol all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC . Phone Blue 320 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront i Lining having been completed, loading of the British freighter Paris City with a full cargo of grain for the United Kingdom or Continent commenced at the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator at 1:20 yesterday, afternoon. It is expected that it will be Wednesday night at the earliest before the vessel has completed loading and will be ready to sail While no official notification has yet been received, it to reportsd that another grain ship may be here to load in May. I There was no change In the local halibut fishing situation yesterday! following the declaration of the I strike at the week-end by the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union. Landings of halibut yesterday were the heaviest so far this season with a number of large American vessels in. Unloading of the fish proceeded normally and ail was quiet along the waterfront. There were no hall-! but arrivals this morning. Among the American halibutters in yesterday was the Chelan, bring- j ing in a catch of 10,000 pounds af- j ter her maiden trip to the fishing j grounds. Owned by Capt. Adolph Nelson, formerly of the Kanaga, the Chelan is a six-man boat and was' built at Seattle during the past winter. She is 54 feet long and Is; equipped with a CO h.p. full dlesel engine. Armour Salvage Co.s power tug' Daly. Cant. Oscar Haveroy, left at noon yesterday for Vancouver, hav- ing in tow a scowload of salvaged machinery and equipment from the old B. C. Packers cold storage plant at Claxton which has been re-sold in the south. It is expected the Daly will be away about ten days. Capt. , W. P. Armour, head of the Armour Salvage Co.. sailed on the Catala this afternoon for a brief business , trip to Vancouver. ; i Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 1:15 this afternoon from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sail- , ed an hour later for Vancouver and waypoints. The vessel was delayed j by loading box shooks at George- ,town. I ' jASSSSSaSSaVBVSSSSaBBBSSftBVAsnSBw WE WELCOME COMPETITION We sell our quality merchandise at the lowest prices. All other groceries proportionately as low FLOUR All brand 1st Patent, 49-lb. sack per doz. BANANAS 3 lbs NEW CABBAGE 3 lbs GRAPEFRUIT 6 for SL80 2nd Patent fij-l C 49-lb1. sack vlUw DR. MIDDLETON'S FLOUR 100 Ironlzed Whole Wheat 49;lb. sack $1.97 Known for Quality Oil 7p 7-Ib. sack DR. JACKSON'S ROMAN 1 AVl' Hp MEAL COOKIES, per doz. 12-doz. box $1.10 SMALL WHITE BEANS 1 Qr 4 lbs JAP RICE 4 lbs HORSESHOE SOCKEYE SALMON, l's, tall per tin 19c 37c SOINTULA FRESH EGOS QOn ECONOMY COFFEE Freshly ground at our store 97 per lb. 3 lbs ECONOMY TEA Orange-Pekoe, per lb, 79c 39c Both are quality proved 25c 25c 25c Other Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at reduced prices Phone or mail your 'order to MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O, Box 57S Phone 18 Italia H'a'BUBi'tTBTS 1 Everybody will praise you when yon serve Kellogg a Rice Kriipies. Their cripnc and flavor is something to talk about. Children love to hear Rice Kriipies crackle in milk or cream. Let them have all they" want those toasted rice bubbles are nourishing and easy to digest. Just the thing for the nursery supper. They promote sound sleep. Grocers everywhere sell Kellogg' Rice Krispics in the Mother Gooc story package. The more you buy the more stories you get. Made hf Kellogg in London, Ontario. RICE Wi Listen! get hungry LOCAL NEWS Mrs. P. Starr, Indian, reported to the city police the loss last night of a purse containing $32 in an Orien-1 tal cafe downtown. She states that she missed the purse after leaving the restaurant and, on her return, ) was unable to find it. Duncan P. Miller of the local Customs House staff will sail Thursday morning on the Princess Norah for Wrangell enroute to Bti-klne where he will take over his duties as Canadian customs officer for the summer. Dances being heia at the Empress Social Club continue to be well patronized. On Saturday night about eighty persons were present. Music was by Julius Welle's Grass fires fn Westvlcw required the attention of the fire department on three occasions at the week-end. On Saturday evening at 7:10 the first occurred at the end of Graham Avenue near the rail way track. At 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon there was a fire near Morse Creek just beyond the bridge while fifteen minutes later another outbreak occurred near Graham Avenue and Seventeenth Street. Dr. Harry T. Walker, professor of mineralogy at the University of ! British Columbia, will arrive in .the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning for a visit to the city in connection with '.he organization of university extension work here. He will address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon tomorrow, Don't forget King's Silver Jubilee will speak at a public meeting in Anniversary, July 6 the evening and at luncheon on,.-..-.J a'S 1 Thursday will be heard by the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. THE DAILY NIKS luju' -m District News OCEAN f ALLS Old Jupiter Pluvius held off Just long enough to give the fair sex of Ocean Palls a chance to display ,iuir Easter creations. It was the jne bright spot in a slightly damp Easter week. James Bird has returned from a ftp to Vancouver where he went to convalesce from a recent illness. At the winding up meeting of the season of the Ocean Falls Bowling Association, a proposed trip to Prince Rupert was one of the main topics of discussion. It was felt that it would be a crowning climax to a highly successful season if teams of bowlers, both men and ladles, could arrange to nwkc the journey. Ocan Palls musk lovers had a treat last week when the Ocean Full Glee Club staged two concerts. Tills c,lee club is rated as one of tiie j fluent organizations of 1U kind on the laclflc Coast. An enjoyable and successful i bridge party was ltekl by the Ocean ! Falls Liberal Association last Tues day evening. The prise winners ; were ; ladies' first. Mrs. Angus; se-I cond. Mrs. Olldersiecve; men's first Mr. Clark; second. Mrs. D. Jones. TERRACE Ttie past week has been enlivened by two social evenings ut which It seemed everybody was present. 1 here was a whist and bridge at the Oddfellows' Hall on Thursday and on Saturday a hard times danoe when many quaint costumes and some ancient ones were in evl-1 dence. The Canadian Legion decided last Thursday night to make the next regular meeting a reorganization one. Card will be tent out to all ex-service men inviting them to Join up. The local branch is in oretty good shape with a small cash balance at the bank and no debts. Meetings are held hi the comfortable sample room at Terrace Hotel. April showers, with bright sunny Intervals, returning robins and swallows, farmers busy with plough and harrow. In -fact, a feeling thaW spring is here, has featured the week, and revived the hones of Tnnwhfs train, due from the east'peop'e hi other ways besides agrl- at was reported this morning 1 culture It is freely said these days to be on time. that Terrace and Usk district I slated for the next mining boom. I sinrt th:it thn rnqit Dntin. 1l4V,n. Mrs. Dorothy Diete, who has been , 7 ""7 on the staff of the Commodore Cafe here, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Clean Paint Plant Fix DP Everything to .Make This Job Easy For You - at Kaien Hardware SPECIAL Garden Rakes, 7 31)c i PAINT For the Fence. Shed, Garage, lite. Only 95c per quart. $3.25 per gallon Handy cans, 20c 5130.00 Prizes. Get in the big parade. Decorate your car May 6th. Don't forget it's the King's Silver Jubilee COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edsun, Alberta and Bulklcy Valley Coals are guaran- , teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 88 Phones 558 Hotel Arrivals Savoy . n. O. Ouningnam. Port W. Walsh. CNJt. Koyal GHe E. Letherby. Vancouver; A. Bourgeois. C.N.R.: P. Wicks. North Pacific Cannery; RajrmorKi du Boa and Bert Lyons, vkukw. Prince Rupert A. E. Lawsoo. Stmnmkie; Miss XI. Storey. Port arm peon; b. m Haynes, Victoria. Tuesday ... Wednesdays Central II. dalbson. Shames; W.V.Camp- helL Vancouver; Martin FenwicK and M. Oayes. city. Knox Mrs. E. Jocupsen. city: C. Blake- ty and N. Simpson. Saskatoon, a Bentley. Vancouver: It. E. Jenk- Irvgs. city: W. I'erkina and Sara Carr. Winnipeg; Mark Fonhawand E. Martinson. Bridge River. Mail Scheduh 'or the last Mondays. Wednesdays days Mondays (train) Thursdays Friday April 4, 16 and 36 'rom Vancouver-Sunday . Tuesday 'tralnl . Wednesday and Fn 4:30 pm mm I he East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Batur days 10:15 pjn r Vancouver- 12:30 pm. (tralnl 4:3C pm , no pm II pm 4 pm. 4 pm. 10:15 p m. .. 10 am. ! Thursday (train) 10:13 pm Friday 4 pm I Saturday (train) 10:15 pm j April 11 and SI - am. j For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 p m ' Wednesday . 3 pm j rm Anyox and Slewart j I Tuesday -,-n : ! Thursday Tl . . 8 pm. For Naas River and Fort 8lmron 8unday .... 7 pm From Naaj Klver and Tort Rlmrwon Tuesday, ; 11:30 am Steamship Sailings 'or Vancouvri ' Tuesday Catala 1 30 p.m Thurs. s. P. Rupert 10 30 pjn Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m j St. Gardens midnight April 4. it. 26 ss. P. Norah 5 p.m 1 ' rom Vancouver Sunday as. Catala 4 pjn Wed as. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m Friday M. Prln. Adelaide 4 pui Ss. Cardena pjn April 11 and 21 ss. P Norah a m For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Oatala 8 p.m Wednesday ss. p. Rupert 4 p.m From Anox and Stewart Tuesday ss. Catala II 30 am Thursday ss. Pr Rupert 8 p.m for Naaa Itlver 4nQ 1'ort Mnipon-Sunday as Catala 8 p.m Trom Naaa Kiver It tort Klmpon Tuesday ss Catala 11 30 am. lor Queen Charlotte Ulands April 12. 26 as. Pr John 10 pm i 'rom tjueen Charlotte Islands- April 10 and 24 -sk pr John u.m ir Orran rail Thurs. -ss P. Rupert 10 30 pm Friday- u. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m rum Orran Fall Wednesday as. P Kupert 10 a m Friday as. I'rtn Adelaide 4 p.m Ss. Cardena . pm For Alaska-April 11 and 21 ss. P. Norab aw Bach night during the coming I week between shows at 9 pm. a 4:30 pm.) member of the Prince Rupert Me- dleal Association will give a fivc-mlnute talk at the ('up: to! Th'M'r-in support of the King .s Jubilcr cancer fund 4sst fALAD AND COOKING OIL ('. F OuUek I .. .'iv, if t C.tuadlai evi-ijiMK tniii. : HazKtitn on com. I 1 1 I I I M Nil 'AST SHOWINGS noma J C Brady di the federal dp.u vork. left on Uv for a trip M VanUo bu4mcs!. Ola ,u.'." r.f!.c,!1,r,.!hfin .ft ufcll miu inriii :.uc!c-vr " "The Thin Man FeaUm a , i AULhL Irvin S. lubb in "IJrliiK the Durk World News l.trnt: Don't Fon:-" ilbriiu, a O hwWchi! MAYONNAISE H U Vehd jot DEEP FRYING H. ..j&Ma ECONOMICAL sH ri I O "S" " "-OA Victor on an dti U Vwj radio trip for new worlds of mtrrUinmrnf O-. Tlx) prxrtrn rrfurniiK of tilol Tr ttrr lladio lii ptit iU ownm in touch with rf' miuic from foffign rountrits ith vnl -n TV;- f" lh maVinir with Hk) lt of UolroH Hbt'M VSbPS'MbK VSv inct thU far I line that hiw mxle Millet r hnfl w"v irfonn""c' th tuh rl,r ,ba th BsB' 30aiP' VT1a Et' eirf ption. Isy lmi on lm moH nf tj::t liMF choJcf' Thirteen modtU from which to :h' CUl, 7-fm n mJ, lT ! m mSm An rirluUe ItCA Victor detelon. UkB HKLQLJi III . l I. GUm you far more taliona, EB3mI QKm2miE4H Tuned In irld bntadranta PSEB' W't' Rrra'cr "curacy and l&SBSSj aW' m, llnahlra yon In Urmr eery 1 note with higher fidelity. RCA Vfclw "CUW Udl Hi 1 1 eMaeMvs.JM