mljuj wsmim: wmmwent rnrmiBiaifiiKiu ixiTBTBsrkranria 1 SHOE Canada's Finest Shoes For Men MEN Weather the Showery Days "HARTT'S DRI-SOX" Projection is built in these Shoes! Dri-Sox Sole Leather is unconditionally guaranteed to be waterproof & to outwear any other Canadian sole lrather. See this Shoe in Black Calf Oxford, full double sole, with "guaranteed wear in every pair" J(J THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 38 News Department Telephone 8 DAILY EDITION a t nmn w- m w . i! u ft u M m m V i i m The Family Shoe Store I Third Avenue LIMITED Phone 357 j in'XEimnri mmm yu sums ist xi vu m tu rmui uiu tn rm ras SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly perlol, paid in advance $5.00 for lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 3.00 1.40 m Tuesday, March 26, 1935 monotonv. Hollvwood is whollv eliminntwl in its filming, it is an artistic epic of the sea picturing life as it to icanj incu uy me naruy iuik vvno innaoit a sman group of rocky islets in the Atlantic Ocean west of Ireland' . There is no other picture just like this one. If only for its oHrinalitvof trentmpnr. it should ho HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 Garden Soil For Sale Cedar Fence Posts, 8 ft. long, 15c each uununununuw Kt KL BALAGN0 WON OUT': Eliminated Earl Batt From Billiard Championship Last NUht Ctty AiN fci'lU Ur Itin bhAb ! Neither player found the going "Man of Aran," the picture showing" today for the lastkaky and the best breaks were only time at the Capitol, is an outstanding oasis in a desert of a 24 b Ba,asno tw 22's by tnovie L. ttit j ... i i . I Batt. Batt. All All the the wav way through through the the scoring was slow and the game not nearly as Interesting as the first block. Batt has every reason, however, to feel pleased with his first attempt in the city championship. Those who do not care much for the : movies and h tJ&J5 come satiated with sex as seen on the silver screen, will m the shots he chooses. But he has "iw itoi pitrwc ux ait, si ui me as an an inusi'101"iy ana. a praciice, win cer- bev but gripping and exciting, something to be remembered. Any person seeing this film will find it difficult to get from the mind the nicture of the lonelv isle, thp hn rrpn rocks, the fine features of the men and women, the homely his problem youneer to soivT wuipiitiuy aim me lerriDie Hie iney leacf, llgnting Uailyi The The next match on Wednesday agamsx ruimess torces of nature; ; To some people the feature of this film will be the splendid pictures of the basking shark, a skeleton of which was recently picked up near Prince Rupert. The Aran residents areeen hunting this huge creature and excellent close-up scenes are given by which it is possible to visualize what the local skeleton is like when clothed with flesh. There may be plenty of pictures one can afford to miss, but "Man Of Aran" is in a different class and should be seen. U. S. LUMBER DUTY Minneapolis interests are asking Congress to remove or reduce the duty on Canadian pine and spruce lumber even though no reciprocal arrangement is made with this country. It is pointed out in their brief that United States cannot supply-the demand and that there is neither a demand nor a justification for the duty. Also it is shown that many American firms are interested in supplying this timber because of the scarcity in' their own country. . It is also argued that it is a good thing to have this lumber enter the United States in order to preserve the balance of trade an1 thus make a market for American goods h Canada The contention seems to be a reasonable one and it is hoped that Premier Bennett will see fit to include lumber in his negotiations for a reciprocal trade pact. tainly go farther. Balagno. though not up to his usual form, kept plugging along and certainly left ODnonent manv a and Thursday between A. Donald and Nell Cameron should be a better game. Donald is always liable to make a big break while Cameron, if he play up to his form, will show the spectators clever constructive billiards. As he has already made a 100 break, even if only In a friendly game. Tinker's best break, so far. of 45 may be left far behind. Ladies' Bowling days Play Last Night Carnation Girls and Coquettes Win Orer Blue Birds and Grotto Carnation Girls and Coquettes were winners of last night's fixtures in the Ladles' Bowling League, the former winning over Blue Birds 1272 to 1237 while the latter defeated Grotto 1184 to 1077. High average of the evening was 203 by Mrs. R. J. Keron. Ladies' League stinding to date: O. Ttl. Ave. Annette's 4 5G41 1410 C. N. R. A 4 5475 1369 Blue Birds 5 6284 1257 Carnation Girls 5 6063 1045 Doodads 4 4358 1215 Coquettes 5 6042 1208 Strikers 4 4803 1201 Grotto 5, 5225 1045 C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 p.m From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sutur- T1!F DAILY NFAVS 3 R.TT British Fighter Win3 in U.S. In the first fight in tlx United States, Don McCorklntiale. British heavyweight, who hails from South Africa, is showinc that he can "take It". In the first round Patsy PerronJ right) . of Cleveland, is smashing a hard left to Don's face, while his right Is being aimed at the same target Patsy took the round, but the game Britisher rallied and took a close decision in this boat. Mc-Corkindale Is the lad who knock ed Canadian Larry Gains out of contention. I NORTH WEST I10CKCY PLAY-OFF SEMES IN DEADLOCK NOW I VANCOUVER, March 26 I CP) Seven thousand persons ! watched Vancouver Lions de- feat Seattle Sea Hawks here last night by a score of three In their second and concluding' to two, thus tying up the block or 500 points, C. P. Balagno. championship play-off series won handily from Earl Batt last , two games all. The final will be evening at the Canadian Legion played in Seattle clubrooms in the city billiard cham-! night. ipionship to take the first round: match by 1000 points to 817. Laura Ingalls tomorrow V President is Off On Fishing Trip Chier Executive of United States Leaves Washington For Ten-Bay Outing WASHINGTON, D C, March 26 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt left at roklnsht last night for a ten-day fishing cruise along the south coast. At Jacksonville, Fla. President Roosevelt will board the destroyer Farargut. He is accompanied by his secretary. Col. Howe who ha been in ill-health recently After Record Preparing For Attempt to Lower Mrs. Putnam's Mark For Transcontinental Flight BURBANK, March 28:-Laura Ingalls. well known American avla-trix, yesterday made a test flight preparatory to taking off this week on a projected attempt to break Mrs. Amelia Earhart Putnam's record for a transcontinental flleht. Bowling Standings Ten Pin League The Ten Pin League standing to dale is as follows: W. Grotto n Knox Hotel li Rose, Cowan As Latta 8 Moose 8 Canadian Legion 8 Elks 5 Nelson's 3 STUDENT BOWLING 10:15 p.m. Tigers MUSIC WAS LONG IN - DELIGHTFUL POLITICS Heading of Or" -IVer (int u itn Interpolations aud Miscellaneous Program Ln joyed Reading by Mrs II B. Rochester the story of tn cuiorful Ibsen-nreta oncrn "Peer Oynf with vo- i 1 !!: n'trunieiital tnterpota-I .ao-s by members of the club to-i the. Mth a supumetlary must- a! pi am constituted a delightful ei i uliiment at a largely at- tended guest meeting of the Ladies' , klulc Club at St. Andrew's Angll- uj C Mtednl 1UU last evening. A v . atlrartlve Mating In the rm ftl a Dower 01 iiowrr mn wth u:; had been arranged es- (jerta-ry for the presentation of ! c ,: ..nd the ladies taking ui n: i-oJ' ful Norwegian folk -if: 5 whali len' further to the niqii' !U tivt-nesK Th rfi dynt" fcntf rpolatlorw werca.' foUnwi Pu i iitt. Morning Mood." Mi. r J Smith :ind Miss Margaret Mcca !' i y piai !o. 'Innfld's Lament." Mr V. L Stamford Plai duet. "In The Hall of the Mountain King." Mra J. Smith ; and Mis MMgarrt McCa fiery i Vocal solo, "Solve'g's SortK." Mrs. J. 11. MeUod. ; Vtoisn solo. "The Death of Ase." 'Mtfs Nellie Uwrtnre. ! Piano duet, "Arabian Dance." Mra W. L. Stamford and Mrs. W. E. Drake. Piano duet, "AnIWa't Dance." ;MUs Margaret McCaffery and Mi- kuui unites. Piano duet. "Peer ClynVs Return Home." Mrs. W. L. SUmford and Mrs W. E. Drake. Mrs. W L. Stam'ord played the piano aecoropanimenta. ,Mlreilaneou Program The supplementary musical pro gram was as follows: Violin solo. -Habanera- from "Carmen" tBtzetl. Miss Nellie Lawrence, accompanied by C. p. Balagno. Vocal solo, -Toreador Song" from "Carmen" )Bizeti. Pr. R. O. Large, accompanied by C. P Balagno. -Vocal solo, "Still as the Night." Leonard Qlpps, accompanied by Mtss Margaret McCaffery Piano duet, selections from Beethoven's Fifth Symphony." iltss Margaret McCaffery and Nel-ton Allen. Ladies' ehorua. Slavonic Song-Mrs. Ernest Anderson. Mrs. WU-iam Crukkshank. Mrs. Robert Blance. Mta. Shelfnrd Darton. Mrs. P. C. Miller. Mrs. a n Johnston and Mrs. C. E. Cullin, accompanied by Mrs. W. L. SUmford. Mrs. R. L. Mclntcwh, president of the club, made opening remarks uid turqed the proceed 1 figs over o Mra. J. A. Hint-in who was in -hargc for the evening. Responsible for the effective de-"orations were Mrs. C. E. CulHn. Mrs. Ernest Anderson. Leonard Crlpps. N. L Jones and Boy Scouts, ' Steamship Sailing s 'or Vancouvri Tuesday Cardena 1:30 p.m Thur.-. P. Rupert 10:30 pm. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 tun 8. Venture midnight March 14. 25 as. P. Norah 5 pjn.t rom Vancouver aunoay at. cardena 4 p.m. Ved. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 am. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 pnt Ss. Venture p.m. Mar. 10, 21. 31 ss P. Norah a.m. For Anyos and Stewart- Sunday s. Cardena 8 Wednesday as. P. George 4 From Anyox and Stewart- p.m. p. John Whitnah Lerdy, Fernter emo rot Kaiuas, Was Proniin ent In Alberta Affair Was Radical Itefnmtrd nankins Law of Hit State llrfere Coming North And Tried Sante in Canada EDMONTON. March 28; CP- John Whitnah Leedy, aged 83. gov ernor of Kansas from, .1897' to 1899, died liere Sunday. A native of Ohio, he went to Vaklcz. Alaska, In 1901 urvrd aa city attorney, mayor .and referee In bankruptcy for that dis trict until 1908. came here in 1910 and was a groups shortly alter arrival tn the foothill province. Ills stron views, expressed In colored oratory, carried him away from the farmers' arttanUatlon and Into seclusion after the general election In Afterta !n 1926. Leedy ejrtabhthed his first Alberta home at WhHecourt kite in 1910 and finally looted in Edmon ton with relative when lie failed to win the Alberta Legislature seat. A staunch member of the 16cl farm organhatlOTM in 1911. 1912 and 1013. Leedy became prominent In the Non-partisan League. He; never achieved election to either the House of Commons ort'the Alberta Legislature althoogh be was nominated for both houses In Alberta constituencies.. His affiliation with the firm units brought Ixedy In close con-; tact with Henry Wise Wood, for 17 i years president of the United Far-! mcrs of Alberta and father of the ! Alberta Wheat Pool i He and Wood split on parly af- fairs and a short Mme before the tn.' "tl Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 a.m, Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 pm 'or Naas Klver and Port Simpson-. Sunday ss. Cardena . 8 p.m. from Naas River le Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Cardena 11 -30 a.m. or Queen Charlotte Islands Mar. 1. 15, 29 ss. Pr. John 10 p.m. from Queen Charlotte Islands Feb. 13 and 27 si. Pr. John a.m 'or Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn, from Ocean Fall Wed. ss. Pt. George 10 a m. Friday ss, Prln. Adalaldo 4 p.m. C. 41..!.. Roy 1 .... . Buckaroos 2333' ' ' 1 "oran a m- Punks :7 ! 2328 ! Ss. Venture p.m. ' Giants . 2239 ; From Alaka- Cub 2171 ' March 14, 25 ss. P. Norah ... p.m. .Champs 2130 From Skee.ia Itlvcr .2054 Fridays ss. Venture Ourcoat'f fAcrrti'tufe We Mint your vt Hill win if? RAPID-FIRE DELIVERIES TUMda y. election of 1921 whri sumed power in Alb. Leedy resiryd irom the i lranoffrte,- i wnrre 6nktr. ww mowntlr rrKt were closing. He j.., fcumonion at the came quickly from Leedy was a form,-juat as quickly h t.t: 111 I' n . At the ae-nf r oau. stetiplng bito the firat time and flvm. City vh Calgary :u,! . The. (rip wtt cornplf '-, tce. to bankers kIv-m HumMr start Leedy was forcert to hit own reaourcea , , result of his father . Nlucallon wm a f. rural schoola. He clerked In x , three yean and for u 1806 to member of the United . Vlll... I - m . Farmers of Alberto In Us early or- """" "n. Later i in., . r Kansas wher he ent. ganmiiun. i An ultra Uberal In politics In his'!. . early days with a tendency toward radtealtsm in' his later years, Lredy never forsook polities no matter where hU home. Prominent In the ww the second list governor of th- from 1897 to 1199 tab' senator from Leedy was defcited i ak.. . fttulu of the Republlcin party, then J ,w,r ,uon,,Mr the Democratic party and later the I. nu Cs,uldl'n ' " PontllUl nrnnlilLn In hi. hm:uaMfd 0,1 attaeklOK ! State, he linked with the snwll farmfcnWn' "lm an" in Alberta his tlon of a system h i which -wa ecUblit'ur iniii 1st ration in Kji, ., mmtended. would :.. Alberta fanner a o- which he betUired tlif receiving. Leedy married Smi.ui Fredrkkalown. o . N 1875. They had Urn-. ana Ucl Keep your lawn- fresh and green by usin-i Br plete Fertilizer. It supplies every element neetli'd fur !? A: Kir n ..rtbj u "in alt U it S & .1 tt FUKSII M1IJC tVND CKISAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 MANURE For Sale a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Ked CIS TAKE YOUR CHOICE Snow Shovels or Garden Tools We Have I!o(h gardens and (lowers. For Sale By THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Ave. Phone 111 COAL! We have the best in Prtof Rupert Its 1 dlrfr b '.J but we treat you w" ' LUMBER & SHINGLES Why not do that r. , now, so that you run , the summer Fhon prices Wc will surp BUILDING SUPPLIES Brick Cement anfl Tile Wt have what you want at the r 3 sT3sw u7.n1 ?sr.tnixi.ii2jnB! i.-;wv stcst: HAVE ONE ON US! 2 Cans For Every One You Buy, From March 25th to 30th Here Is a real epportqnity tn SIVH on your Interior Sprint redecorating cost. With every can of EASYOOAT WALL FINISH (.a in Philpolt Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phones 651-652 MIRACLE VARNISH MIRACLE ENAMEI you buy, we" will give 011 free of charge, an atlilltial ran ' of the same she. t There Is only limited supply, so act now! j GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 .McBridc Street 1' . J