( t ir i M; Mr M N, N;V r r r r r x r ? r..:r T W W C Oi. In: M;: No; V. . ., . ,-rcrly wind; barom v,aj. :3' mpcrature, 37; ea smooth. I V . XXV N &7 Home Building Loans May Be Started Again r ii UNO TON. DC . March :-.f RcprcsentaUves. bj ! H'J to 72. yeaterday voter ,f appro.irlatng SIJO0. i iblc- the home ownert Tallin to reiume 1U Th- corporation u-.i ms several months ago funds became exliausted. Today's Stocks - 8 D. JolUMfcM Co I Vancouver : .01 r P l H..-Xv. 45 r M' ourt. 37. - f r iso. B;. nir 9.05. r v co .. wv,. D r X OoW. .18. ,: 1 28. .. .81. L : IX C . River. 0OH. t ,30. f ntk. .Oft. I4r 01V 014 ak). 18 .i-. 13. .. star. .08. silver. .03 r.vc oov. Orrllle. .31. Idaho. .09. .166 McDonald. aramau, .22. ,04i. 12. - 03 Vj. 1 45 frfst. .01. Oold. .13. ' Bridge. .19. ' 13 '4. ftulrr. .OSVfc. Tangier. .01. Empire. .05. Toronto Patricia, 1.59 tia. .11. Nickel. 23.00. u 2.48. a 35iW. Gordon, .47. 312 Viafarr. .06. L-'lt Maron. .04 V4. Uu .hcs, 455. Sudbury Basin. 1.40. Columarlo ,15. Sm..i,T Gold. .15Vi. c -:i Malartlc. .70. "le Long Lac. C.C3. A '-oru Rouyn. .03V4. Btadanna. ,29. Mupir Leaf. .08i Pirkle Crow. 2.45. Wan. k Eastern. .03Vi. McKenxle Red Lake. 1.20. l's Lake. 1.57 HOSPITAL FINANCES W M IV Brown, chairman of the She Action of Federal Government May Prove Important Step In Port Development Suggestion Also Made That 1 Freight May be Brought Inbound I In order to bring freight to this port from the Orient, providing the buttoieat of fere. The arrangement made for the' ailing of the vessels here to pick up logs outbound is one of Uie wtTHMi important' stcp4 takenln eon- section with the commercial development of this port. It is a re-OBtnttiM which has long been sought It is now uo to the log exporters to get busy and arrange fur the logs to be cut. The wfgesUon that help mighi be available to enable vessels to ca!' Inbound to discharge freight here Is also very Important and may be the beginning of a trade with the Orient which may lead to much greater things In th future. Thomas Walker Of Victoria is Dead HmiI of llafrr Machine Co. and Tormcr Actint .ttni General In tondon Parses ADVOCATES LOTTERIES Mental Homes and Similar Insti tutions Should br Maintained This Way, Thinks Kenney VICTORIA. March 9: (CP) Sweepstakes to. raiser money for the upkeepof menial homes, and similar Institutions In British Columbia were strenuously advocated by E. T. Kenney, M. L. A. for Skeena, during the budjet debate. The drain of these Institutions was such that the provincial government could not stand it, asserted Mr. Kenncy. They should be a national care. FUNERAL OF JUDGE Military and National Honors Accorded Oliver Wendell Holmes Ai Final Rites WASHINOTON, D.C.. March 9: With President Franklin D. Roose-VICTORIA. March 9: CP-Tho- i vclu members of the cabinet and mas Walker, aged 70. head of the ! . the Sunreme court bench as well ,77 ' United Slates, was given a military r e 4CW King or biam .burial In Arlington National Ccme- Rctlirns Home Soon 1 tcry yesterday afternoon following From Switzerland la simple, church service. i The remains were borne the few BANO'COK. Slam. March 9: -miles from church to cemetery cn Prince Aaanda. 11-year old nephew a gun caisson, a guard of honor of King Pradadhipok. the abdl-1 fired eight rifle volleys and a bugler eatcd monarch of Slam, wno nas been chosen as the new ruler of this kingdom. Is at present studying at Lausanne, Switzerland, but will return here shortly to assume his regal post. ANOTHF.lt IIO.MU roil HUKY LONG FOUND WATERDURY. Conn.. March 8: Their attention attracted by ticking inside the parcel, nostal authorities here yestcr- day discovered a bomb In a narcel addressed to Senator . . Huey ,Long at Washlngipn. b.C. After the Infernal ma- chine had been rendered lm- nntpnt the contents of the "nance committee, renorted to the P1"-"1 were furtber examlncd Sa' bard ?mecun? last and a note was found carry- ?lBht at there h vJ inn Ing the message: "We have all rS If 1 days durln month of ma mistakes. You 01 IS? . aLa cost pcr hosp'tal day made your DIsbursementji fnr Mm totalled $3,224.74. have sounded .'Taps' as the casket was lowered to' the final resting place, "The Rattle Hymn of the Republic" being sung. There was a heavy slectstorm as the rites were being performed, HIS- BID ACCEPTED Local Halibut Fleet to Sell Livers This Season to IHrry Johnson At l0ic Per Pound I "The. question of disposal of halibut livers of the Canadian flshlnr fleet this season was settled yesterday when a committee representing Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners Association and the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union agreed to accept the offer of Harry A. Johnson of Seattle of 40jc per pound for livers landed in port. vHOV'.' "A.. LIBf VICTOHIA, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides High U:55 am 19,0'fi. VANCOUVER, larch 9: (CP) The British Columbia fishing industry last year was the best since 1930 with a ytal 'production value of $16,009,0M. Salmon led with a market value of $12,000, . . . . ' 000, canned salmon alone being . . . . . Transportation for hemlock logs from Prince T Rupert to yafued al $io,go.ooo. iiaiibut the Orient has been arranged. Olof Hanson, M. P. foi came next with iss hundred. Skeena, wires from Ottawa to say that the minister of trade and commerce, Hon. R. B. Hanson, gives him assurance that arrangements have been made for eight calls at this port during the year, providing cargoes offer outbound. The government agrees to '.. . . 1 .'. . absorb the extra cost. This Is Us reply to the. request for a subsidy to enable vessels to call here to pick up hemlock logs. i The minister also suggests that, Incoming calls might be arranged! wcicht valued at $1.(70,000. Her-ring was valued at $618,000 and pilchards at $340,000. "A particularly pleasing feature of the year," Major J. A. Motherwell, chief supervisor of fisheries says "was the halibut fishing. Or the total 9"jc00 hundred-Weight was landed by 115 Canadian vessels as compared with 83,000 hundredweights from 83 vessels In 1933. f r posed to the Dominion government' that the province and Dominion should pay all direct relief within municipal areas with the exception of the normally unemployed and indigent, the province and Dominion to contribute equally, the Premier said. This would relieve Vancouver of $750,000 annually and other clUes in a relative degree. The Premier added that there was no doubt that further revenues must be allocated to the munici i palities or the social services taken over or possibly a measure of both. Just what form the permanent assistance would take, however, he was not prepared to say. To at tempt anything of the kind Immediately was impossible. LYSEKIL LANDS BIG CATCH OF HALIBUT; GETS GOOD PRICE . VANCOUVER. March- 9: (CP) First hallbutter of the season to land a catch here, the Lysekll. Capt, Al Wole, of Prince RuDert arrived vester- 1 day with 22,000 pounds, selling at 10c for mediums and 7c for large. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 BAR SILVER NEW YORK. March ?: (CP ) Bir silver closed at 58?ic per ounce on the local metal market yesterday !ded tne port and clt7. Although the' dropping to dsvc today. BudgetDebcte Wound Up m Victoria With Address By Premier Admits Necessity of Helping Municipalities and Proposes Two Governments Should Take Over Direct Relief; Other Assistance Will Also Have to be Given VICTORIA, March 9: (CP) A regional tariff policy for Canada was necessary if British Columbia was to pros-ner. Premier T. D. Pattullo told the Legislature yesterday j in winding up the budget debate. "It is absolutely essen tial that we shall have a market lor our products in oraer to prosper," he said. "We produce much more than we can possibly consume and we Uafer Machine Co.. one time acting : olher donatories payIng their ProsP" musi " -rr have an outside market. Tariff, therefore, is of utmost considera tlon to this provinre and It will necessary to have some form of re-' gional tariff if we are to properly s ADJOURNED IN UPROAR Agent General for British Columbia , trlbute. In DSrson the late 1 Wlth a view t0 ofJcrm8 some I Surprise Witness Heard in Case Of In London, died here Thursday iftvpr w,nrt-n Holme, former lus .1 mediate relief to in municipalities, , David x Lanuon. Charged the provincial gove.nment has pro- j niehL night alee of, .i,- the Sunreme crm r,,r Court nf of iK the i With Wife Murder nd aspirations of the early fotm-J ders. i Changing conditions and passing! adversities cannot and have not,! however, removed any of the na-, ural attributes upon which were ised the vision of those who foun I :allzatlon may havr been deferred, here are no true ci'lzens of Prince Low ... 6:03 ajn. 7.7 ft. 1821 pin. 4.9 ft. PRICr: FIVE CEN18 HEMLOCK TRANSPORT IS ARRANGED REGIONAL TARIFF FOR CAN ADA ESSENTIAL, SAYS PATTULLO Eight Orient-Bound Steamers To Call Here Providing Cargo Becomes Available For Them FISHING IN 1934 GOOD FORESEES HUGE WAR 1931 Season Was Best Since 1930, h, g. Wells Lands In New York And Official Statistic He veal-Halibut Bright Spot Will Study New Deal and Other Matters Twenty-Five Years of Civic Progress in Prince Rupert; Permanent, Well Equipped City new york, March 9: Disem- Twenty-five years will have passed tomorrow since barking here yesterday from Eng- Prince Rupert wa3 granted its charter of incorporation as aulh'or 'and hlto'da predicted a dty. Although real progress has been made, there have that the world was heading for a been- many vicissitudes since that epochal day in the corn-new and more horrible war than n munity's history. Numerous have been the disappoint-had ever before known. That this ments and these have been possibly accentuated because war would break out before 1940, he believed. Mr. Wells plans on spending three months In the United States study-ng various problems of this coun-,ry including President Roosevelt's New Deal. A the extravagance of the hoDes oi uiose eany aays. umoreseen lac- ors, which there is no necessity epeaUng here, have arisen to-frus- .ate some of the proud ambitions i1 SMALL BOY MURDERED Intensive Manhunt on For Perpetrator of Cruel Killing In YpsilantL Mich. YPSILANTI, Mich., March 9:-fAn intensive manhunt vras on through- Rupert who are not as firmly con-! out the state of Michigan yester- vuicea loauy, an u.ey were manyiuay iouowing me aiscovery oi ine ears ago, that UUf vision is inevi-! brutal murder of Richard Striker, .able of fulfilment and that some , seven-year old son of an official of day. possibly not so tar hence, those' a. tool and1 dye factory here. -Trie fondly cherished di earns of an lm-Jbody of the boy, who disappeared i)ortant metropolis will come to, while returning home from school fruition. Such is ne spirit of the Thursday, was found under a foot-jloneers In celebntlng this year: bridge leading to a small Island In .he Important milestone of the the Huron River. He had been done completion of the first quarter of to death by a series of stab wounds a century in Prin.:e Rupert's civic forming the shape of a cross In history. throat and chest The storms through which the . community nas passed have, no doubt, made the roots the stronger. Through the years definite progress has been made in the building up of a permanent community. Prince Rupert Is better equipped today than ever before to move forward and assume the place for which It is naturally fitted In the development of the country as a whole and Its own district In particular. Possibly a brief review of community's incepUon may not be jut of place at this point The ori- j gin of the port as Is well known,! was due to the conception of the' Grand Trunk Pacific Railway,; Canada's transcontinental railway. The townsite was arquired from the provincial government by the .ailway company. Then followed i 1 ihe laying out and planning of the SAN JOSE. ,e.T Cal.. March .i, 8: o. n,. TheJ . , . . . ...r; t,' ... a t,mtfln terminals and townflte. A survey charged with the "bathtub murder" of his pretty wife In their Stanford Campus home two years ago, adjourned In an uproar yesterday after Mrs. Sylvia Bailey, a surprise state witness and a neighbor of the Lamsons at the time the killing Is alleged to have taken place, testified that she had heard a conversation at 9 o'clock on the morning of the murder between persons whom she believed to be Lamson and his wife. This would completely upset the. defence theory as to the time of the killing. De fence attorneys Immediately de manded that a mistrial be declared. The trial will be resumed on Card of Thanks rarty landed and commenced op-! eratlons In 1906. Townsite clearing oum continued during 1907 and 1908 ; when those who are today the plo ; neers of the community commenced ; BRITISH SILK CONCERN SPENDING $30,000,000 ON BUSINESS EXPANSION PRESTON. En.. March 9: (CP) Announcement was made yesterday that Courtalds f Limited, great British artificial jjjp ; silk combine, will spend $30,- wu.uou on expansion. ARMY VOTE IS PASSED of $100,000,000 For Military Purposes in United States Ap proved by Senate arriving from all parts. Then came, WASHINGTON, D.C. March 9: the sale of lots In 1909 with the( By a vote of 63 to 15, the United disappearance soon theeafter of 1 states yesterday passed an appro-the squatter settlements of Bacons- prlatlon of $400,000,000 for military vllle, Knoxvllle and Vlckersville as purposes, carrying with it provl-the era of permanent home build-1 sion to Increase the strength of the ing and ownersh'p commenced, standing army from 118,000 to The task of city building has been, 165,000 men. a' long and forbidding one but' , ' with characteristic ootimLsm and. . ' deteimlnatlon. it has been carried out with no small measure of success. The city is now firmly founded and Well equipped to march forward with all developments and expansion which the future may bring. THOMAS BRADSHAW AND MAYOR McGEER ARE IN DEADLOCK ON INTEREST . VANCOUVER, March 9. (CP) In the report of Thomas 1 Bradshaw, Toronto expert, Salome Wesley wishes to thank jState Completes Its Case ! who investigated the city's fin-' particularly the hospital nursing staff and Df. Perrgof Port Simpson and their many friends for their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy extended to them during their recent sad be In Trial of Samuel Insull reavement In the loss of a loving embezzlement of $C6,000 from the only brother. Hezeklah Wesleyalso Midwest Utilities Corporation. It Is for the many beautiful floral; bl- ' expected the case will go to the Jury butes. - 'early next week. ances, no recommendation Is made for reduction of Interest rates In Vancouver's bonded CHICAGO, March 9: The state s debt. Mayor McOeer takes Is- closed Its case last evening In thej sue with the report and pro- trial of Samuel Insull, charged with . DOses to cut the interest bv direct action and precipitate an Immediate showdown, 4 4 4"