t by the provincial authorities. DUBLIN, Irish Free State, March 2G: (CP) Draw for the Irish Free State Sweepstakes on the Grand National Steeplechase to be run at Aintree, England, on Friday show a that total receipts are the smallest since 1931. The rrc: s was $13,000,000 and the prize money $8,000,000. One I anadian ticket on the favorite, Golden Miller, was drawn in the name of Pcttit-No. AN 10375. SILVER TAKES BIG JUMP IN PRICE TODAY tCW YOIUC. March 26 'CP' ti:r rinsed a COc per ounce - local metal market , japing to 81 c today. Today's Stocks vvurtm 0. U, Jubioluu Oo.l Vancouver A. A-iiiiirla. .01 L. . w. 0O4. D t Nifkel, .45. E Misourl. .42. E:..an. 1.65. B'.-Mrnc. 8.55. B, R Con .Oflfc. B. R X Gold, .13. C i.boo. 11. Dn'onla. .78, D-.iiiwcll. .12. C:-i:ia Itlver. .WS. O: .('Diida. .30. G;aiu r Creek. 04 G:jngc. .13. Hen ulrs. J0l Ir.u.an. .01 Vi. MUito. rru, Meridian. .13. Morning Star, .07 National Silver. .04H-Nrblo Ftvc. .08. P " I Oreille. .45. r ii' r Idaho, .10. l'rrmier. 1.03. Qm m l (juattz. .15. Hc vi .s McDonald, .12. Reward. .03 k. Rnio. A2. ' -v. i Crest. .02. Ciimon Quid, .15. Tavior Bridge, .IP. W Klc. .18. win water, .oo. W 'V. rly Tangier, .0H. I'.ilted Empire, .04 Vi. Toronto ' Central Patricia. 1.40. Chlbougamau, .23. Lee Gold, .04!',. Oranada. .30. inter Nickel, 24.00. Macassa, 20. Noranda. 34.73. Slicrrltt Gordon, .50. 81. To, 2.99. Ventures. .89. Tcrk Miifrhcs, 4.14. f'tidbiiry llasln, 1.30.' Columarlo, .12. inciter Gold, .14 Can Miilartlc, .04. Little Long Lac. 5.G0, Astoria Rouyn, .0tJ,. Stadacona. .20. Maple Leaf, .0714 P1cklc Crow. 2.75. M". it Eastern. .04. McKciMle Red Lake. 1.10. Oocl's Lake, 1.31. f Sturgeon River Gold, 1.00,- QUESTION 0FCAMPS ratlullo Tryfnx to Have Committees Appointed to Investljate Conditions and Hear Complaints May Demonstrate nrniplojrd Men Who Walk Out Will Not be Cared For by Pro-vince, Premier Warns VICTORIA, March 26: (CP) Premier T. D. Pattullo stated yes-tefay that It was common know-! fcdfe that men In relief camps In DrttUh Columbia propose to hold a demonstration during the first wek in April and. should there be a general walk-out. Uie men will not be fed or otherwise cared for The Premier said he had endea vored to secure Dominion consent to Uie appointment of a citizens' commute In Vancouver to visit lite camps and hear complaints but, Ahlle the authorities were willing that any one might visit the camps, they would not consent to the hearing of complaints as they stated the men had had the oppor tunity, through the Department of National Defence, to present their grievances. Premier Pallullo raid lie was attain makinu rcrresentatlons to Ottawa. SPIRITING OF QUINTS Hot Said in .avr m irncovcrcd To Take Tliem From Ontario To United States TORONTO, March 20: It is being persistently reported here that a plot of outside promoters has been uncovered to spirit the Dionne Quintuplets from Callander, Ont. and remove them to the United States and away from the Juris diction of the Ontario government's guardianship. Tills i said to be the r:m nf 'extra nrecautlons which I have been taken recently for the 'protection of the five small girls, (police nre maintaining a night and day vigil with special guards at the Dlonnc hospital. PRICE 01' (iOLI) MONTREAL, March 20: (CP) The London gold price was up ten cents at $35.12 per ounce In Cana dlan funds today. The Washington fixed price was $35.26 in Canadian money. Germany's .Move to Arm Herself Is Defensive and Not Aetresslve, Asserts Hitler Up To Allies j Iteichsfuehrer Wants to Know First What Other Nations Are ' Planning BERLIN. March 26: Germany has no Intention of attacking Russia, it was made clear by Reichs-fuehrer Adolf Hitter In an official statement yesterday following the conference of Sir John Simon, British foreign secretary, with the Nazi chieftain. Hitler had Insisted at the conference that Germany Intended to arm Itself adequately (to protect the country as well as I the rest of Europe from Bolshevik 1 aggression. 1 It was reported that Hitler had Intimated that he stood ready to take Germany back into the League . of Nations provided that his re-! quest for no further arms limitation for his country was met. Hitler also demands that no attempt be made to prevent special national relationship between. Germany and Austria. It was reported that Sir John Si mon had Invited Hitler to have Germany represented at a confer ence of nations to be held next month In Northern Italy when questions affecting, the peace of 1 Europe will be discussed. Conversations Close The conversations ended late to day and It was officially stated that Hitler had not given definite indi cation of how large a military force he Intends to build. The Relchs-fuchrer, German officials said, had parried the questions of Sir John Simon and turned back the whole arms problem to the former Allied enemies of Germany. "We will await disarmament proposals from other powers rather than make such proposals ourselves," Hitler declared, further stating that all such matters must be settled before Germany would consider re-entering the League of Nations, III! I.MOK IS OPENING UP HOTII ITS SHINGLE AND SAW MILLS SOON The nillmor Spruce Mills Ltd. is to start its shingle mill at Porpoise HarbD-. a few miles from the city alonir the railway track, within a few days, according to word brought to town from the plant. The sawmill Is to reopen on April 10. 4 Chicago Fire Beinir Probed Orltln of Marc Which Destroyed ItoarilimiNC With Loss of Six Lives to be Investigated CHICAGO, March 20: A thorough Investigation s to be made Into the fire which early Sunday resulted In six persons being burned to death In the destruction of "The Rendezvous," a rondhouse In the Morton Grove suburban district. The origin of the conflagration so far is ti complete mystery. Today's Weather f r Tomorrow's Tides High 5:23 aai. 185 ft. Rupert Part cloudy, light Pi.dc! 19132 pan. 15.0 ft. t.,: able wind; barometer, 3Q2; Low . temperature. 38; sea smooth. 12:41 pm. 6.3 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V j, XIV No. 71 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1935 PRICC: Wit CENTS SWEEPSUKE POPULARITY IS WANING EASTERN MINING OPERATOR LOSES HIS LIFE ON AIR FLIGHT Gross of Irish Free State Lottery Lower Than in Four Years Favorite is Drawn by Canadian Ticket 1 Steeplechase Kacc to foe Run at Aintree, England, on Friday NO INTENT ! TO ATTACK Britain's Firewheels Go Streamline The London, Errand, lire department hftas-fost been equipped with a new type of streamlined fire-fighting apparatus. The body of this machine is entirely enclosed so that the driver and crew have full protection In case of bad weather. The above shows tire high pressure pump outlets in the back of the engine. The pumps are enclosed in the body. Part of the light extension ladder, which the truck also carries, can be seen poking over the top. John Buchan Expected to Be Governor General of Canada, Succeeding Lord Bessborough LONDON, March 26: (CP) John Buchan, one of the most versatile and accomplished men of letters of the time, will be the next Governor General of Canada it was understood here today, succeeding Lord Bessborough who retires this fall on the completion of his term of office. Buchan has been Conservative Member of Parliament for Scottish Universities since 1927. He may be elevated to the peerage in the King's Birthday honor list this' year. Afifed Port Simpson General Shipping Body 0 Stanley Siscoe Found Frozen to Death Near Plane in Quebec Pilot Tom Wrathal Found Alive Nearby Machine Had Been Missing For Week on Trip to Northern Mining Fields MONTREAL. March 26: fCP) The bodv of Stanlev E. - - - , f I Siscoe, wealthy Canadian mining executive, was found I frozen two miles from Lake Matchimahitou, Quebec, and Xapt. Thomas Wrathal, pilot of the missing airplane, was found alive late yesterday nearby. The two men had been j grounded since last Tuesday when they were forced down by a heavy snowstorm on a f lightw?r ' . - ' from Montreal to Senneterre, Que- t rrtf UT 1 T bee, Mr. Siscoe being on mining IA. 5 ( 1 N A I business. The latter was the head I lvJII.TiJ-1 of the Siscoe Gold Mine named af- ITV 1 PTrT terhim. AM) ASKM) Toronto Was Anxious i JTkXJ AXlUlr j TORONTO. March 26 Increas-. ilng anxiety had been felt for the McGcer Places Resolution Before 'safety of Stanley Siscoe, prominent; Toronto mnlng operator. Torn1 Wrathal. pilot, iwho jwuu had iuu been uccii and an engineer I . ! -1 tk. muting suicc 111c; iirst 01 last wee& on an airplane flight from Montreal to the Lake Abitibi district Preparations were being, made lojcommence an Inten-r sive search. Mrs. Hauptmann Now in Chicago Woman Passes Un! Mnke is reared Whc,al was on thc .Mrs. Matthew leak, in F.ishtieth Year, Died on Sunday I.ast TORT SIMPSON March 26: After- a lingering Illness, the death took place here on Sunday night of Mrs. Matthew Fcak. aged eighty. She was a native of Howkan, Alaska, but came to Port Simpson I fifty-five years ago and had lived 1 here since. She leaves to mourn her loss a daughter, Lucy, and a nc-!phew. Joseph Mors!, as well as a brother at Haidaburg, Alaska. Her 1 husband predeceased her some years ago. Thc funeral took place under direction of the Port Simpson Athletic Club. Military Pact Hetween Japan-Germany Denied TOKIO. March 26: The Japanese government yesterday officially denied the report that a military compact was being entered into between Japan and Germany. No Siyi of Of Tie-up of Pacific Coast . Tanker Fleet SAN FRANCISCO. March 26:-There was no change in the Pacific Coast marine strike situation yes terdav. Unless some Dro Kress Is made this week in the strike which! general marine strike may develop. Heavy Snowfall In Cascade Mts.i local exchange yesterday, advanc- Sclticment Yesterday i inS to 8PC tcday- 1 . PRFJHIER, B. C. SILVER AND NATIONAL SILVER CONSOLIDATION NEAR In his report at the annual sident. announced that final terms for consolidation of the B. C. Silver and National Sll- ver uroDcrtlcs with the Pre- mlcr had been negotiated and had been submitted to the Selukwe and Sabakwe com- panics for review. ADDarentlv. only final ratification by the Seven Inches More Yesterday, companies affected now re-Bringing Total to 120 Inches 1 mains before the consollda- Hon, marking one of the most SIIATTLE, March 26: Seven' Important deals In the history more Inches of snow fell yesterday of Portland Canal mining af-In the Snoqualmle Pass district,, fairs, becomes effective, making a total of 120 Inches on j ' the ground. Convention of Mayors Relief Talk Dominion Should Take it Over And . SVssirme:EntireL,.costx:t r MONTREAL. March 26: (CP) The meeting of mayors from Hall- fax to Victoria opened yesterday. Mayor G. G. McGser of Vancouver moved a resolution, seconded by Mayor Simpson of Toronto, that the government employ the credit Doubtful, However, If She Will Be of the nation to assist the munl-Allowed to Canvass Funds For cipal governments In securing Husband's Defence There ! CHICAGO. March 26: Mrs. Bruno Richard Hauptmann continues to meet with difficulties In her campaign to raise funds for the defence of her husband who Is ap-i pealing against the death sentence !for the kidnap-murder of Baby Charles Augustus Lindbergh jr. funds needed to stabilize municipal finance and maintain sound and progressive local government. The resolution was adopted by the conference. Up To Dominion The conference unanimously resolved today "that from and aftel April 1, the Dominion should take over and assume the entire cost of After having been denied per- j unemployment relief in Canada." mission to canvass in New York or j Mayor Camillen Houde of Mon-Detrolt, Mrs. Hauptmann has now 1 treal said that. If the Dominion did arrived here but many protests not take over relief, there would be have been made at her being al- serious disorders within a year "at lowed to collect money here and It least In Montreal." Is doiibtful if the authorities will, Mayor David Leemlrts of Victoria. permit her to do so Vancouver Wheat in seconding the resolution, said the ( j meeting "should not tolerate any talk of compromise." Big Plane On Long Flight Pan - American Airways Clipper From Miami to Virgin Islands And Back MIAMI. Florida, March 26: A huge Pan-American Airways clipper machine made a successful 2.-500 mile non-stop round trip flight frnm KTlaml tn tVi. Vlrtrln Tclnnrlv . . ..V... . W V.. 1. V..iK... 0. .. , , . has tied up the tanker fleet of the ' mccung ox me rrcmier uoia Tand back ove th(J week.end over prvisf coast, fpnr fears nrn are Pvnrpssrrt expressed that that ft a Milling CO.. II. A. GueSS, pre- Distance utn about v,. ,,, to that v,-f a equal from San Francisco and Hawaii. This was made as a preliminary to length The machine is to leave lcn'jth. The machine Is ot leav" Immediately for a non-stop flight to San Francisco whence It Is planned to fly it to Hawaii. ' IS FINED $300 Douglas McArthur has been fined $300 and costs, with option of three months' Imprisonment, for supplying liquor to a girl of minor age. The case Is to be appealed, divisional headquarters of the provincial police arc advised.