UNGEE J Hosiery, Panties, Bloomers, Teddies, Dance Sets, Slips, Niehtdresscs, Pyjamas, Etc. ii - . i I'. .A.mmm ft. ll A.lffl II t, I llt'I ril'l IHU1AIW I If 11 I It. I 1LIY SMITHERS Don Sutherland, district agrlcul- 1 1 . ii 1 I 4 .. U sr fnt raiisT. wiLn itchuuu&i icia licit w ttlW Ul tiiO vaa.w. r a similar capacity. He will be it- in roQ i i7i a iiiim 11 iiuui a. t,u, U . . . . -- .1 Ia-a vviw V fh ii f. nrnnAtt r r umi iom -i nrirni 111 . - "f , Mrs.- . . 1 . J JU4V norne last June. . Chris DaHlle has refused to con- ' expert. : ' R. W flhnmnlnn Is ronfined to IS ... W t 1 . t . Hn nfn Ult ...... . . A 1 i J 1 -v .liuijr' ouabdlllCU Willie .buvuiug Alternate thaws and frosts havej "U6V UAt.KUUUO blUlllL LU11U1- . Vofts lust nnw to the rnnrt In and around Smithers. Olof Hanson. M.P. for Skpenn. ar. r'ved in town, on Tuesday from-frtyce Rupert and returned on j Thursday to the- coast. . I Conrad Stnrria1 is limnlne- wn, having sustained a painful but not- serious foot injury re cently when, a log rolled on his 'toe nw,.; THE RUPERT PEOPLES STORE LTD. kkkkk JTie Store with the Christmas Spirit i. Suggestions for Him and Her wrme ne was wonting on me government road. Mrs. C. Cox ol Harelton has been a visitor in Smitners tnis weeic in connection with a case in County Court. Mrs. E. Thompson of Tatlow is making a good recovery In the Smithers Hospital following a re cent operation. J. E. Klrby is making a satisfac tory' recovery from a recent Illness. Mrs. L. B. Warner returned to Smither's at the end. of last week after spending a few days visiting In Prince Rupert. NEW HAZELTON The new station building at Pacific is now nearing completion and early In the New Year is expected to be ready for occupation. It replaces the former station which was destroyed by fire a year or so ago, Construction wil start next spring of a new and up-to-date community hall at Hazelton. It will have a foundation and measure 80 by .36 feet. The site has not yet been definitely decided upon. The com mittee having the project In hand consists of'R. S. Sargent, Cooper Wrinch, Mat Myros, James Turn-bull und Mrs. W. S. Russell. VANDERHOOF The provincial department of nubile works has completed the construction of a-new ferry at Fin- moore. It Is similar' In type to that at Engen. Rev. B. S. Prockter conducted morning service in Holy Trinity Church here on Sunday last. Last evening trie' teachers of the Vanderhoof High and public school gave their annual Christmas entertainment in the Canadian Legion Hall. The pupils presented a comedy, musical play, musical novelty, FOR HER DRESSES 50 Lovely Afternoon and Evening Dresses just arrived, the very last word in style, all colors; sizes from 34 to 46. From 4,95 tQ 320.00 A lovely group of Wool Dresses, in all modes and novelty gQ QC 9 trims, at A lovely selection of Skirts, fine All-wool material & Tweeds in all patterns, sizes O-i yft 14-20. From up BLOUSES Long and short sleeve Blouses in Crepes, Satins & Pique Qr Silk Knit, from up MANY OTHER ARTICLES THAT ARE TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. GET YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS HERE AND SAVE. PURSES 98c several new dances and a number of other items. George A. Balfour, special descriptive writer on the staff of the Southam Press, was a visitor here, recently in the course of a tour of the central interior. Mrs. Thomas Porter, who was taken to the Prince George Hospital recently, is making a satisfactory recovery. Corp. Wall of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police left here this week for Williams Lake where he Is toj establish a new detachment. Hist successor here is Corp. E.. H. Clarke who has arrived from Prince Rupert. R, G. Matthews has been awarded the contract to supply- and place storm windows on the Vanderhcof School. PRINCE GEORGE J. A. F. Campbell Is making a satisfactory recovery following a recent operation in the local hospital. The Catholic Women's League Is holding ,a tea and sale of home cooking in the ballroom of the Prinse George Hotel this Last evening the residents of the Chief Lake district gathered at the schoolhouse where the annual Christmas entertainment was' held. STEWART In keeping with the Christmas season, Stewart storekeepers have displayed Ingenuity and skill In the arrangement of their Chrlst- Just published Send 10c coin or stamps for your copy. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE BUREAU 135 Yonjre St., TORONTO, ONTARIO up KNITTED SUITS Made by the finest makers in Canada. "Knit to Fit" and "Regent" makes. Oft Qff From SCARVES up mas goods, special decorations lending a true holiday effect. Stores at Hyder are also gay and well stocked. General business, routine matters and correspondence were attended to at the town council meeting last, week. Catholic School Concert Enjoyed i Program Presented By Children Wednesday And Thursday t Evenings A most delightful and Interest- i lng program was presented on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week by the pupils of the Annunciation School. i The parents of the pupils artd many friends filled the school auditorium and all were enthusiastic In. their praise of the splendid rendition of the various numbers. The program: Opening Chorus, "Sailing." "The Pipes of Fairyland." Song, "Good Night, Dinne, and God Biees You "Tommy Tom-kins " Recitation'. "Little Pup." Hymn, "Glory to God., Dance. "Japanese Fantasy." Song. f Michael's Flute." Harmonica Band, selection. Dialogue. "Christmas Secrets." Play. Mrs Plodding's Nieces," Song, "Grandma Danced the Muhuet;'" .Drill.; "Dumb Bells." . Playlette, "Christmas Guests." Tableau, "Bethlehem." ,Hymn; "Hark What Mean Those Holy Voices." School Song. .0 Canada Accompanists were Frances Moore and Charlotte Balagno, Further-reports received from the interior confirm previously pub- lllshed statements in the. Daily News of Increased activity: In the way of sawmilllng; in the Prince George district as a result of the new American-Canadian trade agreements Mills that have been at a standstill for several years are now in opera tlori and others are re-opening. FOR HIM UNDERWEAR A Serviceable Suit of Underwear. A large fkfi assortment to select from v""iip TIES Men's Boxed Gift Ties, full-length, four-in-hand styles, in colors to match any suit. Large assortment of smart new designs and materials, such as mogadors, silk mixtures, basket weaves and the new. rabbit's hair and QQo silk. Your choice. Each . . : '"'up HOSE Fancy Cashmeres, Wool, Silks. A fine assortment to select OAJp. from. From, up SWEATERS Men's All-Wool Coat Sweaters. Knit from fine all-wool yarns in smart heather shades. Ideal weight for around the house or under a coat, V-neck style, C-l Qff buttoned front, 2 pockets. 36-44. Each y.AUv Hotel Arrivals Central Fred Cook, Alert Bay; E G. Storey and A. Hunt, C.N.R.-; M. Storey, Evelyn. Knox G. Berry, Penticton; Robert V. Lee -and Peggy O'Neil, Seattle; J Ryan, city. Royal Capt. A. Pedersen. Vancouver. Miss Margaret McGuire, who ha3 resigned from the teaching stall of .Booth Memorial School with which she has been identified foi for a number of years, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Cardena for Vancouver enroute to her home at Saimon Arm. She is to be married shortly. William Lambie, who had the misfortune to splinter a bone in his leg while playing basketball re-, cently, Is able to be at his store al though it is still with some diffl-cuty that he moves about. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SMpluiUders and Engineers. Iron and Braaa Casting. Hoc trie and Acetylene Welding. Specialist en Sawmill and Mining Machinery. AO Type of Gaa Engine Repaired and. Orerlanled. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelii, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 ap 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Waler Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 SHIRTS Tookes, Van Heusen and StewartVMa'kes. AH patterns and sizes. QQn From up DRESSING GOWNS Brocaded Silks or Beacon cloths. Lovely patterns. Qff From up SUGGESTIONS Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Belts,, Braces, Garter Sets,, Hats, Caps, Zipper Coats, Sweaters, Underwear, Pyjamas, Etc. Beautiful GIFT LAMPS That Will Express and Rc-express Christmas, Long After the Holiday Season is Over JUNIOR FLOOR LAMPS . with fluted or plain parchment BRIDGE LAMPS With metal or wood stands, complete with fluted or plain parchment shades, also with silk shades. BED LAMPS Parchment or sik, in a variety of colors. TABLE LAMPS A large variety to choose from, in the latest styles. Also the New TRI-LITE LAMP All at Exceptionally Low Prices GORDON'S HARDWARE rr 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports , S-S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE, Fridays, 10 p.m. ' To Vancouver Direct S.S. PRINCESS NORAH, Dec. 5th, 19th, Jan. 2nd, 16th, 30th. To Ketchikan. Wraneoll. Juneau and Skarwas S B. PRINCESS NORAH, Dec. 15th, 29th, Jan. 12th, 26th. WINTER ROUND TRIP FARE TO VANCOUVER $32.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1935 to Feb. 29th, 1936. Final roturn limit March 31st, 1938. For information and reservations call or write W. L. COAXES, General A (rent, Prince Rupert, B.C. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.:?: