AQB EEC 2? jsr I- I' B5 i BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ' r Real Values! DIAMONDS - WATCHES - JEWELRY - SILVER WARE FLAT WARE - CLOCKS - TOILET SETS - HAND BAGS Evening Bags ' Compacts . v ; WATERMAN and SIIEAFFER Pens and Pencils Your' name , Engraved FREE .... j , ' Pipes and Men's Smoking. Accessories . , Fine Assortment of Lamps and Shades . ; IN OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE Ideal Home Gifts , New Dinner Sets - Attractive Pottery - Sparkling Crystal Brass Ware - Baggage OPEN EVENINGS Max Heilbroner M.d1 101 A.C recmer for A1X WAVE tecrption. A console in nf tare btiuir vilh outsiaodinn fniufti of construction, A et in clisi DIAMOND SPECIALIST Prayer - Yon will find at DEMERS I 8 BBi . 7 start ovemenUl lint u,rani" J0y. 1 MrWinw T 7 extra Krlorme .t. tub.. ATORTHERN ELECTRIC Radio j- presents the most revolutionary departure in radio engineering ever made the CtntrOmatic Uuit.'lts effect on radio performance is even more far-reaching, more sensational than the new metal rubes alone (which, of course, these Northern Electric sets contain). Entirely different from anything yoi have ever seen! All the radio elements are centralized in the separate CentrO-matic Unit that's why CentrOmatic Radio is entirely different in performance from any previous radio experience you have ever had ! Surely your new radio must have the new metal rubes! Just as .surely your new radio must have CentrOmatic engineering. Only Northern Electric .Radio-girei you both! Libtral trad - in - liberal tarmtl Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited " ' - 1 . Early Ad. Copy is appreciated I rtC S44C M. Davles of the Atlla THE ANSWER To a nj A m j maens vura. ,UCH "4J1, nignt on tne Princess Adelaide to spend Chrls-mas and New Years" visiting ia Vancouver and Victoria. Capt. O. E. Wall of the Princess Patricia's Regiment, who has been here conducting military officer?' examinations, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on his n turn to Victoria. Provincial Constable and Mrs Harold Staines of Massett sailed by the Prince John last nlsht on their return to the Islands after a brief visit to the city. S. Elnstoss, -after a brief visit .to the city following his arrival from Ketchikan earlier ln . the wees, sailed last ' night on the Princess Adelaide for Seattle Mr. Elnstoss is Interested In the cooperative marketing of salmon in southeastern' Alaska. SUSPENDED SENTENCE Gertrude Brown. 54-vear old Massett native woman appeared before Judge Fisher in County Court here yesterday on a charge of breaking and entering a dwplHnf- at Massett and theft. She was I given one year's suspended sen tence. TRAPPERS: Have .biff order for all furs especially MINKS AND MARTENS Ship your goods as soon as received we wire valuation. If price not satisfactory goods returned at once. Express paid both ways. No. 1 Ranch Minks as high as $15: Interior $15; Martens, as high as $49; Lynx, $30. In the market for good Silver Foxes. Make a shipment and be convinced. GOLDBLOOM is the best man The Old Reliable I. am at the REGAL SHOP taklnr orders for Gifts for the whole family. Also Cards, Toys, Books, Etc Our Rear Store Bazaar is now open Inspection cordially Invited r DAILY NEWS tardar,Deetffibwi WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Landings About Over Christmas Next .vpjPPr"'"'" Hughes on Cardena The halibut season, as far as landings at Prince Rupert , are concerned, is pretty well over now. Only a handful of the larger local boats are still out. With the fishing com- ! mg to a legal close next Thursday at the order of the In-jternational Fisheries Commission, few more American ! boats are expected to put in here with catches. The most or tne pig Puget Sound boats will likely ran through to Seattle with nf PXPnHna nil th frienrf. nf their final catches without stopping ,hU 5ectloouj. nearty best wUn ito market them In the north. Only ,or a realiy Merry Christmas. We four boats landed catches here!hope there wU, a satIsfactory during the past week, two betas famount of good mngs ln st5re fof " t q mlca"- "1C all and that a good and hdppy grand total of for landings thesplrit w, once again de the season to date at Prince Rupert Is, atmosphere ' 11.809.150 pounds of which 5.289,850 j pounds has been from Canadian vessels and 6.519.300 pounds from' Norman O. Pattlson. regular, American. Boats landing during the Purser ,ot ne Union steamer Car- ! past week were: jdena being at present ashore In I Canadian Johanna. 10,000 VanQuver on vacation. Herbert A. pounds, 6.5c and 6c Oslo. n.OOO,' IIu8hes Is relieving as purser of ! the vessel which was in nort. v. American Atlas. 36.000, 8.1c anrlfWa acmoon 6c: Aleutian. 36.000, 9.4c and 6c. Frank Waterhouse freighter As this will be the last appear- Northholm, CapU A. W. Ogden. Is ance of these Waterfront Whiffs due ln port tomorrow and. after prior to the advent of the gladsome discharging local cargo, will pro- Yu'-Mlde, we take this opportunity ceed to Surf Point mine todls- LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. S. Wood sailed last night on the Princess. Adelaide for a trip .to Vancouver. Rev. M. tl. Lawrence. Anglican Church missionary at KitkaUa. sailed last night on the Prince's Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. I T. W. Sllversldcs sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for $ trip to Vancouver. F. J. Orme. who tcache school at Oceanic; sailed on the Cnrdena yesterday afternoon for Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday. A. c. Ballard., school teacher at! Emll Palmer of the J. R Morgan Sunnyslde, sailed yesterday after- .noon on the Cardena for V.mrnu- i.. i a. : . , .vvnjf uuurtm uic company's scr- Jver to spe.nd the . Christmas , , Pnd:vlce , boat Mary Roberta, which Is """ m. ,n tne loca, d d k, f nvlpualll the Islands during the week, sailed j yJ last night on the Princess Adelaide ... T7" for a visit tn vitari ",u,ea "anson arrived fn Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR GOOD ALLEYS Weekly Prizes For Ilish Scores SNAP 1 u i t r i n t POWDER IU -taih ..4 IAImt CA.MNOT SUA tOf , the city on last Tuesday evening's The general delivery wicket .t VIZ "0m.5m,thcrf .ad wl the Post Office will be open be- tween-2:30 and 4 y0-;lock tomorrow Mr. and Mrs Olof Ha,", afternoon, It was announced this morning by Postmaster J. R. Mori- Don Sutherland, district agrl-n' ;culturlst of Smlthers, Is expected , , to arrive on tonight's train from Mrs. Melvlna Weldman and child, the Interior and will spend the who arrived in the city from Ju- holldav KPacrm Vtnt-n n m lU. ....... neau on the Princess Norah Thurs- of Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson Mr day afternoon, proceeded from here Sutherland Is being transferred to' "by train last evening for a trip to Kamloops. 1 new Kensington, Pennsylvania. I On a hlmtlrxr trin n 1n,lr... oior Hanson jr. is expected to, the Armour Salvage Co.'s service arrive on Tuesday, evening's,, tram hoat Daly left last evenln" with from Montreal, where he U at-iCaot. W. p. Armour. F. a" Ma"-tcndlng McOill Uniyerslty. to spend Callum and W. o Fulton and two the Christmas and New Year'j sons on board. They expect to re-holiday visiting with his parent, j turn to port Sunday night or Mon Mr. and Mrs: Olof Hanson. day morning. . Local school teachers sailing yesterday afternoon on the Cardena for Vancouver and elsewhere ln the south ,to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays Included Miss Kate McKay. Dr. E. E. Lucas, Miss Tracy Currle. Miss Marjorle Dl-mock. Miss Molly Delaney, Dr. A. Poole, Miss Mary D. Sim, James C. Hukhlson, Miss E. P. drassle. Miss Jessie Moffatt, Miss Alary Easthope, miss tana vickers and Mrs Walker. B. FURS FURS We have orders for Mink, Marten, Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices. Also all your other furs at full market value. Trial shipment will convince you. Ship now to J. CLONES I'RINCE GEORGE. B.C. charge coal and load cpneentrates lor the south. - . John Skoir. son of Cant. Ole Skoe. . well known local seineboat opera -j tor. Is attending a dlesel englnecr-i lng school In Los Angeles where he Is reported to be progtesslng well with his. studies. . . No boats being In with catches, there was ho sale of halibut on the local fish exchange this momlng. The Ketchikan flshlnu hnnt Daisy L.. on its way to Seattle, put in here this morning for engine repairs. Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUIt SERVICE Proprietors nert Morgan & Bud Barrb Don't forget the number 15G Theatre Turkey oi Wk - N0W Unl., Cve-3 Birds Givt N'thtlyl rMrillf 9 IM. LAST SIIOWlXQs IL Kfder Haggard's Heird and Wonderful Storj "SHE" 'with KANDOLPII SCOTT HELEN MACK At 7:26 & 9 26t Also NE WS and MUSICAL k 1 1) i) iks roon snow MATINEE, MONDAY. Brlnir a Can of Food lor inrmmas Clirtr SUGGESTIONS That YOU Are Looking For " ' BOOKS : We have a large selection for all ae-Popular imv prints, travel, romance, adventure. Cqok books. Bible tv. nlcal books, chlldrcn'4 books. ' PiibHsheri' st prices u i standard publications. "'",' PA PETRI KS Deautlful boxes' of fine writing paper. A suitable gi," ) plesase tne most fastidious. From 5c to $3.50. FANCY (JOODS You wUl find "Just the. thing" at ourWt. Oift them: meters, globes, memo books, albums, trays, recipe pictures, calendars and many nwelty item. TOYS and GAMES For children nnd grown-ups. too. Hundreds ot splendid toys at lowest prices. BERTH EM, and avoid disappointment FOR the HOME and CHRISTMAS TABLE .Decorations, tinsel, Christmas crackers,, paper sertiet . and table covers. EVERYTHING FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER. VISIT OUU STORE. MaM vs.Jm When Buying Coal Why Not Purchase The Best? , In our coaI yoiill Jindthehcat. ln AT WIUlTJAKe I your home complete Nanaimo Vancouver Island Coal Foothills Alberta Soot less Coal Bulkley Valley Coal Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. G51 , Phones 652 I Bulkley Bulkley Mart Markrt .. T" 1