H We carry the latest color trend in hpsfcry shades 1 for all occasions weights for all occasions in ser- f vice, chiffon or crepes. 1 Have Yqu Ever Tried? 3 Penman's Knee-Lo Hose i They are so cool for summer u ear and so durable. All one price, $1.00 The Family Shoe Store j iiiBiBJLBiBiflrBfltBiiiariKiiiiBtiLiiinifitifiiiirii THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - URITISU COLUMBIA Puhlixhed Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupeit bally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edf-or SPPSCRIPTIf)M RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 15fl For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .. l By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the BiitUti Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year . . six. DAILY EDITION Thursday; June 8, 193: ASTRAL PHENOMENON Following trie news published in this paper yesterday telling of the. appearance of a brilliant meteor flashing over Prince Rupert, we consulted an astrologist as to tlu meaning of the phenomenon. The seer went th ough the proper formalities incident to a search into the possibilities of the future, passed into a trance, and revialed thai the appearance of the meteor was a propitious tvent signifying some great change in connection with the city. It might mean the birth of a great man who would, aftei much tribulation, descend upon Ottawa and secure work and wages for all the people including sinners. It mjghl mean that the" port had been selected for some great centre such as that of a naval base or the shipping point for grain froii) the Peace River by way of a new westerr outlet. More possibly it indicated an "industrial development which would bring such prosperity to Prince Rupert that there would be work and wages for all (including sinners), merchants and others would Ikj able to pay theii rent, debtors pay their overdue bills and meet their'draftf and the sheriff be given a holiday The astrolqgigt came to, shook herself together, rubbed her eyes, smiled and inquired: "What have I been talkino ituuut s i mncy 1 must nave been in heaven." DON'T FORfJET INTERIOR Pripce Rupert people and especially the merchants are urged once mqre to remember the farmers of the interior. This is the natural market for much of their produce. They must sell or they cannot carry qn. We have to buy and, if we can buy from them, it will be a double advan tage. Merchants, too, will remember that, if thev buy from the farmers, they will be more likely to find a mar-Ket fpr their qyn goods among the peqple of the interior. Farmers are the wealth producers of the country. They have suffered like the rest of us from the long depression Mlch is now ranidlv nassinrr. Thnv dosprvn pvpcu nncciWa encouragement. They need encouragement from us per- nuutiiy in neipmK to provide piem a market and they need encouragement from'the governments, such as has been promised in the establishment of experimental stations and through their institutes. We commend this cause to all concerned. :i.itia.Ba b?.b.ib;t b.b: ia vsmmtm ma m tuin m WALLACES! For the Gopd Old Summer Time Mercury Knee Length Lace La$tex Top Silk Hose Sheer Chiffon Q-i A A l! Latest Shades VA.UU pair ; Tbree-Piecci Sport Suits JilUiper, Shorts and Skirt, in Pleasintf Cqntrasts For Sizes 10 to 14 and 10 to 20 Phone 9 Third &Fii1lnn MAWJISi:BXB,lt:BirBIB:rBEB:iMlB;J!B:li:BrB:irB:!iaKBXB:EB;c:BXBf.BlB;:i:ir Baseball Standings Natiopal Lrarue New York .. 27 St. Louis 24 Pittsburg is Chicago .2l Brooklyn 21 ClncinnaU 16 Philadelphia 14 Boston ll American Leacue New York- 27 Cleveland 23 Chicago 22 Detroit 22 Bostqn .20 Washington 18 Philadelphia 16 St. Louis 13 L. 11 , 17 19 17 20 23 24 28 16 17 17" 18 21 23 23 26 Pt .711 5M .568 .553 .512 .410 .3C8 1 In a free hitting ten (flfliflf City! Softball League contest last night; with both teams playing loose ball the Junior Elks gave the strong Grotto aggregation iU first defeat of the season by a score of 10 to 9. The Orotto made a strong bid In the extra Inning, securing two runs but with the two winning run cpi ' bases. Howe in w out to Urnra, etui-' nig uie game, nayiors caicn in, right field in the last Jflnjng wgaj easUy the best play of th ggjne while Simonson. for the QnMta. a-! ter being moved from third to left ! field, played excellent ball. Me-! Meekin. for the Elk, smashed out four safe hits in six time at bat With Lindsay getting three hit. Grotto Ourvich c Yager n Ratchford lb.. AnUjnelll 2b.. Ftohei ss., Hill 3b., Simonson If., Stajkff ., Howe rf. I Junior Elks Morgap c, Lindy p.. Campbell lb.. Qpmadina 2b.. Cross ss., Steffenarud 3b. Mchite-t klnlf, Arney cf.. Nayfcpr rf. umpires oomadina and John son. League Standinr W. L Grotto 2 j C N. R. A. I l Junior Elks 1 2 FOOTBALL THURSDAY. JIJNE 6 Can. Legion rs. Reiimtnt FRIRAV JUljE 7 EJks ys. Lejijon Pft. .657, 500. 3?? .u. - it SCOTTISH BEAT 'PEG Seven to Two. Scpre jn Favor f)t Tourint f)il pountry Foolfcal! Ejefen WINNIPEG, J.une 6: CP The touring Scottish eleven defeated a picked Wjnnjpeg soccer team by a score of 7 to 2 here lasf night. Baseball Scores National Leacue Brooklyn 3-2, pqston 0-10. New York 3-7, Philadelphia 4-4. Cincinnati 2, Chicago 5. One game postpone d. American League Chicago 0, St Louis 2. Boston 4, Washlpgtpn 5. Philadelphia 9, rfew York 7. Cleveland 4-4, Detroit 5-4 (last game called on account of dark nes). 282 .628 .575 .564 .550 .488 .439 .410 .333 SR MM.COIM CAMI'Br.LL TO IIRIVE AT SALT LAW LONDON. June 6:-Slf Mai- colm Campbell, famous Brl- tlsh automobile racing driver, announced yesterday that he wpuld make a new attempt on the salt beds near Salt Lake City in July to set a new wprld's speed record of 300 miles per hour with his A. t J. fActe rwu THE DAILY NtW3 Ttey. June in . I p Penman's .... 1SP0RT B ylBBBIBIIPBIIIIk I Full Fashioned H i Silk r 4 Wi ! GROTTO IS urn a 4?W DEFEATED Stocking Junior Elks Winners in Extf Jn ning Softball Game A LITTLE COMPANY GROWN BIG IMPERIAL OIL was a little Company in 1880. There was then only a handful of employees. A dozen or so products were the Company's stock in trade. Today nearly 18,000 Canadian men and women are engaged in making and selling 71.4 different Imperial Oil Products. So, counting their families, there are about 90,000 people directly dependent for livelihood on this Company and its operations. VQfiOO is a lot of Canadians. Imperial Oil's growth depended upon more than growth in population and demand. Fair dealing, honest value and the ability to meet HIGH WINS IN SOCCER pefrattd Booth Iy Scpre Two Goals to Nil After a Junior League football game in which Illh had all the better of the first half and Boqth the better of the second half, King Edward High School finished winners by twp goals tq nU last nght. The garne was Yy keenly fought out. Russell Cameron used his speed and might to advantage to register the first goal for High. Later a penalty was awarded but Gulipk; from the spot, drove against the upright and the ball was cleared- Krause fumbled a shot in the sun but finally cleared. Percy Knutsqn was playing a grand game for Booth wnlch was lucky fa be only one goal behind at half tme. The second, half, found the Booth team attacking. Rarely did the JUgh pjayeii get away. Christian missed a chance clqse n from Hojkestad's cprper and McKay went closje. Frpm apother corner well taken by Jtoikestad. pick Camerqn turned the ball over the GROTTO TAXI 456 Three Cars at your service. Bert Morgan Ihid Uarrie nor. bar when a goal seemed certain U-rtle O'Neill broke away b.ut Mr-Lean and McKay stopped hirn. Qu-lick was pjayjpg a strong defence game and prQwn and Eastman were able lp Iwld Boqth forwards. RlU:he was nearly thrpugh but Wllllscrpft ran out and kicked clear. Husqy got close in but Krause ran qut and saved. Russell Cameron went thrpugh to add a second goal for High against the run of the play. Booth still pressed but was unable to score. Hgh School Wllllscpft; Browp, Eastman; Croxford. Gullck, Tan-aka; Jlyjjfty. 'Clausen. iJ'Nelll. Beale, A. Cameron. Hppth Krause; L. Knuston. P. Knuteon; Scherk, McKay, McLean; mac amtrpn, Christian. Ritchie. Davie. Hojkesiad. Jimmy Carroll referred KITKATLA ROJ-TRAJ.L STANIHNC. w. l. pet. Tip" - 0 3 Ml Felix the Cat 5 5 .500 Mickey Mouse 4 7 2C$ Many a person who has Ipxfc something blesses the pally News want ad Taxi 99 The latest Ip motor transportation 3 CAR SEIIVIOB Sinn Moran, Proprietor new needs with new products and new ser vices all played their pan. Of course a loyal, capable staff was indispensable. Such a staff wa? bud up by fair and considerate treat-mcnt. Good wages, sickness and death benefits, retirement pensions, group insurance, industrial councils these arc some of the measures by which the Company has recognized its responsibility to the men and women jn its employ. These men and women have recognized in turn their responsibility to the Company. Uy loyal, whole-hearted service they have helped it to make better products at lower cost and thus become "a big company." IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED SIGN OFHfPERIAL I ITHE PRODUClSy I "HAPPY DAYS 13OZ.Jl20 2S OZ. 221 I StymeM tlprt and fatigue wjth a lona cool Collins-ant) to give that Collins a smoothness and bouquet not obtainable with any other gin use Burnett's London Pfy-tho ftjn tliat made the 19ti hoc famous BURNETT'S GIN This adyertUement js ijot published pr jJIffplayed by the Liquor Control Hoard pr by the Qoyernment Of British Columbia. l.' J1H IIJ!!I " isr. t If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city.