PAQE TWO WHAT BhTOK WAY IT Could your Christmas Cheque be spent . . . than for a pair of Comfortable Shoes to meet your immediate requirements. DAILY EDITION Farewell Party For Miss Sherwood Held at Terrace A farewell party was held on Monday night of this week at the Orange Hall in Terrace in honor of Miss Barbara Sherwood, well known In Prinee Rnpert, prior to her departure for England to join the Southampton Hospital as a student nurse. Numerous friends of the popular yoang lady assembled to do her honor and a pleasing gift was made. Miss Sherwood leaves Terrace on tesighrs train for Halifax where she wB embark January 5 on the steamer Andania for England. ' Christmas Day Radio Service Exhorting his listeners to spread srtfU of sympathy, loving service and friendship not onlv at Christ mas but throughout the year, Rer W. D. Grant Hollingworth. pastu: of First Presbyterian Church, con ducted a special Yuletide servici over the local radio station on Christmas afternoon. Mr Hollingworth gave a brief history of some of the Chrisamas customs such as the tree and the presentation of felfts and suggested the aonlicatio:! of these customs in a spiritual and permanent way. "Mike the method of your life as that of a friend of Jesus Christ, he utrged. jMf. Hollingworth recited a number of poems with musical accom paniment by Mrs. E. J Smith, director of music at First Presbyterian Church. Miss Betty Wood sang as a vocal solo "Immanuel and J. A. Teng sang "On Bethle hem's Plain." L - Aged, blended and bottled in Scotland. . . . Popular the world over, because it is ALWAYS reliable. Now in the time to be fitted with shoes The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 PnbHahed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managlng-Ednor subscription rates City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessr periods, paid In adrance, per week i By mall to all other countries. pe- year . 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncu, per insertion . Clarified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line News Department Telephone .. ! 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone . ..... SS Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Friday. December 27. 1935 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With a light Hst of passengers,! C. N. R. steamer Prince George, I ant H N!rrjn arrive m nft' at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning from Vancouvsr. Ocean Falls and Powell River and sailed at 4 o'clock the same afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she returned here last evening southbound. Norman A. McLean, purser of the steamer Prince George, has gone ashore in Vancouver for his annual vacation. Fred H. Coram is acting as purser of the Prince George on the present voyage north. C. P. R, steamer Princess Ade-raldV, Capt. Henry Anderson, is due in port at 5:45 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. m her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Pacific Coast halibut fisnlm? came to a close at midnight last right with only a few boats, mostly American, still on the banks. All joats will be accounted for within a week or ten' days, it Is expected. CENTURY IN CARAVAN CHERTSEY. Ene Dec. 27: (CPl Honor Matthews was born and lived In a caravan throughout the 103 years of her life. She died In a caravan recently at Fairfield, near here. Miss Beulah McKlnley was heard lh piano solos over the local radio station on Christmas Eve. Dr. J.'p. Cade sailed last night on the Prince George for the south. He will spend a couple or weeks at Harrison Hot Springs. I BOYS' BAND 1.13 m is JR. CHOIR Featured Last Night On Weekly Program Of Junior Commerce j Cnaraker The Prince Rupert Boys Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Robert Greepffeld. and the Booth Memorial School children's choir, conducted by J. S. Wilson, were featured last evening on thr-weekly radio program of the Jun lor Chamber of Commerce. The numbers played by the Boys Band were -Adeste FMelfe." -Ranger March," "Showflike " an operatic medley with George Brown, Marino Bussanleh and Terry For-tene In solo parte "Wanderttw; Gypsy" and "Howard City March." The Booth School choir sang The First NoeL" "Sleep, Holy Babe." "Golden SJombers." "Good King Wensesctas," "Shepherds-'Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep" anc? ;Deek The Hall WMh Boughs of jHoHy." ! F. W. Wesch spoke briefly on be-jhalf of the Prince Rupert Boyj' Band Association. He thought tte ,' Boys' Band was playing its part (in keeping boys usefully occupied. jForty boys had three practises each week and. if the money wav j available, forty more could be tax-len ear nf Rmr tK itw immi. . . V. J VI ...I.I , jstoner had been m office, there- had been no civic grant for the Boys' Band which had been keo: igofng only as a result of funds raised by the parents. Even now $1000 was required to nut the ban.? tn first-class shape. J. S. Wilson spoke briefly on be half of the Booth School choir Other speakers of the evening wen-Earl Gordon. Miss Slevert- Jaci Wrathan, Miss Mary Bremner ant Horace DuhameL Misses Ruth Nelson and Jean MeLean played a piano duet Roth Gordon and Clifford GUker were announcers for the evenhiR. ANNOUNCEMENT Junior Chamber Snowball Frolie (January 24. Dr. Dafoe In Xmas Message Baptist Church Pastor Speaker At Rotary Luncheon Yesterday Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe, pastor of First Baptist church, was the speaker yesterday at the regular weexiy luncheon of the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club. He delivered a Christmas message to the service club. President W. M. Blackstock was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of members with a few guests M. P. McCaffery, R. E. Moore and Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth. Dr. Da foe's subject was "Frozen Assets:- In the course of his address he urged the Rotarians to bestir themselves individually and coHectively and use the faculties which had been given them. He referred to the fact that man? drifted through life without bein? concious of what they might da If they only bestirred themselves. He spoke of the Joy that came irom bringing thines to oass and. finally, suggested the carrying of the spirit of goodwill Into their daily lives throughout the comin-' year. The address was enlivened bv a number of little sidelights or illus trations such as references to his own boyhood when he delivered newspapers in the city of Winnipeg and to a band which played on'y two tunes, one of which was "Xii!d Lang Syne" and the other was not. He spoke of misdirected ambition jsuch as the person who could not sing but who always wanted to do so. of the person who could not make a speech yet was always wanting to talk and of the personi who, Instead of preaching the gospel, discussed politics from the pulpit and. therefore. should, ft been in politics Instead of in the ministry. 9 NO'iAT Whisky TaTTl This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the .. ? ' Government o( British Columbia DAILY NEWS Frlda. r, 'SPORT' REMARKABLE SCORING FEAT IN FOOTBALL LONDON, Dec. 27: CP Ramming home nine goul in 4 an amazing "Third Division EngHsh FootbaH League match In which Tranmere Revers " swamped Oldham Athletics 13 to 4 today. R. C. BeB, Rovers centre forward, created an In- dividual teal scoring record f' for Old Country League soccer MAROONS MOVE UP Now in Exclusive Possession Second Place in Standing HOCKEY SCORES NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Tuesday's Scores Seattle 3, Vancouver 2. Portland 0, Edmonton 1. Thursday's Scores Portland 0, Calgary 3. Of NEW YORK, Dec 27: CP Montreal Maroons moved into se-jond j)Iace exclusively in the international section of the National Hockey League last night by defeating the New York Americans 2 to 1 in a hard fought game on New fork ice. The two teams had been ireviously tied for second place below the Toronto Maple Leafs who retained their supremacy by slanklng the Carta diens two to nil at Montreal Tuesday and Thursday scores In the National Hockey League: Tuesday's Scores New York Rangers 3, Boston 2. Chicago 2, Detroit a Thursday's Scores Montreal 2, New York American- I. 'Toronto 2, Canadfens 0. Hockey Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE American Section W. D. L. F. Detroit 7 6 4 31 dangers 8 3 5 31 Chicago . 8 2 6 27 3oston . 5 2 9 19 International Section Toronto 9 2 5 46 Montreal 7 2 6 30 Americans 6 2 9 32 ?anadiens 3 4 9 26 A. P. '28 20 20 19 25 18 21 12 36 20 29 16 41 14 36 10 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE W. D. L. F.A. P. Vancouver g 3 4 CO 39 21 Portlahd 7 3 3 30 21 17 Calgary 6 3 8 45 52 15 Edmonton 4 3 8 30 39 11 Seattle 5 0 8 22 36 10 JOHANNESBURG'S POPULATION JOHANNESBURG. Dec. 27: (CP) A statement issued by the City Treasurer shows population of Johannesburg is approximately 448.- sira of which 240.000 are Europeans. i Old Country Soccer Old Country football srore Christmas and Boxin? Day wn.- is foltows Christmas Day Eng&h Lea sue- First Division Aston VBa. 4. Haotfersftetl 1 BlMkbom Ravers, no: Stake. 1 B It an, afl: WoMiHumpti WaiKiefm. 3. BrentfMrt. 5; Pwafafi jMrthend 3 Grtaubjr Twm 1: Hmaagham. A t ieds-aiindM Hand, uustpanert on eetwat of tag. Liverpool, all; Arsenal 1. Manchester. nB: Chelsea, nil. PoiiMriuuth 3: Dei toi . nil. Wftfneaday - Everton. postponed, roonds unfit for play. Basing Day i English League. Ftrsf Di'rfsion Arsenal. 1; Liverpool. 2. j Btmlnghani. I; Ortmsby. l. Chelsea. ?; Manchester. 1. Derhy Comity i; Portsmouth. I. Everton 4; Sheffield Weitteaday. t HotfoVfafMd. 4: Aston Vaaa, 1. Preston Northern!. 2; Brentford. State CHy. 2: Blackburn Rovers, nfl StaRteftaml. 3; Leeds Untied.-1. West Bfeetwteh Albton. Mid-dfcafcereagh, Z WotveThtHBtofi Winetfis, 3: Battjan, 3. Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" Th. IW W t maon or dim) fran Or. IVrJ I rnX'U UvafnJ Board. MI baaur Simt. V r Mmi Si in your home, choose wisely from these world famous brands, which ofTeryou the utmost in value and quality. Ancient OLD PARR Scotch Whisky - - - -SANDY MACDONALD Special Liqueur Scotch Whisky 26o: VICKERS' Finest London Dry Gin - Sir Robert BURNETT'S London Dry Gin - SEAGRAM'S "83" Rye Whisky SEAGRAM'S .... Special Old Rye Whisky a ar-snam -aaaaaaBK - t-maa . m tnaanB7-ar a. m tt c jaaaaaaaaaaw. -a ivm r mm m. j nj mmmmw - mw ananai san. b.w i: awum t. Aumwrnmr rnrr , j rBaaaannaaw. m-smw. snv mi in jfmmMi hart 26o.$3?i 13 02 25 or 13 0 25 or 16 0: 25 0: 16 0: 25 0: .S2U :2Z $152 lsZ5 r-NW" va B lil"J Jt a. MUwmm.m( HUh IlifkUmJ CmJCtm If Cm4 K.M; NEW LOW PRICE 1 I S3. i I amanaaBj This advert iimcnt it nut niiVTUli .(fl- it- if w V6 BKT PROf l RABlf HI Control Board or by the "jovernment -A l.r . ' CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vaneonvrr via Ocean Falls and way ports S S PRINCESS ADELAIDE. Flldays, 10 n.m. To Vancouver lirct SJS. PRINCESS NORAII. Dec 5th. 19th, Jan 2nd. lfi t. io h To Krirlilkaik tfrancrn. Juneau and Skagwar 85. PRINCESS NORAH. Dec 15th. h. Jaa 12th -eth WINTER ROUND TRIP FARE TO VANCOUVER $3!M Tickets on sale Nov 1st. 1935 to Feb. 29tn. 193. Flr,a. rrc limit March 31st. 1936 For information and reservations call or vrhe W. I.. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert. K.C v jfjjk Now Now when when holiday holiday hospitality hospitality centres centres wHj ThU AWllmoit U mot pmbiitKnl w diiplayrd by lht Liquor Control Board or by th Gorrnmmt of Brltilh Columbia. DN J 'listrJ is nef ruiK. d or 64plar4 trf fl jcr Ccchol R-tH Gc-rnsaaj ci EiHUh Colunj- U. D. L. SILVER FIZZ . . 12-oz. - - .90 40-01. . $2.60 LONDON DRV 25 oz. MISTLETOE ... $ 12-oz. - . $1.00 SILVER SLIPPER H oi. . $1.10 25 oz. GINS $15 2oo $15 01. MSB