f. fc' 4 I TT JSPAOE FOUR 3a tut da rtr tj if GIVE A LOCAL NEWS NOTES is Remington Portable Typewriter THIS CHRISTMAS A Useful and Practical Gift CHRISTMAS CARDS Faficy Christinas Wrappings, Seals, Tags, Ribbon, Cellophane Waterman's Pen and Pencil Gift Sets from $3.75 to $10.00 Other Sets from $1.00 up to $2.50 Children's Chums, Paint and Animal Books ARTISTIC GIFT CALENDARS beautifully designed and conveniently arranged. Come in and look them over there's no obligation to purchase. We print Greeting Cards In our own Printing Plant and can execute your orders in a few hour?. Rose,Cowan & LattaLtd. HESNEK 11LOCK, THIRD STREET ENTRANCE. Chocolates Christmas wrapped and fancy bokes. We have the finest selection to choose from in the city, including: SAPP'S $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 NEILSON'S . 60c, $1.00 and $2.00 PAGE AND SHAW . . . . .60c to $3.00 Also the world famous Riley English Toffee in fancy tins 30c, 60c, $1.00 and $2.25 Soft Drinks These drinks will help you enjoy your Christmas without a headache " Canada Dry Double Soda, pints . Canada Dry Ginger Ale, pints and quarts Canada-Dry Lime Rickey, quarts Country Club Lime Rickey, pints Seven Up Lithiated Soda, pints Niagara Maid Grape Juice, pints Logan Berry Juice, pints, concentrated, 25c For last minute suggestions sec our windows. You will find many suitable gift items Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druggists The Retail SUrt Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m , .... . Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, t p.m. till 9 p.m. THE MINERALS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA .Province 'has produced minerals of.an aggre gate vaiue ot i?l,4li4,li48,000.00. The value of Mineral production for the year 1985 is estimated at ?47,810,612.00, being an increase of 13 over the production for 1934. The high light of mining m British Columbia during the vear has been the substantial increase in gold and silver " ,, . duction. For authoritative information regarding mining development in the Province apply to The department of mines Victoria, B.C. Cash for old gold. Bulger's (tf) Dance, Elks' Hall, tonight. Adm. 25c and 35c Everybody welcome. Little Miss Clare Arseneau sailed . a the Prince George for Vancouver. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be on time. Hear Watts' Grocery program of orean music broadcast from the local radio station, 2.30 p.m. Sunday. (294) For messenger or taxi phone 65. A genuine Pyrex Ovenware Dish makes an Ideal Christmas gift. Get one at Thompson Hardware. (294) Musical service, Christmas carols, anthems, familiar hymns. Presby terian Church, Sunday, 7:30 p.m. (294) Dave Hadland and Terry Johan- Isen were again heard over the local radio broadcasting station yesterday with violin and guitar duets. T. W. Hall, Inspector of schools, sailed yesterday afternoon On the Cardena for Victoria where he will spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. Misses Parmlnter and Macdonald of Bella Coola were here aboard the uaroena yesieraay aitemoon on their way to Vancouver for the Christmas and New Year holiday season. One teaches school at Bella Coole and the other is a nurse. Miss Mary Sargent, who is attending University of British Columbia at Vancouver, arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vanfmiwr CAMEO CRABMEAT 7-04. tin FLAKED TUNA. FISH- 7-ol tin DRY SHRIMPS per Urt 35c GOLD SEAL HERRINGS In tomato juice, l's, tin MIXED PEEL Cut or wholi, per lb, SCOTCH OAT CAKES per pkg. CHRISTIE'S BANQUET WAFERS, per pkg WE DELIVER MUSS ALL EM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars nave More Cent" P. O. Box SIS Phone IS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY SatlsfacUon Guaranteed FAJIOUS EDSON ALBERTA . COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISL.ND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 For messenger or taxi. phone 65j C. L. D. L. raifle, Sunday, Dec. 22, C. C, F. Hall, 8 p.m. Special Christmas services atfe I United Church on Sunday. Be warm and comfortable by riding In 33 Taxi It costs the sime. You can rent a ear at Walker's is low $ $10 a diy. plus. 7c, a nlle. Reserve your table immediately for Knox Hotel New Year's Eve Dinner. 259l St. Andrew's Society will observj Rabble Burns anniversary 6h FV1' day, January' 24, 1936. Margaret's Holiday Sale. Big reduction on all dresses, sport afternoon, evening, good unlll Decem ber 31. (295) C. E. Holland, Cla'xton school teacher, was a passenger aboard the Cardena yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver for Christmas. v T. Tstifi. wpll known Jannnpsp ' . T .- ...... J resident hf fcalmorril flr'rivpd In lh city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon on his way back to the Skeena River. Capt. Tony MartldusSri. -well known local halibut boat operator. returned to the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. Miss Maxlne Hellbroner arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from her studies In Victoria to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays visiting with herpatt nts. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hellbroner. and nrorwvW v,v tv Mrs. E. G. Osborne and dauehtr c ... j v 1 1 v ciciiui I ' train to Hazelton where she wllllMlss Mllllcent Osborne R.N., re- spena me enristmas and New Year lurneQ. 10 'ne cuyt on me uaraena vacation with her parents, Mr. and jyrdayafternoon from a trip to Mrs W J C.r...t iVAhrniivrit Whilp axvav Mm nr XMAS Variety Specials We Have What You Want at Reduced Prices I Aboard the steamer Cardena yesterday afternoon were a number of the Ocean Falls school teachers going through to Vancouver for rived in the city on he Cardena yeserday afernoon after attendihg a meeting of the fishermen's co-i operative marketing organization in Vancouver and sailed in the evening aboard the Prince John for his home at Port Clements. Duncan Kerr of Terrace arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, where he has been taking, a business course durjng thepasjt few months, ahd lwlil nroceed bv ; Monday evening's train to Terrace. Mr. Kerr recently became one of the owners of the well known George Little sawmill at Terrace. Announcements Canadian Lesion. B. E. a r. Christmas Tree. Dec. 21. Sons of Norway Xmas Moose Hall, December 26. Hogmanay HaU. Elks Dance. Tree, Dante, Oddfellows' New Year's Eve Novelty Nordkapp Xmas Tree, January 3 moose hall m"qose Christmas Tree Sunday, Dec. 22 2 P.M. Junior Moose meet tonight, 8 o'clock -B y 3C I? 1 I si Adelaide last night for a trip to Vancouver. Cecil Morrison returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon after having spent several weeks :n :n Vai Vancouver Christmas. Among them were Ml.spJnt,seVfraI Q. M. Barker. Ml r. p n.it,!ahd elsewhere In tne south. Ralph, D. C. Morrow, Miss Green, J. Young, Miss H. Richards, Miss D. C. Long and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duncan. William Jones and Miss B. B.J FawcetU Port Essinttton achoolj teachers, ..were here yesterday af-' terrsoon aboard the steamer CaN' j'dena on their way to Vancouver td spend the Christmas and New. Year " holidays. Archie Thompson arrived In the. city on the Princess Adelaide yes- ;terday afternoon from his studies George Eales. who is engaged in at the University of British Colum-electrlcal work here and in the bla In Vancouver to spend the district, sailed last nlgh't on th- Christmas and New Year holiday MIXED NUTS No peanuts -- 'h " fTV ?e f!as0" h his parent Mr and 3 lbs. tfvt E. H. Crawford, well known Mas- . w u" . V, Mrv Jamc)' " Thompson, Oraham fresh PRANirra- AA sett Inlet trolllne fisherman r- ' Avenur Westview 3 lbs ALMONDS, FILBERTS, BRAZILS, per lb TABLE FlGS-AVhlte and Black, 8-02. pkg, 2 for TURKEYS per lb Leave your order Nowl 33c 19c 19c CHURCH NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean . , ADVENT IV. v "11 A.M Morning tfayer $d&nnon , 12:30, Sunday School 7:30 P.M., Carol Service ' " Christmas Hymns. Carols. Anthems CHRISTMAS DAY 8 AM.. Holy Communion 11 AM.. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion CHRISTMAS GIFTS feci Good the Whole Year PUU,-UP CHAIRS Walnut a6t0n,y $10-50 CHESTERFIELD Walnut 6 only, at S.MOKING Walnut from .... TABLES SO 50 CABINETS Solid Mackenzie's Furniture Phone 775 Soya Bean Bread . . Delicious for Toasting English Crumpets Meat Pies Finest Pastry & Cakes Vans Bakery f i.. i , 'N Relieve in ! . A SANTA CLAUS . . - . . mwmj I'll ' borne had the misfortune to break) N. Rood and"F. Keefe were pas-her ankle In a fall and it is onlv with difficulty that she is able to get around. - .wv6w oaatti5 ju nic riiut:r,rt De a real Santa Cliiis. Select a few of these beautiful new Arrow Shins we arc now show, ing. No end of styles to choose from. White, plain colors and fancies. They never shrink, lor they're Sanfonzcd-Shrunk. Their Arrow Collars fit as a collar should. Some have the new Aroset Collars starchless, yet won't wilt or wrinkle ... Or make your choice from the smart ntw range of Arrow Pajamas beautifully tailored from the finest fabrics. Arrow Neckties are the kind men -like to. receive and wear. Arrow Dress Shirts have always been leaders in style, arid Arrow uress uows are styled tor tomorrow. Arrow Handkerchiefs are smart, new and distinctive. Drop" in toJay shop now from our wonderful selection. ' FREE! FREE! FREE! Just arrived 200 copies of our famous $ailing Ship Given away free to adults only: LAMBIE & STONE STYLE QUALITY - SERVICE I Ask For u I a fx ;i i r ft ; GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Ked SocUeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed bv the only Sal mon Canning Company ! . with an all the year, round payroll in Princtj Rupert I r Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Try Office Avennt Birch Wood Cedar Wood Jackpine Dally Newi cwW