prince Rupert Foggy, calm; barometer. 30.22;' temperature, 45; smooth. . France Ready To Fight PARIS. Dec. 21: (CP) If Premier Pierre Laval fails n stavn off a Euronean war. authoritative quarters dis- in Ii 1(1 iirL'aL iJliLciiu in ii iv event ui ctu ltauau attaurv. was miiea in an luiomuuiic SLIPPING Over Year American Banks liuyingf V 1 Uil 1U1VU11 KCtunci in NEW YORK, Dep. 21: (CPi Yes- i day' price of silver on the. New . ..1 Cll'.n nt-l rtlfnArf OIK m'-lill inaiRCt, 01,41, an. uvutbt., decline of another two cents from nuFiuuy. whs luiTn-o ut'".v mnpr 111. iuji. In London, the silver price was easy, oema -io pvntc juwci 01 213 pence. The matket was closed in London today. It was a hair holiday abroad so no quotation was Dosted here. American banks bought 4WW oars of silver in the Bombay market Is Very Mild .... - ' No FroM at Whitcliorse iouay Aim Dawson Has Only Twenty Degrees Kxr.pnllunallv mild weather for I this time of year In the Yukon is pportcd by the Government leic-f graphs. At Whltehorse this morning lit was 36 above zero and at Daw- fson, twelve above. AH Arrangements Now Complete For Xmas Cheer Show All arrancements are complete for the Christmas Cheer Food ma tlnee to be. held at the Capitol Theatre on Monday afternoon. Ad mission to the show will be In the form of a can of food. Canned and not perishable food Is requested. Adjutant Eva Laycock of the Salvation Army and members of her staff will be on hand at the theatre to receive the goods which will be distributed by the Salvation Army. The program will consist of a western feature, a two-reel comedy and two cartoons. Today' syVeather Triple Island Raining, calm; barometer, 30.10; slight swell. Langara Island Part cloudy, light souUiwest wind; light swell. Terrace Cloudy, calmi 38. Anyox Calm, cloudy, 35. Stewart Foggy, calm, 33, Hazeltori Raining, calm, 30. Smlthers Clear, calm, frosty. Burns LakeBright, calm, 17. Japanese Troops Penetrate Into HE MUST BE RIGHT Accident CHICAGO, Dec. 21: (CP) Joe Louis, negro heavyweight boxer today himself denied widespread reports that he had been killed in j svi i an automobile accident. The mls- INeW Luina Area information had been broadcast by radio. PEIPING, Dec. 21: Japanese troops are continuing to thrust deeper and deeper into the new autonomous states of Hope! and Chahar lh North China-dflSplte the-announcement when, they declared Iheir independence frbm the Chinese Nationalist government this veek that a "free and, independent egime without undue" outside influence" was being instituted. Baptist Church Has Xmas Tree Large Attendance Last Night Enjoyable Progtam Followed By Visit of Santa Claus Theft Incident v Quickly Solved Police Officers Waste No Time In Making Arrest and Obtaining Confession Within two hours after she had stolen $30 from the purse of Mrs. Elsie Sulkosky at the Westholme Rooms, Prlscllla Smith, an Indian woman, had been lodged In the city "lock-up last evening, having con- Ifcssed to taking the money. She ' will come before Magistrate McCly- ;mont In city police court next Thursday. It was at 6 p.m. that Mrs. Sul- m rhrutm TrPP ph. kosky reported her loss. The purse ,.f th s,,nrfa Rrhnnl had been taken from her bedroom C1WIIIIIIVII. UI " J . , , . 1 4U Tl ct.i noflct nhrnh tnnle nlnrP. ana Was lOUim Ul lac imuuwui. fc n ru ! iij -oc 1.. e ,v,i.Ti I last night, drawing a large gather-;"- r" iiig ui i v. 1 ijJitnr trlr nr. frio InvflcHira t.inn I :hurch parlors. P. H. Llnzey, super- tntendent of the Sunday School, T" .Za iv,oro vnriPri lacking, they picked up the Smith uivc.uw ...v.v - ccnlrlnn Aftpr nnp.s- fan,iroc nf nrViifVi uPVP tttP """ " " Zr ; ":;.. tlonlng, she confessed. Most of the xrtcif trt GnVinnl" hv thp Innlnr hnvs. money V IOI 1 l V7 axwa 4 ' , . Ua eAtt he presentation of "The Creed and "-"-m- lhallenge" by boys and girls ol he ExDlorers group in costume inHn nantomlme bv Mrs. P. H. Lin- ey's junior girls. Other Items in-; A J MwQCiHonf -IuHpH musical numbers by tnc, a ivamvin unior department, recitations by was recovered but some ;!.Mrs. Kenney Is Buster Hale, Hans Peterson, Zelda nearis United Church Ladies' Guild Hale and Richard Blake and a, At Terrace For Ensuing Year number of choruses. j Following the program, Santa TERRACE, Dec. 21: The annua) Claus appeared on the scene and meeting of the Ladles' Aid of Knox riufriwnri Hftj? and nrizes. iTinlprt church was held here re- . Jcently, the election of officers foi i TI 1 1 T 'the ensuing year resulting as fol- 'Arexiecicu iu lows: Halibut Board! 1 Fritz and Morrison Represent Boat Owners Brett and Voetman, Fishermen j Members of the Halibut MarkeU: lng Board for 1938 elected by ac-j clamatlon are as follows:- , For the boat owners Capt. George Fritz and Capt. J. M. Morrison. ! ' " vnr fishermen William H. Brett and A. Voetman. There, were no other nominations today. President, Mrs- a. 1:. K.enney, Vice-President, Mrs. H. L. Ken ney. Secretary-Treasurer, Brooks. Mrs. T. E GERMAN RAIL TRAFFIC GROWS BERLIN. Dec. 21: (CP)-Offlcials of the German state railways announced that traffic In the first eight months of 1935 surpassed that of a llke period in 1934 by 7.5 percent, or $40,000,000. FIND PRE-HISTORIC TURTLE CANYON, Tex., Dec. 21: (CP) The fossil of a turtle shell, esti mated to be 5,000,000 years old, is ,n MP. returned to the latest addition to the Pan- evening's' handle-Plalns museum here. It was fhP rttv on Thursday train from a visit to Smlthers I unearthed near Clarendon. r VAXCCDOIVER, SharchotX-lilm of Xee, 21: i ! Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides i U (CP th British Co- lumbia SSilver .Mines Ltd., meet-in; yessssterday, cfmpleted the agiccmesmt made oh May 23 last for the transfer of assets of the companj-c to the Silbakwe Premier Mines thfr hew company which, 1-in arranqrement with the Premier Gold IVXinlng Co. and other c mpanies, vill operate the B. C, SiXilver property In the Salmon Riv-wer section o(the Portland Canal iLJIisirkt. For ttxe purpose of winding up the alfain of the B, C. Silver, George X B.Dunca.n was appointed liquidator, Intormmaiion is not available rejardirxxig the immediate mining plans oSif the new organization. TOFZDAY'S STOCKS ICoittortesf 8. r. 4onn C0.1 Vancouver B. C Nickel,. .19. Big HEU50lin;- .63;; .. .- , .vyoo Bralor rne. 5.30. B.R Coh!034. '. B. R. X, Gold, .06 Yi. Cailbo-ou Quartz, 1 08. Dcntorxnla, ,30. OeorgLila River, .01 Oolcorrida. ,10. Mlnto.,, 08!i MerldLHan, MVZ. 8tar, .03. Natlornnal. SUVer. '.02t4. Noble Five, 03 4. Pend Orlelle, .93. . Porterrr Idaho. .04. Premiier, 1.75. Reno, 93. SalmoonOold. .08, WaysL--flde, .Wz- Whltesswatcr, .05 ft. Wavexx rly Tangier, Grantge. ,01&. Toronto Centr -ral Patricia, 2.65, Chlboougama, -18y3. Grans.ada, 18. Int. ZEHkkel, 44.85. Maca issa,3.35. Noraonda, 44.50 Shermrltt Ooron, .99. Slscooe, 2.65, Ventr-TTues, 1.62 Teck Hughes, 4.99. Sudb-rury Basixi, 3.03. Smel-rlteri Gold. .04V2 Cana adlan Mxlarctlc, 1.14, Llttloe Long Lic, 6.70. 1 Stads-acona, .20 PlckLJle Crow, 3.80. McK-Ienzie Reel Lake, 1.32. Oodsss Lake, X.20 Stursgeon River, .59. Red Lake Gold Shore, .42 V2 San Antonta, 3,10. Pcrro-on, 1.20. I a r uiieeenuai I Film Attendance Forcw-'vent Seeing George Arlisa On rWhursday flight Owing To 1 frlnccss' Death LONDON, Dec. 21: (CP) Owing death, of Princess Victoria,, sister- -dl the: King,, Queen Mary cancellcd' her announced plan of attcnodlng the premiere of the QcorKSe'Arliss film "Mister Hobo" at thee New Qallery Theatre. Thess premiere was held Thursday night in aid of the Personal Service EULeague, in which their Majes-tics aere mueh. interested. mm NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BR.ITISH (COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1935 ALL BLACKS ARE BEATEN Touring: New Zealand, Rugby Team, Defeated by Wales 13 to 12 ' CARDIFF, Wales, Dec. 21: (CP) Wales defeated" New Zealand AH Blacks In an international rugby High Low , ..1Q:39 ajn. 19.9 It. 23:50 pjn. 17.0 ft. ... 4:19 ajn. ' 10.1 it 1T6 pjn. 5.7 ft. PRICE: S CENTS WAKWAKE AFFFCTS STOCK MARKET Aircraft fecrfic Snnr L Jk m mm V SUU U U, ' I IV D D If I WE S B I V B B jB B B m m M m M M M io iVeu; nigis, Resuf 0 faitW fo Settle HAUL OF BANDITS tcuorls ol Incrcasinir Armament Activities in Enrone," Away mm sn.ww i rom uan ft I II ti tiff JWT W 1j .- iiso nas us ciieci r ranee is neatly io am ureat Britain, it is Announced In Fort Lee, New Jersey FORT LEE. NJ.. Dec. 21: (CP) Four bandits, armed with revolvers NEW YORK. Dec, 21: (CP) Aircraft issues soared to and machine guns, held up the i. t ai r..i ' i ii i ; Trlrcf WaHnnnl Rank hprp vpstprriav .i i... r n. r Jiii" and escaped with iiciil. ui Lilt: iLuiu-iiiiiiuuiuii v.v;iiiiiul aim x t uui ia ui in- 1 cuoiiiu ci wu.iw lit uuiu MIMDEAL COMPLETED SharchoL Jlden of B- C, Silver Complete A s-grnment; With Premier For AmalgraWtion Quo Warranto Case In Burrard Election Is game today before a crowd bf fifty Vancouver Mayor is Confirmed as Member of Federal thousand spectators, the score be lng 13 to 12 MYSTERY OF DEATH OUT strength of the. fact that the woman's body had been found In Wookey's car. GERMANS IGNORANT Controlled Press Keeps Much In formation From Public, Halifax j ' Editor Finds On Visit HALIFAX, Dec 21: (CP) Tour ists entering Germany are asked I not for news of other lands but fcr! news of Germany, R. J. Rankin.! managing editor of The Halifax' Thrown Out by judge House For Burrard as Result of Decision Yesterday VANCOUVER, Dec. 21; (CP) Quo warranto proceedings attacking the .right of Judge J. N. Ellis to hold the recount by which Mayor, G. G4 McGeer was elected federal member for Vancouver-Burrard were rejected by Mr. Justice A. I; Fisher in Supreme Court yesterday. The ef- Cnaries wookey shot woman And fect js to confirm the election of the mayor on the recount over Arnold Webster. C. C. F. candidate; who had been Vancouver, Dec 2i: (CP declared elected by the returning officer following the Mrs. Christine Biggar died as a cenerai election in October. result of gunshot wounds from th same gun witn wnicn unaries a Wookey later took his own life, a coroner's jury decided last night after hearing evidence that tlwr woman had been drugged with' triple-fatal poison before being! shot. ' v The bodies were found last Sai iirriav In toWpIv spnaralpd narts of:the.nclty.-Thet Donations To BORAH FOR Army bund PRESIDENT Coming Along linkea oy ine ponce on. tne r! rhppr Fund so far are: Previously acknowledged $175.25 Miss McKay 2.00 Jeanne and John 2.00 Herald, told a service club on his Entertainment by Children Follow-return from Europe. ' ed by Visit From Santa Claus "The press is completely con-1 evidence of great tension and an almost comnletp lack of knowled?e I would say; 'Go stand at the en- I trance of one 01 the war cdmc-teries of France or Belgium and task yourself the question. You will find the answer." In contrast with ihe sinister black crosses that stretched across the fields in time of war, the graves of tne rauen now werei marked oy row upon row 01 gieam lng headstones. But the tragedy was still there, Mr. Rankin found the tourist trade of Switzerland developed to such an extent that "It was a pleasure to give them your money." London he described as the "gayest, brightest and busiest '-city of the world," BssesBsasges&amB The annual Christmas Tree entertainment of the Sunday School ( Blind Minnesota Senator Killed Lost His Life by Being Struck Motor Car at Busy Street Intersection Idaho Senator Intimates He Would Be Willing to Accept Itepub- ' - "Wan Nomination'' WASHINGTON, D.C.. Dec. 21:r Making first Intimation of the possibility of his being a candidate for Mrs. G. A. Woodland 5.00 the Republican nomination for the Shrine 10.00 Eastern Star 10.00 Two Hospital. Patients 2.25 Mr. & Mrs. L. W. Patmore 20.00 Stewart & Mobley, groceries. S. C. Thompson, vegetables. H. F. Wearmquth, vegetables. Presbyterian Xmas Tree is Enjoyable presidency next year, Senator William E. Borah of Idaho told two Wisconsin state senators who in terviewed him' hete that it .would be all right with him if Wisconsin decided to send a Borah; delegation to the Cleveland convention. The stormy petrel from the West had been eVading the question for some time. Despite the fact of .his advanced age of seventy, years, it is thought that Borah, through his progressive ideas, might make a popular candidate. Terrace Bankers Are Transferred; among the people of what Is really of First Presbyterian J J Jok ShildrUkGoing to Van- Place at the Church Ha 1 last night, - happening within their pwn coun- Scott Coming try." the feature of the proceedings be- prince Punert p On the other hand, the Ger- lng a visit from Santa Claus whol t all about brought prizes and gifts of sweets I mans seemed to know D. H. I. Shildrick, manager of 'the added, for all. An acceptable program was; events In other countries, he hranch of the Bank 0 j Telling of his visit to the battle- prfcsented by he cW dren and was fa M (fields said all preseht including. of Europe, Mr. Rankin enjoyedby end Qf the ar tQ a lew moments spent siaiiauig ui, many uuuiio. .1. . i-'r, , n1fint in Vancraivpr P R the entrances of any one of the tendent of the Sunday School, was I teUef afc TerraCPi wm come war cemeteries would change any in charge. . !to the Prince Rupert branch. mail 5 nulla auuut cvci guuig (jiuguui muuucu jjiauu ouiuj war again by Pat McClymont, recitations by "Would we do it again?" h; Joyce Taylor, Donald Prendergast, asked. "Before I visited the war j0yce Rice, Forbes Lee, Viola May areas of France my answer would prendergast, Alt Lancaster and1 probably have been 'yes. If neces- Norma Geddes; songs by Kathleen, sary.' Today I feel differently and Davld and Robert Smith, Ina Ro to any man ex-service man or not. Dertson and Jean Cameron, and who still feels that war Is a game, violin, solos bv James Hadden. Miss Wlnhle Camerbn was In charge of the decorations. By MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 21: Senator Shaw, blind state legislator, is dead here, the result of being struck by a motor car at a busy street intersection. , Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Dec. 2f: (CP)-Wheat was ouoted at 88c on the local exchange yesterday, dropping to 873,ic today. f I -'I , 4 -? ii " 1 ; f , 1 v. 4