page Form 9 M. I I? 4 Movies scene Fancy Christmas Wrappings, Seals, Tags, Ribbon, Cellophane Waterman's Pen and Pencil Gift Sets from $3.75 to $10.00 Other Sets from $1.00 up to $2.50 Boxed Card Assortment A few BOXES left 12 to 25 per box 25c up to $1.00 Individual Cards priced at 2 for 3c, 5c, 10c and 15c ARTISTIC GIFT CALENDARS beautifully designed and conveniently arranged. Come in and look them over there's no obligation to purchase. We print Greeting Cards in our own Printing Plant and can execute your orders in a few hours. Rose,Cowan & LattaLtd. UESNER BLOCK, THIRD STREET ENTRANCE. Cine-Kodak Eight THIS Christmas, make home movies their biggest thrill The cost will be little to you at and to them . : ; if you choose the Gne-Kodak Eight. Only $39.50 buys this full. fledged movie camera; And the operating cost is but $2.50 including finishing (km for 20 to 30 lifelike movie scenes! Drop around today and let us show you a reel or two of "Eight" movies; See for yourself how brilliant and sparkling they are; Then, let us show you how simply they're made with this inexpensive Eastman camera; es Ltd. TTiie. Pioneer Drvtaotats The Kexall Ster Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Gifts for the Young that will Delight C. C. M. JOYCYCLES Age 2 y2 to 4 years $8.00 Age 312 to 5 years $8.75 Age 4'2 to 6 years $9.25 C. C. M. BICYCLES, from $30 rjrn 1 1 1 , . c also nave a very nice siock ifri of Wagons, Doll Buggies, Rol- ler Skates and many other m items that are sure to please. $5 A small deposit will hold any Item till Christmas. GORDON'S HARDWARE sr If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in uie city. Elks' Dance. LOCAL NEWS NOTES j Be warm and cotnlortaSle by riding In J2 Taxi it costs the same. PhilhamK)rdcjConcert Sunday ,9 p.m, at Caplialfrheatre. F. O. Cole sailed last niit on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. William GoWbloom returned to j the city on the Oardena last night from a brief business trip to"Namu land Bella Coola- i Miss Lillian Mason, who arrived j Thursday night from Stewart, left on last evening's train far a trip to Toronto. She will return via I Vancouver. ! Constable G. H. Soles of the city police force had to go off duty last i night, having been taken ill. This I morning It was announced that he had the mumps. i Mrs, George Rorle and daughter. Miss Nancy Rorie, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a Dance. Oddfellows New Year's Eve Novelty Nordkapp-Xmas Tree, January 3 MOOSE HALL RENTAL KATES Concerts $25.00 Dances - 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the ground floor, rental rate. $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward. 640 or Red 412 I am at the REGAL SHOP taking orders for Gifts for the whole family. Also Cards, Toys, Books, Etc. Our Rear Store Bazaar is now open Inspection cordially invited Goods gladly reserved. jjjPIMisa3i!aiiiiffiixia:Gi'jnaa See the nice undies at the Dollar Store. (tf) You can rent a car at Walker's u low u S130 a day, plus 7c. - aile. T. W. Hall, inspector of schools, left on last evening's train for a brief trip to Haysport and Poff Essington on official duties. Plan to. attend Xmas Cap JVp light Sendee and Pageant. Pres. bytertan Church, tomorrow nig b. 7:30. , 288i Prince Rupert Phnhafnidhlc Society Concert. Capitol Theatre, Sun day night 9 o'clock- Admission by program 55c. Doors "open 8:45 pjn. (287) Miss, Jean Harrison R.N.. lady superintendent, reported to the hospital board at lis meeting last night that the Institution was fairly busy at this time. General routine Was going along nicely and preparations for observance of vacation trip to Vancouver -and Christmas were under way. Victoria. j j A letter from the provincial se- Mrs. H. L. Alexander and son, ' cretarys office, read at last night's Donald, sailed last night on the meeting of the hospital board, re-Princess Adelaide for Vancouver quested a list of names of all mem-and Victoria to spend the Christ- bers of the board so that each mas and New Year holiday season, might be kept In touch with devel- 1 1 - opments as they came in connect Just received shipment of Hinton tion with the matter of health in-coal. A very satisfactory coal for surance legislation, all household purposes. Can supply - In any quantity from nqw on. The regular monthly meeting of Phone 51, Hotel Central. (288) the board of directors qf the Prince Rupert General Hospital was held The . fire department Tvas called last night at the hospital. Those a. 1 s a. a i i it as, u. yesiercay aiternoon wj ir.e present were: S. D. Macdonald. residence of Blanche Harte. 7$5 president: W. M. Brown, Frank Eighth Avemie West, where an oil Dibb, G. P. Tinker and G. V Wll-stove had caught fire in an up- klnsori( dlrectors; H w Blrc stairs room. Extinguishers wer? I .. -.,.. j - used to put out the blaze which HarrUon R;N.. lady superintendent caused minor damage The current Issue of "The Beaver." magazine of the Hudson Bay Co.. contains a couple of attractive p'ctures of scenss on the Sti!:-ine River at Telegraph Creek as well as news items concerning the Telegraph Creek, Dease Lake, Mj-Dames Creek, I.iard, Frances Lake Port Simpson. Fort St James. Haz elton, Takla Lake, and Kitwanga posts. Announcements Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L.. Christmas Tree, Dec. 21. Sons of Norway Xmas Tree, Moose Hall, December 26. Hogmanay Jail Reporting" at the regular monthly! 1935. meeting of the hospital board last) night. Frank Dlbb, chairman of thej A report from Fire Chief J. R.I Morrison, read at last night? hos- pital board, stated that the usual, monthly inspection had been made at the hospital ana nurses home, both places being reported to be in good order from a fire standpoint Jack McRae arrived home on the Princess Adelaide" yesterday afternoon from his studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver to spend the Christmas and N'ew Year holiday season with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae, Fourth Avenue East. Max Asemissen, manager of the Knox Hotel, who has been on a vac-action trip to Vancouver and the northwestern state. returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Asemissen " will return on the Prince Norah tomorrow morning. Adjutant Eva Laycock, local commandant of the Salvation Army, has accepted an invitation to address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at Its regular weekly luncheon next Wednesday. She will tell qf a trip she made recently to the Mata-nuska Valley and elsewhere in Alaska and the-Yukon. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert B. J. Lemieux, Vancouver. Central Fred Madsen, Danskln; J. Jones CN.R; J. Groden. city. Knox C. Burton, City; R. E Cressy and L. Holland, Vancouver; M. C. Mc-Mullin, Guelph, Ont ; R. S- Cox, Smlthers. IN TIIK SITICKMK TOI KT Of IIK1TIHII rni.nuii In rrulutr In th Mlpr nf thr .tilininltrnllnu Art" And In Ihr Mattrr of thr IMalr of Jam? O. Pafvlia Ilranl. ine nospuai ooara, at lis meet- "-" '. T"" nouse committee, stated that an; examination of the roof of the im m-t hospital building had been made 1 by J. G. Steen who had given an ' ,n,","I,lJ a,,,"y ,0 Ua" outside estimate of $40 on work! 'n prince rupert Land Recordinc r5strlct of rUr Co4- ""1 situate nerearv t tnn lealc trhl.h hov necessary to stop leaks w men nave) jbout 12 mile south of the w. A developed during recent heavy i Brown Honwite Lease on Sklaki Bay. rainfalls. Subject to approval of the rest of the committee, it was proposed to have the work done as soon as weather permitted. meeting of the hospital board from! the Prince Rupert Trades & Labor Council, Prince Rupert Liberal Association, Prince Rupert Gyro Club, Canadian Legion and Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce announced that each of these organization had en dorsed the move to have the pro vincial government lend flnarujiaj-1 support to the;j prJct of estab- usnmg a new fireproof hospital building here. New Full Size HOOVER $ for only 59 50 Give Her a Hoover and You Give lier the Best! "IT BEATS AS IT 8WEEPS AS IT CLEANS" Kaien Hardware Your Christmas Gift Store Stephens Island. Take notice that William Anthony crown 01 aiciax nay, Stephen ui. occupation Fisherman and TraDDer In tends to apply for a leie of the follow ing ocricx foreshore lands: uommencin? at a rxnt Dlanted on a small island within an inlet of Ski Communlr-Jitlrm at Inst n!ohf'-W 'Bay, about 20 Feet west of my ately 3-4 miles south of the W. A. Brown HomeaKe Lease thence West 1,200 Feet; thence North 900 Feet thence East 1300 Feet; thence South 800 Feet: thence West 600 Feet to point of commencement and contalnlnc Thirty acres, more or lees WILLIAM ANTHONY BROW? Dated November th. 1035. SNAP J u t a r 1 n t 0WDER CltANS ,4 rCXfJMtJ wiMocn. Mton. iatm TUS .U ""A$H tAUHi. CAMNOt K1AICM Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcyc Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL 1 VJJJi Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. 2? 18 lng last night, decided to send a j t Sapmne Court of Brtuh Columbia I S letter to the Prince Rupert Gyro, d P' of, Dfr"nbw" 19S5- '.r Club warmly expressing apprecia- j Estate of James O. Patsleas. "tVceafeJ. tion of the club's action in deciding 'nj'- . 'f Rupert, ao ... . . . " I All persorw haTlns cialmv against the w B" aiicou wilit iiic lUHipicie iur- nlshlng of a hospital ward. Furniture for the ward is expected to arrive at any time and will be im- Bablne Lake ! mediately installed. said Etat ure hereby rrqiured u fur- if nuh same properly verified to me ur pr before the 14th day of January 1938: otherwise disposition of the Mid Estate All MU. 'lMaW. A i n..l are required to pay the amount of th-'r Indebtedness to me forth-lth DATED thU 9th day of December NORilAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, rrtooe Hupert. B.C. UNDER How to Keep Colds Catching Cold? . Vicks Va-tro-nol helps Prevent many Colds I At the first warning nasal irritation, sniffle or snecie, use Vicks Va-tro-nol just a few drops up each nostril. Va-tro-nol is especially designed for the nose and upper throat uherc most aJJs start. It stimulates Nature's own functions in the nose to help prevent colds, and to throw off head colds in their early stages. Used in time, Va-tro-nol helps avoid many colds. Do You Want Your Wife, Mother, Sister or Look Like Cinderella This Caught a Cold? "Vicks VapoRub helps End a Cold Sooner If a cold has developed, rub ,j v-iud on uiroiit and chra U-l.: r n ""ail wuiuic vapottUD act- liccf- througli the skin hk( aroukia piaster; u) uy inh Jatbn i medicated vapors direct to air-passages. Thioush the i mis comDtnca v.ipor-paJSj tion loosens rlilcim soc ,v tation, hdps break cor.-eiai. 1 Fnltoiv VicL Plan for XKntrr rnntml t r i i . ...... . , ... wt uiui A helpful guide to facer colds and shorter colds. Developed by Vidj Chemists and Medical Staff; tested in extensive c!ir.3 by practicing physicians- further proved in evcrydiy home use by mj. lions. The Plan is fully explained in each Vicks package. Lady Friend to Christmas'! No. of course you don't! Come to Demera and n. from their fine display of Suitable Christmas C : her made a Princess! Something for every occasion DEMERS have It. Don't forget i our Christmas GKt to you with pur t.: . . . $5.00 or more. ClA'UfUi'Hi'WIi'lKWIX When Birring Cosli Why Not Purchase The Best? Nanaimo Vancouver tsl ijfrC a M I 1 In ourcoAlyotill tind the heat. inar vnii matte 1 ycur home yi vv. - ax (n.ntv complete I fi5i Phones Island Coal Foothills Alberta Snntless Coal Bulklcy Valley Coal ; Phi nn t. m & Co. Ltd. 052 a PYREX TRANSPARENT- OVENWARJ Pyrex Ware Ls for every day service and mak Christmas Gift. It is guaranteed for two year, ai, off from nwn hpnt. i; break- Tabic Knives, Pocket Knives, Hunting Knives, Carving rK TuniwDcnw UAumxAPF TO. LIV' & f bne 1 258 Thinl Avenue party TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Fun""1'! "Rupert Brand SMOKED LACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 7) Co., Ltd- If you lose anything, try a classified a'ft. Banq Pari La her cai itre guh 1 fctrt ayn Ho