Today's Weather Prince Rupert Clear, light southerly Vrtnd; barometer. 3050; temperature. 50; m choppy. y,l XXIV.. Ko. W, Today s Stocks l UJn) O D. JoMUMutl C4i Vancouver A.' iiidna. JU. U ( NickeU41. L : Missouri, .CO. , L, Hiua. M. Uuli.nie. 7.15. B R Cona, .OS. IU; X 13. I u.tKxi Quark. IM. I I m: m M t; N r v V; WJirta. S3. iia Hlver. jOOfc. . "iida. 21. .08. a;. .03 ask). ::t0 15. Uan. .09. uiny star, .074. kjiu) Sliver. j;c Fvc. .14 . ..: Oreille. .05. r Idaho. .13i.' :nirr, 1.83. Qur-mei Quartz, .15. R ward. OlVfc. 153. f v r Crest. .01i. fc umon Oold, .17. T ,or Bridge. .20. W.sido. .19. W it. water. .12. W v rly Tangier. .01 . Toronto t ral Patricia. 1.43. C IbouRamau, .20. Oold. .004. Gi-mada. .27. IUrr Nickel,, 27.00. Mar axsa. 2.30. Ns unda. 39.00. t.:crritt Gordon. .01. E -oc 310. ViT.furca. .00. IA- Maron. .05. ' T k Hughes. 4.10. Cjdbury Basin, 1.43. C'-iumarlo. ,09ft. r tn. Malartlc, .G8li. Emi.ltcr Oold, .07. L! Long Lac, 3.00. A'oha llouyn, .04 . r' it'arona. .22 ft. Mjpl' Leaf. .07sv Crow, 2.C3. Mi K nzic Hcd Lake. 1.14. xJ' Lake. 1.44. 'J".con Itlver Oold. .75, fart Lake Gold Shore. .35 t Al t. iriiitttifc . . . norrnur mi,-.. nr. 1 X UilKV 1IUI11 OC III t Ml P'nt of rye to $1 on Imperial Wart, 0( Bcotch whlsky Th,, ilre range of spirituous II- Won which come Into Canada under British preference Is af- 'feted Mht area who had called at the Legls-J latlve Buildings yesterday became, abweke and were escorted from the' office. He Insisted that law and or ' der be maintained. i Vancouver gtrike VANCOUVER. April 30: (CP-The oneheur strlka between 3 and .4 o'clock vcterdav afternoon In tfrmpatrry-wllrr relief fmp ttrikefs went off quietly with some eight .hundred members of the long shoremen's and seafarers' unions participating. Fourteen deepsea and several coastwise vessels were , affected. Roosevelt Was On Air Sunday Night Chief Executive of United States 1 i I)iuv.cs Plans For Spending J4.800.OO0.OO0 WASHINGTON. DC. April 30: President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave another of his fireside radio talks to the nation Sunday evening. He discussed plans for the disbursement of the $4,800,000,000 public works relief fund. The administration's recovery efforts he characterised as a "great crusade." Un employment relief rolls for the past winter had been the lowest since 1929, the chief executive declared. Slt.VLIt PRICE DROPS LONDON. April 30: CP Specu lative proilt-taklng caused a de cline of one-sixteenth pence per ounce In sliver on the local metal market yesterday, the price dropping to 34 1-16 pence per fine ounce. The New York price dropped lc to 75c. There was no chaime In the New York price today, the London quotation rising pence to 34 11-16 pence. Amount Pledged Now $20,132.00 ,,. "'I " II'.....-i!emiiloymcnt service committee of ...HwriUH -jwo-k -o be donc wlthln the ncxt slx VlfTnnt mm j.! months amounts to $20,132. Since iwiTiC: " n J,, n i: 1 1 the last report the amount of $3,385 lumbla - J has been added. lnm-fc . Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, April 30: (CP) to 8Go today. RAILWAY REVENUE wmm Heavy Slugging Features Monday's Play in Major Leagues suffered a 12 to 11 loss to Chicago and dropped to fifth place, the Cubs moving to third spot. The St. Louis Cardinals with the assistance of Paul Dean's good pitching, downed the Cincinnati Reds who fell back into sixth place.' In the American League, Detroit Tigers converted fifteen hits into eighteen runs to score a slugging shut-out over the St. Louis Browns. New York Yankees hut-out Wash ington to oust the Senators from third place and present a real threat for the league supremacy. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Pittsburg 11. Chicago 12. Boston 7. Philadelphia 5. St Loulr 7. Cincinnati 2. Only three scheduled. American League Detroit 18. St. Louis 0. Philadelphia 8. Boston 10. New York 2. Washington 0. One postponed. INCREASE Operating Collections of Canadian National Up Million Dollars For Quarter MONTREAL. Ap'll 30: CP Operating revenue of the Canadian National Railways for the first; quarter of 1935 improved a million dollars. It Is officially announced. Evangeline Booth Is In New Zealand Great Reception Accorded Salvation Army Chief on Arrival In City Of Wellington WELLINGTON, NZ April 30: General Evangeline Booth arrived In Wellington yesterday on Salva passed GOVERNOR PORT The SEATTLE, April 30: (QP) The vanguara dt many nival surface and aircraft which will visit Alaska this summer for CHICAOO. April J0:-It was a manoeuvres, twelve United hard jS2a;Trsa3 day for pitchers In the Major States Navy planes, left here at One hundred and seventy-five surface craft, submarines, de- stroyers. battleships and crais- ers, 600 planes and 60,000 men will take part this summer In Pacific manoeuvres between California and Hawaii, many in Alaska waters. : 4 ADAMANT new seven-roomed modern 1 United Church parsonage, Hugh Brown, builder, is now completed and is being occupied by Rev. F. Bushfield and family. Mrs. Bush-field entertained the members of the Ladles' Aid. whose membership Is composed of native women, last week. VISITOR AT ESSINGTON PORT ESSINGTON. April 30:-Mlss Phyllis C. Bushfield of Edmon- mmtnH nt Rfltic on thel uubUtftreccDtlon at the Town Hall field. Miss Bushfield NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1935. A Tiew of tiic En: PITCHERS insfcy Square in Kharkov. In th . ;: is la new h.-l th? r.-g.unal committee buildlrg of the Communist party of Uu Ukrahe ARE KIT : TWELVE UNITED STATES PLANES FLY TO ALASKA A. inengh: SUMMER TRAINS Time-Table This Year Will Largely the Same as That Of Last Year - Be into effect on the local line of the Canadian National Railways. The service will be practically the same as last year, providing for two full passenger and two mixed trains weekly in each direction. Trains will leave ior the east at 6 o'clock Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, the Wednesday and Friday trains ing full passenger equipment while Monday and Tuesday will be mixed trains. j Full passenger trains will arrive (from the east at 2.15 Monday and Saturday afternoons while mixed i trains will arrive Tuesday and I Thursday nights at 10:20. ! The summer steamship service." Looks Like Walter McGec Will Have i details of which have already been To Pay Lire tor Kidnap i announced, will be largely similar Of May McElroy to that of last yea,r except for the! special Alaska cruises by the JACKSON CITY, Mo.. April 30: steamer Prince Robert which are It appeared unlikely last night that ' additional. the Oovernqr of Missouri Intended! any aetlon In the way of commut-1 lng the death sentence upon Walter McGec. who Is condemned to die on May 10 for the kidnapping of Mary McElroy, daughter of the city manager of Kansas City. Miss McElroy and others have pleaded direct with the Oovernor for commutation of the sentence to life New Parsonage At Essington Is Now Occupied QUINTS TO HAVE NUNS Nurses of Famous Ontario Babies To Be Changed It Is Announced CALLANDER. Ont.. April Roman Catholic nuns will KILLED IN CARCRASH Harry C. Borbridge. Ontario Politician, and His Nephew Lose Lives Near Simcoe a tree near here. Company Organized in Connection With Industrial Project - Planned For Rupert VICTORIA, April 30: (CD-Mutual Pulp & Paper Mills of Prince Rupert Limited, capitalized at 150,000 shares of no par value with maximum sale price of $1, was incorporated here today. Directors are shown as Rohden Stanley Stultz and Frank Llewel-Iwyn Buckley of Vancouver with head office given as 1030 Hamilton Street, Vancouver. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 42. Anyox Clear, calm, 42. Stewart Clear, calm, 32. Hazelton Clear, calm, 24. Smlthers Clear, calm, mild. Burns Lake Clear,, calm. 27. BIUTII NOTICE There was born to Rev. and Mrs. I Evan Baker of Anyox at the Prince j aw. Utupert General Hospital Sunday, next; April 28. a daughter. Sylvia Flor- month replace the present nurses ence Mary at the Dionne quintuplets' hospital . here, it is announced. While they, prefer the nuns, Mr. and Mrs. Ollva j Dionne. parents of the quintuplets, assert that they will not be satls- Ified until they are given complete! ESSINGTON. April 30:-'control of their five little girls. TAKE OVER CANNERIES Pacific American Acquires Plants in Alaska I Col. and Mrs. W. II. Belson SIMCOE. Ont.. April 30: (CP) Sldnev. Vancouver Island, will ar- meetings locally. Tomorrow's Tides IUih Low COMMUNISM SEETHING IN PR0VI 12:15 pjn. 20.4 ft. 8:08 a.m. , 22 ft. 18:17 pjn. M It. PRICE: 5 CENTS LONDON IS PREPARING FOR SILVER JUBILEE CELEBRATION Entire Relief System Must Be Changed Says j Premier of Provincel Cni'inploycd Dvliwilion Becomes Abusive and is Escorted From Prime Minister's Office Vancouver Strike . Is Quiet With 800 Participating VICTORIA, April 30: (CP) Premier T. I). Pattullo, in a statement today, declared that everyone is aware thati llritish Columbia i.s seething with Communist propaganda! and added that there would have to be a change in the en-1 tire relief system. "Money to do work will have to be pro vided and Mr. Hart and Mr. Sloan are now at Ottawa to - . 1 WJItcuw the situation with the Do minion, the Premier said. Mr. Pattullo sUted that the spokesmen lor a delegation from Macauley relief camp and local Soviet Russia Also Has Its Re-Housing Plan King and Queen Back At Buckingham Palace From Windsor Castle His Majesty Reported to be in Best of Health Premier Bennett to Ride With South African Prime Minister In Procession Next Week LONDON, April 30: (CP) King George and Queen Mary returned today from Windsor Castle to Buckingham Palace to prepare for the Silver Jubilee celebration opening on May 6. The thanksgiving service at, St.. Paul's Cathedral on that day will be preceded by six carriage processions. The Prime Ministers of the Empire will form the fast. Premier Bennett of Canada?:, and Premier Hertzag of South Af- j , rica riding together. Royalty will pjQ (tlctliPe n nae in me iasi two processions. Finally climaxing the spectacle, the King and Queen will ride together from Buckingham Palace to St. Paul's. The military aspect of Meeting the celebration will be moderated to a minimum. The King is reported to be in the ; best of health. 1aTh?s PULE MILL ates pounded seven Cub hurlers but IS FORMED Liver Dispute of Halibut ' Boat Owners Fails to Materialize Basis Of Settlement There was no meeting of the hH-but boat owners yesterday as had been expected in some quarters. ing a disinterested attitude in regard to the halibut lirer dispute, some seeming to believe that there is nothing to meet about. While no official announcement has been made, it att&ns to be the opinion of seme of the boat owners that, if the fishermen requested, the arrangement by which four trips would be given without the boats taking share of halibut livers might be revived. BOND CHANGE ! IS RATIFIED Prcvinclal Government Puts Order-In-Council Throu-h Validating Local Interest Cut VICTORIA. April 30- (QP)-Vn order-in -council was signed by the i government yesterday empowering j the City of Prince Rupert to ex change all its outstanding debt to new debentures at a lower rate of Interest, namely four percent. Seventy-two percent of thp bondholders have agreed to the change. Fines This Year lit City Heavier Total of $163 Collected During April, Bringing' Year's Aggregate., To $817 Police court fines In Prftice Rupert for the month of April this year totalled $100 as compared with $165 in the same month last year. Booth 80 far lnis year fines have totalled ;$817 as against $354 in the first four months of 1934. AMY MOLLISON CRACKS UP IN HER NEW PLANE j LONDON, April 30: (CP)- 0I , Mrs. Amy Johnson MoJMson cracked up her new plane ye4 Harry C. Borbridge, defeated Con- rive on the Prince Rupert tumor-! terday 011 the first time she; servatlve candidate for West Elgin row mornlntr from the south. Mrs. i had Iown 14 a Croydon air tlon organization work. She ton Is visiting here with ...... her last drome. The ..... famous ...... British Army .v f- par-1 in m the mic federal ituciui by-eloction" Sep- "vp- Belson ix'isun will wiu be ue here Jitire In in her uvr official uiiicihii . .v.. was welcomed by thousands and n ems. Rev. and I BELLINGHAM. April 30: (CPi Plans of the Pacific American Fisheries to purchase the Alaska ' canneries of the Booth Salmon Co. were approved by the stockholders of the company on Monday. . Mrs. Frank Bush-1 tember, and his nephew. Charles M. capacity as Anglican Dominion Wo- avlatrbc escaped with a severe ield his also been Borbridge, were killed yesterday man's Auxllliary vice-president for shaking up. 'local exchange yesterday, droppingwas lcthby the Acting Premier of ; visiting at Anyox with. Mrs. Frank when their automobile crashed Into Western Canada. She will address