Both Great Britain And France Looming Emperor Hailc Selassie Says He Will Resist to the End iiaiuoi vjituiK up uuuu nussm is oaiu To Be Opposed inVlWN. DPC. 14! Thorn is Krvnnrr nnnnairinn in KrfV i ..... w aw wIlWk-lwwil il UU 111 Kritish House of Commons and the French Chamhpr 0 Deputies to the Hoare-Laval plan for the settlement of the East African War. A resolution condemning the plan to been introduced in the British House by Labor spon- j i .....! e r ii Li... sorsanu is cissurcu ui Mippuii. num umer parties inciuu HE VISIT GT. BRITAIN Imakt Aberliart t Sec Major ; joining In their opposition to the Oondai ami Investors Far- I - - - pi(lt UIIU UllVbl ftV V V. V W mtrs Want Their $25 ' Laval government will probably re sult, i OTTAWA, Dec. 14:-Prcmler Wil-! It was Intimated yesterday that Baa Aberliart leaves this week-end i Russia would support the smaller hit re-.urn to Alberta after at-, nations of the League In opposition " "'- - ma uommion-provinciai iclerencc and is due back in Ed- aonton next Thursday. In an lrH " J LOW. , UU . 4 IkllllVI ..V. with i per month lrt a social dlvldena. Thty have been hard hit by fall tets and khv thd rnnlH the money nicely. Smelter For Bridge River aer wnicn tAniopia wouia oe re-. quired to stop slavery and traf- r ticking In arms. -- tort .aid he planned to make a Emperor Halle Selassie ot Etnlo-, m . i i,Jnla reiterated yesterday his oppo-i xn v, ,r ,n n. u sltlon to the plan which he declares nn.,.1... iu . .i o would --- cede - half of Ethiopia to Crei any territory, he repeated. Victoria Rejects Daylight Saving Aldermen of Capital City Defeated in Municipal Election VICTORIA, Dec. 14: (CP) Civic electors voted 2,625 to 1,913 against daylight saving time next year. Two veteran aldermen, Alexander Pedcn and John Worthlngton, were defeated, being replaced by Ed. Williams and Major Stanly Ok-oii ThrpR aldermen. P. R. Brown, lUfCOUVER, Dec. 14: Plans for.R. A. C. Dewar and T. W. Hawkins, Wabllshmcnt of a smelter in were re-elected. "i( Bridge River district are under1 Mayor David Leeming had alteration, It has become known ready been re-elected by acclama-10 ,0i mining circles. ' tlon. Making People Happy U ti i rni. ...,!, ..mnrl In tnri'Otlts. " was a miserable nay. ine i'uu;ti " vy 7 Ma boy of twelve years seemed not to mind the elements; as he raced through the streets arriving at the Army garters soaking wet but cheery with all. . "Mother wants to know if you have any clothes to give aay,"was the salutation of the boy as we answered his raP-tap-tap at the door, and then followed a list of the needs of the family. . . . , , f1lo fill the Is dad working now?" we asked as wo tried to quisitions. "Nope," was the answer. "Are these the 01ly shoes you have? "-noticing the boy's feet were encased in canvas shoes from which the water just oozed. P." he replied. , ... . made with a n local Over the phone arrangements were i-e to fit the boy with suitable footwear. Off the boy Jlied and soon was back, the proud owner of high lub-ber boots. ' ... Later the 'quarters with' a note f on the boy was back at Cxm-noc,:..- i j ,v..ofnfiil mother. -"voauig rauiiuie irum a Biai. , .. least of these, ye do it Inasmuch as ve do it unto the wjo Me." were the words of the master, donations so far are: 1 revinuslv acknowledged Mrs. 0. Smith 'In His Name" .. . . v,. rv MESSAGE OF KING Will be Heard on Pacific Coast Between 7 and 7:30 o'clock Christmas Morning p.m. APPROVAL .$22.00 . 5.00 . 5.00 OF BRIDGE ties of the Fraser River bridge project at New Westminster. An obstacle in connection wltn the use of the old bridge at New Westminster remains to be cleared i up before approval can De given i the new project Stock Market Is Uneasy Just Now Silver Price Causes Depression On One Hand With Wheat Boom Influencing Other NEW YORK, Dec. 14: Depressed by the slumping silver market on one hand and mnuencea Dy me wheat boom on the other, the stock market is moving nervously these days. Railway shares have been weak and Industrials have been drawn in. Turnover for the day amounted to 2,140,000 shares with closing- averages as follows: Industrials, 142.15, off 1.60; rails, 40.74, off .54; utilities, 28.88, off .35; bonds, 98.16, off .09. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. t Jannston Co.) Vancouver B- C. Nickel, .20. Big Missouri, .72. Bralorne, 5.50. B. R. Cons., .04. B. R. X. Gold, .07-Caribou Quartz, 1.18. Dentonla. .30. Georgia River, 01. Golconda, .11. Mlnto, .10. Meridian, .12. . Morning Star, .03. National Silver, 02 y2. Noble Five, .044 . U Pend Orielle, .96. importer Idaho. .04 V2. . ' r Premier, 1.78. Reno, 100. Silver Crest. .00 V2. Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge, .15. Whitewater, .062. Waverly Tangier, b-Glacier Creek, .02. LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mAln High 4:54 ajn. 19.0 ft. prince Rupert Raining, south-tr. 16:36 pjn. 18.1 ft. gale, barometer, 29.20; temi Low 10:51 a.m. 8.9 It. praure. 45: sea rough. 23:10 p.m. 5.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL XXIV No. 288. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1935 PRICE: 5 CENTS STROM OPPOSITION TO PEACE PLAN Political Crises In CANADA'S PROBLEMS NEARER SOLUTION TRAINING FOR BOYS Extension of Athletic Facilities As Means of Keeping Them On Right Track Proposed LONDON Tier U Klrnr Oeoree. To consider the; DOSSlblllty Of ex- before delivering his Christmas Day tension of athletic training In the radio message to the Empire, will schools to include all boys and be introduced by a little girl, speak- thus direct their activities along Ing In New Zealand, 12,000 miles proper and beneficial lines, a away from Buckingham Palace, meeting or school principals, male The ImDerlal Christmas broadcast school teachers and civic authorl- last evening In the suggested a gymnasium project. Alttl A VV U??VSt i Those present were City Commissioner Alder. Sergeant O. H Greenwood; Police Magistrate Thomas McClymont; Dr. E. E. Lucas, principal of King Edward High School; Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of Booth Memorial School; Miss S. A. Mills, principal of Borden Street School; J. S. Wilson, W. W. C. O'Neill, James Hutchinson, Arthur Sutton. Roth Gordon, Nel son Allen, Dr. A. Poole and T. L. Davles, the men school teachers, and D. P. Miller, representing the Boy Scouts. All took part In the discussion. "'" Today' s Weather Dead Tree Point Cloudy, light southerly wind; barometer, 29.26; temperature, 44; moderate swell. Triple Island Raining, southeast gale; barometer, 29.15; sea very rough. Langara Island Raining, strong southerly wind; sea rough. Terrace Heavy rain, calm, 40. Anyox Raining, calm, 33. Stewart Raining, calm, 32. Hazelton Cloudy, windy, 42. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 35. IIAUPTMANN EXECUTION IS SET FOR JANUARY Far Reaching Changes to Be Made in Administration Of Relief, Conference Decides LEFT WING ! CALLED ON r jjing some Conservatives. It will be mllar to that of Dast vears with all Knox Hotel. It was called by City President Zamora of Spain Calls he snsnt this wavit would be bet- 'l.ok the move f - omnlriv If olnrtfr nrovontatlvp - - " ' 1 rather than curative lines. Exten- 'llTUCpT RAW ded alhlitle activity for boys Yf OElElJU lrll might tend to keep the lads on tne ( right track and would be of gen-i Premier Pattulfo Taking tpMues. eral benefit. tfon m Fraser River Snan At : " SergeanfO; H'Oreenwood.-Chlef 1 New Westminster' - "'of city police, emphasized the ne- 1 'cesslty for physical and moral OTTAWA. Dec. 14: Premier T. I training of boys on the street whose FLEMINGTON, N.J., Dec. 14: The week of January 13 was set bv Justice Trenchard ves- terday for the execution of Bruno Richard Hauptmann following failure of the appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States in the Lindbergh baby kidnapping case. As exe- cutlons almost invariably take nlace on Tuesdav. January 14 will in all probability be the date that the Bronx carpenter goes to the chair. Fatmer Suffers Under Wagon New Deal on Mining Taxation Planned Debt Refunding and Taxation Duplication to be Further Discussed Dominion to Aid Fifty-Fifty on Highway Building. debated next Thursday with the the Dominions takine nart. The Commissioner W. J. Alder who pre-: Upon Miguel Mora to Form , nmmAWA rw, 1.1. frT TVio Dnmininn-nrnvinprnl I Foreign Secretary present. The King will be heard at 7 o'clock Pa- sided. .I Cabinet L.nnfprpnpp hpfnrpVnneludine its sessions vesterdav. adon- DeiOie lib bebMUUh ciuup yrouuuojr, . leader of the Socialist nartv In the Min stonrinrrt im. nn nhri.im9 Mr. Alder referred to the fact LOMereilCe, COnClUUing there MADRID, Spain. Dec. 14:-In a ted a report from a committee headed py lion. INorman French Chamber yesterday said he morning during a broadcast ex- that at pr&tnt were seven learned "with stupor and shame of tending from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. boys from this city in the provln- sudden move, Piesldent Zamora R0gers, minister of labor, recommending far-reaching a plan for a dishonorable peace." There will be a re-broadcast be- clal Industrial fchool at a cost to called upon Miguel Mora, Left cnanges 'm relief administration. A census will be taken Socialists and Communists the month of $24 each. Wing leader, to form a new cabinet somewhat alonor are tween 2:30 and 3:30 in the after- city per orYinlmrp,1 nnrl unpmnlnvahles. noon with the King's message at 3 This, he considered, was not a - v UnM as has already been fol-x ' neauny snuauon.jn was raucu w ' IT:: ".u 7 Wed in British Columbia, and a De aesirea inai, n wuney. waj iu . . Dominion commission on employment will be established to supervise and co-ordinate relief In Canada. Co-operation of industry will ' be sought with a view to putting IN FAVOR OF SWEEPSTAKES m i 9 M Jl.nnln -v 4-Vin Ai rrn TIP k TV more men to work. There will be ." , ,tV VF R H k A l) Prince Rupert General Hospital at II an increase of up to fifty percent J If Lll lllutU last 1tv frawrants to the nrovlnces its.. regular monthly meeting, Lake Kathlyn ! Severe Injury for unemployment relief: ' night, went oft record as favoring . . t -iii an amendment to the Criminal Tne ffrnn of Canada providing for consider Increasing from 33 33 1-3 3 to toode ..... . L,p.n,lAtej. mi an V, J.nlot nn g nw9nlP "6"'" " I . . ui n -et wa u u. Di pattull0, herc t0 attend th.!home environment was not all that SMITHERS. Dec i:-un inurs- ou percent m 7" "il, hospital purposes only. uAtiid-i the for me originator 01 uie oo- Dominion-provincial conference as lt should be. Lack of narental Inter- day afternoon steian xeucn, w lor gum m ""lw'.r T'J The matter-came up In' a com- ,t. ana w see urn-.- -- - - relinquish , head of the British Columbia dele- est madt; lt necessary for the pub- grates a larm no, u.r h... iowuhc u. mUnlcation 1 a view to interesting ou" q gallon Is endeavoring to seek ap- tn attemnt to do somethintr. He'farm of of Olof Olof Hanson, Hanson, about about five five comDutations. computations. Uniform Unliorm mining; mining: , fc;a In development of Alberta re sources. Farmers Restless EDMONTON, Dec. 14: Farmers! a district forty miles north of here have passed a resolution dc-mandinir !h.i. Pmmlpr Ahorhart ntt good his election pledge of Two Veteran ne . ...... proval irom tne ieaerai aumon- miles from Smlthers. was working taxes weie found Impractical asi Charles ,,.,; F. v nMarr,v ion nis iarm wnn ni? team mm eii as unuiea hmuuh wuct,h. rocirtont r,oH a heavy wagon wnen me ois:a, The Dominion wm couaiuti pajius mfi meeting adjourned t to n,ih, gather oain again tnrew hlm out of th5 provlnce one.half of the m- in January. 1 !, n. one Viinri hind whppi wheel nasslnc passing tio.t(iH fmm its mines. wagon, 'over his head, Injuring him sev erely. It was fortunate that tnere was WUS nn UU load wou on the wason -o or he CEREMONY heart in assent. City Comptroller Is Candidate For Mayor of Toronto As far as possible there will be stable mining laws for a period of . . . 1. 1 Utna yearS. A COnUIlUIMB ria might have; been instantly killed,, estabiisned to give further consid-His wife ran to the Charles WlU j eratlon t0 mining problems, son ranch and phoned for Dr. Brummltt. who soon had him in Amend B. N. A. Act hospital and sewed up the many An amendment to the British wounds on his. head and face Hj3 , North America Act to uv"'v define clearly Is now progressing satisfactorily. president, seeking support of such .sweepstake legislation. The letter told how the Nelson Hospital had been faced with bankruptcy until it had initiated sweepstakes as a result of which It had paid thousands of dollars which it owed as well as having money in the bank. Then the authorities had stepped in and the sweepstakes had to be discontinued, Most of the money derived from sweepstakes, It was I ....... suggested In the letter, came irom 1 taxation rights of the provinces was foreshadowed In the report of I persons who were not overbur-the financial committee. A com- dened with taxation. A system of Imlttee representing the Dominion quarterly sweepstakes for he bene-L.... ,in mntinno to fit of hospitals was suggested. IM TDI A I I function in the discussion of such The local board, with little dis-1IN endorsed the sweepstake 1 KlAL subjects as debt refunding, a loan I cusslon, Council, duplicate taxes and unl-' proposal and will urge the matter the local federal member. Lord De Clifford Aquitted Of Man- fled tax collection. No definite ar-'upon slaughter In House Of Lords rangement was decided upon as yet Iin the matter of refunding. The (highways and take other steps to LONDON, Dec. 14: (CP) Follow- financial committee of the con-promote tourist traffic. Ing a trial which was accompanied ference agreed that, where the Do-, The conference agreed that hv all the customary ceremonial, minion and provinces Impose thejthere should be Uniform company J . .... i I. V.ow cVi'milH .i i i .-. J J 4 V. i TTnn.a nf inrrto has nfiiltttpn Sams IVDC UI wmuuh, wnn. , aws iniUUKHUUl. Vauaua mm uic Lord De Stafford, aged 28, on a be co-operation in administration, charge of manslaughter arising It was agreed that Canada should from an automobile accident. Un- have tne power io amcnu uwn der the law of the land, a peer constitution. The continuing com ordinary mlttee will meet later to define cannot be tried by an uf v.o i-toi ivmct ho tiw Hip mpthods of amending the British House of Lords Itself. North America Act. Lord De Stafford, in compliance The agricultural committee re-wlth the ceremonial, appeared at 'commended the continuation of the trial in morning clothes and, the Dominion's farm loan service throughout the proceedings, knelt and the reduction of Interest on on a velvet cushion. v farm loans to four percent. All min- As the verdict was announced, isters of agriculture will meet after each neer ulaced his hand over his the Sunreme Court rules on the constitutionality of the Natural j Products Marketing Act to discuss marketing ploblems. This will form the basis of revision of the mar-keUng act which the Dominion government has In mind. i Split on Highway Costs The Dominion and the provinces will snlit fifty-fifty on trans-Can- TORONTO, Dec. 14: City Comp-'ada highway costs and on costs of troller Sam McBrlde announced specially designated . feeder roads. yesterday that he would be a can- Attempts will be made by the pro- dldate for the mayoralty against vmces u esuiDusn unuorm lugn-Mayor James Simpson at the civic way transportation rates. The pro- Secretary of State was empowered to call a meeting of legal officers to prepare a new draft act. With Canada's financial, economic and constitutional problems a step nearer solution, the conference closed late yesterday afternoon. It adjourned until next year and will probably meet every year.