WE ARE HERE TO STAY MUSSALLEM'S: The pioneer merchants since 1910. j All orders $1.00 or over delivered' FREE. We offer real bargains on quality foods. LIBBY'S GREEN BEANS 29c 2's, 2 tins LIBBY'S PEACHES 2's 53c 2 tins LIBBY'S TOMATOES 25c 2fc's, 2 tins ORCHARD CITY PEAS 25c Size 4, 2 tins ROYAL CITY CORN 2's 23c 2 tins MAXIMUM COFFEE 40c High. Grade. 1-lb. tin EMPRESS BAKING 20c POWDER, 12-oz. tin HEINZ SOUPS Assorted 29c Medium, 2 tins EMPRESS JAMS Strawberry and Raspberry QQp QVK, 40-oz. glass jar FRESH RHUBARB 15C 2 lbs 1ITTP O 1 1 f P Till 9 C gage m salmon buying, left for the MUOOALLhM O ;south at 8 'clock evening. Mr. !and Mrs. Bremner had been In FPONOMY TnRF resldence here durln pa LiUVSll V1U I U I ViVJL winter aboard the houseboat. Mak-"Where Dollars Have More Cents" tnS the trip aboard the Daly ar T. O. Box 575 rhone IK Cap! and Mrs. W. P. Armour. Mr NEW ROYAL HOTEL - J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates SI.00 up SO Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 PERMANENT WAVES During the month of March the Ncw.Thermlque Ouaran-teed Permanent Waves complete, at La Parisienne Reauly Parlor 210 Fourth St. Phone 317 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones S$I SPRING SUIT or TOP COAT Samples just arrived. Prices reasonable. Come In and get the first choice. M. T. LEE Third Ave. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront tioat Owners Prepared to Lcavt For Halibut Banks Daly Off to Vancouver With Party n Hoard Capt. Dickson Kclurninr to Command, There were no farther developments up to this morning hi regard to the forthcoming commencement of the season's halibut fishing operations. The boat owners have deferred the completion of their arrangements for the taking out of the boats pending a meeting tonight of the fishermen''! union when the question of sharing of proceeds of halibut livers will be the principal matter of discussion and also pending receipt of word which Is expected from Seattle tomorrow on the matter of further negotiations of the United States fleet with the fish buyers in regard to a possible minimum price arrangement. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Daly, having in tow the hduseboat Df Mr. and Mrs W fj Trpmrnr whIch k t0 be taten to Vancouver Island where Mr Brpmnor uni land Mrs. W. O. Fulton, Mrs. Max Asemissen and .Miss June Armour. They expect to be away about ten days or two weeks and Vancouver will be visited. Northland Transportation. Co.'s motorship Norco. Capt. Elkholm. arrived in port at 8:30 this morn-'ing from Ketchikan and; after discharging one carload of frozen fish for transshipment East over Cana dian .National (Railways, sailtd couple of hours; later forVSealfle. If a tramp fell asleep in the hayloft 'lefti he would be slumbering in United States, but should he tumble out of bed he would wake up in Canada. The border-line runs through the barn. It is to settle dispute which might arise over similar property that the international boundary commission made detailed surveys. Catala, who has been ashore in Vancouver for the past few months. is expected to be back in command of the vessel on her next vovnp :: v " . " i arriving pere next Sunday irom ine souths There ivere thirty-three passen gers aboard the steamer Prtncees Norah which was In port yester day afternoen southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. One passenger N. L. Freeman disembarked, from 'the: vessel here while one G. A. !Yattiley went south aboard her. j . , I Corp. J.- McNauRht. assistant jvincial police, who arrived in (he TrfriVi tim. tn timo rc.r,fjf ih,r nac been rtenorts of Ihc nlan R)f the Canadian National Railways' to im in Cow Bay. As far as can be learnprf in nffiHni is no .intention whntpvor nt imH. taklhg such a project. - C. ..; N. R. steamer Prince John, ! i j. k. Mcvyuiipmft we;i Ahbwnfcltjr Sunday evening on the paUfla coast wireless ppeBtor. hi? now I IvQtri' Victoria, 4s hare to supervise jon the Alaskfe riute: Until k couple., boa!. ij. 8 which is at, RresenV jof months ao aboard the steamer 'jd progress. .' Catala. he has IsWe hosn nr. tv,i 1 , ruiitcas unanque ana Princess Alice on the Wangle Run. : f wpu i . umnu, aeawie puot, ( who came north recentiv with thp tanker Wllliafn D. Lucas, which has ! been tied upi at 'Kf tchlkan owing , .t . i . . .. 10 me seamen s stnse. was a nas- .uuoiu vue rruicess oran yesterday afternoon going .south With her crew g4onSr? on on strike, tr!kP thP the tnniror tanker is i. now u,, lying at Ketchikan with only her skipper and chief engineer aboard. Union steamer Catala. CaDt. James Findlay. returned to port at 8:45 this morninff from a -.j j Stewart and other northern points nun 1 1 n n t 1 in vti it THE DAILY NIWS uaPw M"ean, coming north to .7 rt from Vancouver he Queen Charlotte llanri nr.lcl,Mons by Mr8- A rebourg. rived in Massett Inlet at 3 o'clock I this afternoon from mrt.i. Tn.laancin8 were a,so enjoyed. 7 it V KimioKm wa a paasenger aDoara u. Thomson. R. T Anderson and or VaMverand .aypotati Capt.:the Catala today returning to Vic- Hugh Killin. Mrs. J S Black P pre-A. E. Dickson, regular master of the toria. sidi at th i9 "TILLIE THE TOILER" VMELU, I'M BUSF SISTER - COME J OM. PILL IT, P9 Border Runs let and is expected to arrive here tomorrow morning. . wvMva( ntiu ling) UZX.ll iWlCV- lng as Canadian customs officer at nt a ' A1E.U1-,'M MISS SO 3"OMES- I CAME tOMHS "TD 'SEE YOU Through Barn BANQUET BY AUXILIARY Canadian. 'Lesion Women Celebrate Second Anniversary of ' Orpinlijlibn " i ' In celebration 6f thfc second an- niversaryi of the inalieuration of the organization, the Women's Aux- lHarv of the .Cankdisn jvrlnni h.rt a highly erijoyable banque last nigni. The , nrorlnff - ruunml ' , . -. urlth . th . honortogBrhe toast to "TThe King" after which full juUce was .done to a sumptuous repast following which ,th6 jSrestdeni, .Mrs. Jack Preete. giVe a speefchj Uftnking the membera for thtr . Varv - j j operation tn the pistVind express ing the hope that it w ould continue in; the future. . , i The IbasOo TTie ijlerj" was proposed by Mrs, R. T. Anderson and responded to by B. C. Thomson. The evening's program Included vocal solos by Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. Fred Y" V10 solos bv Mn.fi a mhu Ia. Community singing, cards and The committee in cha rep pun slsted of Mrs. Jack Preece. Mrs. R. T. Anderson. Mrs. Wright Davies Mrs. Hugh Smith. Mrs. M. M. Lamb. Miss E. Oandy and Mrs. A. Mae- Donald assisted by Jack Preece. S. A Lightning Change District News TERRACE V. Soucie lias relunied to Ter ra re after an absence at some weeks tn tlie south. Mr. Le Ptant is buUdteg a fine frame resideee on tils farm near town. Indian Agent W. E. OoIIImmi. a-companled by Constable Walktn-son. was here during the week on a regular tour of inspection. Fine days, frosty nights, and some slight snow flurries have been the vogue this week Today's Weather Terrace- Light snow, calm, M. Anyox Snowing, calm. 30. Stewart Clear, calm. 3S. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 20 Bmlthers SitoVrtng. calm. cool. Burns Lake -Snowlnit. windy. 12 Triple Inland Cloudy liitht VOUR. MAHE'S I I OH - OUT " tl II 1 n t Mb Vc30'DSCER- i S3K OH.VE, MR. lOH.MlSS TOMES COMB &ACK s I Solving a THAT'S Pi ME, HISS vyj l-Sx TOMES t TRIUte VOL) V. 1THAT'LU DO J Hi Pk ISsSL '5T uo '"V CHURCHMAN IS COMING Archbishop of Toronto and Primate Of All Canada Due Tomorrow Prince Rupert is to be honored this week by a visit from Most Reverend D. T. Owen. D.D., Archbishop of Toronto and Primate of all Canada, accompanied by C. L. Foster, a prominent Church of England layman, who is taking the place of Sir Henry Drayton, who was called to England a short time before his planned visit. The visitors will arrive from Van couver tomorrow morning. In the evening they will met the members at lh Rt AnHpfu-' HritVi mArm 1 Mn. I igrefstlon at a dinner 'n the Ca- thedral Hall. Thursday Dr. Owen will address the Rotary Otub and, Thursday evening the visitors will be guests at dinner of Hlihou and 1 Mrs. Rix at their home on Fourth ' Avenue, other guests being the' clergy and their wives, fourteen in ' all. Rev. Oliver Thoine &f Ktneollth and Rev. Capt. William Detep of, the Northern Cress are la the city to meet the Primate. Anglo-American Understanding Subject of Charles LIILmhi in Ad-j dreviinr Itritish-Isracl Society Ust Nijht Charles Ellison, whose sutiect was "Anlo-American UiKkntand-ing," was the Sfieaker last night at the regular fortnightly meeting of the local British-Israel Societv. He' described how democracy started in j ureal untain discussing it pecu-: uarnes and showing that Oreat; Dritaln and United States were the only two great nations that were, practising true democracy and had me airlbute of tolerance from which would emerge the Theocratic state. P II lihter. nresklent nf ih Sodetjr. was tn the chair ana Mr. Ellison's discourse was followed by a general discussion In wfcidh Ho-bcrt Bartlett. W H WUsan-Murray. Dr. W. C. AspinaU. Samuel Massey. George Wilson, Rebert OOrdorr1 and J D. Allen took part Moving Picture Industry Leaving NEW YORK. March 2 It U reported here that Joseph M. Bchenk. important picture producer, has purchased a large estate at Palm Beach. Florida, to which he will transfer a large portion of his picture making activities from Hollywood This is in Hue with recent reports that the moving picture lndiwtry is planning to leave California. Mystery AH. THE DOO TO MR. CR.ISS AMD'S OFlCB S OPEM- MOVU U.iTTU.'E OtTECTlME VAJORK j 1 r r' 1 iise nr-r-r I m l The TENNIS SEASON Prepare now for your share of this enjoyable pame with Canadian championship tennis equipment We are Prince Rupert agents for Slazerigers (Canada) Limited NEW 15)35 TENNIS RACKETS ARE AVAILAIJLE Come in and mate your choieo while the line fajcpftiidctu'"! $3.50 to SMO Tennis Balls (to arrive shortly) v 10c and 50c Tennis Palls, 1 J)84 -wliiJo4bfiSLt, ' 25c each G-Inch Kubber Grips .10c Tennis Presses 75c Racket Covers, head only, assorted colors 50c FOfc A AT LA5T THC tVSTER-V IS tOlJBO BttiSAMO AMD THE MySTERy MAM AClE ONE AMD irlc SAME'J lr Dl-SQUtSE I " II ' - ' I UItS Tfur, I Mtn f w i "Tdt Strum, TlM cv " um BUZ "MAN ARAN" S Tlie B , A. Fighttog Mo., '. Sa Serpent ; the Bhowlni; T' p , At 1 1 t ; " ADULi. IPtJCIP l 4fIT in "KVEKCKKEV At 8 15 K) . .- ,i awuuteny wine ( I Langara Isi..:. southeast wuic . Dead Tree p r calm: baranM-t r y i turr u, iea Mr,, , rtmtM.m tnelHL'TKfti Begins in Prince Rupert Earlier Than Any Place in Canada Primax" $12.50 By Weslover