r "I iiiifu maurrts. mej built for sleep. " and F.'ain Third Ave. SP1 ,Ka "fii eveloping Printing Enlarging F.Jms left in before noon finished the same day !C1 OUR NEW SILVERSIIEEN FINISH DOUBLE WElfiHT PAPER No advance in price D. ELIO ON .J Mail Order Service. Films returned by the next mail. Ormes Ltd. Ptontcr Dtuqttsts Tk Kexall BUr rrtanm: (I & K Open lally From I a.m. (Ill II p.m. nd; and Holiday Frarn 12 Boon till 2 p.m.. 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. w : tusms mi it u m w iza Ml HOLIDAYS How Will You Spend Them This Year? . ;. a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen ChjnrlotjjWands ' " SEA BATHINO TENNIS FISHING Hates $12 and up. Modern Conveniences. Writ or wlreleM for enervations to .MADAME RAJAUT ACKENZIE'S FIRNITHRE 1 joung and let your "i admire jou. Strep on Slumher Kin (nrlnr anil NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zare 111. Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" lUtes $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Ar Cold Water Trlnce Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 13 USUm 1 UIIU 2BUSCIV3B IKK BSt CKIKrK3 SHINGLE STAIN beautify your shinties with pm Linseed Oil Guaranteed to Last. Mixed In any Shade desired. - a C" 1 T . Ifllllllli UIIU lVU.' vi p,. URINO YOUR PAINTINO PROBLEMS TO US lAnrt Aitin T T 1 rhTMlf i fif? WYS EVERYTHING SELIi5 EVERYTHING Used FiirnHn fiRF.F.N 421 Csrriagr, High Chair, lediclne Cabinet, Buffet, Rocking Cluir Walnut Restmore to rt at w a bUKUUlYd rlAKiJ!AiL - Phone 311 McBrUlc St. S mrin tai itai i mm rin m in n ri.irnii UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamtis leave Prluce Rupert for C ATA LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:31 I'M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday sS.CAItl)ENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNKJUT. arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. wiling to Port oimpaou sayoi. uwtwr - point. I4tv prtnr nupn nunay. o.p.m iiuurmauon rcgaraing bu iuiuiki rINH Ktirr.RT AOrNCTJ Third Afno rbont ss intei-oatinrr in lnmu urtinn vnmlinff tllG DailV NeWS 1 the people of the whole district are doing thasame. LOCAL NEYfS NOTES Cash far old gold. Bulger's. Pit. Sex Cadet tag.day Saturday June 15. 138 Be warm and comfortable by rtd-lk la 32 Taxi It costs the same. tl Mrs. F. 8. Walton lelt Smithers early this morning on- the east-bound train enroute to her home In Hull, Eng. Regular monthly meetings of the Prince Rupert Shrine Club have have been suspended for the summer months. There was no meet ing thl Thursday night. Arriving In port yesterday by airplane from! the north, Bradford Washburn, representing the Na Announcements 4 Lutheran Ladles' Aid tea and sale of fancy work and home-cooking. June IS. Catholic Ladles' Tea. Mrs. Ward's Atlln Avenue June 20. High School Hall. June 22. tea, Oddfellows' Canadian Legion, B E.S.L. Picnic. June 23. I Anglican June 27. tea, Mrs. W. J. Alder. Sons of Norway picnic, June 30. Catholic bcr 2 and Church Bazaar Octo- Presbyterian Bazaar, November Do Not Fail to See TOMORROW'S CITIZENS An epochal, sound picture of Moosehearl's creat trade and vocational school, sponsored by the Loyal Order of Moose. Showing for the last time at the Capitol Theatre tonight Try This New HEALTH CEREAL for Breakfast I Old English Meal IP Sold bj All Leading Orocers Made in B.C. by Buckerficld's Ltd. VJWpuyrMp.q. Dance tonight. Empress Hall. You can rent a car at Walker! as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a! jalle. Miss Mary Comadina . left last evening for Smithers on the delayed train. Free Capitol Theatre, tickets, col lect our cash register receipts Bulger's Jewellery Store. Mrs. W. J. Alder will receive on Friday, June 21 from 3 until 6 o'clock.. 138) Mrs. J. R. Morlson will be next week for a visit in New Hugh Scott. hi llveV: in Prince; York and elsewher Rupert for years as a boy and dur-t In the east. lng early manhood; bein very ac- Mrs- 3- Atkinson of Anyox passed j Uw In athletics, vus a recent vlsl-' through the city last evening en-tor here from Vancouver on busi-' rout 10 London, Eng. She will sail ness. on the Alaunla on June 21 Mrs. Ouy Patrick, who has been paying a visit here with her brother and sister-in-law. Dr. and tional Oeographlc Society's scien- LMrs- J- IL Carter, sailed by the ss. Ufie expedition, left on tlie train Prin.ce Geor8e ,ast niRht on br re" uioh t. r.u.. turn to Vancouver. At its regular luncheon meeUng Thursday the Prtnee 'Rupert Ro-tary Club decided to meet 'the ex penses of five boys at the Navy League Cadet camp this summer, the total cost to be. $25. It was suggested thai Individual members might sponsor one boy each if they so wished at a. cost of five dollars. SENIOR MATRICULATION Any student wishing to attend senior matriculation classes during the coming year is requested to send his or her application to the city commissioner at once. Fees for the year, as usual. $125. A class will be formed if aufficient number apply. f.( ' (139) Dr. and Mrs. Frank Teeporten. who have been visiting here with Mrs. Teeporten's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W M. Blackstock, sailed by the Prince Oeorge last night on their return to Vancouver. Mrs. F. A. MacCatlum sailed last night for a vacation trip to Victoria, accompanied by her mother. Mrs. Gordon Baker, who has been visiting here for the past winter. Mrs. MacCallum will be away for five weeks and. on her return, will be accompanied byMtplicCalluml who will be going smAnAafter the first of the month on his annual vacation. "Mi Ernest Moss, who recently suspended publication of the Alice Arm and Anyox Herald newspaper. was a passenger aboard the ss. Prince Oeorge last -evening going through to Vancouver, accompanied by his daughter. Marguerite Mr. Moss Intends to locate In the southern Interior. Mrs. Moss and other members of the family will leave for the south later in the summer. SMcmBcmnam Kill mi mx uswimxm i imiiij n J. I. Gorosh, D. S. C. R. Cp. Registered Chiropodist Foot Specialist will be available for the) treatment of all foot con-; ditions at the HOTEL I PRINCE RUPERT June 17th to 22nd inch A Complete Foot Health Service: MANIPULATIVE TREATMENTS, for the reduction of adhesions and the anatomic correction of mal-posed foot structures. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS, Including Diathermy, Infra-red rays and Vibratory massage. SURGICAL CHIROPODY, for the reduction of corns, callouses. Ingrown or enlarged toe nails, etc PRESCRIPTION LIGHTWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, laboratory made to individual requirements. To avail yourself fully of services, please make an appointment these early VANCOUVER OFFICE: Room 210-211 Orpheum Bldg. 751 Granville Street Telephone Seymour 8116 Seven years' practice In. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbatldrra and Entlnec. ba tmi Braaa Eleetrie aoI AectyUa Welding; SpeeUlUU on Sawmill mad Mlalag Maehliwy. All Type Cu EngtiM Repaired and Overhauled.. WALLACE'S Mid-Month Specials SATURDAY and MONDAY Children's Fine Lisle Vests Strap Q Cf Children's White Pique Skirts ff nn Shoulder, size 18, 20 & 22; 4 for Button trimmed, all sizes, each ?XUU Sizes 24 to 34 3 1 1.00 Ladies' Kid Gloves-Navy, brown and Q4 ft ft - black, excellent value, pair ?AUU ( Children's Lisle Bloomerc Flesh with 04 ft ft . silk stripe. aU sizes, 3 for JUU SMP Flannelette-Blue or pink Qf A A stripe. 7 yards tPl.UU Women's Lisle Bloomers and Vests 9Qp 1 Ping, per garment AOKs Ladles' Fabric Gloves Assorted Q-f A A shades. 3 pairs .. vlv Girls' Silk Bloomers Flesh Watson 04 A A PAVIU quality, all sizes. 2 pairs prints Tub fast colors, assorted 1Qf Patterns, yard per Boys' Hose-Grey and fawn mixture Q4 QQ fancy top. 3 pairs for Check Ginghams 36 Inches, pink. An Moe- and 5 ard tor AUU Children's Pure Wool Sox-Pink, blue. ?4 A A white or sand, -length, 3 pairs SM.JJ Novelty Curtain Nets Assorted ftft designs. 5 yards Children's Ankle Sox-Silk mesh eQQ assorted colors, 4 pairs Beach CToth Assorted colors and C-i A A white J 1 y varrtt 5 wltUU Women's SUk Mesh Ankle Sox- Q A A ' Assorted colors, 3 pairs ?XUU Silk Curtain Net Assorted patterns QQ 2 yards Pure Silk Hose Full fashioned, Mercury quality. service or chiffon 7QO TabIe Cloths Colored borders 7Qp per pair - 50x50 Inches, each ' Girls' Navy Drill Shorts Size 8 to 14 Q 4 ftft Purple Heather and Empire Flng?ring Cf A A per garment ?XUV 8 skeins t?XUU Suede Taffeta Waists White and CI HQ Maltland Rug Wool ' Assorted shades Q4 ftft ?XUV H-UU pastel shades, each 5 2-oz. skeins Women's Porch Dresses Tub fas Q4 XVV HQ Jean Two-Ply KnltUng Wool Assorted "l ftp prlnU. each shades, per ball m Women's Fine Lisle Hoe Sand. G4 x,uu A A Feather Pillows In art ticking covers 7Qp black or white, 3 pairs for , each Pyjama Stripe A Vlyella Product. Q4 QQ Sheeting Fully bleached 72 or 81 04 ftft blue or pink stripe. 3 yards ?XUV inches wide. 2 yards QXUU Circular Pillow Cotton 40 inches Q4 ?XUU QQ Straw Hats Values to $1.95 04 ftft fine quality. 3 yards .. to clear at each VUU Phone 9 See Our Windows CHURCH NOTICES Co-operative Church Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 A.M.. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sermon Subject: "THE GROWTH OF CHRISTIAN LOVE" Holy Communion will be dispensed at the close of this service 7:30 PAL. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sermon Subject: "OUR ESTIMATE OF OURSELVES" Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth preacher at both services All Visitors Welcome Hotel Arrivals IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IX PROBATE Prince Rupert ' rN the matter of ths W. C. Garbutt, A. Farrow, J.j TRATI3AUT" "ADMINIS- Crahan, T. G. Garrett, Dr. A. T. (tN the matter of the estate or ficiujr, ui. m. oaiiu uuu n. i . iiu- INTESTATE can. Vancouver: C. J. Lee. Calearv: take notice tbt by order of His Ti-.i a .1.. r Honor. W E. Fisher the Tth day of i- u v.. June, AJDi l93S , WM ppona,,! A(J LlndSAV. London. Ene .: A. E. Kin- mlnistrator oX the estate at Svaate N. Jostrtnd, deeeased. and all har ..u r...i, f r ,8 parties ijuu, v. "u-ltal claims .gainst the atd esUte are ray. SOUthbank: K. Matneson, hereby required to furnish same, proper t,-i r. K.tK..nn ly verUled. to me ou or before the 10th nun. u6. .oU4.,.(j4y JuIy A.D. 1935 prti Carlisle Cannery; Mr. and Mrs. T. Indebted to the estate are required to H. Scott, Terrace. lricS. A. S. Wilkinson, Ottawa; H. P. norman a. watt Howell, Vancouver; R. W. Palmer, omcl RtTB c Hamilton; S. McMullan, Vancou- Dated the Tth day ox June. A:D: IMS: ver: T. J. Stephens, Vancouver. Savoy I. Chrlstopherspn city; A. D. Stewart, Lewis Island; R. J. Morrison, New Hazelton. T. Gould, Port Simpson; Mrs. G Genberg, Bishop Bay. Knox Meth Davles, Shewatlans. H. Brow. Lowe Inet; H. H. Reade, Toronto; J. R. Laidlaw, Cochrane. Ont. Central T. Anderson, CJJJt.; R. Greer, Calgary; M. Finwick, Seattle. Royal Cyril D- Morgan and J. A. Daw son, Vancouver; A. Gobaas, Usk. F. M. Crosby Went south lasti night on the Prince George to Van- couver. j IN THE SUPKEMX (XJCTtr Of BRITISH COLUMBIA IX PROBATE IN THE MATTER OR THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" and fN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALICE CHISHOLM. DECEASED. IN TESTATE: TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, w. . Fisher, the stn day June. AD: 1835. I was appointed Ad mlnistrator of the estate of Alice Chla holm, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are her by required to furnish same, properly vertned. to me on or before the 10th day of July. AX). 193S. and aU partlet Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amounf of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the Ttb day of June A.D. 1S3S. Be wise. Read the want ads. Third & Fulton Want Ads HELP WANTED LESSON from the depression-Be a Civil Servant Postmarij, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenr ographer, etc. Free Book'ei "How to get a Government Job M.C.C. CivU Service School, Winnipeg. J WOMEN WANTED J TOMEN wanted to start private. Kindergarten Schools in their own homes this coming Fall! Fre Booklet on request. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Wlrij. nlpeg. Established 1927. S FOR RENT 5DR RENT Newly decorated fur nished suite. Phone Red 444. 3r 139 TOR RENT Two-roomed cottage fully furnished, available at once! Price $10 permonth. Apply 24t 5th Ave. W. or phone Red 103.5; isa FOR SALE FOR SALE cary Safe Dally News Office. PAINTERS $75. Apply ii WE have left with us for sale j 3'i by 4V', lea Camera with film holders. Price $120. Wrathall's Photo Finishing. if FOR Sale or Trade 30 ft. by 9 ft. ' gas boat, roomy cabin, hatch aft, T Ford power, value $400. ' Want sound hull 40 ft. to 43 It. Above. In. food running order. ' McNeil ti Lewis. Stewart. B.C. 143 PAINTING na Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Clear, calm. 58. Anyox Part cloudy calm, 55. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 53. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, DC. Smithers Clear, calm, warm. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 62. i I m J.ue 15, 1935 TBX DAILY KTWI PAQKTHRE3 KeiJA ouket a irnart JirFV fSh ih fuUlinx camrrt thu't at ;:nple Co ue Brownie. Ac th ::-jih of button, it tpriojd to action. A t:..k of the abutter in J the picture's X'e hs Jiffy Kodikt In Cwo ilzc . . , fur J t H P'ure, I', for 2f a 1 inch pictures, $H. Sc I htm si 0Ux kc.-z l 7our fl't contnitncr. i m we. 1! 3m f w e m Ml ' 4: u:a i HI' :' '1 . 'It M v i ' ' V 1 to