DAILY EDITION from if he Family Shoe Store Are always safe gifts to give for Christmas. They never fail to please! GIFT SLIPPERS OALORE To suit everyone and coming from us Is a guarantee of good taste, pleasing patterns and undeniable (.comfort. Never before have we shoivn such a selection. HOSIERY Makes ideal gifts. No woman has too many stockings That's why giving Hosiery at Christmas time Is always safe. Pen-; man's name assures you of satisfactory wear . . . and Is the best .wearing stocking; one can buy. Semi-Service, CI ft A Crepe and Chiffon. All shades and sizes V-E.UU The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 1.41 .02 Sit Saturday, Dec. 21, 1935 . NOW COMING AROUND .df ls ood to see the Vancouver Province which has be- pjhcies in the past coming around to the Premier's point ux vic.un an euiionai Wednesday that paper discussed the cost of automobiles in their relation to the cost in the United States and also in relation to the tariff. The Province noints out that rWp nw i innnnn mnf. vehicles in Canada which cost at least $290,000,000 more in Canada than in the United States evidently as a result .of the tariff. That is the price Canada pays for the motor industry. Of these there are 90,000,000 motor vehicles in British Columbia costing $23,735,700 more than they would cost in the United States. "In other words, British Columbia is paying a tax of $3,000,000 a year to keep the Ontario motor industry in being." And the Province closes the editorial in question with the significant question: 'What iii dollars and cents or in any other coin is she getting in return?" ONE STEP FARTHER Members of the Provincial government have carried the argument one step farther. They have used the figures as shown by the Province and then they have added to the British Columbia costs the freight charges for carrying the cars from Ontario to British Columbia. This averages something like $100 a car which British Columbia people have to pay over and above what people have to pay in Ontario. On 90,000 cars this province has to pav $9,000,000 more than the same cars would have cost in Ontario and to quote the Province a?ain: "What in dollars and cents or in any other coin is she getting in return?" " - -u --ta --s :(- .."v v.rv Vi .A-. z -iz. j- -. -ri- -f 3 Headquarters for LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR Ladies will find latest styles in Dresses, Blouses, Coats, Scarves, Hose- and Lingerie and most reasonable prices. Everything for Baby and the Young Children, in-eluding Boys' Suits up to six years. New goods arriving ontevery boat. Novelties Suitable For Christmas Presents Dry Goods & Novelty Shop Jffi NEWS OF THE MINES Glarier Gulch Property to be1 Devloped-fengilsh Capital For Excelsior Stewart Ixoks Like Big Camp j Extensive development is forecast for the near future sj! as a result of a deal whereby M. J. Brown takes pn option me ncii ftiiuwii viutv:it;i uuicu giuujt 01 C1U1II1S III Uie j iBabine from S. F. Campbell, Grover Loveless and Wesley muth ore disclosed by surface pros pectlng and, during the course of this work, it is expected to take out ore for shipping. While the last car of ore shipped from this property did not give Ure high returns received from the first carload owing to low grade ore being contained In the car, the values were, nevertheless, encouraging to the owners and Mr. Brown. Arthur Cameron, who has a development contract at the property on Bitter Creek, returned to Stewart a few days ago for additional supplies, reporting that he and his partners. Jack Lenehan and Thomas Williams, were successful in getting their original shipment of mining ma terials and supplies into the Dra pe rty. This task was a back-break ing job from the road at Bittei Creek to the camp, a distance o! five and a half miles, and re quired several trips on .snowshoes Mr. Cameron said that camr buildings were being made readj for occupancy and work had been started on drlfUng along the vein It is expected to work at the Roosevelt all winter with an occasional trip to town for supplies as O. J. McFadden of Stewart is at present in Vancouver, having been called there to meet representa tives of capital who ctesire to become interested in Portland Cana: mining. Mr. McFadden Is one ol the most successful mine lessee? In the Stewart district It wai largely due to his skill and efforts that the Dunwell was re-opened and the mill reconditioned to handle small tonnage. When Ms lease expired the company operated the property with varying success during the. past two years. Mr. Mc Fadden also operated the Spider under lease and was successful in making two shipments from that property .this year. The last ship ment of Spider ore returned very satisfactory results from the smelter. Values were 267 ounces of silver tnd $14 gold per ton. Negotiations Involving sufficient jjhds to develop and operate tht ill known Excelsior property In lie Portland Canal district are un-l?r way at Victoria. D. D. Kimball .. at present in the Capital con-tcrring with C. M. Bryant in connection with the deal and It has been reported that English capital will be employed to further devel opment of Uils promising property on American Creek, a tributary of the Bear River. This year substan-l al mining operations at the Excelsior disclosed considerable silver-lead ore. Approximately five hundred sacks of this ore were ship ped to the reduction works at Ta- r:oma and it Is understood that smelter returns exceeded expectations. The Excelsior Is well tecated for economical operation when large scale mining is undertaken. The vein system is traceabte for over 3000 feet and parallels the face of the hill which will make It easy of access from several points. There are twenty-seven claims In (the holding. D. D. Kimball was the original locator of the Excelsior and has supervised all development to date. His knowledge of all ore occurrences is such that his presence In Victoria was desired by the principals negotiating for the property. Details ot the terms in connection with the transaction, have not been disclosed. Owing to cltmatlc conditions being unfavorable for freighting building materials from the beach camp on Portland Canal to the mine, operations at the Georgia River Gold Mining Co.'s property down Portland Canal from Stewart have ceased temporarily at least. Wellington Beaton, managing director, arrived In Stewart this week with his crew and stated that, un til there was more snow on the trail, it was not practical to carry r n operations. , I ft ft .Tar It Phil 1 Ins nf thp ftmlnfM Gold Quartz Wining Co. Ltd.. which If operating the Dardanelles pro-!W perty on the Copper River nearltjS Terrace, left Terrace last week for the south. .1 S. A. Corley continues work on his Ucercialms hear Dorreen. lie is getting well underground now. If. as is reported, the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. proceeds with the construction of a mill of not less than 1500 tons dally capacity at the Big Missouri mine. Stewart will be able to boast having the two largest gold-treating plants in Western Canada at its back door. Premier today has the largest mill of any gold or silver-gold ore mine in British Columbia, -till leading Pioneer by about 100 ons dally capacity. Big Missouri's rapacity would be more than double that of Premier's big con- jentrator. The nearest operations Hher than a base metal mine In Canada on a scale comparable tflth that proposed for Big Missouri would be at the famous Howey mine in the Klrkland Lake district of Ontario which treats about 1350 tons of ore dally, the Lakeshore mine which has' a mill In excess of 1500 tons dally capacity, and the Hollinger, Mclntyre, Porcupine ana ueattle properties. Such properties as Wright - Hargreaves. leck-Hughes,, Sylvantte. Macassa and Klrkland Lake ,G6MLTiratf equipped with mills smalleV than that mentioned .Jor.BJg Missouri. If me present plans for the Biir Mis souri go through, Stewart will have one of the five largest eold mini plants in Canada. In order to es tablish a plant of the macnltnri which it is said Is planned for Big Missouri, there will have to ho 9 large organization for transporta- ion aione. A road will have to hP built Into the millsite, a substantial undertaking in itself. emnlnvin a large crew of men. The mill bulki ng will require a large amount of cement, sand, lumber, etc. It is pre-;imed that extensive use will be nde of the 5000-ton mill and concentrator acquired by Consolidated when It took over the assets of jranby Cons6lidated Mining 3-nelting Co. at Anyox. Finally, it ;r reported that the power nlant m Anyox will drive the wheels at thn Eig Missouri mill, energy beinii tarnsmltted over a line of steel towers up Poitland Canal to Stewart and Big Missouri. With the amalgamation of Premier, B. c Silver and Sebakwe properties promising expanded activity in thai aiea and Big Missouri going ahead so strong, Stewart promises to occupy a position of much prominence in the mining world next year, assuming the position formerly h;ld by Anyox as the leading mining centre of Northern British Columbia. The establishment of two of the greatest mining corporations In the area would attract new at- Why do your WASHING At Home when you can get it done for as little as 5c a pound Have your Dresses, Suits, Curtains ami Drapes Dry Cleaned for Christina. We also tlein Carpets. Phone: 8 & 118 Pioneer & Canadian Laundry Ltd. PAGE TWO DAILY NEWS On.. ..j. ,---E .i THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PTJLLEN - - - Managlng-Edfcor SDBSCKIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.t By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the BriUsh Empire and For lesr periods, paid la advance, per week By .hail to all' other countries, pe year 8.00 All V t RTI SI M n ifATrsi Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local leaders, per insertion, per line - isanta 01 btnuners. Mr. urown nas lett 'for Denver to com-nlete financial arrangements and will hplhnrk in SmirWs I? t ej ' --c -.-.' w called for under the option. Mr Brown's plan is to drive a long tunnel to open up bodies of gold-bis- For Variety and Novelty go to WALLACE Kimonas in glistening silk or satins, cosy flannels or eider- Q C A down.s; from .$2.i)5 to . . . Novelties in great variety, at most reasonable prices. Ladies' or Gents' Pure Linen r Hankies in boxes, from 50c to Gloves, lined or unlined pair, from Silk Underwear, in a very pleasing assortment witb dance O A Q sets; from $1.00 to ?Oi2U . Pyjamas and Nighties, in a wide var-jj iety of styles and colors Qi (if? from $2.25 to i&&Ayssyv?ts $125 f We Can Help You With Your Gift Problems We have goods to suit the Pater, the Sister or the Mater, the Iiov i his Girlie -SO REMEMBER TO SHOP EARLY! r wiiiurena silk Underwear, INnti-J.'ovmis and Pyjamas, varied attract tive colors. 1 jr.' ii jwrif ju r t --i r -is r r t? i. ----. -wik v.u - a. ninm.v.in.T . . , m-. w . ntion to many nrosnects in the iield awaiting development includes BOW, silver and copper properties. Among other developments of importance promised for 1936 ill be the opening up of the Bush Consolidated property in the Premier area by R. K. Neil, who was responsible for the Initial financing if Premier. Further work Is also expected on the Salmon Gold pro-1. "rty by Consolidated Mining ti Smelting Co. The Big Missouri announcement follows extensive depth vrork on the property during the past year. The ground below the new low level has been ex-nloivd bv diamond drilling tn oivn some idea of possible Connate unon which to base mill plans. Eastern reports intimate that movement of ulant and equipment from Anyox to Stewart will be under wav a scon as snow conditions permit In the snrlnsr. Thea rpnnrts rmt official sources, intimate that only? minor changes In the flow sheet will be required to adapt the Anyox mill to BlK Missouri reoulre- ments. ANNOUNCING: 65 Taxi and Messenger Service Bill Stuart Karl IJatt Phone: 05 Stand: Sixth Street A complete Taxi and Delivery Service Day and Night Don't Put a Dollar On Any New Car Until You See the New Chevrolet -Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Drakes Improved Six Clyinder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. pi,one 52 tit in effect from December 1 to Jtnuary 5. Here it an opportunity to combine busintu with pleature while travel it economical. Tickets carry return limit ol three months, allow jtop-ovcr privileges. Why not plan a holiday now to vitil your friends and relatives over Christmas and Hew Year's? Tr-iv! by Train Safety' Comfort - Economy! m Ytll ParticvUn From Your Nairtil Canadian Ntion1 Ticket Ajtnt V WSJ ,U N I O N S T K A M SHIP S. L I MITED Special Low Winter Excursion Rates effective November 1st. 1S 532 wi 1930 Pr,nce RuPerl 10 Vancouver ana rrturo Steamers leave Prince Itupert for Vancouver: TS ?; ca,Ta, a m:itY Tuesday. i:3o p..m. Dire Vancouver. Tluirsday pm. T.S.S. CAKDENA Mil DAY, 10:30 I'M. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson. Stewart, Anyox and Haas Rlwr. Sunday, C p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, rrlnce Itnpert Agent, Third Aw. I'lione 5 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS il XI Traveling Companions in Q& 5 floral satin cases, up from . )C j bancy Linen Pieces and Damask I Cloths for gift purposes or to adorn 5 your. Christmas dinner tabic. Snm. extra large sises. jjj Artificial Flowers, very realMje. in fi pois or individual blooms Q-i a a from 20c each . to, per set v-lDu g Dolls and Mechanical Toys, from 25c to Boxed and Individual Hankies, from 5c to . . $1.95 1 Ctn Alii IIMIlllllllfj. nu.I t . & fl W ""uu"s imu me anu examine our display. Ymi w 1 ho wrUm. i I'lifiMi.' il .....i i . : - "-"vim. . ..w,,.. ,, ut pressed io purcnase. Third & Fulton n WW THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Stainless Steel Carving Sets, Mirror Finish, S2.00 to $800 if Waffle irons - Electric Irons - Copper Tfakftllrt Flash Lights . Gasoline Lamps - Covered Roastm J Stainless KIffI r.anlun Trr,..v i,.. o nn nT Sft '2 Vp Tlilnl Avenue riionf W' f IheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous