L 20 IMS Edwaidsliurcj OWN BRAND RN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD" prinlua uj The CANADA STARCH CO.. Limited Ormes Ltd. Uim Ptonecr Druqgists the Kf tll SUr rbonrsf II fc n Open Dally From I a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays l'rom IS noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. J Come in and Inspect Our Stock of Easter Novelties Nov on Display Prices From 5c to $1.25 You arc not required to buy now. We will hold any arMcle till Easter. Don't te disappointed, ORDER NOW! The values this year are bifer and better han ever, the prices lower. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., ltd. PMNCB RUPBUT, B.C. A Final Slap ! AT THE DEPRESSION The Daily News is making a special Goodbye Offer To "Old Man Depression" By giving subscribers who renew this month a special bargain of 15 Months For the Price of One Year Out of Town, 15. Months l-or M,uu In Prince Rupert, 15 Months For $5.00 Cheeks or money orders should be mailed on or before March 31. Better send It today while you think of It. THE DAILY NEWS - " Prince Rupert, B.C. The subscribers starting now or to snme offer applies to new okt subscribers wishing to pay any dlstance ahead. If your paper does not arrive telephone the office LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. L O. d'Easum, wife of Dr. d'Easum. Atlin physician and surgeon, and two children were passengers aboard the. Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Vancouver. Organization of the Junior Moose Lodge here is being proceeded with and much Interest is being dis played. Another meeting was held on Saturday night with D. C. Schubert In the chair and about thirty young men present. A charter has been applied for and, on its ar rival, permanent organization will be proceeded with including the election of officers. Young Liberal RALLY Metropolc Hall Wednesday, March 27, 8 p.m. virsiiariiaf(BiiMiiiiiB Announcements Boys' Band Parents' Association ridge, whist and dance, Eagle tall. March 2ft. Daffodil March 27. Tea, United Churcn Children's dancing display. Oddfellows' Hall, March 29. Salvation Army Sale ot Work, Home Cooking, April 3. Presbyterian Church Choir Con irt. April 5. "Chloe," United Church, April 11 and 12. Ouecn Mary l.O.D.E. Daffodil dance Easter Monday. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 17. United Church Easter Sale April 3. Anglican Spring Pale. April 25. Cambrat mile's Treat, May 3. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. Catholic spring sale. May 18. Moose Hall Tuesday Women ' of meet at 8 o'clock. Wednesday Moose Moose Lodge meets at a o ciock. All members and guts Invited at 9 o'clock for social. Friday Moose Dance. Everybody welcome. THX DAILY NEWS PACK THHMJ Be warm andeomrortablebyrld-j Duy fresh rhubarb at MussalJ Ing In 32 Taxi It costs the same. item's. 2 B. for 13c. tf , I You ean rent a ear at Walker's Mrs Jack Wood Annette Stone) j as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a returned to the city on the Cataia mile. this morning from a business trip to Anyox and Stewart. A. O. RU sailed this afternoon ion the Cataia for- a trip to van- O A. Yardiey, Inspector of cus-'roarer. torn, sailed by the Princess Norah , " 1 yesterday afternoon on his return Mrs. George P- UcCott arrived in to Victoria after a brief vtrit here thu city on the Cataia this morning on official business. Ifrun Port Simpson for a brief s business visit to torn. B. P Smith, general manager of the premier Gold Mlnlne Co.. was Father Marie Roman Catholic .i passenger aboard the Cataia to-! Church parish priest at Anyox. ar day going through on a trip to rived In the city on the Cataia this Vancouver and elsewhere In the morning from the smelter town for south on mine business. .i brief visit here. During a wartime leave visit to Rev. Oliver Thome Anglican Donegal. Ireland, Colonel S. D. Church missionary it Klneohth ar- Johnston paid several visits to the rived In the city on the Cataia this Ta' of Aran where he took som morning from the Naas River for photofctrphs. He sys the people In a brief visit to town: that part of the country are very poor an dNfe for them Is difficult. O. E. Oulick, local manager o He s niturahy interested In the the 8wift Canadian Co, returned olrtm-r Man of Aran" being shown to the city on the Cataia th; here SHORTER PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS i morning after making the round , trip to Anyox and Stewart on bus iness. F L. Talt. who has been on brief trip to Port Simpson In con nection with the building of the new United Church there, was passenger aboard the Cataia today returning to Vancouver. Mrs. Cundlll and daughter, Mr and Mrs. H. S. Nye and Mrs. A. M Mills and son were amone Anvrtx people aboard the steamer Cataia this morning going south to Van couver. They are leaving the smel ter town. A congregational supper will be held In St. Andrew's Cathedral Hal) on Wednesday at 6:45 pjn. Admis slon 50c. This will be followed by a short service in the Cathedral at S o'clock at which addresses will be given by The Most Reverend, The Archbishop of Toronto. Primate of Canada, and C. L. Foster Esq. The public is cordially invited. (72) H. M. Self e. one ot the best known HllsnriBJHitWiaiKiaiipioneer residents of Anyox. who mas Deen locate a at me smeiier town for twenty years or so. was a passengers aboard the Cataia this morning bound for Vancouver. He does not expect to be returning north. Anthony E. Karnes, commissio ner of education for the territory of Alaska and former superinten dent of schools at. Ketchikan, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Seattle on of flcial business. Robert D. Macaulay. of Vancou ver, barrister, who has been nom lnated Liberal candidate for Yu kon In the forthcoming federal election to oppose Hon. George Black was a passenger aboard the Prln ! cess Norah yesterday afternoon re turning south from Dawson. He is the son of Judge C. D. Macaulay of the Yukon. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Keenleyslde Jr. were passenger aboard the Cataia this morning returning to Vancouver after having spent the week-end in the noith. They came north aboard the steamer Cardena Saturday morning and boarded the Cataia here Sunday evening to make the round trip north and thence back to Vancouver. Hotel Arrivals Central J. Jones, Saskatoon; Ted Eric hlk, CNH.: William Southler. Van couver; J. Hadland, Oona River. Knov D. W. Webster. VlctorLt; E. EUls and R. Davis, Kamloops; B. Bar clay and S. Storeland, Vancouver. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Chesterfield and Chair . Chesterfield only Phone 773 TERMS $72-50 $48-00 Third Ave. AtlinBoyVhoWas Shot, Recovering Donald RoxtorvBth Nat Expected To Have Seriens After Effects As Result of Incident Divisional headquarters of the provincial police hrre are advised that eleven-year old Donald Rox-borotrgh of Atlln. wl.o was seriously shot recently whl hunting rabbits with a companion, Allan Mor rison, aged 12, is mating a good recovery. The doctor attending the lad believes that there will be no serious after-effects although it is possible that an operation may be necessary to remove the bullet which entered the left arm close to the shoulder and lodged in the chest. The accident -occur red when the 22-rifle dischargee while yoong Morrison was engaged in extracting a shell SWEARSTO TRUTH BEFOREJTARY Suffering Iron tevere abdominal pain aod biliousness. Mrs. Elizabeth Dadaon. 52J Simcoe St.. London, Ont. it last got permaaent relief. To kelp sther she tells U her experience in a statement made under oatb before, a notary in order to coorince you of itr iboolute truth. She state. "I bad a bad case of biliousness and headache ind became so ill I bad to go to a boarntai Nothing I tried wontd help until 1 started taking Fnsit-a-tives. Now 1 have bo nor beadacbt and an do my homework without help from anyone. Froit-a-trves did m a orld of toad." Copy ot Uix. DadM't Wn auttmntl itt be trwt 9 rir. Wm PrwtttiTt Usual. Oliver. Caulk nun-A-rivts - IU md rvurTHcif Mail Schedule For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fn days 4:30 pjn From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays" and Satur days , 10:15 pm For Vancouver- Mondays (.train). ' 4:30 P-m Tuesday 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays (tram) 4:3C pm Thursdays '. 9:30 pjn Friday 11 PJn March 14 and 25 4 pm From Vancouver- Sunday Tuesday (train) Wednesday Thursday (train) Friday Saturday (train) March 10. 21 and 31 For Anyox and Stewart 4 pjn. 10:15 pm. . 10 am 10:15 p.m 4 pjn 10:15 pjr ... ajn Sunday 7 p m Wednesday 3 p m rom Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday 11:30 a.ra Thursday 8 p.m. For Naas River and. Port Simpson-Sunday 1 PJD From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday, 11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands March 1. 15 and 29 9 pjn. From Qoeen Charlotte Islands-March 13 and 27 a m For Alaska-March 10, 21 and 31 a.m. From Alaska-March 14 and 25 P-m Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:15, was reported this morning to be on time. CLEARANCE SPECIALS Mixed Nuts, per lb. 15c Heinz Mix. Pickles, per jar 25c Helnj Malt Vinegar, bot. 13e Sheriff's Jelly, per Jar 2e Mint, Red Currant. Crabapple 1 bot. Olives, reg. $100 1 bot. Branston Pickles reg. 25c 1 Heinz Spaghetti, reg 20c The three for $1W MUNR0 BROS. Third Avenue Enjoy the Best Tea "SALADA FOR RENT TEA Classified Ads. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 14162nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. tf PERSONAL MEN! Buy your Sanitary Supplies direct and save 75. Stat.-dard Lines. Send $1.00 for 15 assorted. Imperial Importers, 21) Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richard; Street, Vancouver, B.C." ti Death of Port Simpson Youth Andrew Ross Passes Away After Having Been Brousht Home From Couualeetza PORT SIMPSON, March 26: The funeral of the lats Andrew Ross, young son of Mr. and Mrs. George , Ross, was-held last Friday. The lad. who had been a pupil at Coqualeet-1 2a Institute, had been taken ill; MALE HELP WANTED; DISTRICT dealers wanted for Evur- Ready Oil Burners; Latest pilot light burner. Apply W. E. Tap-leyt 2138 Central Ave, Victoria, B.C. 72 PAINTERS PAINTING ana Papertanginf Moller. Phone Red 802. MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENT3. We bay all dates regardless of condition. Up to $1.00 each paid for UJ3. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp Collections, Medals. Books, Paper Currency, etc. Send 25c. (Coin) for large 1 illustrated price list and instructions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP, 113-10 North FORSYTHE, SAR-NIA. ONT. -C.OVEIIN.MEXT LNIVOK ACT" there and returned home ten days Ntiee ' .tppneaiten for rwr ucene. ago, passing away soon after hiS notice u hery given that on the arrival. He was fourteen years of ; Tenth day ot " age and is survived, besides hiSlcontroi Board for a Itceoc In respect parents, by three sisters and two;ot the ' J?" brothers. The sympathy of the community to the bereaved was evidenced by Church pastor, officiated and members of the Port Simpson Athletic Club acted as pallbearers. Mrs. T. F. Fitch sailed this afternoon on the Cataia for a visit in Vancouver. II. J. ZUMKEIIR Fully Equipped and Experienced Chimney Sweep Authorized certificates Issued with each chimney cleaned. Call or Telephone Thompson Hardware SOUTH To Ocean Falls, Powell Itirer and on Mfcln Street New Vbmett. B.C. upon the lands described aa Lot No. 5, In Block No. 14. Mao 948. Uauett Town- . ite. to the Prince Rupert Land Rel the large attendance at the funeral kXo! &?$ and the many beautiful iloral 01-1 the tlM or the botu tor consumption ferlngs. Rev. R. J. Love, TTnitpH ion th oremtoes or elsewhere. DATED tni 1st aay or uarco, ajj. 1935. CARL KIRUIS. Applicant. ixn nrr.MTBY act NOTICE Re Certificate ol Title No. 9858-1. catering the Westerly Slaty (60) acres, more or lea, of Lot 43. Group One. Casslar District In the Province of British Columbia, as per plan, bnrr oered orange, attached to deed deposited No 9856-1. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Iom of the abore Certificate of Title, issued In the name of Ercole Constantino ha been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration ot one month from the date of the first .publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of the aald Mm r.i4lflMt. ,nljwt In th mmn time valid objection is made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C . this 25th day of February. 1935. A. THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar ot Titles. s. s. VANCOUVER PRINCE RUPERT every THURSDAY 10.30 p.m. V 144 Canadian National Steamships UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamsis leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P-M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday ajn. Weekly sailings to Port Slmpeou. Alice Ann. Anyox. Stewart and Nass. River points. Leave Prince Rupert Sunday. 8 I -m. Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- , PBINCE RtTIRT AOF.NCY: Third Arenoe. Toons Stt D. ELIO FURNITURE DEALER Exchanging and Auctioneer SPRING IS HERE House cleaning time once more? You may have something you would like to exchange. Call us up. We do the rest. Phone Green 421 Corner Third Ave. & First St.