PAQETWO y y g Are Gifts That Kcally S Satisfy A Gift of Daily 3 4er 2s y y y (IIlimtmaQ Slinnnincr? FOOTWEAR service If;there'i i GIFT one appreciates more than anything eKe .r it's a OUT They- can wear! We are prepared Showing a bigfer and better stock Why not make your choice here for any amount you wish to pa)? Guess at the size we will change them should they not suit. after Christmas 3 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. y y. Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PBLNCE RDrERT - BUITISU COLUMBIA Pumlsfced Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edtior SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, oy mall or earner, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessor periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per insertion - Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ' Local leaders, per Insertion, per line News Department Telephone gg Advertising and Circulation Telephone Z. 9 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION tstt. Saturday, Dec. 14. 1935 B. C. .MINISTER AT OTTAWA . Bruce Hutchison, Hon. G. S. Pearson, .minister of labor for British Columbia, made a very good impression at the Ottawa conference. The conference adopted his plan of segregating those unemployed who are xiuiu , , uie , unemployed r-wv.v. wiio nun cannot v.(tuiiui work wur and aimi BEATEN BY PROSPERITY At the annual Winter Fair and Livestock Show in Vancouver "Gerry McGeer," a steer, was beaten by "Prosperity another young animal. This may by some people be considered a bad omen for the mayor of Vancouver. The return of prosperity will undoubtedly cure many of our ills and some people feel that Gerry in an affliction. ' BIG MISSOURI MILL n It has been expected for some time past that Big Missouri mine would have a large mill. The authoritative an-wnnliT6"1 made,Thurs(ly from Montreal that a mill W ft -!5 rat,??,5ext year and that i would not be less capacity than 1500 tons is an assurance that there will be biisy times in the Portland Canal area. With this minen operation and the Premier also running at full capacity and with smaller operations also general in the district, the town of Stewart should begin to feel a nke"uai general improvement. t Best Christmas Gift foay we AuS8et that nothing Is so acceptable to In this way they get annroxImnt.Pi inn of your S2.00 A YP.AP , jm. . thoughtfulriess. ' i boycott but no decision has yet been made bv the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada. The council went on record as protesting against the action of th city commissioner in appointing an ouisiae teacher to fill a vacancy which had occurred on the school teaching staff while local teachers positions. A copy of the orotest. um also be sent to the Department of Education. It will also be brought to the attention of the Department of Edu cation that there has been no me-: f dical examination of school chii-'& dren, as required by statute, in Prince Rupert during the past'jft three years. :S? Dumping of garbaee within th S? city limits is also to be protested, ic council uecwed. The protest 2 will be sent to the health. Such a practice Is consid-'j& ered a menace to th nnhii. hMithi& as wen as being oblectionahlf. t.n residents. In view of the higher cost of and local weather tho Board of Industrial Relations is w De asked by the council to change the basis of pay for labor on construction work here from 45c to 50o an hour. was intimated that the local Wf Deep Sea Fishermen's Union K be again affiliated with the Trades E ana Labor Council. ;S? The question of apprenticeship If M n i I Industry uiuusiry was was riliifri discussed v,.. by .v.-i? In the I meeting. . ' President a r w i , . . Ti w,. . maL-aonaia was in- J the chair and there was a good turnout of delegates i f.Eucharist Congress i In South Next Year! Important Roman Catholic Church uatrier!ns To Take Place In Vancouver VANCOUVER. De 14-.rri . - - 1 iioman Catholic diocesnn v.rr istic Congress, the first in rhmc, DAILY NEWS la" NEWS OF THE MINES Silver Crisis Matter of Northern Interest Stewart Endeavors to Popularize Silver Dollar Mining Men Coming Out of Omlneca p Particularly in the mining areas contiguous to Prince plaint that unfair rates were paid rn tnat ewy WMe ar in connection with the recent work J?" ta,ken, tQ pr0W)te the Dut of re-surfacing the local elevator, "f 5 ver dollars in place the Prince Rupert Trades and La- X1 "f of paper hnr n,nfn ,..J. currency. The greater use of sil T. "M1MW -er dollars would be of advantage ntoM night at -7t- its .u, ' regular monthly meet- k- .. . higby F. E. Harrison of Vancouver. iar,v of thls dtetrict nd M Dominion fair waee officer. The'i ,, -. L. ... - ;" uc luimuHPo oy some s final Davment had hpn hflH im .. .. .1 rHraui auiy to weigm tneraselves unto such u time the conditions' as drwn and wear holes in their poc-coniplained of were rectified. .kets by toting around silver dol- The council decided to make a lars Manv dcnaUon of $25 towards a lobby, no dlfHculty In carrying around which will be conducted during the! all the dollars they can lay their nexi, session oi tne Legislature at. hands upon even If they be silver. Victoria wun a view to having state health insurance legislation enacted along - the lines desired by or- Sld Anderson and associates of the Last rharipe ?min i ! fcwup yji UlUICIill ganlzed labor. Co-operation in con-1 claims In the Portland nmi Hie. nection with such a lobby was re-1 trict recently made a test shin in a communication from the Vancouver and New Westmin ster District Trades Council. E. E. Winch, C. C. P. member for Burnaby, invited the council to Supply him with proposals for legislation on behalf of the work ing classes so that he might take I legislative committee for report. A letter from the Canadian Jew ish Association expressed annrp- ciation of a resolution supporting non-participation of Canada in the 1936 Olympic Games at Berlin in t "",uiut "i wie azi mi never Will be able to do sn. That wnnl,l o),nn, .... i.. i governmtnt. Orenni lot,- 1 . . " ouutv CAUCtlV OW . . " " "",Jl mucn unemployment there is and hmv mn artnt Ultou8not "nada supports this needed to nut. VTO hu mn i. yt . .. fc' "D proposed x, uuil, limn iii vviii'K n u iTTiTVfnpr'ii -i n conference with the Pattullo policy that every able man should be given remunerative work, either through industry or government undertakings. He explained the present system of giving relief through road work as nadly hampering the department of public works The province should pay wages on road work as a business undertaking rather than as a relief project. He suggested that, by spending about five million dollars a year for a few years, practically all the unemployed could be put to work. The question was purely a matter of finance I his was a national concern as the men are out of work as a result of national conditions. ment of slightly over two tons of ore. the returns -on the steel galena and grey copper ore bing very satisfactory. Organization of the Cardinal Mining & Development Co. Ltd tO develop the Alimm 9n TJ...U been completed with R. K. Nelll of Spokane as president and ft, sf -. T " . T erai manager. Directors are Col V7 b. Huell, Capt. W- O. R. Oordon O R Invin and J...G. Camnhell jli of Vancouver, i Mining men are 'comlpg Into Vanderhoof from 'trie Omineca district to the north after a heavy seison's work on their way homeward for the winter. This does not mean, however, that some operations will not be continued throughout the winter. One of thsse will be that of Capt R. Adams who went In early last spring with a Keystone drllL Jt is ex i iir;. Lr-i 1 i iiiii pected that next season win hout;even neater activity up In the Manson Creek and Omineca ing areas. min- y , ... -.. i" .11 'vsiu .u mc nunu Miver r. J3 price a matter of outstanding interest from day to day. 5 J3 Many Prince Rupert people, more especially those who; 8 hold mmmg stocks and, despite the depression, there are) J - still a good many of these, also seem anxious tjp keep InM & Htouch with all latest development 'r? 15 $5.0 1 BOO 1.49 JJi 2: T 1 riAniTnn "gard to the silver markets i S? LAdUKI i o t IN SESSION f q i Elevator Re-Surfacinr. ADDoint- ment of Teachers, Oarbaje Dumping Among Matters Taken Up Satisfactory adjustment has been made in connection with the com which, since the first of the weet ' have been ' slumping In a rattw j W alarming manner with an a.ver-r age drop of a cent a day. In view I M of the interest In all matters nr- r tainine to silver, a resolution m ... sed recently by the Stewart Board of Trade with, a view to popularising the use of the silver dollar lis at least, an innovation. Th ; St swart Board Is drafting a rer 'olution for presentation to all th .B.rtrita of Trade in British Colura The 'Men's Store, 9 y S y y y y y y y y & y WALLACE'S Special Clearance of Ladies' Coats Here is an opportunity to give a really practical gift. Both fur-trimmed and tailored styles. Sizes from 14 to 42. Plaid Cloth Skirts In a nice range of colorings. CM Aff Out they go at, each tjH.tJt) Jersey and Knit Suits We have only a few left, some beautiful styles amongst them. Values to $14.50. To. be .dented' ', $7 95 Ladies' Felt Hats All colors. Clearing at eacn Gift Suggestions for Him Flannel Robes -fc House Jackets -fc Initial 'Kerchiefs Mufflers it Suspender Sets. Hosiery "k 5r.0n 'Kerchiefs Son Is up same on the, floor-of the House J Consolidated, Mining. propertiM In wi-.s W"S ,3rdeed ordered to ya, be be The matter was referred to thel" hw Portiarfd Portlarfd" Ciial Canal dlstHct-ha district - hai thante of the gift of $1.00 fa We are all ready for the big rush, our tables are loaded with the greatest variety of Xmas p goods we have, ever displayed. Come in and y examine our selection at your leisure. You y will be welcQme and not pressed to purchase. S& PHONE 9 ser mm wiisinnwo .. . Silk Gowns Dress Shirts Pajamas Neckwear Underwear Hats Caps Knitted Ties Scarves THE GIFT SUPREME A "LONDONTOWN DRAPE" Give something practical something that will be appreciated. Men buy here when they buy for themselves 1 And wise women buy here when they buy Gifts for Men ! This year we have excelled ' ounsolvas in the greatest assortment of Christmas Togs for Men we have ever shown. We cordially invite vour inspection. A deposit will hold any article until required. At last night's meeting of the for the children's ward from a kin- i no.puai Doarq, acKnowiedgment dentarten at the Morun i,oin made with a scrap book eharlou- LMundN CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Kev. W. I), tirant Hollingwiirth, Organist: Mrs. K. J. Smith 11 AA1., Sermon 8ubject: "WATCHINQ AND WAITING" 12:15, Sunday School 12;30, Westview School 7:30 PJll., SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CANDLE-LIQHT SERVICE The. old familiar Christmas hymns, special music, brief candle-light pageant, short address. Something NEW, dlf-feiPnt and inspiring In church worship. Everyone welcome. All Coats to be Cleared at Cost 8 $ I vw Third & Fulton if ii..iuv1TO ii kj uvuvuzwvztaw&WMWiaii, Smoking Jackets it; Socks fHc Hlckok JWt-Sels Sweaters Dress Jewelry ' k Slippers Cloves Shoes LAMBIE & STONE STYLE - QUALITY SERVICE PA 1 1 (ft. , i erg Women Likejojshn FURNITURE 1 GIFTS MCI CheAlerfield Chair from Chesterfield Tabl Walnut $25 S3.50 $8.50 Mackenzie's Furniture Phone "75 FURS FURS We have orders for Minki .Marten, Lyns, Foxes, Wrasfls, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices Also a your other fur ful1 market value. Trial shipment will convince you. Ship now to J. CLONES PUircK fiKOKOE, H.C COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Ouaranteed FAMOUS KDSON AI-UERTA COAL IIULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE HUPKKT FEED COA1PANY PHONE: 58 and 558 TRAPPERS: If you want the litest price for your furs, send them in at once. I have orders tot them and until those orders are. filled can pay -more than anyone else. After that the price will come down. (JOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable 5 1