J 9 You'll enjoy the fr?sb, rich fragrance of Salada Orange Pekoe Blend. Try a package. ecial Sale ! D. ELIO 4S ALADA TEA Additional Values on Our ;r Shampoo, Special 15c in Fancy Hath Salts to clear nt half price . Hand Creum, reg. 60c, um'm ... :'.k c lotli8, haavy weight, ppecinl fic i'Mttcr & Moore Mitcham l4veiilw Sots, to cluar, one-thjnl off n i l lines in Fancy Stationery, one-hlrt off t,i Hoses, Morny ami agortid high grade t urn I'owdera, valuta to $1.60, cpeejul :jre f r Steel Razor Wades, G's, reg. 36c,apecial 15c I'm-kct WjWirfjB, reg, -10c, mwbd Uc in Maaearo, Rouge and Lirtick, values "l.i'i, spwifd .25c &S0c jM-cials are clearing fast. Don't wait till the last minute. BUY- NOW! Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Dtuqtfixts lhe tUaill HUn I'nuim: 81 At M Open Jlsflv From H a.m. (HI 10 p.m. Sundays an, jlja From 13 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. lit) 9 p.m. 0a Mail ECONOMICAL UNION STFAMSI11PS LIMITED 13 8team-is leave Prince Rupert for vancoufrr- -.TS.S CATAI.A KVKUV Tl!I.SI).Y. 130 P.M. Arnvmc Vancouver Tliursday tj.s. t Aitni;.A i;vi:y i iuuay midmuut. AtnviUK Vancouver Monday am. ' i Uiiig to Port i!impou ijm. Bfc-w.it l N Rr point. rruiw nu)r-li. syuu-j. r f llimer informatloti regarding all sailings and tickets at raiNCr. IUTKKT AOrNCV: Ifclrd Afn r-twn. W HI VS KVERYTHINfi SELI EVEKYTlUNfi FUKNITimi: DEAI.KH & AUCTlONKEIt We Sell New Dominion Linoleum by the Yard ads. GREEN 421 :0AL! COAL! Famtin. nvicnn All.ortn nnd uley Valley Coals are guaran-rci to give satisfaction. Try a ot No. l nulkley Valley. We wll Timothy Hay, Wheat. I1 Oa,s and Barley. rince Rupert Feed Co. ' -t Phones -r 558 COMK TO Dunns Cottages and Tents for holiday on famous North Iieach. Ulver and sea bathing. Boats for hire Fishing and hunting. Open air badminton. Clock golf. Dancing. Dining room. Good plain cooking. Tprms moderate. For particulars apply MRS. 11UNN'-San?an Jtlver Near Massctt, B.C. tun n lina infwln n fnrtuno bv readinc the clas He warm and comfortable by rid tag In 32 Taxl-rrlt costs the same. Announcements tf! A BW ahioment of white carl- la (MMtak Just arrtvwJ. Annette's. 1 130 You can rent a car at Walker's I sa low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a jinlle. i Col Q 8. Proanlt of Kamloorm. j superintendent of Indian Ageneim for British Omumbfcul paying a visit tore on official business, having arrived on the Prince George i yesterday from the .south. This evening at 8 o'clock in St. Andrew's Cathedral a service will be held to which the pubMe is cordially invite. Ray. F. H, YWkln-son of Christ chursh Oathsdral. Vancouver, will speak oil "The Challenge to the Church Today." it Rev. Canon T. D. ProeLor, superintendent of Anglican Church work in the Peace River Block, who is attending the sessions of the Synod of Caledonia diocese here, will leave on tomorrow evening' train to pay a visit to his former parish of llazelton before returning to his post at Pouce Coupe. Yesterdav j Canon proctor suffered a leg sprain when he went through a sidewalk 678 -Notice -678 ZONE SERVICE between Morse Craek Bridge and Emmanuel St. 1 or e passengers 35c., each adclUo- jnal passenger 10c.; Section 21 or 2 passengers 50c , each additional passenger 10c.: Emmanuel St. east to Cold Storage 1 or 2 passengers 50r. aach additional passenger 10c. Moose Hal Ti:rJiI).Y, JUNE u Bridge and Dance Good prizes & refreshments, included Admission 35c I Vlggo Kthl Recital. Presbyterian Church June 6. Parent Teachers Tea, Mrs. Alex MacKensle's June 7. Lutheran Ladle' Aid tea and sale of fancy work and horne-oooking, June 15. i Catholic Ladles' Tea. Mrs. Ward's Atlln Avenue June 20. Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Plenlc, June 23. Sons of Norway picnic, June 30. D.C.L. MALT-Light Q AQ CLEAR HONEY Naljey's. 12-oz. Jar 17c TjUICY NAVEL 47f 1 ' ! ORANGES, 3 doz. j SALT Plain or Iodized Hn per shaker CLASSIC CLEANSER,- 0I ftp per tin ASPARAGUS TIPS- OOn Libby Fancy, No. 1 tin1 JEWEL SHORTENING ggg m tuo , HEAD LETTUCE 2 heads 9c I Sir TBS DAILY NZWB PAGE T8 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Brown's 25c Taxi and Messenger. Phone 131. A new shipment of white sandals just arrived. Annette' jcouver via Jasper Park. 130 Twiteht's train, due from ths East at 10:15, was reported this morning to be on time. Plrst strawberries of the season were on sal In local stores yeaterr day. The opening prise was 15c. per box. Jack Finn of the Prince Rupart Fisheries Experimental Station staff sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Alice for a trip to Vancouver. qapt. John C. Hofland, well known Junepu mining wigineer, was a passenger aboard the princess AUee yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Seattle. Rev. A. Tjwrsohsnko, Russian Orthodox priest from Vancouver, Is paying a visit here on ecclesiastical duties, having arrived on the Prince George yesterday from the south. sirs. Beckwlth, mother of Mrs. A. R. Nichols, Fifth Avejue East, returned to the city yesterday after having spent the past year in Vancouver with another daughter, Mrs. A. M. Manton. Rev. W- S- Cooper. Anglican Church missionary at Greenville, who is in the city from the Naas River to attend estans of the Synod of Caledonia diocese, will sail tonight on the Prince George for a vacation trip to Vancouver. C. R. Allum of the local staff of the Bank of Montreal let on last Waiting time $2.50 per hour. RWe i vnln., tiai fnr TtfIUC uher. the Zone Way. T. Olenn. proprle-1 wll, lhe next ftm weeks w on relief duty. Jack Bigmore. mem ber of the Terrace staff, will arrive on tonight's train Jrpra the interior and sail aboard the Prince George for Vancouver on vacation. M. M. O'Brien, chief field engl necr for the Consolidated Mining U Smelting Co, and A. V McGU-livray. one of the company's engineers, were passengers aboard the Prince Geoge yesterday going through to Stewart to pay a visit of Inspection to tb? company's op-cartions on the Big Missouri C. J. Quantlc. superintendent of car equipment and motive power tor the Canadian National Railways for British Columbia, arrived Jin the ejty from Vancouver on the I Prince George yesterday in the ; course of an official tour apd pro- iceeded on last evenings train to ;th intarior. He wiU return to Van Pleading guilty Tuesday afternoon before Magistiate McClymont to charges of breaking and entering Henri Letourneau'r tlruhop on i Sixth Avenue. J. Roma and A. Glllls were yesterday given six months' suspended sentence A man who purchased stolen lead from them was severely reprimanded by the magistrate THRIFT Values in Pure Foods For the Week Ending June 13 FRY'S COCOA- Vlb. tin YELLOW SUGAR 4 lbs PORK & BEANS Libbv's 18-OZ. 2 tins 19c 20c 15c CRABMEAT 4-lb. tin NUGGET POLISH per tin SOAP P & G Naptha 2 bars . APRICOTS Australian Fruit, No. 12 tin PEACHES Australian Fruit, No. l' j tin RIPE BANANAS 3 lbs. BROOMS Household 4 string, each PUFFED RICE per pkg TEA Our "Thrift' Blend, per lb. BOTTLE CAPS per lb BUNCH CARROTS 2 for 19c 8c 7c 15fc 15c 27c 39c 12c 42c 23c 9c AUo Four Store Specials For Saturday That Are Real Value ' 13- -"gn,i i t t; BUY A JMi HWM ARMY SATUnpAY S , The cjimax pf the self denial campaign Dt the Sajya- s 1 tfon Army copies on Saturday , when there will be a tag day 4 throughout the city at which the local Olrl Guides and Sun f beams will aid. People are ask,sj ed to give this tag the fullest possible support. (130) t .,0 f fi , John Newtek of Hazelton, who has been on a trip to yanwuvef to attend the annual British Co tumbla Conference of the Union Church of Canada, arrived In thej city from the south pq the Prince j George yesterday .and proceeded fey' train last evening to the interior Want Ads MALE HELP WANTED J WE ARE SELECTING A LIMITED number of young men to train for positions in highspeed Dtesel engineering, also Television Radio and Broadcasting: 2 pistjnet Trainings. Those accepted WiU receive a preliminary training at home and then taken to our shops for special practical experience at our expense. Must be mechanically Inclined, studious, and determined to succeed. Apply, giving address, and training desired. Box 241, Daily News. FOR SALE FOR SALE Cary Safe 175. Apply Dally News Office. if FOR SALE TTQlJlng or gll net boat, cheap. Owner leaving town. Phone Green 399- 1131) WE have eft with, us for sale a 3" 4 by 4l4 lea Camera with film holders. Price $1250. Wrathall's Photo Finishing. tf CLEARANCE Sale of seedlings sweet peas. French marigolds asters, stocks, ciltness dahlias. etc.. 20c dozen. Joe Cook, opposite United Chureh. Phone Black 802. 129 i v. i. .hi i i". ..'j . .' r PAJJSTEBS PAINTINO sno Paperfcanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. QUI SERVICE RECORD will show complete record ot all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy pf this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 --STET-- The Washqblp Kalsomine What It Will Do-- STET W1U aJhw you to wash off smudges and blemishes which often spoil an ordinary Kalsomfnp wall. STET colors will not fade. STET Walls need no sizing. STET May be applied over new plaster without fear pf It is not necessary turning. i wait six months before kalsomlnlng with STET. STET Is so easy to apply and to mix. No bother, no waiting, by the time you are ready for STET it is ready for you. You will be agreeably surprised at the results. stet will cover water stains , perfectly with two coats. I Kaien Hardware , PHONE 3 1 1 . m t am i i m MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Stay young and let your friends admire you. Sleep on a Slumber King spring and spring filled mattress. The) afe built for sleep. Phone 775 Third Ave. 16c 19c 17c 25c 9c SHAVING CREA3I Special 1 Tube Lfe Buoy Shaving Cream, I bar Lfe . Off p Buoy Soap, both fot Toilet Tissue Large rolls. 3 for Singapore Pineapple per tin Salmon White Spring tall tins, each Eggs Grade A, large 2 doz for 10c 9c 9c 41c CORN FLAKES IX-fttlH titter FfOV YiAT the bjggett poi!le vajufl in lhe fTPt voy Jiuy jjiit on Kcllpgg' Girrt Flakes! VjiU liellofft you tu-l the mint for your money. Many serving for only a few cents. The eaon'i biggt value! ' KJopg' Corn Flakes are lhe most popular rr ady o-est f rreal in the Knrbl. They're oven-freth.. Be-caute they're heat-sealed in the nateutfd WAXTITE inner hag. And they're flavor-perfect. No imitation hit ever niatchel their delicious flavor. Be ture, when you ak for Corn Flakes, thst you gef Kellogf's. JIade hy Kellogg in Umdon, Ontario. tfoJiSvycfti CORN FLAKES OVERWAITEA LTD. We DeJivpr Chef Sauce-large bottle Australian Sultanas 2 lbs. for Ready Cut Macaroni 3 lbs. tor Oyerwajtea Jelly Powders. 6 for Helmet Corn Beef per tin Phone 843 We Deliver Fresh Roa-st Peanuts 10c Mac s Best Tomatoes flOn 22 s. 2 tins fcr wV Quaker Flour First riflf Brunswick Sardines 6 tins for 25c Brown? Pure Lard 4Cn 2 lbs. for r cmrso SPECIAL 1 Large pkg. Chlpso. 2 bars Kirk's Castile Soap 9 Op both for iV Empress Baking Powder, 12-oz. tin 18c OVERWAITEA COFFEE jjr 40c, 35c, 30c OVERWAITEA TEA f; 50c, 45c, 40c Vatch Our Windows For Lowest Prices on Fruits & Vegetables NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM Il6lIE" ... , Kates 11.80 up 50 Rooms Hot ft Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 PD. Box IM HUL1UA lb How Will You Spend Them This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" TIell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING - TENNIS - FISHING Rates 12 and up. Modern Conveniences. Writ1! or wireless for reservations to MADAME RAJAUT suEpS13mKimsWlM 1 M i KEEP UP YOUR HOME It Pays to Paint and Repair For best paint values and sound advice consult GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBride St. USE IMI PAINT i I s i - a u m 7 m 1 5 a " H '3 - s ttsta m 1 VM I iUt vi trtt --f ; ..i; .5;.. a f. 4 JliU A 1!! ..if It.' 1 ..it - 1 tliil 1 t '4 "''I ill. rt e n a rs it 1 -1 a